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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7602550 No.7602550 [Reply] [Original]

Cucks do it for free edition.

How do you take / organize your notes?
What classes did you / are you having difficulty with?
What books / materials are best for certain classes and topics?

IMO ocw.mit.edu is amazing for core subjects, Hoffman & Kunze for linear algebra master race.

>> No.7602555
File: 107 KB, 1839x584, engineering_undergrad_scheduel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting the engineer that posted his schedule

>> No.7602564

I really think people don't dedicate enough time to their classes. When classes are challenging you're supposed to be reviewing that shit and making sure you understand everything, not just taking down notes and scurrying to review them days/hours before the exam.

It helps to keep your notes simple and concise. I write only what's absolutely necessary, so every item in my notes is one of {Theorem, Proposition, Lemma, Definition} and rarely {Example}. I already mentioned this somewhere else, but the idea is that notes are write once read many times, so they should be easy to read to encourage you to review them.

>> No.7602570

I use composition books. Right side is for class notes, left side for book notes and commentary. Class notes start with a date-stamp, followed by organizational stuff (mostly schedule stuff). Day or two i'll start the page with a brain dump. Time stamp and in class commentary in blue pen, class notes in pencil, out of class notes and commentary in green pen. Pretty standard stuff.

Currently having trouble with Probability and Statistics. Footing seems to be pretty good conceptually, but I fucked up the first exam pretty badly, and will have to do a fair bit of work to recover from that.

>> No.7602571
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I'm going back to college after a 2 year break starting in summer and I won't be taking any breaks until I get an AA. How do I maximize my chances of getting accepted to a good university? I'm sorry if this is a really stupid or broad question. I don't really have anyone to ask since both of my parents dropped out of college.

I'm already doing the basics like studying ahead of time and brushing up on things like math and english. Is there anything else I should do?

>> No.7602583

Not really! Just make sure to make use of all the opportunities your college provides. For example, if you have any special interests find a club that does it (competitive programming, physics experiments, who knows). But that's secondary to just studying hard and getting great grades. Make sure you understand all you're doing and know the prereqs well.

>> No.7602590

Ok thanks. I think i've heard that before. Extracurriculars look good on a transcript or something. Oh but something sort of important is that

a) I'll be going to a community college to get my AA and previously attended a really crappy one in Arizona so there's literally no prestige behind any degree that I get. don't know if that really matters at this stage but just asking.


b)I'm sort of paying for everything out of pocket and I've heard that Uni is even more expensive than this. How do people not go broke and jump off a building?

>> No.7602596

Who knows man, all you can do is work your ass off and hope for financial aid I guess. Try not to go overboard with loans but take them if you need to.

>> No.7602617

OK. I'll try my best then.

>> No.7602701

>9am to 12am classes
What? My average day have 6 hours of classes, maybe even more. Such an easy schedule is common for you?

For my notes btw I use to read the textbook before the semester to understand the material and grasp some important concepts even if only the basic ones. Then I write notes for the future classes and add other things when they begin. It works very well.

>> No.7602704

you have 6 hours of classes 5 days a week? lol toy must be a bong that has "tutor" classes.

>> No.7602711

Jebus christ, this guy is already conditioned to be subservient little wagecuck.

>> No.7602715

this isn't /r9k/.

>> No.7602741

Any good reads for Probability theory basics?

>> No.7602793

Yes, 6 hours. Even days: calculus, digital systems, programming. Odd days: physics, linear algebra, experimental physics and some enviromental shit. 2 hours each, do the math fam

>> No.7602797

so you're taking 30 credits a semester? sure m8

>> No.7602835

anon that makes no fucking sense

>> No.7602961

obligatory russian engineer dude with like a 30 minute video on advice for engineering students


to sum the video up

>don't do any drugs other than alcohol or nicotine if you want, especially pills
>engage in your classes, ignore faggots
>study where loads of the other engineers are studying (engineering computer labs)
>study every day, stay consistent, don't cram
>stay away from dumb asses
>treat it like a job

>> No.7602969

A couple of important things:

1) If you want to have a 4.0 GPA you take notes on paper, don't even bring your laptop/surface/ipad/whatever to class unless it is a CS class.
Notes on paper is superior to everything else, i don't give a fuck about your meme-onenote/evernote. They are all garbage. Do you know what professional journalits (not tabloid shit) use when they are taking notes during an interview? Pen and paper. Guess why...

2)Unless you go to med school this (>>7602555) is completely useless. I know engineering is hard as fuck, but if you study this much yuo'll get burnt out very quickly. Honestly if you need more than 4 hours a day of study (homeworks included), that probably means you are not good enough for your degree. I don't say this blaming people, I just want to help people in difficulty rethinking their choices. Pre-exam week is an exception. And, as I said, med school is also an exception.
That kid in your mech.-engi. course with almost 3.95 gpa? I bet he studies 2-3 hours a day, sometimes he doesn't even open a book.

TL;DR: "STUDY HARD" is a shitty meme. Studying should be one of the MANY things you do. If you are just using your time to study, it means you are not good enough, sorry.

>> No.7602988

Yes, but It turns out to be 25 because of the uni method

Why not?

>> No.7603138

lol you're not at 25-30 credits a semester in a hard major. you're not in the USA, at least.

>> No.7603168

You mean a functioning member of society?

>> No.7603173

>tfw two-time college dropout
>crippling laziness/apathy prevents me from doing homework or even showing up to classes that I don't care about
>never get through the bullshit to actually take classes that interest me

is there any hope for me

can you "learn" to be less lazy?

>> No.7603177

Notes: My opinioms is that they should be my personal take on the professor's demonstration.

My notes are the professor's board/projector writings with lots of my own annotations mixed in. I try to make them entertaining. (write unexpected corny jokes, quotes from my friends in class or the prof) by doing this my notes are a good review but also enjoyable to read. i particularly enjoy my vector calculus notes. very well done.

if my notes are not informative, i rewrite them. makes a great review.

>> No.7603185

>spend time taking notes
>miss everything the professor says
I'm about to just quit notes tbh
Fuck am I going to do with a notebook full of notes were everything that I can't just find in the textbook means nothing to me?

>> No.7603191

Fuck all the meme über man sleep schedules and 4 hours a day studying for all your classes.

Get at least 7 hours of sleep every single night. Pay attention in class. Study for the test a few days in advance. Even 2 should be sufficient.

>> No.7603193

maybe for some pleb ass math degree

>> No.7603200

>Le smart but lazy meme

Cut that out.

>> No.7603201

>he has to do more than the bare minimum to succeeded

I'm glad I don't have a neanderthal IQ like you lol

>> No.7603205

literally just record the lecture and take notes only on shit you really want to remember. don't write down the professor word for word.

>crippling laziness/apathy prevents me from doing homework or even showing up to classes that I don't care about

>prevents me

You sound like such an excuse making faggot.

