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7611810 No.7611810 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any truth to the autism = neanderthal genes theory?

>> No.7611816

There's none. In fact, brain disorders like schizophrenia and autism may be unique to us.

>> No.7611825
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But being that we, atleast Europeans and Americans, have ancestors that breeded with neanderthals may have something to do with that? As in, it's a product of that breeding. I am really not that well versed in genetics and shit, but this shit has been on my mind for weeks now.

>> No.7611859

The main basis for the theory is that Africa has the least occurrence of autism, and since neanderthal DNA is more prominent in white people, autism = neanderthal.

The problem is though it goes back to the whole "Autism epidemic". The reason there is more autistic people more than before is because there are more people being diagnosed with autism. 50 years ago, children with autism would be diagnosed with other disorders such as childhood schizophrenia, and not to long ago, autism, Asperger Syndrome, and a few other disorders were grouped together to form Autism Spectrum.

Considering that Africa doesn't have a lot of doctors, it's no surprise there are less children reported with autism. That doesn't mean that they don't exist, though.

>> No.7611866


Saying you're not well versed in shit, and then speculating about that shit, isn't the most brilliant of ideas.

If anything, autism and other forms of mental illness are especially specific to humans, seeing as they are not selected against. Most socially retarded persons will still reproduce, creating even more socially retarded persons, seeing as being socially retarded doesn't remove your genome from the gene pool anymore.

>> No.7611867


We bred with pre-human primates who were extremely well adapted to the northern latitudes, having wandered out of Africa 1.5 million years before modern Homo sapiens.

It's quite amazing actually and I think the extent of this revelation is not yet fully understood.

Cro-Magnon are now thought to be the first hybrids that were the core of the oldest modern European populations.

>> No.7611871


The DSM is a joke.

That, and the actual characterization of what constitutes a mental illness, is an unfortunate side effect of the healthcare/insurance/hospital/doctor/pharmaceutical industrial complex.

>> No.7611873

pls, more than likely, autism is related to the age of the parents when they conceive the child. The older you are, the more likely you'll have autistic traits.

>> No.7611877

Autism is a clusterfuck of a mental illness. There are way to many different kinds autism and parents are way too concerned about it. High functioning autism could easily just be social awkwardness. People blame it's rise on vaccines when it could just be introverts going on the computer more often.

>> No.7611917

Autistic people are all acting, so well they don't even know it. Mostly, they're intelligent kids who realised from birth they were born into a shitstorm of bullshit and just opted out.

>> No.7611920 [DELETED] 

Neanderthals were not autistic as they excelled in empathy far more than humans and had better social skills overall.

>> No.7612005

I doubt that makes any sense given that most people with autism have above average IQ and problem solving skills

>> No.7612016

Associating any phenotype with neanderthal genes is pure conjecture. Also, you sound stupid when you try to do it. No scientist takes any of those ideas seriously, they are tantamount to phrenology.

The average east asian has more neanderthal DNA than white europeans, for the record.

>> No.7612040

Look at you using logic. What an idiot you are.

>> No.7612165

>Though people with autism face many challenges because of their condition, they may have been capable hunter-gatherers in prehistoric times, according to a paper published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology in May.

>The autism spectrum may represent not disease, but an ancient way of life for a minority of ancestral humans, said Jared Reser, a brain science researcher and doctoral candidate in the USC Psychology Department.

>Some of the genes that contribute to autism may have been selected and maintained because they created beneficial behaviors in a solitary environment, amounting to an autism advantage, Reser said.

>The "autism advantage," a relatively new perspective, contends that sometimes autism has compensating benefits, including increased abilities for spatial intelligence, concentration and memory. Although individuals with autism have trouble with social cognition, their other cognitive abilities are sometimes largely intact.

>The paper looks at how autism's strengths may have played a role in evolution. Individuals on the autism spectrum would have had the mental tools to be self-sufficient foragers in environments marked by diminished social contact, Reser said.

>The penchant for obsessive, repetitive activities would have been focused by hunger and thirst towards the learning and refinement of hunting and gathering skills.

>Today autistic children are fed by their parents so hunger does not guide their interests and activities. Because they can obtain food free of effort, their interests are redirected toward nonsocial activities, such as stacking blocks, flipping light switches or collecting bottle tops, Reser said.

Certain pressures in Africa such as the much larger array of predators could have prevented those who were unable to cope in a tribalistic society from passing on their genes, due to them being killed off once on their own.

