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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7618589 No.7618589 [Reply] [Original]

So I am a kind of a newfag on /sci/ and I've been lurking for a while. Here and there between the incoherrent sentences and random babbling you can find an intellectual sentence or a thread.

I have been confused by the American education system and of the Uni and college levels. So how old and at what level of education are you at the moment and what are you studying?

I myself am 18 and on the 2nd level (of the finnish curriculum).

In maths we are currently dealing with some basic integrals and some sequences with lim->inf but not limited to that. Those are the latest subjects in maths.

I suppose what I am viewing here on /sci/ here from time to time is university level in finland.

Help me understand as I am bored in a mandatory musics class.

>> No.7618676

30. Been out of college almost 8 years now. Undergrad degree only. Dual major - comp sci and math. I'm probably the oldest tripfag on sci. I only post rarely nowadays.

>> No.7618698

23 currently in grad-school for ChemE, I have undergrad degrees in ChemE and physics, been on /sci/ since the very first post.

>content on /sci/
You have to understand that most people come here to relax, not have a serious discussion even though we do sometimes have that. At most you'll share high-level ideas in between the shitposting.

I know it's kind of a conflict between people who want to escape their dayjob to shitpost with like like minded people and non-professionals who want intellectually stimulating discussion on a Burmese clay sculpture board. Though of course the latter group can only talk about pop-science and BSG, not real science. So in the end no real on-topic content is posted.

Jesus fucking christ this faggot is still lurking, I think you actually are the oldest though I'd have to check the archives. I imagined you to be younger to be honest.

>> No.7618702

20, third year of applied math major. Nearly done, two exams down, one to go.

30 doesn't actually sound like much for what should be a pretty academic board.

There's a 33 (?) year old trip on /mu/ who just spends his days shitting on every genre that isn't Turntableism.

>> No.7618706

>I think you actually are the oldest though I'd have to check the archives
I should have said: Oldest active tripfag.

>Jesus fucking christ this faggot is still lurking
<3 you too anon.

>> No.7618709

Ack, and even that is ambiguous. I meant to say:
Amongst active tripfags, I am probably the one with the earliest first post date. There.

>> No.7618810

>There's a 33 (?) year old trip on /mu/ who just spends his days shitting on every genre that isn't Turntableism.
Isn't /mu/ like 90% teenagers according to their survey threads? Damn that guy must be bored.

>> No.7618850

>mandatory musics

Finland is made of magic.

>> No.7620310

>Burmese clay sculpture board
What's the format for this again? I stupidly didn't copy it down when I saw it and laugh uncontrollably every time I see one, just unfortunately don't know how to do it myself

>> No.7620339

18 and first year of university in the USA.
Currently, I'm in Analysis I, which deals with these topics: real numbers, continuity, differentiability, sequences, series, convergence, uniform convergence, Taylor's theorem, integration, and metric spaces.
I've completed Calculus I-III, Linear Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations, and Intro to Discrete Mathematics.
Most people here think I'm some sort of genius but I think this should be pretty standard. In the end, I don't meet many (or any) people who are ahead of me who are also my age.

>> No.7620356

I am 30, hold a BSc in physics and mathematics and recently finished a PhD in physics. Based upon the physics knowledge of /sci/, I would expect the majority to have up to a college-level intro class.

>> No.7620419

Props. How have you completed multiple University level classes already as a first year?

>> No.7620450

I took AP Calculus AB/BC my sophomore and Junior years of high school, getting me Calculus I and II. Then, in my senior year, I took Calculus III (first semester) as a concurrent class at a university in my town and then took the other math classes I mentioned in my second semester.

>> No.7620451

I'm 24 and recently graduated with my undergrad degree in microbiology, been lurking since before the dawn of time.