>> No.7603213
File: 31 KB, 1271x387, largest failure on sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bare minimum
no, you wont succeed. youll end up like this guy

>> No.7603214

Not smart, just lazy

110% of people are smart enough to pass "intro to college" and English 1010 and all that other stupid shit

>You sound like such an excuse making faggot.

It's not an excuse to ascribe my failures to flaws in my own personality and then seek advice on remedying them when I fail to do so on my own

>> No.7603217

Lmao that guy is hilarious

(That will probably be me a few years from now when I actually start taking hard engineering classes)


>> No.7603220
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Yeah, why don't you go blame more shit on some imaginary force that's literally just you being a faggot in reality. Fuck off.

>> No.7603227

>tfw I was the other half of those replies

>> No.7603243

>I'm lazy
>how do I be less lazy

>stop blaming some imaginary force for your own actions!!


>> No.7603346

>How do you take / organize your notes?
In class, I usually write very little, noting only important or hard to understand things. I go back and review with the textbook, and take very detailed notes, writing things down only after I understand them.

>What classes did you / are you having difficulty with?
I had a lot of trouble with ODEs because I couldn't amass enough effort to care/study/do the homework for that class. Differential topology is by and large the hardest class I've taken so far, but it's also the coolest. I can't wait for algebraic topology next semester.

>What books / materials are best for certain classes and topics?
In math there are a couple schools of writing. In general, there are books that read like catalogs or references that are just point-by-point theorem/definition/theoreom/proof (Rudin, Artin and Hartshorne are good examples of this). Then there are books that read more like novels (Eisenbud's Comutative Algebra with a View, Shafarevich's Algebraic Geometry, Spivak's Calculus).

The best way to learn math is to find whether you prefer catalog or novel style writing, and learn from those texts, and not going with the /sci/ meme text.

>> No.7603372


I almost forgot that every human is the same. Lmao @ not having an IQ of 160 and only needing to study for a few minutes while walking to the exam room. INferior fuck

>> No.7603388

wanna know how i can tell youre a NEET?

>> No.7603396

Quick if you're still around what's a great Diff Top textbook that reads in the Novel style?

>> No.7603404

click where to find out more?

>> No.7603411

>Honestly if you need more than 4 hours a day of study (homeworks included), that probably means you are not good enough for your degree.
This is a pretty bland statement considering workloads can vary greatly from quarter to quarter tbh fam and also different fields. I agree on grinding being a shit though.

>> No.7603420

Lee's Smooth Manifolds!

>> No.7603492

I'm (>>7602969)

Apart from you being an idiot, I know not everybody is on the 95+ percentile.
I don't care whether your IQ is 100 or 130, if you can't meet the criteria of your degree, you should fuck off.
College should be a privilege, not a right. But what could you know, you just have to throw money to your college in order
to get a degree in your country (non that the situation in Europe is much better).

2)Replying to this other fag [>>7603411]:
Yes, this was a bland statement, it is quite obvious that you may have more workload from time to time, but it gives an idea
on the amount of time you should not be exceding while studying.

>> No.7603684

This fucked obviously doesn't have a job, and I doubt engineering is THAT difficult.

I usually have one or two classes per quarter that absolutely require my attention and work in order to get an A. The other two are classes where my grade just "falls" in comfortably at B or A if I just do minimal studying.

Right now all my classes are push over classes, but I'm studying moderately hard in all of them in order to try to get a 4.0

>tfw never had a 4.0, only 3.3-3.6

>> No.7603687

A lot of people qualify for financial aid but don't know. Never hurts to stop by and fill out an application. Worst that can happen is them saying no

>> No.7603689

I'm a computer engineering student, this guy is full of bullshit. Maybe a 10 requires that, but I'm in my third year and I can handle this just fine with 8 hours of 4chan a day

>> No.7603692

>8 hours of 4chan a day
and compE isnt real engineering

>> No.7604926
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>tfw never had a 4.0, only 3.3-3.6
>telling people how hard you should work
lmao what a joke

>> No.7604945

maybe some people, like, you know, want to push themselves to be the very best like no one ever was... plus compE is literally just some EE and some fucking CS. you're not a real engineering major. a civil is more engineering than you are.

>> No.7605013
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Fuck this stupid fucking book with no solutions manual anywhere fucking archaic Piece of tricky proof based shit fuck you Krueger and your stupid book

>> No.7605091
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We're all going to make it.

>> No.7605173

I've never taken notes and have a 3.86 gpa. Do what works for you man

>> No.7605236

>inb4 being shit on

yeah this can actually work if you're really good at grasping concepts in class then researching afterwards. You have to put in the research time though to thoroughly understand it though.

>> No.7605404


Some of them engineering classes have one problem for homework.

And it takes a week to finish it.

And the person who turns it in correct first passes that grade, everyone else fails.

Shit like that.

>> No.7606159
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lol that's retarded

>> No.7606272

lmao. Are you still in hs?

>> No.7606299

kek german university? i basicly stand up @ 06:30, have courses up to about 13:00, then laboratory shit up to 18:00-19:00. After that i have to go to work and come home at about 22:30. 5 Days a week.
Life's awesome studying chemistry.

>> No.7606345
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top 20 campus shooters here
computer science

Only one question I can answer
>How do you take / organize your notes?
Small open bound sketchbooks, most of them the same so they look nice on my bookshelf. Similar to https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.Md62656e26fc7d09f6b5af813aadf4953o0%26pid%3D15.1&f=1

>> No.7607413

I have two days that are 9am to 9pm a week.
Other days are only from 11 to about 3, give or take a couple hours for lab.
This is dual majoring though.

>> No.7607423

>The alpha as fuark carbon steal's the beta's Br(o) because he's positive about life instead of being a whiny bitch
My Ochem notes were fun.

>> No.7607519
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>if you study this much yuo'll get burnt out very quickly.
I guess all of the engineer majors past first semester of freshman year are burn-outs then. I don't know what shit program you're in, but >>7602555 is the norm for like 90% of my engr peers that aren't failing

>> No.7607556

I always organize my notes as Class > Chapter > Section > Topic > Important Details > Examples > Additional Information (Optional). Works well with Organic Chemistry and Anatomy & Physiology. A new chapter will get a new, fresh page. Each class gets its own notebook.

I always write down my own thoughts on whatever it is I'm learning about that day. Write your inferences in the margins if you can, you'd be surprised how spot-on you'll be as soon as you absorb the information.

Textbooks are redundant unless your homework primarily stems from it. If not, then a text book is, by-and-large, a formalized rewording of lecture. Take excellent notes, and you'll never need to open your textbook for review.

It's important to develop your own style of note taking. Efficiency and an ordinal array of information is critical for good studying habits.

The more your notes make sense to you, the more the material will make sense to you.

