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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7631839 No.7631839 [Reply] [Original]

On a scale of 1 to 10 how angry does this make you?

I'm a 9.

>> No.7631840

It's a badly phrased question, but it's not wrong. That's how I do addition.

>> No.7631841
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>> No.7631844
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>> No.7631851

Is this a joke ? Is this from a supposed-to-be-funny test or one of those retarded outside the box thinking quiz ?

>> No.7631856

No. This is common core math being taught to elementary schoolers.

>> No.7631864
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>> No.7631868

I used to autistically solve estimation problems as exactly as possible and would often loose marks. Good times.

>> No.7631871

common what ? whats the logic behind this that it's being thought rather than classical math ?

>> No.7631875

i think its because some people never finish primary and secondary school.

as such they get taught simpler things so they can at least act like they know basic mathematics.

sometimes i think the government dumbs down elementry and secondary education on purpose, to make the population easier to control.

but that's just tinfoil hat talk.

besides, do you really want a competent drug dealer?

>> No.7631879

2. It's fine.

>> No.7631880
File: 16 KB, 320x371, trigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodness me, what kind of a fuck up is this?

triggered af t.b.h

>> No.7631883

The basic idea behind common core is it's SUPPOSED to be a more fundamental methodology of mathematics, involving rounding off and breaking large numbers down into manageable chunks of smaller numbers. The idea is theoretically, when kids move onto more advanced math, they'll be able to break down larger or more complex problems instinctively.

The issue here is it's the methodology being taught, so the child having the correct answer is being considered irrelivant to the problem - they didn't arrive at it in the 'right' way, or follow the 'logic' of the question writer.

The concept behind it is pretty basic and is more or less how everyone does math, but when it's brute force taught like this it's comical.

>> No.7631893

This isn't quite dumbing down. This is intentionally teaching them wrong things so they grow up thinking its right.
In maths you can't have 10 from 8+5. You can't change the numbers or the operation. So breaking down numbers won't help you if you don't stick to the rules of mathematics.

>> No.7631895

>diff eqs
>higher math

>> No.7631947

Make it base 13

>> No.7631994

Because this is how intelligent people do mental math.

We have calculators and computers, so why waste time drilling how to add/subtract 3 digit numbers? Rather, Common Core aims to teach the thought process behind how addition/multiplication work. From this, standard methods are simple corollaries.

>> No.7632000

You don't understand what the question is asking. When adding numbers, you should try to break up the addends (isn't associativity great?) and then try to make 10, e.g.

8+5 = 8 + (2 + 3) = (8 + 2) + 3 = 10 + 3 = 13

This is how all non-retards do mental math.

>> No.7632004

>I'm 9.
You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.7632015

Not at all angry. When I was younger, we called it "carrying."

Obviously they are teaching a specific technique--rounding for estimation--and asking the student to use that technique. If the student doesn't use the thing that they were taught 2 minutes prior to doing the assignment, then they should prepare for a life of bagging groceries.

>> No.7632018

i'm currently trying to study nonlinear PDEs. do i need common core to do this?

>> No.7632020

It doesn't make me angry because I am not autistic and understand what "context" means? Is this the right answer?

>> No.7632025

0 since I don't live in burgerland or any other idiot shithole

>> No.7632030

>This is how all non-retards do mental math.

i don't have a problem with them teaching common core math skills in school if they instruct the little kiddos that it's beneficial to know for doing mental math, but i absofuckinglutely have a problem with it being the ONLY way they're teaching now.

>> No.7632046 [DELETED] 

>teaching estimation
How far will america go to lift up retards while wasting other children's time?

Only triggers unfulfilled scifags who happen to be a step above the guy in maths

>> No.7632053

>tell how to make 10 when adding
it's not even good grammar.

i'm ok with this

>find his error
what was his fucking answer even? he didn't take away the ten? but yeah do people actually fucking use number lines for this shit?
i liked it better when it was 'who's calculator can tell me the answer'

>> No.7632055

Not at all. Since I'm used to stupid people being stupid. You should get used to it too, if you don't want to end up being a bitter, old man.