In America "college" & "university" are interchangeable, a "college" is sometimes the name of a department within a university system (i.e. college of engineering), but it's also used to refer to technical, unaccredited, or 2-year schools, that would usually not be called a "university". I took a little longer (2-3 years) than some of my peers from high school because I've had to work a lot to support myself through college (since our higher education system is expensive as fuck), on top of taking classes. I took only 10 credit hours some semesters which slowed things down, I also changed majors, but only once. This seems to be fairly normal in the US, though many people don't work and take out massive loans or have their parents pay all their bills and can graduate in only 4-5 years. High school graduation (usually at 18) is the maximum education that the government provides for free. There are lots of public universities but you still have to pay a shit-ton to attend them. I wish our political system was more like other Scandinavian countries.
As a bio major, I was only required to take up to calculus II and statistics.

>> No.7620943

Nice. I'm a little behind you (I'll only have taken Calc 1-3 and I may take ODE over the summer), as I'll be taking linear algebra my first semester at university. Any reason for taking analysis first as opposed to vector calc?

>> No.7620978

22. Physics BSc

>> No.7621172

If you're familiar with some very basic set theory ("subset-of", "member-of"/"contains", power-set, etc.) and methods of proof (familiarity with logical conditionals, contraposition, weak and strong induction, and contradiction,) then it would probably be best to go take Analysis because you'll be ready for it, and you want to keep challenging yourself. If you don't have that knowledge of set theory and logic, then take vector calc because it'll be what you have the foundations for. A class on discrete mathematics will familiarize you with the things I mentioned.
Honestly, with Calculus III and Linear Algebra under your belt, I don't think vector calc would give you much new knowledge and would be too easy for you, depending on how well you did in the aforementioned classes.

>> No.7621386

20 year old here, attempting a dual degree in Math and Computer Science

I would have graduated next year with just a Math degree, but due to some stuff I didn't take my first official CS class until last semester and I'm sure I want to get a degree in it. So, I'm going to be in school for a bit longer. I may want to go to CS graduate school afterwards as well, who knows?

What I'm currently studying:
>Math: Analysis
End behavior of functions whose domain and range are in the reals
Object Oriented Programming, Abstract classes and Interfaces, Polymorphism, various GUI implementations for my software class

>> No.7621465

-12 year old here. PHd math, 300k starting salary.

>> No.7621473

What substance(s) are inside of a neutron star?

>> No.7621475

Also, if a neutron star is made of neutrons, how can if have such incredible magnetic fields?

>> No.7621489

Dude I suck at dilutions and spread plating

What am I doing wrong

>> No.7621680

Its called a neutron star due to its density. The gravitational force is great enough that it is able to over come the forces repelling individual atoms.

>> No.7621785

18 , 3rd semester physics in Göttingen DE.
My theoretical physics course deals with classical field theory and the experimental course is about optics.
In the math course we do functional theory i.e. fourier transforms ,partial differential equations and quantum theory.
My semester is rather young, comparing with other classes.

>> No.7621990

Thank you for the well thought out response, I appreciate it. I will definitely consider that. Also, as far as I'm aware, some colleges combine Calc 3 and vector Calc (Calc 4) so mine may be like that and I wouldn't need to take it in the first place. If I take Calc 3 and linear algebra, what would be the stuff that I'd learn in Calc 4?

>> No.7622068

No problem, anon.
My school must be one that combines vector Calculus and Calculus III, because there isn't such a thing as Calculus 4 here. I thought you might have meant that there was a nonstandard Calculus class specializing in vector Calculus.
I'll assume that the portions of my Calculus III class that deals with vectors is equivalent to your Calculus 4. If that's the case, then you can expect vectors in 1, 2, and 3 dimensions, dot products, cross products, structures like curves, planes, and volumes as vector functions, partial derivatives, vector and scalar fields, integration over the structures I mentioned, vector fields, and scalar fields, then finally line integrals, surface integrals, conservative vector fields, Green's theorem, divergence, curl, Stokes' theorem, and the divergence theorem.
Sorry if I'm overwhelming you with possible topics, but I don't know what sort of vector Calculus you've been exposed to.
Linear Algebra and vector Calculus overlap in the sense that they both deal with vectors, but Linear Algebra deals more with matrices and spaces while Calculus deals more with computation.