>> No.7607559

I'm beggining my third year in january and already failed 10 classes because I'm really irresponsible and just give up a class if I feel the slighest bit of challenge. Some time ago I wanted to be a great researcher and get myself a masters and a PhD because my goal in life was to help humanity go forward, since I don't see any meaning to life.
But now, after being influenced by some philosophers and my own thinking I just don't care about helping science and just want to live my life, finish my coursework and graduate and work with something profitable, doesn't even have to be with engineering. But that won't cut out if I don't motivate myself, since my GPA will be fucked to death. Thank god failed classes don't count to my GPA at my uni, otherwise I would be fucked with the amount of 0's I have. Without them, I have a 2.5 GPA, but I don't really care about it, I just want to not feel like a lazy fucking slob that does not takes the only thing that he's supposed to take care of seriously. I'm not even asking for advice, some of you guys gave me some great advice some time ago that really helped me to start getting on my track. I just want to vent, is all.

Doing EE btw.

>> No.7607562
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>> No.7607575

Spotted the guy who doesn't know what it's like to be at an elite school

How can you say the degree isn't "for" people who work 8+ hours a day? What if I am an average straight A student and want a M.E. degree from MIT? If I think it's worth it to study 8 hours a day, I will

And besides, the very fucking best of the fucking best, the guys who are raping everything, are studying their fucking asses off. I don't care how smart you are you aren't passing honors analysis and abstract algebra as a freshman without working. Ever hear of math 55? Those are about the smartest kids you will find at any uni anywhere in maths and they are spending 5+ hours a day on JUST THAT CLASS at a MINIMUM from interviews with them. And if someone worked 50 hours a week and got a fucking A in that class, beating all the IMO Gold/ 4x Putnam Fellow cucks, I would suck their fucking dick, not tell them they are stupid because they "studied too much"

tl;dr fuck off

>> No.7607577
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>Doing EE btw.

I see a fellow god has entered.

>> No.7607585
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the dude in >>7602555 has a co-op, which is an easy way to spot that he's probably one of the top students in his class. you don't get co-ops without being top, let alone a shitty internship.

tl;dr you have no idea what you're talking about. gg.

>> No.7607601

Thanks, fam. You too. Really hope to get back on my feet now.

>> No.7607655

literally follow >>7602555. any anons ITT wondering how hard engineering is if you want to be good needs to see this.

>> No.7607665


You are free to join the underage retards and their circle jerk echo chamber at >>>/r9k/

>> No.7607673

To let you know, not all of 4chan is /r9k/, especially the SFW boards, and very especially one related to academia.

>> No.7607675

>doesn't go to /r9k/
>recognizes the lingo

getting cucked by the cucks it seems

>> No.7607683
File: 19 KB, 300x430, 1322531317991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain why someone would have to go to /r9k/ or support anything they echo just to recognize "the lingo" that isn't from /r9k/? We're only saying /r9k/ because they're delusional and stupid enough to have such logic. Your posts are going to be hidden, by the way. Any reply you make will immediately be hidden and unread. gg cuck :)

>> No.7607720

literally a homework thread

>> No.7607731

Hey guys, whats a good subfield of EE to specialize in? By good, I mean has a lot of job openings and great future outlook.

I'm looking at hardware (microprocessors, FPGAs, ASICs, GPUs, memories), embedded systems, integrated circuits, control systems at the moment. What's the difference between embedded systems and hardware anyway? Seems to me like they have a lot of overlap. And does this route absolutely require grad school?

Other things I'm willing to get into are signal processing and power systems - renewable energy in particular. But I heard those things are a bore and not exactly sure about their outlook as well.

Please don't go with the follow your passion meme because I pretty much like everything already anyway and if I follow my passion I'd spread myself too thin.

>> No.7607745

>What's the difference between embedded systems and hardware anyway?
A GPU is an embedded system because it is used inside of a desktop PC or whatever. It's just a SYSTEM that is EMBEDDED inside of a larger system, performing a job so that the larger system can function as it is supposed to.

Hardware can be any digital or analog component.

>> No.7607747

Is this a copypasta that I'm not aware of or are there really unis that don't count failed subjects towards your GPA?

>> No.7607748

You could easily find a job with any of those. Just choose what you like.

>> No.7607764

So essentially all those things are basically the same thing then?

They seem very closely related compared to say, remote sensing.

>> No.7607768


Look into microwave systems, if you're interested in the hardware aspects.
learning about communication theory is pretty neat-o as well (PLLs, mixers, freq. spectrum), and necessary to design appropriately.
I tend to think of modern signal processing as a more "digital" field, but it too has interesting topics.

Either way, I figured out my emphasis by talking to upperclassmen, grad students, and professors about their paths and info on their field.

It is okay as a EE to consider yourself a more hardware or software focused dude. But learning more of one will always help with the other, especially in this day in age.

>> No.7607787


Only in the US you guys have this absurd fixation with bell curves and GPA. Here in Europe and in other countries a lot of unis let you retake a class and use the retaken score to calcular your "GPA".

>> No.7607790

Nope, I'm in Australia. That's a really fucking stupid system. If I'm sitting on a C, what's stopping me from deliberately failing the exam so I can retake it next semester and get an A?
Here if you fail, you fail. None of this "everyone gets a medal" shit. You can retake the class, but you can't run away from your past grades. That's the entire purpose of a GPA.

>> No.7607791

Another note: Australian unis don't grade to a curve. I'm not even sure it's legal.

>> No.7607793

>working that fucking hard

where's ur life?

>> No.7607799

frankly, if your life consists on trying to dedicate the least possible amount of time on what you fucking do as your main activity, then your life's shit. refocus your life to put what you like in the foreground.

>> No.7607802
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What do you think is going to happen when you have a full time job? What do you think working at a top company is like?

Also, if you don't like it enough to work on it all day, you shouldn't do it. >>7602555 is probably what the top guys are doing, truly. He has a co-op so clearly he is one of the top and that schedule supports it. Really, that schedule isn't all that crazy.

>> No.7607814

a full time job is 40 hours per week.

that schedule leaves you like 2 hours of free time, I would kill myself.

>> No.7607823

then you dont like doing what you do and you see free work as an escape from it

answer: do things you actually like

>> No.7607825
File: 592 KB, 1839x584, engineering_undergrad_schedule_for_top_students.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go hard or go the fuck home

also made this. feel free to save and post when people ask how hard this is.

>> No.7607826

>This makes me the smartest right? This time for real?

>> No.7607832

co-op is mandatory for an engineering degree in my university.

>> No.7607835

I take my notes down. Write them out in a second notebook to clarify and synthesize. Then I draw them on a giant wall for ochem.
I'm having trouble with quantitative analysis. Like I'm doing well, got the high score on my midterm, but I stI'll am not getting a solid A.

