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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7597483 No.7597483 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /sci/, career thread.

In here you will post:
>Your major in undergrad
>Masters and PhD (if any)
>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)

Then proceed to defend your degree from the negative stereotypes people give your degree and the people with it.

And if it is not completely obvious, explain why the education you got helped you/will help you get your dream job.

>> No.7597496

nope. waste of time
software development for banks, 300k starting, dolla dolla bills y'all

>> No.7597502
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>Your major in undergrad
>Your dream job
Exploration Geologist
>(and if you already have it or not)
I'm pretty well on my way to getting it, given good marks, honours year nearly done, and research work with a group that will remain unnamed under my belt for the resume. I hate to be one of those "ooh i just love nature" types but getting out there boots in the field appeals a hell of a lot more to me than an office job.
I would have liked to do research in some geological field though, apparently there's a connection between crystallography and permutation group symmetries which hasn't had many papers of note published on it.

>Then proceed to defend your degree from the negative stereotypes people give your degree and the people with it.
uh, i guess the negative stereotype is that it's easy because all you do is look at rocks, which is probably true for some sub-fields. Stuff like petrology and geophysics can definitely be very advanced, though.

>> No.7597503

EE from PSU
tesla which i do

>> No.7597506

>biochemistry BS
>pharmacology MS
>interventional cardiology (far away from this)

im 23, applying to medical school soon. my fallback is a career in pharmaceuticals.

>> No.7597507

>geology major
>doesnt know its actually called minerals

its ok, starbucks will always be hiring

>> No.7597511

What's actually called minerals? What are you talking about? I never referred to any minerals in my post.

>> No.7597513

>going for masters
>working for UN, still a student and will be for a while

>> No.7597520

Owning business in relation to chemistry.

Not much negative connotation with chemistry from other majors. Regarding the owning a business, helps to know an area that you plan to work in. Can not exactly start a chemical plant down-town without knowing what dihydrogen monoxide is.

>> No.7597525

Defend the stereotype that anyone working in law is a greedy moneysucking vampire with beady little eyes that makes plants wilt as they walk.

>> No.7597528

>Your major in undergrad
Math & Physics
>Masters and PhD (if any)
>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Daytrader who gets to sit at home getting rich. Then use all my free time working on theoretical physics.

>> No.7597530
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nuclear engineering (2016)
pic related
sent in resume and statement of interest
it's a small team, so fingers crossed

>> No.7597533

I'm better than you therefore I don't need to defend myself.


>> No.7597536

the stereotype may apply to guys who want to become attorneys or go for corporate law aka the people you see in movies

law is a wide subject field

you've got plenty of relatively idealist people in international law for example

>> No.7597541
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Do nothing but eat moderately, listen to music, fuck hot girls and play music.
Nothing, i've reached nirvana/illumination and i live without fear, just love. I'm beyond happy.

>> No.7597553

>green man with but mouth to the right

why are Asiatic religions such a meme?

>> No.7597569


>> No.7597574

>hairy indians

you have to show more respect to the masterrace

>> No.7597595

Why is Computer Science mid tier? With where technology is going I would think Computer Science as top tier or even god tier. Considering that you could get a BSE in Computer Science.

>> No.7597600

too many indians

>> No.7597606

>math undergrad, geology minor
>plan to get graduate degree studying numerical analysis, computational science, or geophysics (not sure which, they are all highly related)
>dream job would be to design algorithms to solve important problems in math and earth-science or to work as a geophysicist for the USGS or at NASA

>> No.7597610

>casual biology pre-med scum
>applying to med school next year
>Infectious Disease (mixed with primary care) or Forensic Path or Field epidemiologist

Can't really defend myself. I've been lazy for so many years when it came to school. Only recently have I been taking a deeper interest in science. Now chemistry, physics, and biology seem far more... important? Interesting? I don't know.

>> No.7597622

>>dream job would be to design algorithms to solve important problems in math and earth-science

how do you feel about the fact that the most important contribution your field has made to the world is inventing autotune??

>> No.7597858

Just wanna be NEET right now tbh

I don't know the negative stereotypes but they are probably true

>> No.7597882

>ChemE masters and also added a Physics BSc, currently PhD student.
>Running my own material science R&D lab in the private sector or tenure ChemE professor.

>Then proceed to defend your degree from the negative stereotypes people give your degree and the people with it.
ChemE is not about pipes you fucking retards.

