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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7626165 No.7626165 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best online tool to learn maths that isn't fucking Khan Academy?

I also have a $100 gift card to half price books and can buy whatever book, basically.

>> No.7626204

khan academy tbh

>> No.7626210
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anon pls

>> No.7626240

ProofWiki, it's far better than Khan Academy if you need a detailed explanation. A lot of proofs and definitions, you need to know some basic mathematical notation, but if you know that you can learn pretty much everything in higher mathematics without help from any other website, no matter how advanced you are.

>> No.7626326
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>> No.7626343


I've been checking mostly real analysis and I didn't see things like this. Perhaps it depends on the subject in question.

>> No.7626418

Top kek

>> No.7626756

bumping for pls help

>> No.7626764

PatrickJMT. The guy is leagues ahead of Khan. He also breaks down the problem to a conceptional level. I believe JMT has a PhD in math.

>> No.7626788

not organized a fucking all. good luck using him to learn shit without knowing what you need to learn

>> No.7626808


>> No.7627034

want a cookie m8?

>> No.7627934

I think the best for advanced science is

for beginners, I think Numberphile or ViHart
are better than fkg Khan Academy

>> No.7627961

>I think Numberphile or ViHart
lmao you're a retard

>nobody recommending actual books with OP openly saying he has the dosh
this is why /sci/ is filled with failures

>> No.7627970

JMT just randomly solves problems without ever explaining them in depth. Which I guess is fine if you are just a retard who only wants to finish his homework and nothing more

>> No.7627978

Vihart and numberphile havent discussed 1 relevant subject for anyone in basic or intermediate maths. Not one video.

>> No.7627983


can we have actual book recommendations for everything up to calculus since everything on the internet is shit?

>> No.7628001

>everything up to calculus
underage b&
but seriously, but yeah, I'd say khan, he has almost every math subject before calculus in well organized detail

>> No.7628003

>that isn't fucing khan academy
are you just a contrarian or is there a more autistic reason?

>> No.7628010

>nobody recommending actual books
he didn't mention a subject, you expect people to just start suggesting random math books with no knowledge on what he wants to learn?
>everything up to calculus
figure out what the fuck you want to learn before demanding sources on how to learn it you helpless retard

>> No.7628013

Books for self study up to postgrad level math.

>> No.7628018

dood khan apologists ARE the contrarians f/a/m desu

>> No.7628028
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start with this one

>> No.7628035

>go to his youtube channels
>select playlists
>All Videos - part 1
>All Videos - part 2
>All Videos - part 3
jesus man

>> No.7628050

lol his videos are jumbled and have no organization you fucking idiot

>> No.7628052

Isn't there like a wiki or something? Check this out:

>> No.7628059

thats exactly what I was implying you dense fucking retard

>> No.7628074
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>> No.7628651
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There is literally nothing wrong with Khan academy.
Prove me wrong fggts

>> No.7628671

ok, forget what I said about "for beginners", that was the non-important part of my msg

>> No.7628725
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Mathispower4u and sometimes PatrickJMT for online resources. I don't jive with Khan's presentation desu, though there's nothing wrong with the content.

Books: whatever works for you? I don't even know what you want to do or how far you wanna get, or what kind of background in maths you have.

>> No.7628755
File: 119 KB, 1216x970, Autismo the Great curriculum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gelfand is good for trig.
College Algebra by Ron Larson and/or Intermediate Algebra by Lazaris are good for HS level maths. Honestly, most algebra stuff is kinda bad; find whatever works, grind through some problems and move to calculus I as soon as you feel comfortable. You'll be using algebra all day erry day anyway, so just get the basics down, you'll get the rest through sheer practice.

Find the rest on sciwiki; there's plenty of resource to crunch through and they're sorted by subject.

>> No.7628770
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what in the fuck am i looking at

>> No.7628816

I just want to be able to get a high enough score on my maths placement to be placed into Calculus 1 and I have two months. I remember the algebra and geometry basics. I ate shit in pre-calculus because of the terrible teacher who everyone hated.

>> No.7628835
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>Read "Math at its core is about establishing truths separate from sensual qualities"
>get horny
How do I stop being horny all the time.

>> No.7628867
File: 93 KB, 1339x356, getting good at math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutoff scores for COMPASS/Accuplacer for CalcI depend on the college you want to enter. That can be found through their placement testing page. Their Admissions offices should also have some test packets handy for you to practice with.

As for material you need to cover:

The material does not get much harder, but make sure you know algebraic manipulation down pat. Simple algebra mistakes will knock you into an Algebra class. Because you will answer between 15-25 questions on your (COMPASS/Accuplacer) math tests, both tests will automatically cut you off at Algebra course if you get like 3 or 4 wrong, but that number also depends on the college/uni. They should give you a page with cutoff scores, or you can find it on their website.

Good book I liked when tutoring: Intermediate Algebra by Lazaris. The new 6th edition is nice, but 5th is cheap and the content is pretty much the same.

>> No.7628879
File: 141 KB, 480x368, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My test is the ALEKS Maths online assessment and for my uni(penn state) I need a 76% to place into calc 1


>> No.7628880

oh, and my last test I took(first of three tries, they take your highest core) I earned a sweet 29% so clearly I'm off to a great start.

>> No.7628883

whats wrong with khan academy?

>> No.7628895

You can test out of your lower division math classes. Just ask the department. Its always an autismo who passes those test and jumps ahead of everyone by two years. Every STEM field has these test. Including engineering, I believe. If you're serious about your field of study, then study those math/science course for a year or two before going back to school.

>> No.7628922

it doesn't actually teach you anything. just khan saying the same thing like six times and not going into detail at all

>> No.7628958

I was actually in that thread. That guy was being deadly serious unfortunately.

>> No.7629063

i actually feel like i remember this

>> No.7629143

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.7629155

Precalculus for Dummies

>> No.7629193

I hate Khan Academy, too much entertainment, too little learning.

>> No.7629234

see >>7628671

>> No.7629673 [DELETED] 

Do you want to self study and move onto university-math later on or do you have planned something in 2 months?
If it's the former, buy "How to prove it" by Velleman and after that "Calculus" by Spivak.

>> No.7629682

Stop talking out of your ass

>> No.7629695

numberphile isn't "for beginners", it doesn't help you begin ANYTHING AT ALL. it's pure shit for anyone.

>> No.7629696

what's wrong with number file?
it's only light entertainment sure but it gets people interested in maths who wouldn't otherwise be so inclined.

>> No.7629883

bumping for pls help

>> No.7629892

Basic Mathematics; Serge Lang

Book of Proof; Richard Hammack [http://www.people.vcu.edu/~rhammack/BookOfProof/]

>> No.7629896

>proofs book
protip: not everyone is going into maths. very few are, actually.

also quit shilling your fucking lang shit

>> No.7629920


Also liked this one because it's the only piece I've seen
that made the Laplace transformation understandable:


>> No.7629934

MIT Open Course Ware
do you agree?

>> No.7629938

literally no

>> No.7629940


>> No.7629947

if you don't have problems to do, and i mean hundreds, you're not going to learn maths on your own. that's why schaums outlines are good.

>> No.7629963

Yes, there is exercises but no hundreds.
I don't like too many exercises, sometimes it's just a waste of time