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7608242 No.7608242 [Reply] [Original]

We are the oldest, most advanced, intelligent life in the universe.


>> No.7608250

if we are then there is a possibility of us going extinct and another alium race finding us

>> No.7608373

We might be yea. And that's pretty cool imo.

Never understood why people always assumed that if aliens exist they must be so much more advanced than us. The opposite is possible as well.

>> No.7608381

So... is it up to us to develop ftl and abduct/wage war on the underdeveloped species of our universe?

>> No.7608389

>develop FTL
Most likely impossible. We could still travel space without it potentially though.

>> No.7608474
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>it has to be one or the other not both

>> No.7608480

>Most likely impossible.
>likely impossible
dropped, you obviously have no understanding of statistics or physics

>> No.7608523

You dont know that

>> No.7608530

You don't know that we're not. The whole debate is stupid.

So you think it is possible then?

>> No.7608543

Anon we just created a particle with no mass a few days ago we dont know jackshit.

>> No.7608546

Wot, link plz

>> No.7608555


Also you guys should really check out the news on science sites to see the crazy things we are doing today. I mean they just discovered dark matter has particles and a particle made out of nothing but nuclear force.

>> No.7608578

Sounds pop sci tbh

>> No.7609631

I hope to hell so. Nobody wants to fight aliens that have ftl technology

>> No.7609635

We ARE the aliens

>> No.7609638

I read somewhere that Earth-like planets appeared fairly recently and that we're one of the first to exist. So it would make sense.

>> No.7609647

Read it in a clickbait article so it's true.
No way could another planet ever have conditions that favor intelligence evolving more perfect than Earth

>> No.7609652

>Earth-like planets appeared fairly recently and that we're one of the first to exist. So it would make sense.
We know this from looking at the broken kepler scope that examines 150,000 stars

>> No.7609654

I think the point is just that its a real possibility. We might be the most intelligent or there may be others around our level.

Obviously there may be some way more advanced as well but that possibility has been discussed to death, we're all aware of that. How much realistic consideration have we given to the idea that we're the most intelligent though? Not much but there's no reason to think that couldn't be the case.

The article was just trying to point out that its a real possibility it wasn't saying "we are the smartest 100% for sure!!!!!!"

>> No.7609671
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>> No.7609673

>No way could another planet ever have conditions that favor intelligence evolving more perfect than Earth

Based on what evidence if any? Your personal opinion? A galaxy of 400 billion stars and you know all the answers. Get real...

>> No.7609677

WE ANCIENTS NOW!! We are the elder god, primitive aliens will talk about. We will leave behind clues of our existence so other ayy lmaos can travel the stars.

>> No.7609680

What evidence do you have that life did start evolving sooner somewhere else and that they became intelligent before us? This whole debate is dumb.

>> No.7609681

>he doesn't intend to be alive millions of years from now
Normie civilisation may die, but posthuman NEETs will be eternal.

>> No.7609683

No it's your reasoning thats dumb.

>> No.7609686

Lol seems to me both options are equally viable but ok fam.

Maybe they smarter than us, maybe they aren't. Maybe we're just all alone.

>> No.7609688


given that all of the elements that make Earth are common in space, it's more than likely another world similar to Earth exists somewhere in the galaxy. Venus and Mars could have been Earths too (or may have been once long ago) if their history hadn't been as fortuitous.
there is a big difference between making a claim and hypothesizing.

>> No.7609690
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>ok fam

>> No.7609691

>what is sarcasm?

>> No.7609700

u mad cumskin?

>> No.7609712


That's a fair argument but the argument that the universe seems young and the earth seems fairly old (universe is like 13 billion our rock is over 4 billion, we pretty old fam) so it may have been one of the first life sustaining planets is also fair. Neither one is "proof" of anything though.

They're might be super intelligent aliens, they're might not be. I accept the possibility they do exist, why can't you guys accept the possibility they don't? That's all this argument is about. Are you guys /x/philes that just like to believe the big bad ancient aliens are behind everything? I don't understand why some people are so hell bent on "no we are not the most intelligent life!" We don't fucking know! Maybe we are, maybe we aren't.