>> No.7597895

>ChemE is not about pipes you fucking retards.
It depends, some "ChemE" course are actually about developing processing units which is literally pipes

>> No.7597906 [DELETED] 
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>Your major in undergrad
Math and math.stats.
>Masters and PhD (if any)
>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Being an international jew

>> No.7597915

Your major in undergrad: Maths

Masters and PhD (if any): Econ, Econ, top 20.
Your dream job (and if you already have it or not):

Tenured prof, working somewhere for now, will probably get it.
More about making contributions really, the job and money is quite rigid once you pass a certain level of qualifications.
Most folks in top academia could make more in corporate anyway.

Defending stereotypes;
The attitude a lot of you high schoolers and undergrads have is very common.
All entitled and thinking you're worth shit.
Generally, it's very easy to top your class at undergrad courses, because most of your cohort aren't there because they enjoy the subject.
Also, because a lot of you aren't from Ivy/top 20 universities you're just bulky fish in a small-ass pond (anyone potentially recruiting you knows this well, you should too).
Worst part is, a good chunk of you think more of yourself by comparing your intelligence(/lack thereof) to that of people who don't care about their own.

Facing how inadequate you are compared to people who are actually doing research is going to be hard for most of you deluded enough to think you can make substantial contributions to academia.
Academia is HARD especially for scientists (given the funding you need).
You should be happy if you get accepted into any top 50 university since you'll need an almost perfect track record.

About Economics:
The good ones at Ivy Leagues are gods anyway, the average Economist is probably stupider than the average Physician or Mathematician but not to people in Chemistry and Engineering (check average IQ/GRE scores of PhDs).
Most Econs are pretty smart but the contribution we make to the world is largely crap.

The subject itself should be rather enticing for someone from pure math, as long as you don't get a shitty prof.

>> No.7597922


>>Your major in undergrad
Physics (still doing)
>>Your dream job
University researcher (I would say NASA, but that's too cliché for phys and eng students)

>> No.7597927

I hope you're GPA is about 3.8

For real, it's insane how many undergrads don't know how competitive PhD programmes are.

The world isn't going to pay you to think about things unless you're good at it.

>> No.7597928


>> No.7597941

>Let me tell you about your field

Piss off.

>> No.7597950

The impression I got about economists is that generally they say "guys seriously we need to do this" and most people in business and policy making tend to ignore them.

Is this true ish.

>> No.7597951
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>I'm one of you ;)

>> No.7597987


Currently studying chemE.
Can confirm pipes.

>> No.7598003

Process engineering is a small facet of ChemE and the pipes can be replaced by any arbitrary geometry and the transport equations will still work, it just happen pipes are the most efficient.

I'm a pipe fetishist myself, but the geometry of the unit processes is not important at all and isn't really considered in process engineering. The transfer process/thermodynamics and reaction kinetics of the process is.

>> No.7598006
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How to be a fucking pleb:
>judging fields of study by the job opportunities they provide
>judging fields of study by how difficult they are
>judging fields of study by prestige
>not judging fields by their applications to problems

>> No.7598010

>not judging fields by their applications to problems

>judging fields of study by the job opportunities they provide
>judging fields of study by how difficult they are

m8 those two are highly connected

>> No.7598017

Comp Sci
I'm not sure about pursuing a Masters yet
>Dream Job
I would like to own a game studio or at the very least, do programming for one.
>negative stereotypes
Well I'm white, so that debunks the majority of comp sci stereotypes.

>> No.7598018

connected but not the same

>> No.7598041

>I hope you're GPA is about 3.8

Surely they judge PhD applicants by how they did in their Honours/Masters years rather than an average that includes the pointless first year and isn't reflective of current skill at all?

or is this an american thing?

>> No.7598054
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>Your major in undergrad
econ, quantitative finance, math
>Masters and PhD (if any)
currently in first year of econ phd
>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Tenured professor at a b-school or law school with consulting $$$ on the side. Academic placement in econ is excellent compared to every other field (except finance and accounting), about half the students from my program get tenure-track jobs paying 80k+ starting

not much to defend from my field other than that nobody outside economics has any idea what the field is about and thinks we spend our time debating keynes vs hayek

>> No.7598068

hey fellow econbro

sounds like you have a bad case of imposter syndrome

take a break from your problem sets and chill out a bit

>> No.7598083

>about half the students from my program get tenure-track jobs paying 80k+ starting

Hey another econbro here.
Which program might this be (what range).

