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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7617658 No.7617658 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you spend £400 a month on propeller hoverboard research
I've been doing this for a year and a half, am I a madman or a visionary? I think I'm getting somewhere, calculations checked over and approved by /sci/ (although I never said it was for a hoverboard at the time) say that it's feasible on paper at least.

>> No.7617666

>or a visionary?
get a fucking patent and stop talking about it you retard.

oh btw, i'm a mechanical engineering junior with access to a full machine shop and drone lab. i'm coming for you now bitch.

>> No.7617676

> fucktons of batteries
> only flies for 1 and a half minutes
Should have used a combustion engine.

>> No.7617683

>rotors, battery and a control system
lmao back to the future hoverboards dude lol wow

>> No.7617688

Yes and it will suck, because there is no way to steer it. You should have realised that friction is an essential part in drivina skateboard, nerd.

>> No.7617694

>because there is no way to steer it.

>> No.7617719


>> No.7617724

> i'm coming for you now bitch.
Bring it on faggot. But seriously yes I will get a patent. I heard it's hard though.
Let's see you do it then. And FYI his achievement wasn't simply making it fly but proving that the computer can still stabilize it even when it's 80 kg top-heavy
You're right control systems has been the biggest problem, the actual lifting the weight part is pretty clear cut (spin the propeller). I don't know what code he was using but my version is improving.
Add more propellers.

>> No.7617744
File: 50 KB, 640x360, 131121113537-e-volo-prototype-fly-horizontal-gallery[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Control isn't that hard at all. Just like quadrotos, all it needs is a gyroscope in the middle to auto-stabilize itself in the air.
But yeah, this is useless unless it starts using fuel rather than electricity. Also the power consumption will be much larger than vehicles since it has to push the hoverboard against the gravity unlike cars where it just has to push it forward.

>> No.7617750

get a tesla battery?

>> No.7617832

Hard to get a patent? Well if urs is just like every other then you can't, other than that if you think it's hard you're a fucking idiot

>> No.7617904

>am I a madman or a visionary?
Yes, because the two conditions are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.7618893



>> No.7618900

he's talking about the car you fucking mong

>> No.7618910

OP, why don't do you something different? Propeller-based hover boards aren't anything new. You'd be a visionary if you were finding a way to achieve anti-gravity or something like that.

>> No.7618919

Which would never happen considering manipulating gravity for recreational purposes is not only physically impossible, but completely impractical.

>> No.7618922

>am I a madman or a visionary?
You'r just a tinkerer anon, but a madman for even considering the visionary thing. lel cool stuff tho show it flying.

>> No.7618936

Propellers are the most straightforward method, they're not pretty but they werk. Even if anti-gravity is at all possible I doubt one guy in his garage is gonna work that one out. Doesn't matter whether it's new or not, I don't see any propeller hoverboards on the market right now. What kind of flight times should I be getting before it's worth trying to market it? 5 mins? 10 mins? 20 mins?

>> No.7619091
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propellers; field propulsion is a classified technology.

>> No.7619549

If the hoverboard in that pic worked for 10 minutes instead of 20 seconds would /sci/ buy it?

>> No.7619585

If you're in the US you would have to be retarded to fail to get a patent. The patent office issues invalid and duplicate patents all the time.

>> No.7619609

I'm in the UK.
One problem I have is where to test the thing? No deserts here. Can't have anyone seeing me flying around Marty McFly style.

>> No.7619658

One thing I will remember when this is done is that absolutely no-one took me seriously. But I bet you same haters will be lining up to buy it.

>> No.7619662

>fall of the hoverboard
>get torn to shreds by the propellers

>> No.7619663

A good sign of someone who is full of shit is a bunch of ranting about how great it's going to be. Just show us, don't tell us. We've heard it all before.

>> No.7619677

I know anon. I promised I wouldn't but seeing as I only have £400 a month there are long gaps of nothing much happening that can only be filled with self-aggrandizing fantasies. Forgive me.
There will be wire mesh.

>> No.7619817
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>using the word haters unironically
fucking high school dropouts and their delusions of grandeur

>> No.7619830

>delusions of grandeur

>> No.7619839

Uh, it looks cool. I would do the actual hovercraft thing and put a skirt around it to better direct airflow downward.

I'm sure there's a loli fart joke in there somewhere.

>> No.7619842
File: 80 KB, 600x448, auto5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was stupid for him to even ride the thing without securing the blades. You need these around the hoverboard so they dont turn into a meatgrinder