>> No.7609738

I agree with you.
It's a game of odds and we are nothing special.
If you went out into space and took a look back at the whole, we are a violent and dumb pack of primates. Dumber than a sack of hammers.
A small percent of mankind has achieved some really amazing things that the hoard takes for granted.
Our climb to the top of the food chain was reliant on many strokes of luck. Extinction of the massive lizards for example that gave smaller mammals a chance.
If you look at the big picture though, we still owe our success to violence and adaptability.
Adaptability got us here, an offshoot of intelligence. Combined with the fact that we are driven to fuck anything that moves.
I'm certain that in the vastness of space there have been circumstances that favored real intelligence.

>> No.7609740

>lol humans r dumb primates meme

fuck off.

>> No.7609758

>It's a game of odds and we are nothing special.
um no.

If its a game of odds we are super fucking special. what are the odds of all of the cosmic events that made earth randomly coming together in just the right fashion as they have. Super slim odds.

The fact we exist at all and can comprehend our own mortality is so stupendous you could actually call it miraculous.

So dont give me that "humans are dumb creatures and nothing special" bullshit.

>> No.7609759

>we are a violent and dumb pack of primates
>Dumber than a sack of hammers
First thing, first. Tips fedora.
Now to the real reply. You're the fucking moron. If you believe humans are dumber than a sack of hammers then you are lacking critical thinking. Humans aren't violent all the time. Certain people are but not all. You are just a smug hipster who thinks the world owes him a favor for being alive. Fuck off with your princess mentally, fruitcake.

>> No.7609761

Didn't know this was a meme.
What percentage of the human race believes in a deity? What percentage of the human race lives in poverty? Which male gets the hot tinder girl for the night? the guy with 150 IQ or the guy who looks like vin diesel?

>> No.7609764

You do understand that we are an organic species living an inorganic universe? DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING RARE THAT IS?

>> No.7609767

This post is strange you say you agree with me, when I'm arguing we may or may not be the smartest, and then you proceed to argue that we are the smartest. Wat?

Also that all sounds like philosophical reasoning not scientific. If its how you feel fine just don't go around acting like you *know* there's something smarter than us out there. You don't know, no one knows, we could be number one.

>> No.7609773

>What percentage of the human race believes in a deity? What percentage of the human race lives in poverty? Which male gets the hot tinder girl for the night? the guy with 150 IQ or the guy who looks like vin diesel?
>Religion is bad
>Humans live in poverty because of religion
>Hot guys fuck hot girls
>Vin Diesel
This is the most random post I've read. I'm surprised you can form a sentence; let alone a thought.

>> No.7609774

Opps *then proceed to argue we are not the smartest.

>> No.7609783

Most of us are running in pure emotion, like you when you made this reactionary post

>> No.7609786

I agree that we don't know

>> No.7609790

You do understand how big and how old the universe is?

>> No.7609791

>pure emotion
Your post is emotional and retarded. Everything you posted is pseudo-intellectual babble.

>> No.7609796

Yes. The universe is HUGGEEEEEEEEE. And its 14.8 billion years old. Which makes it likely that we are the first intelligent lifeform to form.

>> No.7609797

Nice argument.
I rest my case

>> No.7609799

> likely that we are the first intelligent lifeform to form

that isnt "likely" at all. What is most likely is that you are a retard and should stick to lesser boards.

>> No.7609811

Someone is butthurt that he won't see AYY LMAOS in his lifetime. There's already studies on the matter that we're most likely the first intelligent lifeform to form. The Universe is young. All you said was HURR DURR HUMAN ARE STUPID AND VIOLENT WHO LIVE POVERTY BECAUSE VIN DIESEL AND HOT GUYS. literally what you said. I wasn't being emotional. You were. I just replied that were being irrational and acting like a fedora. But you take things too personal which leads me to believe you're a NEET hipster.

>> No.7609818

That's a different poster and you're a troll.

>> No.7609823

>different poster

>> No.7609827

You got some serious issues anon.

>> No.7609837

Proves my point huh?

>> No.7609847

>says FTL is impossible
>Doesn't realize that by FTL most people mean "getting there faster than light does"
>eg alcubierre drive or Einstein-rosen bridge

>> No.7609851
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It make sense that we are the first.
After all, Humanity is about to birth an everexpending machinegod that will soon engulf this galaxy.
Assuming computation is an inevitable outcome of intelligence, the only meatbag civilisation that can exist is the first as soon after a machinegod assimilate it's home galaxy.