>> No.7612215


>> No.7612244

we need an ethical eugenics program damnit.
testing embryos and zygotes before maturation to ensure the ones who will be fucked or otherwise non-optimal get zapped out and only the stronk survive.
autism may have had advantages, and mind you this is huge and wild speculation, but any advantage it HAD is long gone.
most autistic people are not high functioning. most are depressing as fuck to look at, interact with (attempt to at least since there is often no comprehension of individuality and *other*)
they deserve a mercy killing half the time like children with near SIDS.
thank you for your time

>> No.7612346

>Is there any truth to the autism = neanderthal genes theory?
Multiple levels of political correctness means more than 30 years will pass before you will get an answer.

When the neanderthals were first discovered in, well, the Neander Valley, the bodies were a bit deformed and looked like generic monobrow low forhead sub humans certain continental politicians liked to talk about in those days.

So it followed from political correctness that when neanderthal genes were found in modern day Europeans that the conclusion was that this was rape bordering on bestiality. Because everything is the fault of Europeans according to the politically correct elite.

Trouble appeared when it was found that Neanderthals were not subhumans (larger cranium than modern day humans) and that some of their genes were beneficial. Population pressure and climate adaptions meant that Neanderthals did not re-enter Africa and Europeans didn't either.

Now that Neanderthals have had their names cleared it now seems that Neanderthal genes were returned to Africa, supposedly by tribes in the Middle East wanting (for unclear reasons) to reenter present day Ethiopia.

So all that was clear is now well and truly confused.

>> No.7612509

A-am i an autist sci?

>> No.7612661

You're not versed in anything. Your idea of human ancestry is literally a cartoon universe colored and animated by /pol/.

>atleast Europeans and Americans

You mean "all non-Africans and Africans with non-African admixture"?

>As in, it's a product of that breeding.

While autism is highly heritable (a word that is not synonymous with "genetic"), the causes of autism are widely considered to be a complex salad bowl of multiple genetic and environmental factors that are nowhere near being fully understood. It seems all this speculation is pulled purely out of your ass to fit your predetermined conclusion that hybridization caused the racial differences between white people and other races... which is probably the only reason you pretend to have an interest in evolutionary history.

>Muh evopsych

So many "would haves" and "could haves". Evopsych is not a laughing stock in the bio/anthro communities because of SJW dogma - but because of these absurdly low standards of evidence and baseless speculation that you demonstrate.

>autism may have had advantages, and mind you this is huge and wild speculation, but any advantage it HAD is long gone.

Lots of famously creative and innovative people have had autism. Your "eugenics" would literally just reduce genetic diversity, which does not help the survival of a species. The idea that nature needs "help in selecting" what is fittest is fucking stupid, artificial selection like domesticated animals are actually a constant effort to maintain in this sense, their human utility is at odds with what their form would be in the wild.

> the bodies were a bit deformed and looked like generic monobrow low forhead sub humans certain continental politicians liked to talk about in those days.

Yeah, Jews have so many neanderthal traits. Like their insane physical strength, amirite?

The rest of your post is about an alleged anti-white neanderthal rape fiasco that never happened.

>> No.7612729

>heritable (a word that is not synonymous with "genetic")
Go on, please?

> alleged anti-white neanderthal rape fiasco that never happened
I never alleged it happened. Since when was political correctness even remotely related to factual correctness? My point is that after political correctness moved in it will be practically impossible to get any publishable facts for a long long time.

>> No.7613489
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>we need to diagnose post gestational disorders during pregnancy damnit

>> No.7613500

>Evopsych is not a laughing stock in the bio/anthro communities because of SJW dogma - but because of these absurdly low standards of evidence and baseless speculation that you demonstrate.
[citation needed]
evo psych is based.

>> No.7613513

What's the source of that sweet face?

>> No.7613527
File: 137 KB, 634x797, article-2280686-17A95451000005DC-448_634x797[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kate beckinsales daughter

>> No.7613529


>> No.7613531

She looks like she had Neanderthal genes.

>> No.7613543

Where the fuck is her chin?

>> No.7614181
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Hnnnggg dat mother-daughter hot saucy action

>> No.7614223

There are strong hints, that authim and schizophrenia are caused by Clostridium in the large intestine. The so called GAP syndrome.

>> No.7614236

No, the blogger who pimps the theory is retarded and probably mentally ill. I haven't read his blog in a few years, I should check it out again..