International undergrad here, contemplating LRM/VLRM PhDs, don't know if worth.

Is everything not top 30ish that bad?

>> No.7598113

Are you literally me?

>Daytrader who gets to sit at home getting rich.
Real life isn't so rose-tinted though

>> No.7598130

ME undergrad

Working on AE master's

I dunno mang. My current interests are in stress analysis/FEM and advanced composites. Any advice on which way to go?

>> No.7598152

Where does "dropout" go?

>> No.7598158

In all seriousness if you got a job then at least mid-tier. Definitely better than anything below it anyway.

>> No.7598168

I definitely feel mid-tier.

Good job, decent (by college grad standards) pay, no crippling debt. But also fewer job prospects and harder to get past HR when applying for jobs that "require" a four year degree.

>> No.7598187

> comp sci
> not yet
> google

>> No.7598199

>Your major in undergrad
Maths, currently in first year.

>Masters and PhD (if any)
Masters will be maths (I'm in an integrated Master's course).
I'd hope to get a maths PhD but...
>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
I'd like to get into research, but finance is my backup, the problem is, I really don't know much about the system for stuff like getting into research or becoming a professor in the UK... too bad that all of the info I get on /sci/ comes from the American tenure track. Can anyone from the UK here tell me more?

>> No.7598241

>just starting first semester of biology master, probably majoring in neuroscience
>neurotechnology seems pretty cool, have to check out the field more to be sure tho

>> No.7598273

What shitty ChemE education are you getting?

>> No.7598277

Oioi basically, it's fucking hard.

Bachelors->Masters->PHD Scholarship->Building profile using grants->Applying to be lecturer at university

>> No.7598295
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sorry m8, position has been filled :^)

>> No.7598361

>major: Biological Life Science
>Masters: Applying for Bioinformatics
>Dream Job: Is to making money off web comics while contributing to science

I have an interview at some chemical company making care products and apparently I need to have experience on personal care applications, not sure what the fuck that means.

>> No.7598429

I'm doing joint honours Biochemistry and Pharmacology
How likely am I to have a decent job when I graduate?

>> No.7598445

Decent if you look for graduate schemes (I'm assuming you're in the UK)

>> No.7598530

It's good to see you're interested in something and have lofty ambitions, FOR FUCK'S SAKE GET THE FUCK OFF /SCI/

>> No.7598536

change engineering to top, computer science to god, add software development to mid and it's good

>> No.7598538

>Ability to think

heheh almost got me there.

>> No.7598566

>Studying BSc in Medical Biochemistry
>Hoping to get onto a NHS postgrad scientist training scheme where I will also get my masters
To become a
>Clinical Biochemist

Rate me /sci/

>> No.7598622

>when this post itself is the fulfillment of a stereotype that all STEM majors are smug, self-obsessed virgins who ostentatious with technical knowledge but aren't smart enough to defend a subjective opinion.

>> No.7598652


isn't clinical biochemist a medical specialty?


is it different in the UK?

>> No.7598678


It's a specific clinical scientist role

>> No.7598683

He wants to work at the UN, so I'm sure it's not about making a ton of money for him.

>> No.7598686

>Your major in undergrad
Air Corp Apprenticeship/Computer Science
>Your dream job
Fixing private jets for rich people and earn mad bank.

Right now I'm living with my rich Dad as NEET and don't want to do anything atm. Just want to listen to music and relax.

>> No.7598687

No you fucking retard, we might even lower CS and IT if anything.

Both are neo blue collar tier jobs for non-white labour.

>> No.7598699

>cs is just like IT!
>implying you know anything about cs

the acm published a great delimitation of computing disciplines years ago, how about you go and check it out?

>> No.7598700

Yes academia is very competitive, but your 3.8 isn't going to get you beyond what comes immediately after undergrad.

>> No.7598709

Do maths researchers do post-docs? I have no idea.

>> No.7598733

>be me
>be finance phd
>straight from undergrad, almost nobody does a master's
>strong job market, less than 200 US PhD's graduate per year, no need for post-doc slavery
>starting salary literally $200k in academia http://www.econjobrumors.com/topic/finance-ap-salaries-2015

feels good man

>> No.7598735

major : maths
masters : pure maths (K-theory for operators), applied maths (cryptology, discrete log)

Also Agregation of maths, it exists only in France anyway. It tells people I know enough maths to teach up to 1st year of masters degree but nothing about pedagogy, so that they usually put us in high school or even middle school where math skills are close to useless to teach properly.

