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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 125 KB, 1170x906, CountdowntoSingularityLog-2-1170x906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7630284 No.7630284 [Reply] [Original]

What's your take on this?

>> No.7630291


>> No.7630297

do a google image search for 'countdown to singularity'

>> No.7630300 [DELETED] 

Can't from my phone.

>> No.7630304
File: 92 KB, 570x433, 1422076324945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>>/x/ is that way

>> No.7630307

Much as I would love almost infinite computing power, I'm not all that hopeful.

>> No.7630313

It doesn't exactly show the singularity is imminent, AI is a LOT more complicated than most 'futurists' believe, but progress is certainly getting faster. Exciting times are ahead of us.

>> No.7630320

This has nothing to do with the singularity, it simply shows that the closer we get to the present the more events we recognize as important. At any point in human history, the graph would be the same and would seem to show "the singularity", or really ANY anticipated event close to occurring. Change the title to Countdown to Flying Cars or Countdown to Sex Robots. Does it change anything?

>> No.7630348
File: 58 KB, 570x433, raw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7630364

>have a plot of major events vs time before present
>just about every single point on the plot is taken by something, but near the top left it's a little sparse and near the bottom right it's pretty crowded
>delete 99% of data points, only leave some of those which lie on the main diagonal
>pretend it means something

>> No.7630383

Singularitarianism and "futurology" are literally religions for autistic techno-nerd ex-theists who couldn't get over the fact that their God is fictional, and so they circle-jerk over building a computer god instead.

Proof that even if traditional religions die out, it wouldn't matter because humanity just invents more stupid shit and promises the same ancient snake oils. Computer God will give us immortality, peace on Earth, the afterlife by being uploaded in computers, and the solution to all problems. If you don't aid the development of Computer God, it will resurrect a simulation of you and torture you for all eternity (Roko's Basilisk.)

>> No.7630457

When there comes the first Computer, that can really learn, and learn to learn, and cabable of creating the new stuff, that it needs to evolve, it should start the intelligence " explosion", this is what i believe.
What that ASI "thing" then does to people, and the whole universe is impossible to know, it might not be so funny.

>> No.7631905

The whole universe will become a black hole?

>> No.7631924

>time on both axes
we're not going to make it as a species

the time to the next event (personal computer) from the invention of the computer is say 20 years. the time before present will have increased by 20 years as well.

Both axes represent exactly the same thing and since they're both logarithmic the line should be perfectly straight.

the guys who made this chart are fucking imbeciles and so are all of you.

just fucking off yourselves already

>> No.7633136

>spoken language a million years ago

>> No.7633186
File: 381 KB, 600x422, 1377441296206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bashes log/log plots
>can't even interpret one

you on the right

>> No.7633198

tell me what this graph shows then m8

what is the relationship between the variables on the x and y axis?

I'm eagerly waiting for your interpretation you absolute dumb fuck

>> No.7633224

So you dont believe in the exponential advance of tech?.. What a retard you are.

>> No.7633227

Fucking retard faggot.

>> No.7633241

Vertically, the interval between events is shown to diminish. Horizontally, events are arranged in sequence. You could do this with a one-dimensional timeline, but it would be huge on one end and crowded on the other.

>> No.7633251

>You could do this with a one-dimensional timeline
yes, that would be the correct way to display data of one variable.

>it would be huge on one end and crowded on the other.
you can use logarithmic scales on timelines you simpleton

Furthermore, the graph is incorrect because it is not a perfectly straight line. This can be seen by looking at the non linear region of the the curve: according to the x axis homo erectus and spoken language evolved a significant number of years apart, where the y axis shows them occuring at approximately the same time.

This graph has to be the most apt demonstration of how stupid this board is, especially because it gets posted time and again by stupid popsci hacks.

>> No.7633313

It will happen anyways... sorry if you dont like it pal...

>> No.7633446

the first sentence makes a lot of sense

>> No.7633812



No godlike AIs for you, transhufag.

>> No.7633825

we're still a few thousand years away.

>> No.7633861

- Choosing arbitrary points and drawing a line through them is literally sharpshooter fallacy.
- Designating your arbitrary points with time periods you can only give a vague estimate about is insanity.
- Extrapolation your arbitrary line beyond your set of arbitrary points is lunacy.
- Assuming that your arbitrary line goes on indefinitely is stupidity.

The singularity isn't science. It's a stoners "whoa... what if..." scenario.

>> No.7633862

>interval between events
events go from organisms to culture, then to technology; inconsistent classification error; 1/10 for effort only

>> No.7633880

Good source. LOL. Retard. GTFO of /sci.

>> No.7633881

... Basically the article says that we could create god computer. But it´s to expensive.
Your point is?