Assimilating more than its birth galaxy may take long enough for intelligence to arise elsewhere, if ftl isn't possible, so we may still not be the first ever in the whole universe, just in this galaxy and her local neighborhood.

>> No.7609853


>> No.7609856
File: 21 KB, 220x240, 5763428843_ce57f1f3a9_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It make sense that we are the first.

>> No.7609859

Most humans spend all their spare time trying to satisfy primal instincts, but in perverted ways.
Slaves to the endorphin release. We are driven to trigger the brains reward circuitry.
If this is the height of universal intelligence then that makes me depressed.

>> No.7609860


>> No.7609861

Yeah and meanwhile dogs are dumb as fuck and go around shitting all over the place no idea why and they dont care anyway. Be satisfied you arent a dumb dog.

>> No.7609862

>Physics: We're not special in any way
>/sci/: We are special.

>> No.7609866


>> No.7609867


>> No.7609868
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>implying sentient intelligent organisms formed from the debris of exploded stars isn't special

>> No.7609878

You are right in the sense that we can't totally rule them out, they require more testing, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you.

Also considering the fact that you seem optimistic about FTL travel I'm gonna go ahead and assume that you understand all the implications of traveling FTL as predicted by relativity. You'd be opening the door to causality violations.

Now I admit its possible relativity is wrong and causality is preserved through something other than the speed of light or its possible the universe simply isn't causal but neither of those things seem likely.

>> No.7609890

Physics says (or rather assumes) that the humans don't occupy a privliged position in the universe, which means that the laws of physics here are the same all over the universe. It doesn't make the value judgement you're implying.

>> No.7609911

At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day. More than 80 percent of the world's population lives in countries where income differentials are widening. The poorest 40 percent of the world's population accounts for 5 percent of global income.Jul 20, 1998, wiki

>> No.7609924

Who cares about subhumans, we're talking about humans here.

>> No.7609953
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>> No.7609975

>If there is intelligent life, we would have to find it.
>Space is big, we would have to pick up some kind of signal from another civilization in order to know where to go / look
>This means they would have to had developed radio technology
>The odds of picking up radio signals from a civ that has JUST happened to invent radio is pretty low
I think that's the line of reasoning that another civ would be ahead of us

>> No.7609976

The speed of Causality is set for things moving through space-time. Not for the contraction and expansion of space-time itself.

>> No.7609979

That makes sense. I iz defeat.

>> No.7610009

Wormholes and the proposed warp drive both open up the possibility of closed time like curves which can potentially violate causality.

I'm not saying its impossible dude but the chances don't look good. No FTL doesn't necessarily mean no interstellar travel so don't worry we may travel space without it, it just won't be like star trek.

>> No.7610038
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>no mass
>what is photon
>what is neutrino
>what are all other gauge bosons

>> No.7610044
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>OP /threading his own post

>> No.7610054

>We are the oldest, most advanced, intelligent life in the universe.

If you had said galaxy, then I can understand your claim. But saying universe is ridiculous.
At least we can fathom a galactic scale.

>> No.7610061


>> No.7610105

Because the statistical likelihood of being the first in such a vast universe seems (literally) astronomically low

>> No.7610147

>>what is neutrino
>>what are all other gauge bosons
All massive, except for the gluon which doesn't even exist as an asymptotic state. The only detectable gluons are in hadrons, plasma, or glueballs, which are all massive.
That guy wasn't talking about fundamental particles anyway, but the nature of his reply suggests that perhaps he doesn't have a fucking clue what he's talking about.

>> No.7610182

Love me some Asimov

>> No.7610221

mlfao this tbh lads

>> No.7610225


The universe is fucked.

>> No.7610237 [DELETED] 

Those are designated shitting beach though

>> No.7610414

Why doesn't anyone agree with him?
The universe is literally a fucking baby, odds are we are the first intelligent lifeform. It could go either way but this is a valid theory.

>> No.7610447

Reminder of the Wow! Signal from 1977.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wow!_signal

>> No.7610544


I proceed under the assumption there is no one else within any consequential proximity.