>> No.7607836

At a lot of uni's, it's basically like this for
>electrical engineering has class of 150 guys
>there are 6 coop spots being offered to the top 6 in the class of 150
>whoever gets the best grades, has best personality in interview etc etc gets a spot offer
that's what the best guys get, the god-tier m80s.

the second tier is mostly unpaid internships for the people that are good enough for them

the average guys don't get shit

>> No.7607842

it all works out in the end man, the average person does not live in poverty. that would be insane

>> No.7607844

right, but the whole idea is that if you have a fucking co-op on your resume before you're even out of uni or as a recent grad looking for his first job, you're worth your weight in gold to employers because you had to of been a top student that knows his shit. that's why you see shit like >>7602555 with his "crazy' schedule earning a co-op spot.

>> No.7607871
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I want to get into master's/phd programs(in different fields) after getting a BS in Physics and Computer Engineering but I'm afraid I won't have enough time in my life to complete them. So, is it possible to learn graduate level material on your own without having to go to grad school?

If I study grad level material on my own and publish scientific journals, will the scientific community outright reject them because I don't have a PhD?

>> No.7607889

>math 55
>Math 55 is a two-semester long first-year undergraduate mathematics course at Harvard University, founded by Lynn Loomis and Shlomo Sternberg.
>Shlomo Sternberg
Top fucking kek man. (Not trying to shit on the course or something, just saying it's pretty funny.)

>> No.7608065

In America it depends on the professor mostly, since it kind of lessens the gap between the student's ability and whether the professor taught the content well.

>> No.7608079

i dont think i can take a master tbh.
i dont have the drive

>> No.7608085


Here there's no curve too. And I agree, it does offer the chance to be lenient with your grades, but that costs money. And with no curve, it's fairly common for a professor to fail 70-80% of a class.

>> No.7608090

And I forgot to mention, you can only retake failed classes (less than 60%). So you can't do it for a class that you got a "D".

>> No.7608119

You USA cucks should come to Croatia, I'm majoring in physics and it's 30 ECTS credits per semester, that's a normal study program for everything, from philosophy to math, physics, engineering of any kind.

>9AM - 12PM back to back

he fucking wrote back to back for something that takes 3 fucking hours AHAHAHAHAHAHA

Let me tell you weekly hours requirement for classes for 1. semester, 1. year physics:
3 hours L. Algebra 1 theory+3 hours L. Algebra 1 exercises
3 hours Physics 1 theory+3 hours Physics 1 exercises
3 hours Mathematical Analysis 1 theory+3 hours Mathematical Analysis 1 exercises
2 hours Programming 1 (C++) theory+2 hours Programming 1 exercises
2 hours Elementary Mathematics theory+2 hours elementary Mathematics exercises
+ regular homework + seminars + learning at home.
3 hours back to back classes...ffs

>> No.7608121

you mean professor seminars?

>> No.7608129

I don't what you mean under the term professor seminars

>> No.7608136

Then I don't know what you mean by seminars.
I though you were refering to extra hours the professor dedicate to do exercises or to clarify material to students.

>> No.7608143

Oh yeah and for every subject you have a minimum of homework credits, written exam credits and theory exam credits and seminar credits you must make to qualify for the final exam which is most of the time 3 (or 1) questions from the teacher, like for instance he asks you "The Grassmann theorem", you fail 1 question and off with you, you can take the final exam 2 times, you fail both you have to repeat the subject the next year. Also if you ace, and I mean ace through all the shit (homework, exams, theory, seminars) you still have to take the final exam all the same rules apply and oh yeah the best part is, you ca get straight A's from everything and it doesn't mean anything for your grade, the final exam is the only thing which determines your grade.

>> No.7608146

No seminars as in you do a seminar on a special subject that is given to you by the professor and you have to do it in front of the class, it mostly involves theory+5-10 exercises

>> No.7608195

At top universities, we actually have to do that stuff ourselves. The quality of the research and education at our universities shits on anything from fucking Croatia. Sorry, you're a small fish.

>> No.7608198
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lol too bad i've literally never heard of anyone in STEM from Croatia. stay mad that your education is shit, though.

>> No.7608368
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>mfw this would be a light week for a french undergrad

>> No.7608416

How do I learn to concentrate better in lectures without having to use neuroenhancers

There gotta be a way to stop my mind from wandering off all the time

>> No.7608470
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i sort of have this problem

>no class
>i think i'm gonna sit down and mess around with spectral sequences
>manage to derive some useful results

>during class
>wait so if they were able to infect lazarus with a demon when he was a baby why couldn't they just do the same to his mother so she could live this would have prevented all sorts of corruption from taking over the winter household and even could have prevented the necromancy uprising in central thus preventing the dictatorship from forming and gaining control over half of the continent
>absolutely nothing retained

it sort of balances out because i do most of my learning by myself during my free time, but i simply can not pay attention during class
it kinda sucks tbh, i tried to stop once but overdosed and now 2 of my right toes are paralyzed

>> No.7609256

I don't take notes. The main reasons being that I can usually look up anything I need to in a textbook/journal, and I have a really bad hand washing OCD that often gets in the way of me being able to use a sheet of paper after writing on it in class. I study math by the way, which is why I have a lot of resources to choose from outside of class.

>> No.7609885
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yeah no

>sleep for 8 hours
>work for 14 hours
>two hours off in the entire day

That's not considered light, and I don't care what irrelevant country you're from. This thread isn't going to be your dick measuring contest. Kindly fuck off.

>> No.7610051

I haven't done work this semester or last semester. It's my first year in a science and engineering double degree. can I keep this up?

>> No.7610083

All that work and you're pay shit after college. No wonder those who major in finance shit on engineers. Also the average engineering student studies 40 hours a week.

>> No.7610130

Logic is not relevant to you, I see.

>> No.7610134

Nice opinion you got there, pal.

>> No.7610139
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>those who major in finance shit on engineers
>things that don't happen

>> No.7610143

lol you must live somewhere with days longer than 24 hours.

>> No.7610151

>What? My average day have 6 hours of classes,
My university gives 3 hours of classes a day and the rest is self study.
First year CS.

>> No.7610153

>How do you take / organize your notes?
Laptop + Google Drive, it's great to know I don't have to worry about backing up my notes or that I can use a lab and have all of my notes with me
>What classes did you / are you having difficulty with?
Networking fundamentals
Some of the classes are poorly laid out, we follow instructions from PDFs mostly. I find the book a lot easier to learn from
>What books / materials are best for certain classes and topics?
Principles of Computer Hardware - Stallings

>> No.7610156

>taking notes on a laptop
You're not going to make it.

>> No.7610157

Notes stored as:

>> No.7610161

Why would this be the case?

>> No.7610162


>> No.7610163

You're in uni to learn. You're not in uni to memorize. You will not learn with reading on a screen in the F pattern that we do and typing on a keyboard does not help you retain information as writing notes does. This is the entire reason we still do this and there are studies that prove this.

tl;dr you're not going to make it if you type your notes, sorry.