>> No.7632061

Fucking murican education in nutshell
Teach retarded shit and then be surprised that muricans iq is 60
Best universities are in us because theres 90% of asians and europeans i know cuz im on MIT at this moment
Im from Poland and im amazed how everything seems to be expensive and clean, but people here are so fucking stupid i cant stad them seriously
These black thugs acting like holy cows wtf is this shit
Polish poor tards in chicago, when i talked to them in our langugage they didnt want to let me go without drinking some fucking alco shit
I cant wait to come back to my european shit hole seriously

>> No.7632073

>This is how all non-retards do mental math.

I really don't understand why people hate this idea of breaking operations up into easier chunks.

>> No.7632077


>> No.7632078

it's our base ten number system that makes it easier to break into chunks.

>> No.7632087

That's sad yes, don't generalize. Americans don't have IQ of 60 not even on average.. tho the constant influx of brains from oversea and actually they add up back with higher education the intelligence average is pretty decent.
Statistically you have to consider numbers.. I compare it to my country where 17 million people live together vs USA where 322 million people live together.. Chances are you'll pick a retard if you decide to record a quiz video in a random poor part of a city.
Here the education system might be free but let's consider the fact that I'm forced to learn more than 10 subjects ( most of the times you have to learn up to 23 ) in 3 years leaving the school without any real specialization... I'm obviously forced to go trough a master and probably a phd aswell to know something about what I want to practice.. while in a country like UK where I can pick a major and two minors let's say I pick mathematics major computer science minor and plastic arts minor.. yes then I actually am able to find a job because I MIGHT know something.

>> No.7632092

I agree but it seems more magical in my brain it's just like magically without revealing the whole part i see this
8+5 = 13 because 10 + 3 = 13
It's like a gift from neurons to automatically sort up everything else.. the effort is minimal and for more complex operations you can use paper and again to the automatic process in the brain then writing each part of answer down on paper, then summing the answers up you get the answer for something that you would've struggled in your mind.

>> No.7632105

The problem is that the method is handed to them in a patronizing manner and that it's worded in a way that suggests a trick question.

>> No.7632109

Calculations with carry actually is kind of advanced mathematics. Not the easiest of algebra to say the least.

>> No.7632110

That's the main feature of schooling. Planting triggers for trick-communication.

I can understand adults prioritizing to emigrate to a country which allow their kids freer schooling in ways I would not have understood only 3-5 years ago.

>> No.7632116

Well it's going to come off patronising to anyone older than 6 reading it, it's meant for 5/6 year olds. You're right about the wording, it could easily come off as misleading. But I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a trick, for example when I first saw OPs pic I had to read it a few times until I could understand what it was asking, I can only say that it probably makes more sense in the context of whatever they've been learning.

>> No.7632148

>This is how all non-retards do mental math.

I hope you were relating to 5 year olds there. What really happens is you already know the sums of all pairs of single digits.

>> No.7632162

im a 8+2 apparently

>> No.7632234

Then the question should have asked
What number do you have to subtract from 5 to make the 5+8 equal 10.

>> No.7632436

>letter to Jack telling him what he did right, and what to fix
>your bridge did collapse, sure, but the color was nice
What PC crap is this? Is this some everyone wins shit?

>> No.7632440

What was wrong with New Math btw? It always seemed like a great idea to me.

>> No.7632480


I have never done addition with numbers that don't add up to the sum. What planet are you from?

Literally no one in their entire life will have to add 8 and 5 to reach a sum of 10. Ever.

>> No.7632498

>Literally no one in their entire life will have to add 8 and 5 to reach a sum of 10. Ever.

>That's the main feature of schooling. Planting triggers for trick-communication.
Also this. Training kids to not point out faults in an authority figure's reasoning. Smh desu.

>> No.7632504

underrated post

>> No.7632507

>Literally no one in their entire life will have to add 8 and 5 to reach a sum of 10. Ever.

It's more about the technique of splitting numbers up, it might seem pointless here but when you do something like 163x12, then knowing that 163x(10+2)=(163x10)+(163x2) is much easier to do.

pls remove tinfoil.

>> No.7632520

>pls remove tinfoil.
It would be easier to do if there weren't records of government agencies experimenting with mind control.

>> No.7632522

>muh mkulta

Wow literally /x/ tier reply.

>> No.7632525

>mental math
For what purpose?