Currently : Ph. D. in crypto (discrete log on algebraic curves).
Dream job : who the fuck cares, I don't intend on spending my life on it.

Pure math is a pretty cool guy, eh does abstract shit and not afraid of anything. People there are socially challenged usually and absolutely not interesting if you try to go out the math world. This master pretty much destroyed any feelings I had for research. Moreover, don't expect any results until your 4-5th post doc, unless you're lucky as fuck. It's sad, because there are a lot of beautiful and interesting thing to learn/discover in pure maths.

Applied maths, if you're like me and not gifted at maths - compared to the people you'll met in pure maths, every body can tell that someone who has 2 masters in maths should have a particular affinity to his field - and you still want to do some mathematical related shit, it's the way to go. Close to limitless way of using maths skill for other purpose. I chose crypto because I also like computer science. Also it's one of the best way to self-learn maths, since all basic material can be coded in formal languages at least.

>> No.7598737

Yep, they do. Boring as hell tho. My college math dp has a even a quota on how and when the teachers should do the pos doc. And most people work with fractal. No idea why.

>> No.7598740

>Your major in undergrad

>Masters and PhD (if any)
Trying to apply for a masters program in experimental psychology and then hoping to get a PhD in behavioral psychology. Have a high GPA and did a lot better then the average psychology student preformed >>7598054 on the GRE's and will be preforming an independent study next semester.

Any advice on how I can increase my odds of getting into a good program?

>dream job
Preforming research on human behavior.

>> No.7598750
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>Computer Engineering
>Something dealing with VLSI or a Focus on RF systems
>Tactical SIGINT operator for CIA/NSA (I don't have this job)

Engineers are mostly skinny/fat virgins, socially awkward and terrible public speakers.

I'm working on a minor in Arabic, I speak French, I have a top secret clearance and several years of experience as an intelligence analyst, and doing cybersecurity for the military. I'm also in excellent shape.

>> No.7598751

Forgot to post the second half.

The most obvious stereotype against psychology is that it isn't a "real" science. Look, I get that psychology has an image problem from people such as Freud making it look unscientific, but psychoanalysim was only one of many psychological perspectives; modern psychology as a whole focuses on empirical evidence rather than just accepting anything someone says as factual.

One reason why I prefer the behavioral perspective over others is due to the fact that is focuses entirely on observable behaviors and considers mental activities such as thinking to also be behavior, rather than attributing behavior to some mental attribute that may or may not be able to be measured.

The other stereotype is that psychology doesn't have math in it; it certainly does, especially if you go into research.

>> No.7598752

>Why would anyone set themselves achievable goals?
the post

>> No.7598757

>2 masters in math
why.jpg? Couldn't get into phd programme with just one?

>> No.7598761

CS and math double major
Doing my masters in pure math now (alg. geo)

>dream job

>> No.7598762
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Is geology any good?

>> No.7598772
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>not being able to read OPs image

>> No.7598774


that image is for self absorbed ass faces that specialize in autistic fields.

>> No.7598781

I agree, I don't think a Physics degree is god tier tbh

>> No.7598811

>Engineers are mostly skinny/fat virgins, socially awkward and terrible public speakers.
no, that's just computerfags. have you never met a fucking engineer before? or do you just sperg out with autistic compE and csfags

>> No.7598827

>IQ this IQ that

spoken like a true economist, trying to model everything with shitty models that doesnt work

>> No.7598830

>have you never met a fucking engineer before?
Before I started my Undergrad I worked as an engineering tech at an engineering firm for 2 years and all of my co-workers were mech/EE in their 30's-50's. My evidence is anecdotal but most of the guys I worked with were clearly nerds, but roughly 80% of them were married, had kids, and had their shit together for the most part.

>> No.7598846

is there any point to your post instead of useless bitching?

>> No.7598867
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>Your Major in undergrad
>Masters & PHD
>Dream job
Doctor or Systems Admin/Cybersecurity & Forensics

Am I good /sci/?

