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7620137 No.7620137 [Reply] [Original]

So, as a non-retard, I am aware that psychology and psychology are pretty shitty disciplines. As a "scientist", I would never consider these two even approaching the natural sciences. I am borderline contemptuous of persons studying psychology/psychologists.

Having said this, I am pretty fucking depressed part of me is thinking that if I want to not fuck up my life I should probably see a shrink. However, I don't respect shrinks, and I more or less know what they're going to tell me. I don't need some moron telling me something I already know.

At the same time, I just can't continue like this. How do I resolve this logical conflict of interests?

I'm not actually looking for advice. This is /sci/, and I'm not completely retarded. I just want to see how a thread regarding this topic on this sort will develop. For science.

>> No.7620138
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> as a scientist

>> No.7620139

Why the fuck does everybody keep coming here to ask about their depression and shit. What the fuck is happening to you people? Why can't you just be normal?

>> No.7620140

Stop being so contempuous and unreasonable. You'll be buttmad less often.

>> No.7620141

people go through shit

>> No.7620149

How do you know that you know what they're going to tell you?

>> No.7620197

duh, science told him.

>> No.7621226

>hates psychology because 4chan
>depressed because .... 4chan
> knows what a moron will tell him
> still depressed
Never change /sci/

>> No.7621310

just steal your mom's lexapro and take it all at once. antidepressants are scientific, so it should be np.

>> No.7621335


You're a fucking retard. Firstly, psychiatry is not the same thing as psychology. Psychiatrists are doctors with a one year psych rotation. Psychologists are scientists, they don't treat patients or anything like that, they conduct experiments (often poorly, granted) and analyse the data.

As to whether psych is a "real" subject, it's a branch of biology. It's not as "hard" a science even as biology is, but it's not as "soft" as social sciences are.

>> No.7621344

>I am aware that psychology and psychology are pretty shitty disciplines
Jesus fuck you people can be so fucking retarded. Why do I keep coming here.

>> No.7621366


Hi OP. I just happened to be rolling through sci and I saw your thread. I'm a med student, chronically depressive, mother was a psychiatrist, wife is a psychologist.

1) Psychiatry is not only a sham, and a crime against humanity (lobotomy, electroshock), but it's an instrument of social oppression. Psychiatry has always been used, preferentially, against more vulnerable people- political extremists in communist states, women 100 years ago, etc. Schizophrenics have a better prognosis in India than in the developed world- name another medical discipline where dirtshit illiterate farmers can treat your patients better than you can. Hint: you can't.

What psychologists -think- is pretty unscientific. What psychologists -do-, on the other hand, is not necessarily as bad as what they think. Some have real talent- others, the majority, don't, but they can still get a degree. Those that do have talent can actually do a useful job that benefits society. Why?

Psychotherapy is an applied art. Compare psychotherapy to massage therapy, another applied art therapy.

If you just accept them for what they are instead of getting angry over what they're not it's not hard to imagine a world with therapists in it.

Applied artists have no coherent theoretical framework to guide them through their craft, they just do it by intuition, tradition and learning. Their result is essentially subjective and qualitative (made me feel better), though it could have residual quantitative effects, like reducing suicide, one of the only psychiatric outcomes with a fixed definition.

My wife knows she's not a scientist, but she's good at her job, she helps people and improves their lives. Find a shrink that you like, that you feel comfortable with and can trust.

Good luck OP, hope you feel better. Try yoga.

>> No.7621374

>psychology and psychology
Uh huh, yeah

>> No.7621377

biology is pretty soft though, mate

>> No.7621394


>Psychologists don't treat patients

Hi again OP,

Psychologists do treat patients.


The reason that psychotherapy isn't a science, won't be, and shouldn't be, is because of the qualities you need to be an effective psychotherapist.

You need to be patient, perceptive and empathetic. You need to have a high emotional intelligence, and you need to be -wise-, whatever that is.

Basically, psychology is the new priesthood. If education replaced religion in explaining how the world works to people, psychology has replaced it in providing people with a priest, guru or whatever. A psychologist is there to listen to their confessions, give them an independent perspective on their lives, and just accept that the person is who they are, that they exist, and not blame them for it.

A psychologist is there to provide a framework to explain someone's inner world, how it is, how it got there, and where it should go.

These are all functions previously carried out by holy people. These are services that people have always needed, and looked for. It doesn't have to be spooky or culty, and it doesn't have to be scientific. From the neo-religious point of view, its social existence is imminently justified. It is what it is, it does what it does.

Evaluate your cost and your benefit. Spend your $20 and take an hour, find someone, and see if A) you like it, or B) it doesn't.

If you like it, do it. Masturbating isn't scientific, but you like it, so you do that, too.

>> No.7621400

>as a non-retard

you'd be wrong

>> No.7621411

Don't go to a psychologist as a scientist, go as a normal person who's looking for some emotional support from a person who happens to be good at dealing with people's emotions.

>> No.7621430

>Schizophrenics have a better prognosis in India than in the developed world- name another medical discipline where dirtshit illiterate farmers can treat your patients better than you can

Care to elaborate? genuinely curious about this statement.

>> No.7621431


The WHO actually wrote a pretty good paper on that. Just search for "schizophrenia prognosis" in wikipedia and you'll find the link out to the paper.

Their conclusion is that, yes, this happens across the whole indian subcontinent, and that strong family support systems and less negative attitudes towards schizophrenics make more of a difference than all of the western medicine in the lonely developed world.

Go figure

>> No.7621468


lol I had the paper open in another tab



>> No.7621487

Schizophrenia is a spiritual thing. India as a culture is much more spiritually healthy than the isolating and repressed western world. Attempting to apply physical medicine to treat a spiritual illness is an absolute joke, it's why mental illness is so vastly much more prevalent in western society despite the multi-billion-dollar industry attempting to treat it. In India it is treated as an actual spiritual condition, not just a bunch of nerves misfiring in your head.

Of course, being so hopelessly entrenched in the western perspective, /sci/ isn't really capable of understanding this. But no matter how badly you fail to comprehend how it works, you can't argue with the results.

>> No.7621504


>> No.7621512

> I'm a med student
>Schizophrenia is a spiritual thing.
Are you fucking serious, guy?

>> No.7621514
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>> No.7621810


I like this.

Thanks. Fuck yoga, though.

>> No.7621816


Meant psychiatry.

Ain't even mad.

Sage in all fields.

>> No.7621822

With all due respect Indians are great people true seekers of God but their shitty religion does not serve them any good.
Polytheistic religion with thousands of gods in 21st century? No a whole set of religions and ideologis from the east that turns you into a egocentric prick... Please, and people that are serious enough and don't shitpost here go to India at an ashram and deal with all their knowledge first hand...
I'm orthodox Christian and I know for one from my tradition that the evil one could even take the form of the greatest light so it's healthy and simple.. ignore everything, ignore magic, ignore spiritual techniques... if they indeed are some sort of divine revelations you'll know it for sure and everyone around you will know that for sure, everything else is just bullshit.
Science is the most beautiful thing right now, it is capable of accepting when it's wrong and to expand with new rigid interpretation and models... that's the way to follow, that's what to hang to.