>> No.7622103

No worries, I'm at least familiar with (if not in concept then in name) of most of the things you mentioned. Here's what my potential uni of choice has listed under Calc 4 description: Differential calculus of vector-valued functions, transformation of coordinates, change of variables in multiple integrals. Vector integral calculus: line integrals, Green’s theorem, surface integrals, Stokes’s theorem. That is not, however, the same uni as what I'm taking Calc 2 and 3 at right now. My current uni has "vectors and 2 and 3 dimensions, surfaces and space curves, partial differentiation, multiple integration, and applications of each" listed under Calc 3. What do you think I should do at my potential uni next year? Calc IV, ode, or analysis?

>> No.7622121


The magnetic field of a neutron star is similar to earths' magnetic field. The interior of a neutron star is in a sense a fluid, and the flow causes the magnetic fields in much the same way that the flow of the molten iron inside earth does.

>> No.7622127

21...EE last year of bachelor

>> No.7622141

20, study physics the third year at uni now.
My current courses:
1. a kind of functional analysis / PDE
2. atomic physics
3. theoretical mechanics
4. electrodynamics
5. introdution to electronics
6. shitty consider-matter course
7. professional english
8. some science job that I do by myself
9. programing
10. shitty classes in military department
I facken want to kill myself

>> No.7622164

Calc IV seems like the most reasonable thing to me, and ODE if you have room. Analysis will be totally different from any math class you've taken so far (except for a class going over proofs and logic,) so just be careful about that.

>> No.7622385

29 and undergrad in compsci. Currently work as an electronics technician fixing radars and shit.

>> No.7622401

I'm -16- *ahem I mean 18

In calc 3, Honors diff, Modern

Hopefully I'll be one of those based Math 55 guys

>> No.7622434

OK so I'm just slightly confused. Take linear algebra, then Calc 4, then ODE? (And if I want I can take the last two at the same time?)

>> No.7622439

>How old is /sci/?

A fascinating question really.

Thanks to the recent discoveries from Edmeme Hubble we know that /sci/ is not the only board in the 4chanverse! Indeed there are many other boards with innumerable threads and posts of there own. What's more the red shit we detect in the memes from these other boards tells us they are all moving away from us, suggesting that the 4chanverse itself is expanding! Truly the greatest discovery of our time.

If we were to turn back the clock it would be logical to think we would see the 4chanverse getting smaller and smaller, I propose that at one time it was infinitely small; all boards, threads, and posts contained within it, and then set off expanding after some sort of large kaboom.

Some might say this expansion was triggered by the mythic plane crash of the Big Guy but personally I find such speculation unscientific. Wehter you believe in the Big Guy or not it is fascinating to consider our origins.

What do you think of my theory anons?

>> No.7622448

Egh, sorry.
Calc 4 before Linear Algebra would make it easier, but that plan is fine.

>> No.7622452

But where are those other boards' posters? Shouldn't we have detected there memowave radiation by now? A real fefe's paradox

>> No.7622469

What if we're the only posters to develop memeowave communications? We may be the only intelligent posters in the whole 4chanverse.

>> No.7622478

Don't apologize - it is I who should be apologizing: you're helping immensely. At the aforementioned university (the one I'll potentially attend) it has linear algebra as a lower course number, albeit marginally, than Calc 4. Don't I need vector stuff and what not from linear algebra for Calc 4? Thank you so much for all of your help thus far BTW.

>> No.7622479

>Doesn't believe in the Big Guy

*tips head temperature*

>> No.7622514

I'm just hoping my methods of explaining aren't inconvenient, but thanks.
I wouldn't know for sure without seeing the course description for Linear Algebra and Calc IV. In my Calc III (which probably/possibly includes your Calc IV) class, there was no need for Linear Algebra experience. Vectors were taught from the beginning, so no outside experience was necessary.
Like I said earlier, Linear Algebra and vector Calculus deal with problems that don't really overlap even though they both deal with vectors.
For example, once you're through with Calc IV I can go to you and say "go to www.windyty.com [or some vector field] and tell me how much air escapes from a triangular path from New York to Los Angeles to Houston" and you could find an answer.
In opposition to this, once you're through with Linear Algebra I could ask you "Are the two vector spaces with bases ((0,4,1),(1,1,1)) and ((5,9,6),(1,1,1)) isomorphic?" or "What are the eigenvalues and eigenspaces of the linear mapping f:Rn->Rn,x|->5x if any exist?"