>> No.7632539

Good, citizen :')

>> No.7632554

>It's more about the technique of getting students to rely on authority figures to do anything


>> No.7632557

The main issue I see with common core is the teaching of those exact methods.

It's clear they are trying to teach the mental shortcuts some people make when doing addition and multiplication.

But thats the point. People come up with their own shortcuts. Not everyone comes up with the same ideas, people figure things out differently. >>7632234 vs >>7632092 vs >>7632000

The point is to teach the fundamentals as to why math works (which they are not doing), teach them problem solving tools (which they are trying to do, but failing) and give them problems they can solve using any problem solving technique they can come up with (which they are banning, solve it the way we say or it is completely wrong)

The beauty of math is that you can be presented with a problem and solve it multiple ways. They are giving one and only one way and grading those who solve the problem "incorrectly" the wrong impression about problem solving entirely.

>> No.7632565

How the hell did you get to that from a technique that involves splitting numbers up?

>> No.7632571

doesnt upset me

Question says "when adding 8+5", not "what's 8+5".
From that, you can tell it's asking about the process, not the solution.

I don't like common core. In fact I think our school system should be changed to match hungay's or russia's, where you are placed into different schools/levels based on what you excel at.

If this triggers anyone, that anyone is probably a bigot with an American flag hanging over their gun collection.

>> No.7632576

>From that, you can tell it's asking about the process, not the solution.
8+5 isn't a process though, it's an object, and its simplest representation is 13.

>> No.7632578

>Addition is not a process

Are you for real?

>> No.7632579


I'd probably claim to make it by subtracting 3

>> No.7632583



haha, typical US

t. Russian

>> No.7632584

if he's not being autistic on purpose, he's just a pretentious teenager

>> No.7632600

What's it like in Russia?

>> No.7632602

>How the hell did you get to that from a technique that involves splitting numbers up?

As >>7632557 pointed out, they're trying to make everyone use a "one true way" for problem solving. You either accept what your authority figure/teacher wants you to do, or you're wrong. Continued refusal of the "one true way" gets you held back and treated like there's something wrong with you for not 'getting it.

Continued refusal past that point usually results in punishment, or simply being left behind. Any non-sheltered kid worth their weight in conscientiousness figures out that the secret to passing- i.e, getting out of public school, is to just appease authority figures until you get rubber stamped.

>I don't like common core.
Shame, you're the kind of idiot it was made for.

>I think our school system should be changed to match hungay's or russia's, where you are placed into different schools/levels based on what you excel at.
>If this triggers anyone, that anyone is probably a bigot with an American flag hanging over their gun collection.

Americans with flags hanging over their gun collections aren't the ones running around begging for government intervention in education to enforce a Utopian "equality in outcome" ideal. They're also not the ones supporting common core because it helps fight "white privilege".

>> No.7632606

>tell how to make 10 when adding 8 and 5
It should be
>if 8+5 = 13, what plus 8 = 10?

>> No.7632607

I still don't get how you go from:
>they're trying to make everyone use a "one true way" for problem solving

>And then well be completely submissive to the system, man.

It's retarded in the extreme. I mean, you sound like the exact type of tinfoil sporting loon that people mock.

>> No.7632612


I'm >>7632571
I explained the problem.
I voiced my opinion.
Then I threw in a 4chan-esque insult to fit in.

Not sure what point you were trying to make to me.

do.. do you have a american flag over your gun collection?

>> No.7632614

I think that jump is retarded too, but teaching children only one way and marking them down for using a different way when the way that was taught isn't any better is pointlessly rigid policy.

>> No.7632617

>to fit in
>with anonymous
Gb2 ribbit

>> No.7632626

I'm being facetious

>> No.7632629

A solid 7

>> No.7632632

>being a fascist

>> No.7632636

10 is still 10 in base 13 you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.7632643

Like... just 10=/=8+5, e.g.

we dont have this comon core thing, only old soviet style maths

>> No.7632652

>enjoying stalker
>excellent professor in Maths is Russian
>commie on 4chan says 10 =/= 8+5
You guys have earned my respect

>> No.7632657

>bachelor engineering
>equa diff.
>high math

>> No.7632661

>I still don't get how you go from:
>>they're trying to make everyone use a "one true way" for problem solving
>>And then well be completely submissive to the system, man.