>> No.7598936

incase it wasnt clear. I was shitting on you and your profession

>> No.7598940

>system admin
>going to college

u dun fucked up jimmy

>> No.7598941


>> No.7598943


i want high schoolers to leave

>> No.7598977

did not get the funding in the first because I was not good enough in this particular field - non commutative geometry - basically. Could elaborate, but would serve no purpose, the main reason is enough even if it only accounts for 60% of the problem. Actually it's for the best, as I was really demotivated before applying for the funding, even if I did not tell my supervisors.
Actually I was forced to obtain the 2nd master to apply for the agregation, but I discovered a part of math were everything seemed "easy", a sign that it was something I was "designed" to do.

>> No.7598987
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>Your major in Undergrad
>Master and PhD if any
If I do well enough in school, then my Masters. Doing okay-ish after 2 years.. (3.0 GPA major) (3.52 GPA cumulative), but I intend to intern and engage in field/research work soon.
>Your dream job
Hydrogeologist/Environmental Geologist.
>defend my degree from the negative stereotypes.
Extremely low unemployment rate, not confined to an office for the rest of my life, get to be on my own out in the field collecting samples, taking data, etc. From the sounds of it, I'm pretty sure the companies who hire geologists treat us well; especially in the oil industry.

That's awesome to hear that you're doing so well. And thanks for the sick wallpaper.

I like it quite a bit. Give it a shot, see how you like it.

>> No.7599033
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>Your major in undergrad
Chemistry (pending)

>Masters and PhD
Analytical Chemistry or Biochemistry

>Your dream job
Either something environmental or cancer research. The work of this year's Nobel laureates really got me interested in the subject of Biochemistry.

>negative stereotypes
Not all people studying chemistry are enormous superjerks in lab coats. Actually, in my university, you have to help each other out in order to survive the exams. Also, it's not always about pouring stuff together and watching it changing colour. Most of the time, things are clear liquids and colour doesn't change. Actually, if it does, it is usually a sign that you fucked up somewhere, especially in undergrad OChem.

>And if it is not completely obvious, explain why the education you got helped you/will help you get your dream job
Well, I guess this is obvious so I can skip this.

>> No.7599035


No, should I?

Rocket Surgeon.

>> No.7599122

Ejmr bro?

>> No.7599143

I am borderline top 10 (think columbia/penn/nyu) but these problem sets are crazy (especially macro) and I'm worried about failing comps.

Also you can go outside top 30 if you're fine with having a low probability of getting a tenure-track job.

Not him but I think every econ grad student has browsed EJMR at least once

>> No.7599181

>Your major in undergrad
Mechanical Engineering
>Masters and PhD (if any)
None (possibly will do aerospace/space/astronautical)
>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Space industry (either awesome, innovative startup or somewhere like JPL); haven't graduated yet, but will apply to JPL
>defend your degree from the negative stereotypes
I haven't sucked a single dick in my entire life, I swear.

>> No.7599195

This ranking is retarded.

>> No.7599199

wheres graphic design im saying around top tier you can easily get like 20-30k jobs with that shit

>> No.7599536

I'm very strong in math--studying real analysis at age 16--and i think geology is useful. Do you know what useful subject matter geology is concerned with?

>> No.7599540

>Your major in undergrad
Biochem. Minors in math and bio
>Masters and PhD (if any)
Hopefully a biophysics masters or even PhD one day.
>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Research, already kinda doing it.

>> No.7600038

Tu as fait le concours général en terminale ?

>> No.7600050



Mechanical engineering


MS aerospace engineering

>Dream job

Aerospace engineer in the defense industry (landed my dream job back in May)

I don't need to defend shit. I design missiles for a living. That kind of speaks for itself.

>> No.7600065

>>Your major in undergrad
IT & Digital Media

>>Masters and PhD (if any)
None yet

Justification? Trust me, I have nothing to justify.

>> No.7600080

Dude, believe it or not, music is a pretty fucking difficult career to study. I majored in mechanical-electrical engineering, but I studied 3 years of music in a comunity college during high school because I played guitar as a hobby.

I ended giving up because it was too fucking hard, and I just treated it as a hobby but didnt want those shit grades to follow me to college, or to have that hobby affect my real high school grades. I learned to respect musicians, tho.

And I work in the navy (not USA)

>> No.7600108

>getting a PhD in finance
>fucking finance

Literally why if you don't want to teach at the uni? I hope this is bait with the source you included that's literally named "rumors".