>> No.7610164

In Europe most university use the ECTS system which means 60 ECTS or 1800 hours work per year. This is about 34.5 hours per week on average. But since lectures are only in about 30 weeks per year in reality it means 50+ hour weeks during the semester.

>> No.7610166


>> No.7610168

notes != revision

I understand that typing doesn't work as well as handwriting, I swapped to digital notes because of handwriting that I couldn't read. When it comes to needing to learn a topic, I find I've had a lot of success with other methods.

>> No.7610172

good video! tho i dont understand why people seem to think drinking alcohol is okay even if you want to maximize your potential as a student. Nicotine I understand because you dont get fucking high or drunk from it, or maybe just for like 20 seconds. Alcohol is a goddamn poison and it should be banned instead of marijuana.

>> No.7610173

tho im not saying you should smoke weed either, just no drugs at all is gud

>> No.7610177

Having a beer while studying is actually good for you and makes you smarter.

not even trolling, there is a term for it and a big study that proved it. If you have more than like 1-2 beers though, it makes you worse.

engineers and CS guys do it all of the time.

>> No.7610183



tl;dr drinking a beer when working is good for you

>> No.7610268

oh, i didnt know that, well maybe it is then!

>> No.7610857

Well yeah, here in France the undergrads (in prep classes) routinely have 6 to 8 hours in class from monday to friday, then a 4 hour-long written test every saturday and 2 hours of oral examination (one in math and one in either physics or english depending on the week) every week. And that's not counting the biweekly homework assignments and the work to put in at home everyday to study what has been done.
Sorry you had to learn that your country is irrelevant that way pal

>> No.7610879
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>30-40 hours in class
>6 hours of tests and exams
>plus homework assignments

>>7602555 The first post of this thread has a guy that literally studies all day, every day and is in an engineering degree. You either study all day and are in the hardest majors or you don't and aren't. Your e-peen can only be so big without losing sleep like a retard. Sorry, but literally nobody cares about a french STEM degree. Nobody cares about any STEM degree that isn't from the USA, England, Australia, or Canada.

>> No.7610883

being spoonfed isn't impressive and is why your education is crap.

>> No.7610887
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okay, so this is said yet >>7610857 clearly shows that the US engineer in the first post works more by himself in a hard major than you do in an entire curriculum. You're irrelevant and idiotic. Deal with it.

>> No.7610930

>you're in university to learn

Already forgot 90% of what I "learned" there

>> No.7610945
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>> No.7611120

lel I'm doing CS but the course is a total 3 years and I do 2 subjects per 8 weeks (calculus, linear algebra etc).

I have had roughly 14 contact hours a week but I don't like going to there because usually the explanations suck or you can easily read them in the book and not waste time. Still some classes are mandatory and explain stuff you only get taught in class.

I think my average workweek is 40 hours of actual work that includes the contact hours and 10 hours travelling. So roughly 50 hours of work I don't travel for fun with the train.
Bullshit European Union has made ever since it created amazing standards for all its educational institutions to be similiar. It is ever growing similar. A degree in Germany is just as good as in UK. Also no employer looks at what university you graduated, except if it is from some poverty shithole like the middle east or Africa.

Also why are people ITT flinging shit around over who spends more time and what is harder? Just do your degree and acquire a good job with a good salary. I don't really give a shit about some subjects that are taught in university and I don't give a shit about grades as long as I pass since most grading I get is utterly retarded. Like giving multiple choice questions that weren't covered in the material or were only covered in a lecture were you where half asleep since the lecturer struggled with the language you speak or was just teaching boring or way too fast.

>> No.7611130

Those who major in econometrics and economy are doing better than some STEM degrees out there.

But econometrics is more math in my opinion and is STEM and some economics courses offer a lot of math as well and that also makes them STEM I guess (well it's a Bsc).

>> No.7611137

the only people flinging shit are the ones that keep trying to start a dick measuring contest after seeing >>7602555. the engineer in that picture probably has never even been ITT.

>> No.7611145


Wtf are you guys on about. Goodluck handwriting notes on important stuff and want to read them back and think : ''the fuck I wrote'' or you miss some components.

The human brain isn't designed to memorize long lists. Do you think that if you write all the states of the United States down right now and tomorrow you have to name them all that you don't miss a few? Of course you'll miss a few. Hence we use paper and books as tools of information. Once we processed the information it becomes knowledge, and the knowledge you attain is subjective as it differs from person.

It is not really smart to handwrite something down because you will never memorize the list in one go anyway. Also having something written on a laptop or paper is way better than transferring information orally through lectures. Because a lot of complex sentences are hard to form in the head and a lot of information can go lost in the transfer process. This isn't the case if it's written since you can read a sentence multiple times to know it's meaning. Also with information transfers orally in for example a lecture setting is that if attention drifts away some information gets lost and this can screw up the rest of the information that the lecturer wants to transfer.

>> No.7611150

nice pseudoscience

>> No.7611186

Seriously do as >>7603205 suggested and audio record the lectures. I started last year when I took anatomy and physiology with a professor who didn't have any PowerPoints, talked quietly, and wrote just a few things on the chalk board. It really helped to have something I could listen to while rewriting the jibberish I scrawled in lecture. Now I listen to the recordings as I clean the house or walk around at work (have an easy on campus job that let's me listen to music).

Recording also gives me the chance to actually listen to the professor and jot down what I feel is important. They all have their slides online so I just rewrite the notes while listening to the audio and add my connotations as needed.

Something else that works for me is different colored pens. When I rewrite my notes I look for words that are repeated and assign them a color. Anything dealing with water is usually blue, sodium always ends up pink, etc. Even the figures I draw relate to the colors. It gives me an opportunity to quickly review my notes and find the answers I need for homework.

>> No.7611220

the hands teach the mind. the act of writing is a form of learning. typing or voice recording doesn't have the same effect.

there have been studies about this m8.

>> No.7611283

That's really variable between people, some people learn much better listening to recorded lectures, for other people taking notes is better. For me personally, I can't digest anything if I write during class so I listen, and then review a friend's notes when I get home, and then again before the exam.

>> No.7611875

You know, I'm in grad school and I have 16 hour weeks so I really don't care about whether or not you guys feel insecure about your undergrad workload.
I just wanted to set some things straight about what a heavy schedule might be.

>> No.7611896


link the study.. and why would writing be any different from typing? you're still using your hands

>> No.7611999

I don't get what this guys deal is... You never made any excuses, you just stated your character flaw and asked for advice...

>> No.7612010
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>go to high school
>it's fucking easy
>all a's
>get electronics training in the army
>it's fucking easy
>top 3 in class
>do gen-ed and pre-reqs at community college
>it's fucking easy
>>all a's and b's, didn't even study
>land into pre-engineering course at uni

>> No.7612032
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EE here

my favourite modules so far have been things like linear circuits and electronics, analysing transistor based circuits and op-amps and stuff in detail

I'm looking at what kind of career path I wanna start aiming towards but most of the companies I'm looking at approaching for internships and shit tend to be one of two extremes: either full blown power electonics companies or semiconductor design companies, lots of them purely IP based

Does anybody who knows more about the industry know which kinds of companies would involve circuit design/analysis at a larger level than semiconductor design but smaller than power systems?