I didn't "go" to that, you did by inventing a whole new phrase I never said. I said that it teaches kids to be reliant on authority figures to do anything, a point you're not actually arguing against.

This is part of the process of teaching kids the "one true way" of problem solving? Forcing them to unlearn methods that might work in different situations for one that doesn't always work in every situation because the teacher will fail you if you don't.

>It's retarded in the extreme. I mean, you sound like the exact type of tinfoil sporting loon that people mock.

And you sound like the kind of person who falls back on group-think when they're presented with viewpoints they don't understand and that make them uncomfortable. But I accept that you're resorting to that sort of check-list-and-respond approach because you simply don't know what else to do or say.

>Not sure what point you were trying to make to me.
That you're the kind of simple idiot who thinks common core isn't that bad and that anyone who doesn't like it must be [insert stereotype].

Two different people having nearly the same reaction and using the same approach to dissmissing criticism of an educational curriculum they're attempting to come of as moderate critics of, yet anyone who points this out is the crazy one.

>> No.7632759
File: 2 KB, 335x85, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 is still 10 in base 13 you fucking mongoloid.
No it isn't.

>> No.7632767
File: 17 KB, 1191x276, saynomofam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baka desu senpai

>> No.7632768

Actually, speaking of this, if common core really wanting to teach understanding about what's going on "behind the scenes" and not just algorithms, they should really introduce kids to non-base-10 number systems way, way earlier.

>> No.7632783

I meant that the value of 5+5 is the same n base 10 as in base 13, not that the symbol 10 is used for the same value in base 10 as it is in base 13. AKA, if you add 8+5 in base 13, the result will still have a different 'magnitude' than the number 10 in base 13

>> No.7632791

The funny thing about common core is that the kids are performing worse than the kids before common core.

>> No.7632811

My answers were not related to each other.

My opinion was I personally dont like it, and I offered my idea of a solution.

The next part (american, guns) was about people getting upset about OP's pic, not common core in general. It was a poke at reading comprehension.

Why are you so angry anon.

>> No.7632826

I always love this one
>muh dif equations

>> No.7632843
File: 36 KB, 551x700, commoncoremath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7632941

>even I
i hate when people talk like that

>> No.7633027

Dumbing down your population in order to control it is suicide.
Go outside. Look up.
They're already on the way.
Each node MUST be capable of assuming leadership dynamically or you lose.

>> No.7633031

It doesn't make me angry at all, it's a very natural way to add numbers especially when they get large.

>> No.7633034

Right. That doesn't discount the original post you were replying to though, as it would be a way to make 10 when adding 8 + 5.

>> No.7633475

What in the fuck is this.

'No, jimmy boy, if you don't like the question, just change it to something easier.'


>> No.7633831

nice thinly veiled /pol/ thread you fucking faggots

why don't you do everybody a favor and go back there


>> No.7633842

>how to make 10 when adding 8+5
Just work in base 13 desu senpai baka

>> No.7633860

>When adding numbers, you should try to break up the addends
>This is how all non-retards do mental math.
No, you're a retard. When I see 8+5, I instantly think 13.

>> No.7633919
File: 14 KB, 231x350, idiot_america1_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This and only this.

All reddit-tier people who criticize this method are uneducated idiots.

>> No.7633920

I'm about (8+5) out of ten

>> No.7633937

We're upset about how it's worded faggot.

>> No.7633939

Fucking triggered

>> No.7633954

>yfw you realise /sci/ is actually retarded and doesn't see how teaching kids simple tricks on easy exercises will help when they need to quickly work out hard problems

Jesus christ /sci/ I'm always disappointed when anything that isn't trivial pop-sci is discussed here.

>> No.7633989

The person who wrote the question failed first grade English. It literally doesn't make sense. I don't have a problem with common core, because that's how I did my math problems growing up. You do by base 10. How do you add up to 434? There is multiple ways to do this.

>> No.7633997

Then how do you do 134x42?

>> No.7634017

I get the "estimate" questions, but the addition trick with the lines I don't understand. What's wrong with the old way? It also simplified the process by just having to compute sums/differences of single digit numbers (assuming no carry). Also, kids up to 10 years ago performed way better in school than nowadays, so why are they persisting on keeping the new way?