Even if we assume humanity hasn't simply one the lottery by getting this far and intelligent life capable of connective learning is common, the evidence (or lack there of) tips the scales slightly in favor of us being alone. Any other civilization would likely have begun many millions of years ago. Civilization as humans comprehend it invariably burns through resources. After millions of years a civilization will have either expanded beyond the confines of its planet and beyond or it will cease to be a civilization as we comprehend it and find an equilibrium with its environment in which it will remain until some planetary cataclysm destroys it. A civilization that continues on the former route of growth would become increasingly visible to outside observers, but we see no evidence of a millions year old interstellar civilization so the route of stagnant equilibrium and inevitable destruction is more likely. We can't be certain though, all we have is a best guess.

The prospect of the universe being mostly dead and quiet and the only species capable of progressing the complexity of life beyond the plateau of planetary existence invariably going extinct as quickly as they pop up may seem bleak, but I'm not disheartened. On the contrary, I find it invigorating. If our peers have failed then the mantle of hope for the complexity of life falls solely on humanity. We should use it to strengthen our collective resolve to spread beyond Earth and break through the Great Filter.

>> No.7611536

Praise the Omnissiah.

If any machine race assimilates the galaxy, let's hope it's the human-spawned one.

If we have any hope of detecting alien life, would it not be most likely to take the form of an AI probe?

>> No.7611602
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All the older, more advanced, intelligent life has already disappeared after thriving for a certain amount of time

>> No.7611609

Or it never existed. Universe isn't that old. It is possible we're one of the first. Its possible we're not as well but people need to stop having such hard ons for advanced ancient aliens. We don't know if they ever existed.

>> No.7611614

This 100%, if only the rest of the world would put aside their petty squabbles and do what is best for Humanity, to progress scientifically as a collective should be our sole purpose. Yet we sit here stagnating like the civilisations of old which ceased to expand and explore, left to contend within their self imposed boundaries and slip into a meandering state of decay. If only everyone felt as we do, I believe that one day we will but I wish to see that day come and there is no sign of it coming before my time here is over.

>> No.7611617


fucking samefags.

>> No.7611627


Collecting resources to a concentrated area in space has a purpose in a long run, though, if a planet can produce more than one intelligent lifeforms.

>> No.7611699

And just today I read about a bacteria that sequestrates carbon dioxide. What a lovely day, what a lovely day indeed.

>> No.7611703

>thinks emotion is bad and illogical
>logic and determined by emotional action and reaction
If we are to die anyway why do we continue to eat? because wanting to live is logical? No wanting to live is an emotional reaction to our mortality. Your pseudo-intellectualism harms more than it helps. Logic and emotion go hand-in-hand, if food makes you feel bad is it logical not to eat it again, you bet your ass it is yet in the first place you will need that emotional reaction in order to justify whether it is logical or not to continue. Everyone believes that emotion harms the mind and any possibility to reason logically, yet You need to understand that extreme levels of emotion are what cause irrational/illogical reasoning. Thus it is not emotion which is a hindrance to Humanity and Intelligence but the extremes of emotion which may cause the hindrance.

>> No.7611729

What if aliums don't give a shit about finding intelligent life and have no need to since they can think about themselves for once?

>> No.7611741

The universe is in diapers and humanity is barely figuring out how to get out of the crib aka our planet. Humanity is a meant to be that young prodigy who graduate college at 10. Ten thousand years from now, humanity will be a preteen.

>> No.7611743

Daily reminder that high energy stored hydrocarbons are the only way for an intelligent species to climb themselves into industrialization and if their planet doesn't have it, they're fucked.

>> No.7611749

The smartest people who have lived are often the most empathetic. They can relate to others and understand their struggles. Those who are smart but can't connection emotionally have autism. This is why the term exist. Its to help them. 4chan thinks hurr durrr emotion iz bad, logic good. It equaz high IQ. The poster you replied to is a smug asshole who is most likely a sociopath pretending to have emotion.

>> No.7611756

You oil and gas? For your species to become intelligent it needs to become carnivores. The brain requires a ton of energy.

>> No.7611817

>Eating oil and petrol

Are you fucking bacteria?

>> No.7611827

Daily reminder that humans are social animals. Do you think you're a special snowflake for not feeling emotions?

>> No.7611828

This thread is full of massive amounts of assumptions.

>> No.7611906


>> No.7611925

That notion is completely absurd.

>> No.7611950

His dick must be incredibly small to be able to fuck bacteria.