>> No.7612044

yeah that's just called being dumb

what the fuck is a pre-engineering course anyway, you fucking moron, engineering isn't a course

>> No.7612052

Might be talking bullshit but writing is slower and less efficient, so you can't just switch your brain off and hammer out exactly what a person is saying as easily with pen and paper than laptops, you have to focus more on what they're saying so you can condense it down into the key points so you're able to keep up

Plus there's more to the pysical activity of writing than typing, surely that forces you to focus more on what you're writing more too

>> No.7612138

>Principles of Computer Hardware - Stallings
Do you mean either "Computer Organization and Architecture" or "Principles of Computer Hardware"?

>> No.7612148

Check the sticky you retarded faggots


>> No.7612323
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>went to CC
> pre-engineering major

>> No.7612370

holy fuck you're retarded

>> No.7612372

you already lost. shut the fuck up already

>> No.7612378

How difficult is going to a different uni for my masters after im done with my bachelors with 3.0 grade (on a scale 1-5)? What are some alright unis i have chances of getting into with such poor/average grade in europe? Parents are kind of wealthy so financing is not an issue but I guess there are some academic challenges before that. Btw. it's mechanical engineering.

>> No.7612498

I'm sorry, was there an argument ?

>> No.7612526

I'm taking the GRE tomorrow and I literally never learned math at all. I'm a History major.

The instructional part of all the guidebooks are easy as fuck arithmetic, and then the actual problems are horribly complex combinations of subtle tricks the book never taught. I am going to put all of these books in my ass.

If I don't get into a good grad school with a fucking 168 verbal because I got a 145 quant I'm going to pull my own cock off.

>> No.7612527

The face when I made a 71 on my poly sci exam

I hate that shit man, but it's my last liberal arts class I'll ever have to take

>> No.7613289

Note that 1pm-9pm probably (hopefully) involves short breaks in the middle (~7 minutes), else this guy is working on high diminishing returns / isn't effective.
Regardless of how much you enjoy something, straining activity is straining,


>> No.7613340


>> No.7613519

Guys, whats the difference between an A+ and an A?

At my university both are weighted as 4.0. But say if I apply to grad school and that grad school counts an A+ as 4.3 and A as 4.0, am I fucked?

>> No.7613535

no one gives a fuck about your quant score, im in math and no one even asked my reading score on the application

>> No.7613593

>I write only what's absolutely necessary, so every item in my notes is one of {Theorem, Proposition, Lemma, Definition} and rarely {Example}.
Be careful about that. Showing that two properties aren't equivalent usually involves giving a counterexample.

>> No.7613601

yeah you're definitely fucked. not a perfect little boy that makes no mistake

>oh no m-muh A+'s!!

>> No.7613604

Well, looks like its time to off myself.

Bye! xD xD

>> No.7613607

I study for an hour a day and I'm in 2B mechanical engineering. Do I study too little? I've maintained an 80% average since starting university.

>> No.7613612

nah, man. you get above average grades. if it aint broke, don't fix it.

unless your trying to do grad school or something, then yeah step it up.

>> No.7613614

Showing that two properties are not equivalent? How often are you going to be proving that?

Anyway, I said I dont copy proofs i don't really get what you mean

>> No.7613623

That's what I figured. Seeing people here posting that they study 4+ hours a day boggles my mind. I don't have the willpower to force that on myself.

>> No.7613627

engineering is all about experience and maybe getting your PE.

>> No.7613631

Yeah I plan on getting my PE after graduation, I have no plans for a master's. I'll have 2 years of work experience under my belt when I graduate thanks to my co-op program.

>> No.7613654

>Showing that two properties are not equivalent? How often are you going to be proving that?
In analysis and algrebra, all the time (I don't think you can find a single semester's qual here that didn't have problems involving it). In topology, fairly often.

>Anyway, I said I dont copy proofs
No, you didn't, but okay. I assume these are undergrad classes you're taking as something other than a math major?

>> No.7613840

>80% average
You're not going to make it.

>> No.7613842

keep up the damage control

>> No.7613872

In Australia 80% is a 4.0.

Amerifats need cotton wool grades.

>> No.7613894

you dont know time management

med student, surgical rotation

>6am, get dressed, feed, get to hospital by 7:00am
>7-8am morning ward rounds, get grilled
>8-10am morning tasks - bloods, consents, bits and pieces
>10-1pm either operating theatre, tutorials, various tasks or with getting things ticked off our compulsory list (interview patients, perform exams, do procedures,).
>1-5pm outpatient clinics. 90% of the time it runs overtime, half the time it doesnt, consultant locks us in a room with him and grills us on obscure things we dont know
>leave for home at 6pm usually, sometimes 7pm
>on call days leave at 8pm due to patients somehow always deciding to go to hospital AFTER they've had dinner
>compulsory to go in one day out of every weekend
>compulsory to present 2 times to consultants from the new intakes - means coming in at 6:00am to see whats happened to them overnight as well as examine the patient first, after rudely waking them up
>study on the bus ride home, eat sandwich for dinner, study until midnight, sleep.

2 months of that. never slept more than 6 hours a night.

weekends were spent studying/chores (i live alone) or catching up on sleep.

surgery was followed by gen medicine, which was slightly better, but the hospital was an hour out from me by public transport.

i havent met up with any friends for the past 5 months, much less have a night out.

>> No.7613903

>cunts think this

>> No.7613906
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>2 months of that. never slept more than 6 hours a night.
For being a medical student, I don't see why you'd be bragging about sleeping for less than 8 hours a night.

You're comparing a grad school to undergrad, btw. the original post is still more impressive because engineering is harder.

>> No.7613909

It is a 4.0, stay mad burger.

>> No.7613910

>tfw engineers are just as impressive as doctors
feels good to know I'm just as impressive from my 4 year bachelors as you are from undergrad, grad, and residency(10-15 years)

>> No.7613913

I'm english. Go be a degenerate cunt.

>> No.7614958

> 1)[post #]

This is the most Reddit thing I've seen all week

>> No.7615100

Anyone here do/doing a master's in mathematics before a PhD? Worried about my math GREs and LOR, might have to do it.

>> No.7615118

Unless you can get a funded Master's program (unlikely) that is a massive waste of money, just take courses at your undergrad and contact your undergrad professors about RA opportunities. Unless you went to community college they should offer things like real analysis, functional analysis, probability, ODEs/PDEs, etc, which should be enough for a PhD in any field

Also it's not that hard to get 800 on the GREQ, just study harder.

