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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 118 KB, 640x427, 4985322023_aecdb48f53_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7632144 No.7632144 [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci/ have a social life?
How many friends and sexual partners have you have?

Do you enjoy interacting and socializing with other people?

Pic unrelated

>> No.7632155



>> No.7632160

0 sexual partner
don't like social life
don't like people

>> No.7632163


>> No.7632185

Small social life
5 women (only proud of 2)
I don't really like people

>> No.7632186

not much, but I can't handle a lot more
idk how many friends I have, had 3 sexual partners

I don't enjoy going out, but I enjoy staying put talking to someone.

>> No.7632187


>> No.7632196

None, none, no
(answered for all)

>> No.7632209


>> No.7632222

Wow, this thread really is depressing.
You guys dont have that one person from your class that you talk to more than others? You dont think there would be anyone in the world you'd like to socialize with?
Jesus christ

>> No.7632225

Are you trying to make me cry, OP?

>> No.7632226

what if you dont know how to socialize? maybe make a thread to teach us.

>> No.7632228

I talk with another loser. We play league of legends together. Does it count?

>> No.7632229

Ask a normie who enjoys mathematics but still goes to several parties a month and has dozens of friends anything.

>> No.7632233


I'd add to the question this:

>what's your degree

>> No.7632235

Why are you in our board? GTFO NORMIE

>> No.7632236

A dozen good friends, various friends, no sexual partner
Yes if I already know them well enough, but I find it hard to make new acquaintances and find it displeasing to talk with someone I know too little about.

>> No.7632238

Will you be my friend?

>> No.7632239


Adding to post: and who is also popular with the ladies

>> No.7632243


Yes, I'll be anyone's friend as long as they aren't assholes :)

>> No.7632244

Why are you shitposting on a cantonese oil painting website?

>> No.7632247

lol, that was random
get on the lmaobile fellow /sci/bros lol!
bazinga, how fucking HILARIOUS

>> No.7632251


Because although I might have a lot of friends and success with the ladies, 75% of most social interaction that is done between people my age (18-22) is fake and superficial at best.

I appreciate 4chan because people aren't pressured by social norms to do or say certain things, meaning that you usually hear what people actually have to say rather than stupid bullshit that teenagers talk about.

>> No.7632257

Why do you bother talking to them then

>> No.7632258


I rarely post, but I read most threads here.

>> No.7632265


My close-friends aren't like that, I'm mostly talking about general social circles at parties and similar occasions. I attend these events because I usually have nothing better to do, and having a lot of acquaintances is better than having none.

>> No.7632266

Like 5 very close friends
30ish friends
Dozens more acquaintances
2 sexual partners (women I have sexual relations with at least monthly)
I do enjoy socialization

>> No.7632276
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>> No.7632423


Reporting in.

I might not know how to socialize but I know lots of science stuff... That makes it all better right? Plebs with gf's can't even into relativity.

>> No.7632432
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>Does /sci/ have a social life?
Yeah actually I have a great social life. First year in university and I manage my studies through the weekdays, party or visit friends at other universities on the weekends. Its pretty easy since all my classes are cake atm

>How many friends and sexual partners have you have?
7, just fucked a girl friday at a halloween party.

>Do you enjoy interacting and socializing with other people?
for the most part.

>> No.7632437

Lying on the internet: the posts

>> No.7632444

Girlfriend + ~3 real life friends, 22 sexual partners (OkCupid and Tinder makes things easy)

>> No.7632454


just because people have a better social life than you doesn't make them a liar. Not everyone here is a socially inept autist

>> No.7632465
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>Not everyone here is a socially inept autist

>> No.7632533

70% of my awake time im studying so not really
gf, maybe 5 good friends, and 5 persons that i sexed
it's alright but i need lotsa me time

>> No.7632555

>Does /sci/ have a social life?
>How many friends and sexual partners have you have?
Few; one.
>Do you enjoy interacting and socializing with other people?
Not in person.

>> No.7632580

>Not everyone here is a socially inept autist

You are in the wrong place normie.

>> No.7632603
File: 25 KB, 600x375, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have one friend I play vidya with once in a while online. A couple more from high school I meet maybe once or twice a year.
>sex partners in plural

>> No.7632630

Guys, this thread is depressing. What can I do to help you?

>> No.7632647

>social life
i have a couple of real friends. the people i called "friends" when i was younger were really just acquaintances and drinking buddies.

>sex partners
i've had like 80+ something. i was a huge manwhore when i was in the Navy. honestly don't remember most of their faces. kinda regret it desu.

