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7629665 No.7629665 [Reply] [Original]

Why does my body rises its temperature when im relaxed and not moving for 5-10min and after 30-40 min i start to get a ache in the middle of the forehead*only when laying)?Is there are name for this phenomenon so i can read about it?

>> No.7629712


>> No.7629733


>> No.7629739


>> No.7629740

It's a sign of bone marrow cancer. Go to a funcking oncologist ASAP

>> No.7629742

I need medical advice. Better ask 4chan.

>> No.7629750


can confirm. cancer. get help quick anon gl

>> No.7629763

If it was cancer i was going to be dead by now and it does not hurt when the ache(dont know if its the proper word)happens.
I know that people who do transcedental meditation feel the same way but im just laying without trying to focus on something

>> No.7629792

one thing i can say to you its not normal go see a doc

>> No.7629803

Me and a friend have both had this. It's an excrutiating pain in your head after doing some physical activity, right? For me it went away after less than a week. If the problem persists, visit a doctor.

>> No.7629805

>If it was cancer i was going to be dead by now
there are plenty of people who are alive and have cancer... Oncologists don't treat dead people usually.

>> No.7629807


so you can't be alive and have cancer? you have to get it while alive to be killed by it. why do you think all cancers would hurt?

>> No.7629808


>> No.7629811 [DELETED] 

Like i said already its not pain but relaxed the body with really slight ache and i did nothing physically exhausting.
Obviously but the thing is i got it for a while and its not a few mounts.

>> No.7629820

Like i said already its not pain but it feels relaxed like the body with really slight ache and i did nothing physically exhausting.
Obviously but the thing is i got it for a while and its not a few months.

>> No.7629876


>> No.7629918


>> No.7629976


>> No.7630144


>> No.7630160
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>> No.7630203

Also i forgot to say that when I open my eyes it feels like nothing happened.

>> No.7630340


>> No.7630419


>> No.7630591

This is a slow board. You don't have to bump often. You're just making an ass of yourself.

How do you feel your body temperature rising? What are you experiencing?

Note, while this is interesting and all, it's possible that no one knows.

>> No.7631561

I feel my temperature is rising because it becomes too hot and sometimes i even sweat even though the room is cold and if i move after a while i feel really good like i had perfect sleep.You can try it yourself just sit or lay somewhere and relax every part of your body and stop moving.

>> No.7631579

Yeah i know its a slow board but it seems like people are not using the catalog and just reply to the threads on the first page.Im sure there is name for this and is probably something easy explainable.

>> No.7631583

>seems like people are not using the catalog

you're wrong

>> No.7631729

A lot threads at the bottom barely have replies and mine was going to dead by now if didnt bumped it.

>> No.7631934


>> No.7632166


>> No.7632178

How can you read about it if you cant write for shit?

>> No.7632263

I write like shit because i never proofread and almost never write in english anyway but i have no problem comprehending everything i read.

>> No.7632293

some cancers do this. lying down increases peripheral distribution of your blood. causing pyrogenic factors to release further into your body.

also this is a bait thread.

>> No.7632510

How is the thread bait?

>> No.7632838

As i said it does not matter whatever i sit or am laying down even tried when im standing straight and it still works.I takes 30min to try it and it does not hurt but actually feels really good and it helps a lot with isnomnia all you have to do is close your eyes and relax every part of your body and face

>> No.7633091


>> No.7633951


>> No.7634003

Headaches are caused by vascular stretching. Rise is temp = quite possibly because vasoconstriction, since you say you're relaxing, so much vasoconstriction that it starts causing pain. But, get your ass to a doctor, faggit.

>> No.7634048

I misused the word ache its actually pleasant feel but its just a bit overwhelming

>> No.7634090

I'm actually experienceing the same thing but I'm well aware of what it is... Alcohol withdrawal.

>> No.7634196


>> No.7634472


>> No.7634877


>> No.7634881


>> No.7634899


>> No.7635227

are you under a blanket?

>> No.7635286

My face is not covered but like i said already it does not matter whatever youre laying sitting or standing nor does the amount of clothes youre wearing.

>> No.7635342

You lying completely still in a room where there is little air flow means that a warm blanket of air will surround you, which is kept warm by your own body heat.

Alternatively if you are using a plain old blanket, that does the same thing, just a lot better and even in a room with sufficiently high air flow through it.

>> No.7636999

This has nothing to do with it

>> No.7637831


>> No.7638234


>> No.7639183


>> No.7639427

Are you stressed?

Post pulse.
Can you feel blood pulsing in your inner wrist?

>> No.7639501

>middle of the forehead
3rd eye chakra
Try breathing into it next time.

>> No.7639745 [DELETED] 

Most of the time.For some reason i cant and i yes i fill slightl pulsing in my inner wrist.
I posted it here because i know i will get replies like these everywhere else

>> No.7639763

Im more depressed than stressed.For some reason i cant check my pulse and unless i focus on my wrist i dont feel anything but rarely i will get really slight pulsing on my wrist.
I posted it here because i know i will get replies like these everywhere else

>> No.7640107

Maybe you are good at relaxing and has low stress. Vasodilation makes you feel hot as blood from the core flows to the skin and extremities increases.

>> No.7640151

Do you seriously just ask for help on a board and keep disapproving everyone's answer?

You're in New Age shit that is just complete bullshit. Stop thinking about it, it'll stop.

>> No.7640242

I posted it in the science board exactly because i hate new age so i cant see your point

>> No.7640350

It's for a reason.

>> No.7640397
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fuck yourself
and fuck your shit-tier thread


>> No.7640465


>> No.7641596