>> No.7615154

> I'm just as impressive
not really. you still have to put in another 4 years to get your PE. so you are spending almost as much time.

an engineer without a stamp isn't taken seriously.

>> No.7615257

> notes
> chapter-notes
> practical-notes

Change that shit to "lecture-notes" before I an hero, please.

>> No.7615283

It depends on where you live and work, and it's definitely not the same thing.

>> No.7615287

is taking ODE's online as a winter class a bad idea? it's the last "calc" class i need to take. i still need to take linear algebra and numerical methods but i figure they wont have much to do with ODE

>> No.7615294
File: 210 KB, 1413x453, 4374896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.7615296

my point was that an engineer would still have to put in the same amount of time as a doctor would to reach the same place professionally.

a doctor with his own practice probably did 8 years of school with 4 years of residency.

an engineer with his own firm did 4 years of school with 4 years in industry being an EIT, and probably got a masters in there too.

>> No.7615307
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>numerical methods
>wont have much to do with ODE

>> No.7615314

i don't know anything about the class yet, i was really just speaking out of my ass. i'm not a math major

>> No.7615338

neither am i, but i'm betting you are an engineering major. numerical methods is a predominantly engineering focused class bruh. its essentially Calc 5: Taylor Series Edition.

all the moneymaker DE's don't have solutions (looking at you Navier Stokes), so we approximate everything with shit like


LA and Num Anal are probably the two most useful classes you will take.

>> No.7615375

I hate how /sci/ and /biz/ keep telling people to talk about college stuff on /adv/

/adv/ is nothing but beta 13 year olds whining about their relationship problems. No one wants to talk about academics.

>> No.7615387

And nobody on /sci/ wants to hear 18-19 year olds talk about their undergrad degrees

>> No.7615407
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lol engineers are already working by the time you go to med school. the PE isn't hard and neither is the FE.

>> No.7615426

>the PE isn't hard and neither is the FE.
longer and harder than the bar, lsat, and mcat

>> No.7615429

lol, the FE is the easiest shit in the world dude, what are you talking about? Maybe the PE is hard, but it's not that hard. Any engineer that has been working for 4 years will pass it.

>> No.7615432

>Any engineer that has been working for 4 years will pass it.
then why is the pass rate not 100%

>> No.7615438
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>> No.7615441

Because no one wants to hear about you whiny undergrads, bitch and moan about college. Wait until you go into the real world. Your life will be shittier. Engineers in the real world do boring fucking shit. You'll be designing a screw that goes on a vibrator or knife. Finance majors will be working in their local bank making shit wages. Accountants will be doing shitty bookkeeping jobs or doing people taxes. The huurr durrr google, Big 4, NASA is reserved for people in the top 5 universities and graduated top 5% of their class. If you're neither of those, then don't bother applying to those places. You won't do anything remarkable and your major in college means jack shit in the real world.
Source: someone who works in engineering. IT FUCKING SUCKS.

>> No.7615445

its not just the exams, its the provable 4 years of "professional" experience you have to acquire as well.

progressing beyond the cookie cutter cubicle drone as an engineer takes work.

>> No.7615447

>Engineers in the real world do boring fucking shit
nah. see: >>7610830

>> No.7615451

proof or gtfo

sort of hoping you deliver

>> No.7615461
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>Source: someone who works in engineering. IT FUCKING SUCKS.

>he's not charismatic enough for consulting or sales

>> No.7615470

Just research the type of jobs and wages most people will make. 4chan has this bias of looking at the elite firm wages. You're at best going to make 80k as an engineer ten years after college. Same with accounting and finance. Only 1% of hte population makes more than 100k. The top ten percent of babby boomers make 90k. The top ten percent for millennials make 60k.
Those engineers they're talking about are those who were the top of their class at the best universities in the world. Civil engineers have fun though. Those guys get to go out. Just like petro engineers or mining. But the con is the remote locations and unstable force of the market.

>> No.7615476

Linear algebra is VERY related to ODEs. The whole fucking point of the course is generalizing the solutions of ODEs and reducing them down to algebraic equations. Look up Laplace transforms. Laplace Transforms take linear ODEs and turn them into algebra problems. One's that will be a cakewalk if you linear algebra.

>> No.7615478

>he's not charismatic enough for consulting or sales
That's just shitty fucking work, anon. I did it for two years. Its a shit job with a high turn over rate.
Crap job. You cap your salary pretty early in your career. And its soft skills. So you're useless after 30. You don't want to be a women in sales. You get tossed out after a certain age.

>> No.7615501

>You cap your salary
>caring about salary
>in a sales position

you don't make your money off salary, you make it off commission.

> You don't want to be a women in sales.
>being a woman in a notorious good ol' boys club

i think i found your problem.

>> No.7615502
File: 27 KB, 324x278, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cap salary

>> No.7615507
File: 17 KB, 370x403, hard_to_believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah m8 i bet that guy making 220K a year in his sales engineering position is really bummed that he only gets like 75K of it from his salary.

>> No.7615508

>they think commissions are infinite..
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. You fags do understand that commissions have an annual limit? Boy, you faggots never worked a day in your life.

>> No.7615514

>You fags do understand that commissions have an annual limit?
>putting in any effort after you hit your limit
>assuming the limits are sub 300k$

nigga, you know those limits aren't that restrictive. you're grasping here.

>> No.7615522

For any Graduate students, how did you choose your thesis subject?
I'm close to finishing my non-thesis M.Sc (direct PhD program), and I still have no idea what I want to do for my PhD.

>> No.7615532

Consulting can be a great job. Depends what company you're with, but you can get to consult on pretty awesome projects. The downside is that they work you like a dog (hence the high turnover). I wouldn't recommend consulting if you have a wife/kids; which is why most consultant engineers are either single or have no kids.
The upside to the high turnover rate, though, is you get promoted faster, since most companies promote from within. Plus, at least in Australia, if you can hack it long enough you should be able to get your CPEng, and be basically rolling in money for the rest of your life. Chartered Professional Engineers can basically walk into whatever job they like.

>> No.7615564

/Sci/entists, I have a dilemma.

I think I'm in the middle of making a huge mistake.

I obtained an AS in Mathematics from a community college. I since then transferred and am now in my first semester in a Mechanical Engineering program.

I'm having doubts about studying engineering. I always thought it was what I wanted to do, but it just doesn't feel right anymore. I think I might actually be on the verge of hating it. I've never dreaded going to class until I started studying engineering.

I suddenly find myself wanting to switch to Math.

I'm thinking of working through a few math texts and OCW and talking to some of my CC math professors about switching majors during the winter break.

Any advice you could give?

>> No.7615569

> I think I might actually be on the verge of hating it.

thats what college is. making you do something you love till you hate it. if you switch to math, you will end up feeling the same way.

its just part of the process m8.