>Do you enjoy interacting and socializing with other people?

around my real friends yeah. i don't have to pretend and put on a face to keep them from being judgemental. but i dislike most people and find extended social interactions to be very fatiguing.

i work with machines for a reason. they aren't people.

>> No.7632695

>* +- 3 real life friends
fixed that for you

>> No.7632698

prolific cocksucking engineer detected

>> No.7632706

well memed friend

>> No.7632723
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>> No.7632736

>Does /sci/ have a social life?
Meh, I go to the parties at my school but mostly for the cheap booze. I don't usually talk to anyone there,
>How many friends and sexual partners have you have?
I have a couple of close friends (maybe three or four guys and one girl) and some acquaintances.
No sexual partner (never have had any)
>Do you enjoy interacting and socializing with other people?
I like my close friends and can spend hours with them, it's often a drag with the others (actually, I don't understand how my close friends even became friends with me in the first place).

>> No.7632737

>Does /sci/ have a social life?
Not really anymore since all I do is study and work.

>How many friends and sexual partners have you have?
Good friends, maybe 7 or 8. Lots of acquaintances. 60+ sexual partners because I used to sell coke in a previous life.

>Do you enjoy interacting and socializing with other people?
Depends on the people. If I feel they're such a square, thin-skinned normalfag that I have to censor myself for fear of being offensive or being seen as "weird" then no, it's draining. If they're chill, yes.

>> No.7632787

pic is related because that's you when one of your friends brings you to some sort of social gathering

>> No.7632810

no anon we are people not tiny vegetables
please be reasonable here

>> No.7632817

be my sexual partner

>> No.7632823

Are you a grill?

>> No.7632831

no im a human

>> No.7632839

Sorry, no can do then. I like my sexual partners hot.

>> No.7633199




>> No.7633261

Dank meme. Do you frequent this Malaysian pottery crafting board?

>> No.7633289
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I have two brothers that are the same. I guess violence is not the best tool for making your kids become normally functioning adults.

>> No.7633300
File: 200 KB, 493x584, edge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years of ostracism and rejection has turned me into a supreme edgelord. I rarely leave the house, when I do I fantasise about killing everyone I see. I really fucking hate other humans, especially the females, there is no torture that is too awful for them. I study science in the hope that I'll work out how to get off this rock one day. Musk seems to have beat me to it though, I'll be buying the first ticket to mars

>> No.7634073


>> No.7634099
File: 139 KB, 500x949, the meaning of life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many friends and sexual partners have you have?
ever? total? who fucking keeps track?
>Do you enjoy interacting and socializing with other people?
depends on how stupid the people are, or how sober i am (there is an inverse relationship between my sobriety and ability to tolerate stupidity), but generally yes..

to be fair, i am prty shite at chem which is the only /sci/ i can into, and i mostly just come here to lurk /fit/ and get at all these dank memes... and read the stupid shit /pol/ has to say when they argue against science

>> No.7634124


>> No.7634136

-yes I give courses playing the bongo and I meet a lot of new friends there
-over 9000
-I like interacting with other people, explaining things being together or to chase a skirt or two

>> No.7634140

had 1, 1/ now 0
not anymore

>> No.7634231

0 close friends, 0 partners
For the most part, I enjoy social interaction. It's just tough for me to find people I find comfortable to be around. A lot of topics I find draining to talk about, and many people seem to talk about things they don't know about. I have a peer I mostly rely on for social interaction as we can both talk about math/applying for grad school, but I have no real desire to pursue a deeper relationship with the guy; he kind of characterizes many traits I find annoying in a person.

>> No.7634235

>ill just sneak in here that im a girl btw

here's your reply

>> No.7634240

I'm a guy, but I'm flattered you think I'm cute, anon-chan.

>> No.7634281

Don't worry guys you're all my friends :)

>> No.7634302

Yes, anon, a stranger on the internet being their 'friend' will make having literally zero loved ones in close friends or boy/girlfriends better.
Fuckin' hell, /sci/.

>> No.7634344

>I have 2 friends and 1 sexual partner.
>Depends on the type of interaction, I love interacting with professionals and knowledgeable students within their fields, other than that I hate mindless chatter and subjective discussions to the point that I actively try to avoid them

>> No.7634354

this meme is legitimately funny. where did it come from?

>> No.7634361
File: 11 KB, 211x290, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had sex at a party.
seriously doubt you ever had sex if you think this is how it happens. i had sex at a party once but not because i get super horny in large groups of people, its cos the girl was a massive slut with weird fetishes. not even something i would brag about. your not lying to us. your lying to yourself

>> No.7634364

By girl he means hambeast, by Halloween party he means at the back of an abadoned Arby's during a blizzcon pregame

>> No.7634392

From an atlantidean basket weaving forum called 4chin

>> No.7634960

Do you mean how many friends do you have? I can't even reasonably estimate the number of friends I've had over the course of my life.