Here's a news flash: no one is going pay you 200k starting just because you have a degree. That 200k is there because you have some sort of importance. Importance worth 200k = stress + work worth 200k. I can tell you with 99% certainty that you will not be making over 100k starting out of school. The 1% chance you do, you are going to be working your fingers to the bone or be in a position where if you fuck up, you will be in deep shit.

>> No.7600110

I was about to write about this. MD or PhD in music is pretty serious

>> No.7600114

Jesus analytical is so fucking boring. There's a reason why there's a really good market for them in industry: the job is B O R I N G. Go into biochem.

>> No.7600126

Currently a Finance Major/Math and Econ Minor if they let me sub out diff eq for something else (hopefully like numerical analysis). I'd love to take diff eq, but I don't have the time, it conflicts with my schedule for graduation.

>Master's and PhD
Trying to decide between Financial Econ PhD and straight Finance PhD. Not sure which one I like better--Financial Econ is a lot more model building, research on market trends, while Finance is more financial pricing models and and profitability analysis. Gotta talk to a professor.

>Dream Job
Academia. I want to teach and research. I enjoy teaching and helping people understand things, I currently work as a tutor and it's a lot more rewarding than a corporate job. Maybe some consulting on the side to make extra cash.

It's true that a lot of Finance majors are knuckle-dragging, money hungry rich kids. It astounds me how no one cares about how a pricing model (like CAPM or Fama-French) is created and its fundamental assumptions, all they want is to know how to plug it into their calculator or excel. Saddens me a bit, because my focus is really on how and why these models work. Not all of us are like that (usually Econ or Finance majors who actually do some math are more inclined to want to learn why these models price a certain way and the violations of assumptions), but the majority are. Please just don't bundle me in with the >lol I just wanna be rich and not have to do algebra in my daily life crowd.

>Why my education will help me get my job
I realized that to get into a good PhD program, you need to be able to do math, at least on the tier of engineers. I was decent at it and found it interesting, so I decided I'd pursue a math minor on top of my Finance degree. Hopefully, I'll be able to get into a top 25 program, I know some people at the school I want to get into and my professors are on very good terms with me, so hopefully I can actually do what I want. Fuck corporate work.

>> No.7600141

Yes. Most people thnk that music majors are street musicians or adult men pretending to be angry teen punk edgelords, when the reality is pretty different. Adding to the difficulty, these guys need to know a lot theorically and practically, training their ears and hands to work with your mind on what you're doing.

It's really impressive when you bring a sheet of music to a pro and he starts playing it right away perfectly, and sad to place those guys at the same level of political science majors, since some of those guys can't even read a speech to their class.

>> No.7600166

>"my goal is to seem smarter than other people"

>> No.7600186

>>>Your major in undergrad
Physics and chemistry current 4th year
>Masters and PhD (if any)
Not yet, plan to go phys chem masters though
>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
A cushy academia job would be nice But I think I'm too naive to believe that I would firstly get this job and secondly that it would be as advertised, so I'll say environmental /physical chemist

>> No.7600209

>no regrets possible =3

>> No.7600309

>Your major in undergrad
Completed: BA Japanese/Philosophy (Applied Epistemology)
Currently: (2nd year) EE Undergrad - unsure whether to try to get into the graduate engineering program at University of Melbourne so I have 1 undergrad and 1 masters instead of 2 undergrads

>Masters and PhD (if any)
Aside from trying to get into masters program for engineering, I should go out and get a job.

>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Honestly, I enjoy academia: Critical theory, applied epistemology, etc. But as an EE probably network analyst shit. What makes big bucks in CE/NE?

>> No.7600365

This is what my hippie brother thought when i started a STEM career.

You not-STEM faggots keep having the same inferiority complex. Piss off.

>> No.7600379

all I'm saying is that if you're going into STEM only for the money or so that you would appear to be more intelligent than other people with different majors(STEM or not)

p.s. I'm also a STEMfag, you fucking faggot

>> No.7600380

>Your major in undergrad
Mechanical Engineering

>Masters and PhD (if any)
I'm planning on moving into physics upon graduation, if not might just do an MBA or something idk.

>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Join the Australian Defence Force as a Mechanical Engineer and gain work experience, then hoping to move onto mechanical engineering outside of the military, preferrably in motor vehicles and aeronautics. Obviously the industries sh*t in Australia, but it's nice to have goals.

