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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7616492 No.7616492 [Reply] [Original]

>never took calculus in high school
>have two weeks to go from algebra to starting calculus for placement test
I tried buying textbooks but they put me to sleep before I got anywhere. What do I use?

>> No.7616493

Tried Khan Academy? He's good for the introductory level math like highschool algebra and calculus

>> No.7616495

>I tried buying textbooks but they put me to sleep before I got anywhere.
Get some modafinil and try again with the textbooks.

>> No.7616497

KA is shit for actually learning anything. It's nice to see shit, but terrible for learning and the guy takes FOREVER to explain simple shit.

>> No.7616866

What you should do is get a sample copy of your placement test (you should be able to find the company who makes it, like accuplacer or some such) and flip around on Khan academy and other online resources based on your comfort level with the topics. Sal does take a long time to explain some things, but the result is often that his explanation is more approachable and only needs to be heard once

>> No.7616878


This, though I'd suggest coffee.

Step by step, mothafucka. Exercise that beautiful brain of yours. Hurts while you're doing it, but feels so good to have forced a new skill into your head.

Just be ready for the resistance your brain is going to put up. Know that it will be hard to learn, and that your brain won't want to do it. Then, make your brain your bitch. View it as an external entity which you are going to study into submission.

Good luck, OP! You can do it!

>> No.7616884

>Just be ready for the resistance your brain is going to put up. Know that it will be hard to learn, and that your brain won't want to do it. Then, make your brain your bitch. View it as an external entity which you are going to study into submission.

This looks like a really asian thing to say, are you asian?

>> No.7616910

Shit nigga while my prof was teaching left right limits, i was doing inverse functions in class because of khan

>> No.7616995

>This looks like a really asian thing to say, are you asian?

This looks like a really ignorant thing to say, are you ignorant?

>> No.7617012
File: 38 KB, 373x499, schaums calculus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schaum's Outline for Calculus and Paul's Online Notes/Purple Math for algebra. You can get the book from any library (including your college library). It's not comprehensive and very terse, but it's great for cramming and fast reviews for tests.

Don't bother with videos; text provides the most dense source of information. Use videos as /supplements/ to clarify certain concepts.

However, if you fall asleep because you're bored with the material, you won't get anywhere anyway. Drugs are a desperation measure (including caffeine), and if you can't focus on the material in front of you without drugs, you won't be able to focus with them either. At least not in two weeks.

Just sit down, break down the skills you need to learn for the test (course/COMPASS/Accuplacer placement test outlines and study guides can be found online), and fucking study.