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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 124 KB, 1206x654, Elder gods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7618077 No.7618077 [Reply] [Original]

Choose your god

>> No.7618088

Well one of them is completely retarded and the other is most likely the smartest man alive.
So yeah I am going to have to choose the smart guy. Wildberger.

>> No.7618091

The only sane choice.

>> No.7618093

Well let's see: One of them is an unhinged, retard known for lengthy arguments that literally known can understand, and that declaring himself correct, a man who is literally a meme tier academic. The other is Wildberger.

>> No.7618094

> dr Fo Reel bs dr Anime

>> No.7618097

Esoteric meme math nonsense < groundbreaking shit that will probably change the course of history

Yeah, team wildberger here

>> No.7618102

Ricardo dawkings

>> No.7618169

One's only relevant because this drooling collection of savages won't stop shit posting his work and the other is a legitimate mathematician who's willing to take innovative leaps in maths to tackle old problems.

Wildberger is the only rational selection if you aren't a total mong.

>> No.7618182
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>> No.7618191
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>> No.7618293


>> No.7618582

Wildberger is a Real god

>> No.7618586

i choose beer

>> No.7618713

Who the fuck are these people?

>> No.7618792

>being this new

>> No.7618824

Take me under your wing and teach me, a poor newfag

>> No.7618827

le funny math man and le funny physics man

>> No.7618830

Trinity: Pornstar Hideo Kojima, black science man LeGrass, BILL BILL BILL BILL.

>> No.7619089

How is Judaism heresy? Christiniasm comes from Judaism.

>> No.7619097
File: 124 KB, 657x807, Lord Teichmuller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wildberger btfo real numbers

Shinichi Mochizuki has created math not suited for humans. Inter-universal Teichmüller Theory.

"The theorems imply a proof of several equivalent fundamental conjectures in Diophantine geometry, including the abc conjecture over any number field, the strong Szpiro conjecture over any number field, and part of the Vojta's conjecture for the case of hyperbolic curves over any number field."

>> No.7619629

Denying that Jesus is the messiah is heresy, heretic

>> No.7619953

/pol/ can't into charts

>> No.7619958

>exact same unfunny and predictable joke is made about 5 times in a row

>> No.7619965

>my religion is the best and all of yours suck and you're going to hell

This is why everyone hates christans

>> No.7619972

>implying based nukefag isn't /sci/'s Holy man

>> No.7620249

>Murdering Jesus the Messiah is heresy, heretic

>> No.7620286

Has anyone here actually read Wildberger's work? It really doesn't add anything that we don't already have from the real numbers. Mochizuki on the other hand has spent about a decade developing a solution to the abc conjecture, which is considered one of the hardest problems in mathematics.

>> No.7620354

Lol 爱

>> No.7620385

I miss the Universal Melon Transform meme. That one thread was up for like a full month over christmas last year, that was pretty funny.

>> No.7620387

I know this was made for trolling purpose but damn, I can't help thinking that some Christians actually think like this. So much for the "forgiveness" thing in their book.

>> No.7620417
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What is wrong with it?

>> No.7620459
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>> No.7620462

> /r/atheism
> not completely fucking retarded

>> No.7620471

That pic is photoshopped right?

>> No.7620474

I don't get why people love Catholicism so much. They're objectively the worst kind of christianity.

>> No.7620480

They have been mostly open to new scientific achievment. The only controversy with them is condom and gay people.

>> No.7620482

Tell that to Galileo, and the countless people burned and killed for embracing the reformation

>> No.7620497

Galileo's theory was flawd. He thought about orbits as perfect circles which was not expected from the data.

On the other hand, with Kepler's theory and observations, the church did reformed their understanding of the scriprs because the evidence was overwhelming. Also, churches played a crucial role in the development of academia and the development of cience, the problem was that the method used to obtain truth was pretty bad. This was not because of some dumb religious dogma, but because the church adopted platonic, and generally, Greek philosophy. If you want to blame any dogma as to why the scientific revolution was not brought earlier, blame philosophy.

>inb4 TRIGGERD litcore starts shoutingn

>> No.7620670
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>in anyway good

13 year olds don't belong here

>> No.7620819

>gay people

Catholics have nothing against gay people. They just insist on biological marriages.

>Tell that to Galileo

Geoheliocentrism > Heliocentrism with the observational evidence (no parallax of the stars) they had at the time and the mathematics was identical. Galileo got what was coming to him for trying to authoritatively declare doctrine based solely on what theory he personally liked better.