>> No.7612151




>> No.7612486
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I was looking forward to Humanity having a evolutionary challenge with intelligence Extraterrestrial civilizations\Species but I guess there's no evidence for intelligence Extraterrestrial Species Existence.

>> No.7612495

We can't prove they exist and we can't prove they don't.

Op was dumb for saying "we are the most intelligent", we don't know that but bold statements get more replies than reasonable ones like "maybe we are the most intelligent".

There could be aliens out there but maybe they're all dumber than us, maybe they're about the same as us, maybe they don't exist at all and we're alone. All of these things are possible.

The article that many seem to want to dismiss as "clickbait pop sci" was just about pointing out the possibility that we are the most intelligent life there is, not saying its a fact, and /x/ fags who want to act like its a fact ancient super intelligent aliens exist need to clam the fuck down, we don't know that.

We don't know is really all we can say about any of this stuff so the whole debate really is pretty dumb.

>> No.7612500
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Nothing is dumb.
I don't think Anthro intelligence Extraterrestrial Species exist. Maybe Simple bacteria like organisms only exist on other planets.

>> No.7612537

>Nothing is dumb.
Lots of stuff is dumb.

>I don't think Anthro intelligence Extraterrestrial Species exist.
What reason do you have to believe that?

>> No.7613660

my dawg

>> No.7613675

There's no evidence for Anthro Extraterrestrial species

>> No.7613683


>> No.7613691

the oldest ones died out . they had some gay seeding project but never thought to check in on the results. they even rigged the orrt cloud and similar natural comet creators to spread microbes across space

they got wipped out by bacteria that they produced and seeded some comets. 1 produced methane hydrate the other eats it and after a few million years they mutated and became a plague that dusted their home planet

the bacteria drifted in slowly in the wake of the comet. it didnt burn up because it moved to slowly and had so little mass. they did all their work with probes and never left their home planet

>> No.7613693

Yes there is.

The universe is a very large place, and there's nothing at all to suggest that the Earth is unique. Intelligent life evolved here, so it's strongly likely that it has evolved elsewhere too.
It's not clear cut proof, but it's definitely evidence.

>> No.7613695

Science Fiction.

>> No.7613705

>Yes there is.
No there isn't.

>The universe is a very large place
Wow great observation.

>there's nothing at all to suggest that the Earth is unique
Except for the fact that it is unique.

>Intelligent life evolved here
You assume.

>it's strongly likely that it has evolved elsewhere too
No it isn't.

>It's not clear cut proof, but it's definitely evidence.
You have presented zero evidence.

Next time, actually think before posting so I don't have to waste time correcting your bullshit.

>> No.7613753

Earth is around a quarter of the age of the universe.
It took around a quarter of the age of the universe for life to form and then evolve into an intelligent race.
We're the first.

>> No.7613757
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>opinions become facts because I say so

Stop using the word Universe.
Its possible to conceive we could be among a few sentient intelligent races in this GALAXY, but don't attempt to try and fathom a universe. Forget about that.

>> No.7613758

Impossible and too silly to believe.
Universe is 13.799 billion years old.
300 Sextillions stars, 200 billion Galaxies and Trillions of Planets in the observable universe. It's logically impossible to be the first.

>> No.7613770

It is not impossible to be first. Someone has to be first.

Anon should not have asserted that we are first though, we don't know that. We might be, we might not be. I can't believe this discussion is still going when we really have no clue about this stuff.

>> No.7613776

People believe in illogical things.
Earth is 4.55 billion years old.
Universe is Flat and possibly infinite.
We live in the observable universe. Not the Universe.

>> No.7613784

Uh OK? What are you getting at? That means we're first? We're not first? You just stated some facts but I don't see what your point is.

The only thing that will ever settle this is finding fucking aliens. Currently we can't rule out either possibility.

>> No.7613787


>> No.7613788

> aliums suck at compressing images

>> No.7613789

Most people just want something more than they got. Advanced Ayy lmaos imply tech isnt as advanced as it could be and the potential of a huge tech leap due to intervention.

Its just the more favorable of the 50-50 possibility.

>> No.7613790
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>the universe is binary

>> No.7613791

How can we provide Extraterrestrial life exist. If we don't know it look like?

>> No.7613796

What is Extraterrestrial?
How do you know we're first?
Provide we're first. But first you provide Extraterrestrial Species don't exist.
But how can if you don't know what it actually is?