>> No.7615574

Why do you hate engineering? If it's because you don't like doing rote problem sets, get used to it, because that's what you'll do after graduation anyways regardless of your major.

>> No.7615590


>> No.7615597

Dude, stop that shit! We live in an overly sanitized world as it is. You can potentially, irreversible, throw your immune system out of balance by doing that gay, childish shit!

>> No.7615608

Please don't use the word "nigga" or any derivative of the word "nigger" ITT. There are no niggers here, you are not a nigger and contrary to popular belief niggers are not cool.

>> No.7615613

lighten up nigga.

>> No.7615875
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Where are my aeronautical engineering bros at?

>classes fun as fuck
>wind tunnelan
>rocket launchan

>> No.7615888

Nigger do you understand how piss hard engineering is? Even as a Physics Major I got pills to deal with anxiety attacks.

Changing the world ain't easy, go hard or go home.

>> No.7615899

Actually it does, if you can quantify as well as solve & identify your theories with math both in engineering, physics, chemistry, statistics & economical theory standpoint, you basically won a Nobel prize tbh.

>> No.7615905

>french undergrad

Looks like someone couldn't make it to Cambridge.

How does it feel like to be in sub-tier universities?

>> No.7615915

You know what I got from that?

>Unable to generate original idea or theories
>Conformity and destruction of creativity
>Can regurgitate facts but is unable to apply said facts in new situations.

This isn't a dick measuring contest, if you wanna work really really REALLY hard? Then the world is gonna give you places where you can work really really REALLY hard. Even when all the evidence points to the contrary.

>> No.7615924

Usually seek a thesis that would best suit you as well as stuff you have ideas you've already developed, do what you unconsciously get drawn towards in your field, because its easier to construct and research something you really enjoy doing. Unless you have to choose from a bucket lest, then I can give no advice for that.

>> No.7615926

Then comes the math of non isolated s

>> No.7615930

But I heard there was some research done that you memorize things better as well as apply them in more effective ways if you put a recording of yourself to the subject/textbook you are reading and then listen to it later. Something about voice recognition or some shit.

>> No.7616101

>grad school
>16 hour weeks

what kind of shit tier program are you in

>> No.7616129

Are you in fucking high school bro?

>> No.7616210
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>any french undergrad worth his salt
>in a university

>> No.7616239
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>worth his salt
you sound like my Grandpa

>> No.7616301

Sadly most of the good ideas I had seem unpractical in my current lab. I still have a few good ones, but my adviser is trying to deter me towards doing a short PhD that's guaranteed to get publishable results quickly.

>> No.7616335

Thank god I'm only in second year EE and not doing group projects.
My mental health been awful this year. Watch all lectures from home, trying to get permission to submit assignments from home, same with labs and tests. I'm not dumb and I do all the work from home but agoraphobic as hell. Asking them if I can sit all 12 math tests in 2days, doing all labs in straight days, etc.

Professor is asshole "if you can't even pull yourself to go to uni how will you ever get a job", yeah I'm working on it.

>> No.7616883

A shame they don't show more consideration for students with different needs. I hope you'll manage handling it, but what about students with families? Military reserve duties? Pregnancies?

>> No.7616912

The social interactions are a large part of your development.

There is no reason to study EE if you aren't developing socially, your professor is perfectly correct.

>> No.7616994

Freshman business fag here thinking of making the plunge into a /sci/ related field. How difficult would it be to double major in Chemistry & Biology? I'm at UW Madison if it matters.

>> No.7617531

>/adv/ is nothing but beta 13 year olds whining about their relationship problems. No one wants to talk about academics.
So much fucking this, not to mention, due to said betas, the board is too fast for a niche careers thread to live.

>> No.7617562

he's right though, give your seat to somebody who actually wants to be there, asshole

>> No.7617593

The quality of most /sci/ threads is beyond shit, at least there was some useful advice about studying in this thread.
Btw, there was a thread two days ago about some procrastinating faggot, and someone posted this:
Yeah it's full of >muh god and >muh anecdotes, but the advice seems sound, considering that daydreaming about explaining some shit to some retards has usually led to a deeper understanding of the material, as you try to see the logic and motivation behind each step in a proof, and ask your own quastions, at least in my experience.

>> No.7617606

>imblying :DDD
He actually wants to learn, so he has every right to be there, and please don't act like that that random faggot who didn't get into EE because of him isn't a bottom of the barrel retard who'd likely fail anyway.

>> No.7617667 [DELETED] 
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>entrusting your undergrad studies to an anglosaxon uni

>> No.7618537
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>tfw when you go to a no-name school

Does anyone else know this feel? Thinking you deserve more but end up stuck in a state university because you just happened to be rejected to everywhere you applied to regardless of your stellar stats?

Maybe you know someone else with worse stats who ended up at an Ivy or Stanford/MIT/Berkeley. And it all just seems unfair.

They'll get all the opportunities for less than half of what it cost you. And all those hours your work cost you doesn't even get you half of what they have. They'll be a part of something great, while you'll just fade away. People will ask you where you went for school, and maybe they'll have heard of it, just to utter the condescending platitude, "Oh, thats a good school.", when the reality is if your school was in fact great it will only arouse a stunned silence as a reaction.

So now you're here, surrounded by people who just don't care. They're plain, boring, uninteresting people who go to college just to drink and party. None of them had to even work to come here since the university takes just about fucking everyone and their dog. All while your luckier counterpart is surrounded by bright and motivated individuals, an elite and carefully selected group, busy crafting the future. Your classes are all taught by just another professor, while your more lucky counterpart is surrounded and taught by the world's greatest minds.

>> No.7618540
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Maybe you try to turn things around. Do well in classes maybe - but wait. They're all too easy and aren't challenging enough to even be interesting. Your intellectual vitality degenerates, while your luckier counterpart is given a fair challenge and the opportunity to grow.

Maybe you try to enjoy where you are and accept what has happened, let everything go. But it just doesn't happen. Maybe not just yet. In the back of your head you know you're only here because you aren't somewhere else, and the thought lingers like a festering wound. A phantom pain, a weight that you carry. It fills you with a spite that makes you unable to enjoy anything anymore. Sometimes it even leaks out and you inadvertently antagonize and look down on people around you for no reason. You've become an asshole with an inferiority complex, essentially, and you know it.

You can't stop thinking of what could have been - what SHOULD have been, and the mere mention of a better school fills you with a combination of rage and self pity. Your university becomes a constant reminder of failure, of what you've lost - or perhaps never had.

Then you realize, you're trapped in Outer Heaven... where men become demons.

>> No.7618666
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>I'm beggining my third year in january and already failed 10 classes
>10 classes
unless you're at a trimester university, you've failed a third of your classes
drop out.

>> No.7618684
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>tfw exams on thursday
>tfw need to learn 24 proofs for my calculus class

Oh and there will be only 2 questions where you need to prove something and if you fail them you fail the whole exam and course