In general yes, but the majority of people are shit

>> No.7634978

Feel the same as this poster. Although I come here mostly because my sense of humor is so fried from growing up on the internet, normal funny shit doesn't amuse me anymore.

This site is to humor, what fetish sites are to porn

>> No.7635293

alot of friend i mastrubate alot
i mastrubate alot

>> No.7635318
File: 15 KB, 167x286, Gowbog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a high standard around these parts, pal

>> No.7635326

I think this is the best explanation to why I enjoy my time here. /b/ is like scat/cp-tier of were using this scale though.

>> No.7635903

Do you study mathematics, or just "enjoy" it?

>> No.7635924

A bit of social life. Not too much.

I hang around with some friends maybe once a week or so. Would not tell sexual partners even to my sexual partners so why would I tell you?

I'm a bit of a loner though. I enjoy being on my own most of the time. Sex is rarely worth the bother. In both friendships and love my large need to be alone big portions of the time can make others feel un-needed. Which is why I often choose to be alone voluntarily. To not unnecessarily give people false hope.

>> No.7635930


I've had several friends in the past.
1 sexual partner
it's mkay

>> No.7635956
File: 461 KB, 461x698, virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, this explains all of the cringeworthy eugenics/'dumb people should be sterilized' posts. It's just /sci/'s way of whinging about how they have no gf.

>> No.7635958


Actually >>7632266 is in the range "it could have been me" so I don't think he's lying.

>> No.7635967

This wombat will have had more hugs from women than I had the last few months. But it's ok, since it's honestly more handsome than I am.

>> No.7635976

lmao that wombat is a confirmed dudeist dude

>> No.7635979

I wonder how many people first thought that was a beaver because it would have been even funnier if it was.

>> No.7635986

What is this "social life" of which you speak? Your words are strange to me!

>> No.7635987

I am literally too intelligent to have any sort of meaningful relationship with anyone, be it social or romantic or whatever.

>> No.7636001

For me social life is more like an escape from my mind. I am so intelligent I need some socializing now and then to avoid going crazy.

>> No.7636012

>I-It's not that my crippled social skills and low confidence make me a social outcast or anything. I'll just compensate by trying to boost my ego on an anonymous marsupial perusal chatroom by saying I'm too intelligent for social interaction!

>> No.7636017

Maybe doctors could write a prescription for that. And sex too, while we're at it. Nah that will never happen since it's too much taboo.

>> No.7636024

You obviously wasn't intelligent enough to read my post. I said I needed the social stimulation. Oh wait you're not here to really try and understand, are you? You're just here to try and fuck with people.

>> No.7636025

I do this too, i sympathize with him, its the only wat to survive when youre a beta. In my basement I am Tony Stark.

>> No.7636027


I haven't met one person from my faculty that I can relate to, and my friends aren't STEM majors. There are so many boring and blue pilled people in university. The kind of unimaginative people that think you can't have fun without going to clubs and bars. The average university social experience isn't like the Joe Rogan Experience I get with my friends.

>> No.7636030

Seriously I am super hot, I need to stay in the basement to shield myself from all the pussy so I don't drown in it. It's a real bother if you're an introverted dude like I am.

>> No.7636038

Hey, mate... Go develop a bad breath, a hippy haircut and a beer belly. Problem solved.

>> No.7636053

Also that was the wrong Tony. Come on you can do better than that...

>> No.7636082

How the fuck could you rationally understand that without going numb with fear or all out paranoid? There is nothing in the fucking book to explain that shit.

>> No.7636088
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>You obviously wasn't intelligent
We have now entered a higher plane of baiting.

>> No.7636090
File: 103 KB, 620x761, awful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, none, none. I spend virtually all my free time in the gym or reading in my dorm
accepting the invitation to netflix and chill with a woman was the worst mistake I made this semester, I kept deterring their advances so we (meaning I) could talk about ethnobombs and it ended up lasting until 4AM, when they collapsed asleep and let me sneak away and now my circadian rhythm is fucked up for another two weeks

although as a "social scientist" I probably don't count

>> No.7636091

>soul purpose

>> No.7636093

Maybe pretending to be stupid was part of the bait. That shit usually annoys smart people as far as I know.

>> No.7636106

I think that's how they screen for people who could stand the pressure of being famous or around famous people. It's like a mental boot camp or something.

>> No.7636120

Death to the normies