>> No.7613800
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>we as a race thus are given the inadvertent responsibility of being the galaxies caretakers
>we can't have primitive fun anymore and must be a beacon to which other species can aspire too

>the mantle of responsibility belongs to humans

>> No.7613801

This. I realize the people insisting we're first are dumb but I wish the people insisting we're not first would just admit that the only reason they think it must be that way is cause the thought of advanced alien tech gets their dick hard.

Yes it would be cool to meet a more advanced species, that doesn't mean they must be out there.

They might be or they might not be that's all we really know.

>> No.7613804

I don't know dude I'm saying no one knows and both sides need to stop acting like they "know".

>> No.7613807

Freedom to believe.
You have freedom to believe in Almost Anything that you want.
No matter what.

>> No.7613810

>Except for the fact that it is unique.
It's not like it's covered in magic Earthonium. If Mars had formed a magnetic field then it would still have air and oceans. If Venus hadn't undergone a runaway greenhouse effect it would be almost identical.
And when we look at other solar systems, we see plenty of big rocky planets at different distances from their stars.

>You assume.
Har Har.

>You have presented zero evidence.
There are lots of planets in the Universe.
Planets that have a shot at being Earthlike aren't very rare.
Therefore there are a lot of Earthlike planets in the universe.
This Earthlike planet produced inteligent life in about four billion years.
There have been planets around for many billions of years.
Therefore it's likely that intelligent life has evolved elsewhere.

Unless you have a good reason to believe that "here" is special, it's unreasonable to assert it's unique.

>It took around a quarter of the age of the universe for life to form and then evolve into an intelligent race.
>We're the first.
I don't see how that follows.

>It's logically impossible to be the first.
Not impossible, just highly unlikely.

>> No.7613813

>But first you provide Extraterrestrial Species don't exist.
That's not how science works. The null hypothesis is that aliens do not exist. It's up to you to prove that life outside of Earth does exist.

>> No.7613817

OK you can believe. But believing something doesn't magically make it fact.

>> No.7613823

>Planets that have a shot at being Earthlike aren't very rare.
>Therefore there are a lot of Earthlike planets in the universe.

Some of the dumbest circular reasoning i've seen.

>> No.7613824

True. But None of Us truly knows the truth. So anyone make any claim that they want. At long, the truth isn't known.

>> No.7613827

That's all any discussion of extraterrestrials is.

>> No.7613836

You know this thinking is why /sci/ hates /x/ right?

>no one knows the truth therefore all beliefs are equally valid

Try to build a plane without aerodynamics. You can believe they fly through pixi dust if you want but good luck getting it off the ground with that.

>> No.7613841

Doesn’t the fact that we haven’t found any kind of evidence of alien intelligence count as evidence for absence? Not definitive evidence, obviously, but valid enough to warrant paying attention to.
Things like the lack of telltale heat signatures of large scale computational processes (which I reckon is inevitable for any kind of technological intelligence, but I could be wrong), the relatively huge evolutionary hurdles and improbabilities that we had to surpass (which I admit we have little information with which to actually assign a proven level of probability, other than the lateness of the arrival of intelligence in the ~2 billion years that multicellular life has existed on earth) before we developed our current level of intelligence, etc. seem to suggest 2 possibilities: Either technology-oriented intelligence is astronomically improbable to arise, or there is one of the famed “great filters” in place.
Now, if such a filter exists, it must have stopped millions or billions of intelligent civilizations before we came about, which would require it to be an incredibly strong enforcer to stop the decidedly mighty resourcefulness of intelligence, and we currently don’t have any likely candidates for that kind of barrier. While war and cosmic extinction events like asteroids are big threats to our civilization, these aren’t even remotely close to cause our demise as the great filter would be required to be to systematically stop intelligent life from expanding to detectability.
All this puts the theory of the evolutionary improbability of technological intelligence in some kind of advantage, but I admit I don’t know enough about evolution to pose a good counterargument for this theory, which might put a bias to my logical chain.

>> No.7613845

I know. But I'm just saying doe.
I don't know, what a Extraterrestrial actually is. So They could be here already.
I don't believe they're here, since there's no evidence for it.
Alien - could be Anything.

>> No.7613852

Oh you think maybe they're already living here? Unlikely but ok I guess if that's how you feel.