>countless people burned and killed for embracing the reformation

The 'reformation' was a catastrophe for Europe and did nothing to advance science or society. All the stupidity involving Christianity has come from protestantism. Hell, it was the reformation protestants, not Catholics, that rejected teaching the Copernican system with cries of sola scriptura.

>Galileo's theory

Copernicus' theory. Galileo's theory was that the movement of earth around the sun caused the tides and he FAKED his numbers to make his incorrect theory look right. Galileo was the father of scientific fraud and nothing more.

>He thought about orbits as perfect circles

No, there were still epicycles but smaller and "easier" to use.

>platonic, and generally, Greek philosophy.

Blame the right guy. It was Aristotle that fucked up science and medicine for 1500+ years by guessing shit without checking (he even thought women had less teeth than men) and then posing it as infallible truths of the universe (which still plagues the minds of popsci readers today).

>If you want to blame any dogma as to why the scientific revolution was not brought earlier, blame philosophy.

What was holding back the scientific revolution wasn't philosophy but the lack of adequate mathematics to describe the world. People overestimate how old math is. Symbolic Arithmetic and Algebra are both scarcely older than early Calculus. Even freshman year Vector Calculus is younger than the American Civil War.

Philosophy in hindsight is the best you can do without math.

>> No.7621198

>Blame the right guy. It was Aristotle that fucked up science and medicine for 1500+ years by guessing shit without checking (he even thought women had less teeth than men) and then posing it as infallible truths of the universe (which still plagues the minds of popsci readers today).

An aristotelic reform was what brought change to the churche's dogma. Read about Thomas Aquinas and his method. Platonist views did not required an empirical method which aritoteles sort off beleived in it. Yes he had it wrong and many people belived his natural philosopy, but he was modeling and explaining what everyone observed.

Also, the reason we did not advaced in mathematics was not simply becuase Newton was not born yet, a lot of disccusion on infinty and infinitesimals had been done. Rather, the theories present in that time di not require that sort of math and people were adamnt of non constructible objects. And this was a reasoning that followed a philosophical court.

>> No.7621271

But the Catholic church did not care, they saw it as heresy.

Yes the church did allow retaining Roman technology and some development, but not much.

The reformation was hugely important because it reduced the grasp of the Catholic church on Europe further after the great schism.

>> No.7621273

Also, Kepler was in denmark, a then protestant nation. Not Catholic

>> No.7621359

How can We Be Real If Our Numbers Aren't Real?!?!?!?

>> No.7621373

If you guys are so smart, why can nobody here understand Mochizuki's work?

>> No.7621382

Why would anybody choose Shinzo Abe Michiokaku? Wildberger is my god.

>> No.7621413
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>> No.7621637
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>But the Catholic church did not care, they saw it as heresy.

It was the church that gave Galileo the thumbs up for his study of heliocentrism. Galileo problem was he went full fedora in his book and started insulting everyone who didn't follow his every word.

>> No.7622532

Being esoteric is not necessarily bad. I guess a certain number of students who go to math/physics departments are attracted to the esotericity of it.

>> No.7622569
File: 9 KB, 250x393, martin luther hitler king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reformation was hugely important because it reduced the grasp of the Catholic church on Europe further after the great schism.

Just because it was important in history doesn't mean it was a good thing. Thanks to the reformation Europe had the 30 years war, Ottos running a mock, the insanity of the french revolution, fascist Spain, fascist Portugal, fascist Italy, the Nazis, Marxism, etc.

We would be vastly better off if it never happened.

>> No.7622589

Yes, he wasn't persecuted. But my point was that the church adopted his model pretty quickly.

>> No.7622629


In the middle ages you were better off being a pagan than a heretic. A pagan is someone ignorant of the teachings of the new testament. Typically the pagans would see the benefit of joining forces with Christendom and that's how North-Western Europeans stopped worshiping variations of Oden and Thor and became Catholic. When they couldn't be won over with technology and power they would generally just compromise with the pagans, Christmas and Easter being perfect examples. They allow pageantry (derived from the word pagan) to old customs but at the end of the day the Trinity is the one ultimate truth.

A heretic however is someone who has heard and understands the teachings of the Catholic church and then alters it, essentially anyone practicing Christianity outside of its definitions and rituals set out by Vatican law.

>Lapsed catholic; thinks highly of Jesuits.

>> No.7622697

To be fair, that Salciati and Simplicio crap was patronizing as shit.

>> No.7622718

Leonard Susskind.

>> No.7622731

Ich wähle keinen Gott.

>> No.7623314

>known can understand
I think you mean nobody

>> No.7623407

>all this disinformed crap about chatolic church
it's such a pain to read