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File: 4 KB, 204x204, python.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7619380 No.7619380 [Reply] [Original]

Any good resources for learning Python?

first year maths UG here with no prior programming experience, so far I suck at it. Any good books or online help would be greatly appreciated

>> No.7619388

"Learning Python the Hard way" is bretty good

>> No.7619389


>> No.7619390

this is great
used it to learn Ruby (with a Java background) and it's great, can recommend

>> No.7619398

>no prior programming experience
don't start with python, it will fuck up your brain if it's your first language.

start with C, it's very explicit and the language does hardly anything behind your back. don't expect to write anything complicated in it though, just simple console programs and things like that.

>> No.7619407

Its what they're teaching us, I didnt choose it.

>> No.7619419

introduction to interactive programming on coursera

they hit you with some cringeworthy tryhard attempt at humor at the very start but try to ignore it, they are smart guys and their course is great - best way to get into programming

>> No.7619420


This but use C++11 instead of C.

>> No.7619426

as i said, i'm learning python because my university picked it, maybe if I really get into programming i'll look at other languages, but right now i'm learning to pass the course

>> No.7619429

>write pseudocode
>you now have a functioning Python program

>> No.7619430

this guy wants you to kill yourself don't even touch C++ until you've been programming for at least half a year

>> No.7619439
File: 58 KB, 540x531, 1445023041662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go OP:

The author of the book and this course posted on /r/learnpython and gave it out for free if you sign up, I did, don't know if it's still free though. But the book is free and called Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. It's a way more hands on approach to learning Python:

I'm doing this

>> No.7619447

then it sounds like you don't need much but basic syntax, just go to codecademy for that:


>> No.7619472

>repeating memes
>never coded in C++

There is no added difficulty in starting in C++ over C and there are numerous benefits from the parts C++ fixes in C.

>> No.7619872
File: 93 KB, 839x1000, 1442942888808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw looking like pepe

>> No.7619876
File: 229 KB, 513x320, 1442943100240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never hacked the planet

>> No.7620018

"The hard way" series are utter shit.

Get Learning Python from O'Reilly, its by far the best introduction.

>> No.7620024

learn programming first

>> No.7620025

C. Its the language every other language has mimic since the creation of C. But if you're trying to go into hard CS, this babby teir programming languages are useless. You need to learn pure math and the programming languages that accompany hard CS. /g/ is filled with a bunch of retards who don't understand a thing about computers or understand why their programs work or not.

>> No.7620067

>undergrad CS

top kek

>> No.7620080

I didn't say CS was hard at the undergrad level. I said HARD CS. As in machine learning, AI, ANN, etc. Not mobile apps or games. As most CS grads going into these days. Hard CS helps science not consumer economy. Also fuck off.

>> No.7620110

Am I justified in my hatred of Java? Comp sci freshman here.

>> No.7620111

everyone is.

>> No.7620200

JAVA is completely shit. Its only loved because its cheap to use and implement. Don't go mobile apps anon, RUNNNNN. Learn math and go on and develop an ANN to develop better drugs or create a machine learning algo for facial recongtion. The big things.

>> No.7620395

Can recommend this also.

>> No.7620439

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python has been great.

>> No.7620443

if you say java on /g/ you will get killed