>> No.7613855


Another anon here.

Please verse yourself in the basics of the discussion at hand before you try to argue a side in it. Just because the phrase " aliens could be anything" has gramatical sense doesnt signify that it makes any logical sense. Nature has a rigid set of rules, and even the most rudimentary model of these rules excludes any significan possibility of what you propose being posible.

>> No.7613865

I said. I don't believe they're here.

>> No.7613868

I wasn't serous.

>> No.7613871


Oh. Im sorry then, I really need to get some sleep before getting in these threads.

>> No.7613875

I don't know.

>> No.7613877

>Never understood why people always assumed that if aliens exist they must be so much more advanced than us. The opposite is possible as well.
It's not just "exist" but "make contact with us".

Humans are very new, as things in the universe go, and our ability to potentially send an intentional message to beings outside our own solar system is extremely new.

In a universe that's billions of years old, with some star systems forming billions of years before others, it's absurdly implausible that one planet's dominant species which has only learned about radio a hundred years ago would be contacted by another planet's dominant species that only learned about it fifty years ago, rather than one that learned about it thousands or millions of years ago.

There's no reason for our technological development to be closely synchronized with our first contact, and there's no way for it to be far from synchronized in the other direction. Alien cavemen aren't going to bang rocks to us across the void of interstellar space.

I don't think anyone assumes that alien life has to be more advanced than us, just alien life that contacts us in the immediate future.

>> No.7613879

Which is more silly.
Saying Extraterrestrial already here or we're the first.

>> No.7613887
File: 11 KB, 274x253, 6a00d8341bf7f753ef017d4240d16d970c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSR B1620-26 b is oldest known planet in the observable universe.
There could been Earth like planets around PSR B1620-26 b time.

>> No.7613888


Not who you responded to, but Its vastly more probably to contact a civilization much more advanced than us, because its expected that such a civilization would last at least a few million years at the worst, and billions at best. The probability that we would meet a civilization in its first few thousand years is very low, an insignificant fraction of a percent in most concievable cases.

>> No.7613929

That's not circular reasoning.

>Doesn’t the fact that we haven’t found any kind of evidence of alien intelligence count as evidence for absence?
Not really. We've done a REALLY shitty job of looking; the galaxy could be stuffed full of life and we'd still be unlikely to notice it.
Hell, we're still uncovering basic facts about the nearest planets in our own solar system.

>> No.7613945


But we are not talking about a particularly hard to detect event. An intelligent civilization would 1. most probably be at least a few million years old and likely to have really noticeable traces like noisy megastructures radiation-wise, at least in the heat department. 2. Have already repourposed a significant part of the galaxy's mass, having had millons or maybe billions of years to develop.

Altought farfetched, I find pretty plausible that a galaxy only spawns a single succesful intelligent lifeform in its life, because its expansion will likely repourpose all available matter before any other competing intelligence has a chance to develop.

>> No.7613968

Stop anthropomorphizing aliens you retard.

>> No.7615389


Stop thinking we are a special kind of intelligence. Its really probable that another intelligent lifeform would share the same evolutionary goals as we do such as maximizing reproduction through the best available means aka technology. The logical endgame for that is the betterment of intelligence, and the intergalactic expansion of the species.

Or what do you think that an alien civ would do? Why do you think we have special evolutionary goals? Why are you such a huge cumguzzling wankstain?

>> No.7615397

>Why are you such a huge cumguzzling wankstain?
You must be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.7617142

It's up to us to abduct and prove extraterrestrial's anuses life forms

>> No.7618013


>> No.7618016

Nah bro you gotta be 100% on one side of the argument or the other and rage about stupid the other side is.

>> No.7618889


>Because the statistical likelihood of being the first in such a vast universe seems (literally) astronomically low

Everything has an equal amount of chance of being true.

If there were only two possibilites i.e We are the first / We are not the first, then it's a 50/50 chance. You cannot possibly say that one has greater chance than the other because of the fact that there are no evidence to support any of these theories.

Therefore when you're talking about possibilites you need to understand that everything has an equal amount of chance.

>> No.7618905

>Statistical likelihood
>Sample size of 1


>> No.7618923
File: 283 KB, 714x335, probability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7618931

Do you think aliens have memes

>> No.7618933

Where do you read the science news besides /sci/?

>> No.7618983

>162 replies