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7640430 No.7640430 [Reply] [Original]

Could one man build a spaceship and fly it into outer space on a one-way trip?

>> No.7640439

you're retarded for asking this.

Anyway. There's not a single man that can build a spaceship on their own. Even so he couldnt build the rocket to get him to space.

Unless he had a big deal of money and bought stuff/hire people to construct it. Even so.. even if he got to space he d run out of food supply sometime. Or he d go crazy from loneliness before that.

>> No.7640447

Build yourself a gigantic canon and launch your body into space.
Seed other planets with your sacrifice.
Cluck entire galaxies.

>> No.7640528


>> No.7640568

Not true, technically one man an build a sounding rocket and make it past the Karman line.

>> No.7640575

the escape velocity of earth is over 11km/s, meaning your initial speed would have to be at least that.
going from 0 to 11km/s in a few seconds would most definitely kill you

>> No.7640579

make the cannon extremely huge so your acceleration isn't so high

>> No.7640601

genuinely curious about how long you'd have to make a railgun so the G's wouldn't kill you. I'd build it in some country where euthanasia is legal and charge people big money for them to have the chance to die in space

>> No.7640616

regardless if it would "kill you" do you know how long such a gun would have to be? pointed directly up in the air? it would easily be the tallest structure on earth currently. and to be a rail gun that functions properly and at the speeds you want? probably wider than every mountain too

>> No.7640680

>a one-way trip
Yea sure, just don't expect him to return alive.

>> No.7640769

No reason why not.

>There's not a single man that can build a spaceship on their own.
Try this on:
>There's not a single man that can build a car on their own.
A single man can't build an orbital rocket or manned craft as they're conventionally built now, but a single man can't build a modern car the same way they're made in the factory either. Yet a single man could put together something that performs the essential function of a car.

This isn't the 1950s. Spacecraft and orbital rockets aren't cutting-edge new technology. Rocket engine main bodies and pipework that would have been thousand-hour welding and machining jobs are coming out of 3d printers. More capable guidance systems are routinely built into pocket-size quadcopters than were used for early orbital launches. What's going to be an insurmountable obstacle? The tanks, now that composites that are three times as strong for the weight are available?

Do you know how big a rocket has to be that can take 200 kg to LEO? About ten tons, loaded, maybe twenty for inefficiencies related to size and simple construction. It could be about the size of the lunar lander (except mostly fuel rather than cabin).

Being allowed to do the necessary testing, build it, and launch it is as much an obstacle as actually doing so.

>> No.7640830

This. It's a lot easier to make shit now thanks to computer controlled manufacturing. any clown could draw a turbopump in CAD and have it CNC milled. It won't work as well as one designed by professionals but it would werk.

>> No.7640910

Probably, but with the resources the average person has access to nowadays, you'd have to be one rich bastard.
I think a question worth asking is if you could make a personal rocket the size of a school bus that broke off into a personal spaceship the size of a car.
Fuel couldn't be too bad for something as small as that.

>> No.7641015

Citation pls

>> No.7641715

Can no one here do basic mechanics on their own? To get to 11.2 km/s at an acceleration of 1g, it would have to be about 6400 km long

>> No.7641913

>To get to 11.2 km/s at an acceleration of 1g
Why are we going directly to escape velocity, and why does your gun only accelerate you at 1g?

Human passengers have endured accelerations of over 7g on re-entry, and up to 20g in a launch abort. Astronauts on the space shuttle felt 3g on the ride up. I'm sure it's been higher with other launch vehicles. Fighter jets pull up to 12g.

Let's say we're just going to orbit 8 km/s and ~8g 80m/ss. That's 100 seconds of acceleration, and a track 400 km long.

>> No.7641919

Not him, but I'm not sure you could survive 8g for 100 seconds

>> No.7641927

They said that they wanted to get to 11 km/s, all I was doing was calculating how long the track would have to be to get to that speed. I chose 1g because I had to choose some value, nbd desu senpai

>> No.7641933


The raw materials cost a few hundred thousands.

It's actually not as hard as you'd expect, but you're also quite likely to explode.

Modern man-rated launch vehicles took decades to improve this much, and you can't know or implement everything on your own at a reasonable cost.

In the end, yes, you can do it if you have enough money and willing to die during a dissappointing CATO.

ps: if by "outer space" you mean beyond earth orbit, that's much harder. but one-way blind-shot trips are always easier

>> No.7641936

It's horizontal axis, eyes-in, in an acceleration couch. Tests have found that people can tolerate 10g for 1 minute or 6g for 10 minutes while remaining clear-headed and active, and suffering no harm. I think 8g for 100 seconds should be fine for people who only have to passively endure it, if not overly comfortable.