When in doubt, go ask an adviser or email a professor directly about the knowledge you need for a course. It sounds like things are set up differently at your university so it's in your best interest to check for yourself.

>> No.7622553

I will go talk to my current professor and my potential professors. Thank you very much, I greatly appreciate your help and hope you succeed in all of your endeavors.

>> No.7622561

Sounds good!
Good luck to you.

>> No.7622564


What? Its a play on "Japanese cartoon board". I'm pretty found of Argentinian cattle rustling board.

>> No.7624300

>Finland is made of magic.
Also a scary place, much feared by the vikings too, 100 years ago. Now, have you heard of Finnish humor? And why not, do you think (other than "In the Pirkinning" and "Iron Sky" if your tastes are esoteric)?

>>Burmese clay sculpture board
My hunch is that it is mainly the same guy who sculpts this format.

>> No.7624693

Mate just post anything, it doesn't have to be forum or board, just be creative. If you feel like following guidelines just go

>[Any East Asian country] [Any Hobby/Activity] [board/forum/tapestry etc.]

>> No.7624808


Thank you all for helping a hopeless newfag to understand this Pakistani tapestry board's lexicon.

>> No.7624831

>Pakistani tapestry board's lexicon

>> No.7624869

I'm 20 and I'm a third year Chemistry (Biochemistry concentration) and Dramatic Art double major.

The /sci/-related classes I'm taking currently are cell and developmental biology, physical chemistry I, and a course on DNA biochemistry. We just finished learning the enzymatic mechanisms of the major enzymes involved with DNA replication, now we are learning the mechanisms involved with DNA repair.

I prefer pchem over biochem tbh, kind of fucked up on that one. I also thought I wanted to be a doctor (which is why I'm doing biochem) but I think I really want to work in theatre. So now it's hard for me to give a shit about my science classes because I probably will never need them.

>> No.7624876

Thanks fam

>> No.7624973

i'm 20. fucked up on my entrance exams and in life, and am now taking care of EE prereqs while i work up to calculus-level college math.

>> No.7625289
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what was your thesis on?

>> No.7625292

i bet you spent more than 15 minutes writing all that shit

>> No.7625328

Yea had to do allot of research first but its worth it to be making theories at the forefront of 4chanology

>> No.7626498

not >>7620451
i suck at spread plating too, but i guess its just sth u need to pracitse

>> No.7626503

>How old is /sci/
It'll turn six years old in January.

>> No.7626571

I'm 18.

I wouldn't really call myself /sci/ though, I just lurk here from /fit/ sometimes, trying to find more engineers at UML.

>> No.7627827
File: 634 KB, 2000x2000, berkeleylogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd or 3rd year whatever you want to call it (class '17)
> electrical engineering & computer sciences

>> No.7627832

I'm 23 studying electrical engineering and computing.
I started off with astrophysics but I changed my mind after a few years.

>> No.7627901

Your birthday is on February 29th amirite?

>> No.7627924 [DELETED] 

I'm 14. I really love how science is so great. I also learned from /pol/ how not to get keked and how liberal spooky scary skeleton's are trying to destroy the white race.

Thanks 4chan for giving me true intellectual education.

>> No.7629767

What's with the tripcode? Isn't it generally frowned upon to break your anonimity?

>> No.7629777

19, nearly completed my undergrad in math (only statistics, history of math and some stupid programming class on my to do list)
Currently doing some grad courses (elliptic curves and algebraic number theory), TAing Group Theory for the 2nd time and writing my thesis on making unramified galois extensions of degree 11.