>> No.7600383

...you're an assfucking pleb*(as a cont. to the first statement)

>> No.7600445

Undergrad was math, working on graduate stuff now. To be honest I just want a job as researching faculty at a school that's not too cuttroat (some people thrive in that environment; I do not), but also doesn't hate its math department.

Everyone and their mother has something to say about spergs in math, but those are still not really the norm, at least judging from my own anecdotal experience. We tend to tolerate them a little better than some other groups, sure, but visiting a math conference, most everyone at least gives the appearance of well-adjusted adults. On that same vein, math has the stereotype of being the field of loners, but that's not true either from a collaboration standpoint nor from a social standpoint (I don't know how many pleasant dinner parties various facultypeople at my school have hosted after events).

>> No.7600513

>Chemistry and molecular biology
>Second-year grad student in biophysics PhD program
>Director of a department of structural biology in industry

>> No.7601931

this better be a joke. indians are useless hacks. any half-respected company wouldnt hire some stupid indian

>> No.7602003 [DELETED] 
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> Mathematics / Philosophy / Classics
> Mathematics / Philosophy (Current)
> Research at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy

Also, career chart updated by order of wisdom

>> No.7602046

Yeah i know. I just hope I can make honors

>> No.7602064

>Your major in undergrad

Biochem and Genetics.

>Masters and PhD (if any)

None. Thinking about applying to a few places this year, but I'm not sure who's looking for a washed up grad.

>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)

I don't know anymore. After graduating I felt like I knew nothing, and it doesn't seem like you can really move beyond being a research associate with just a BSc.

I also didn't take advantage of my time time as an undergrad to do any internships. After hearing from others in the class that you could get a lab tech job easy with an associate degree I didn't think there was any rush :^^^)

>> No.7602105

>Your major in undergrad
Civil Engineering
>Masters and PhD (if any)
Structural Engineering
>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
fantasy: Researcher in R&D division of my own company (also CEO)
realistic: a professional head of some sort, planting my assprint on /comfy/ chairs, retire as a university lecturer
>Then proceed to defend your degree from the negative stereotypes people give your degree and the people with it.
Electrical/Mechanical Engs will say Civil is easy and therefore they are smarter. The people who actually believe this have insecurity issues.
>And if it is not completely obvious, explain why the education you got helped you/will help you get your dream job.
Discipline and knowledge tbh

>> No.7602141

best chart i have seen

>> No.7602171


You don't even know the difference between your and you're. Confirmed for engineer cuck.

>> No.7602174



>you're head

>> No.7602183


now i miss my 300zx :/

>> No.7602194

>fine arts

>> No.7602198
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>> No.7602203

Classical musicians do require a former higher training than any college degree. They usually study music since the age of 4 or 5 in order to be proficient by the age they enter university.

>> No.7602205

I'm a freshman Cybersecurity major. Am I fucked?

>> No.7602214

People start walking at 1, does that mean that runners require a former higher training than any college degree?

>> No.7602227

Good thing that's even less intellectually stimulating than a Psychology BA.

>> No.7602245

cool claim, source or fuck off

>> No.7602246

high degree in music is demanding, you really know your shit after you're done, and it's also in demand, you certainly won't be jobless with it

same with fine arts really. note, FINE arts, not liberal arts or some fucking "creative writing" degree

don't be so fucking ignorant

>> No.7602248

you are the worst example of the stereotypical STEMfag with no capability to appreciate the ability required in any other area of expertise than your own

>> No.7602253


i've seen the workload from Julliard compared to a physics degree at a top 20. it's a complete fucking joke.

stay asshurt with your joke major

I respect artists and musicians, not the majors.

>> No.7602255

Birds can sing. Show me a bird that can write a proof, and we'll talk

>> No.7602256

>make a false implication
>get told

provide evidence or fuck off

>> No.7602258

/lit/ here. STEM is usually harder, especially at top schools. Just accept it, already.

>> No.7602262
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Also true, how common is for sportsman to have started training at a late age (15+)?
But the comparison you've made is naïve, because it only take into account the dexterity needed -which takes a very long time as well- without considering the technical knowledge needed to be able to interpret classical pieces.

Show me a STEM major who can compose and interpret a decent piece, and we'll talk.

I am a STEM student, I just happen to appreciate art students more.

>> No.7602265

>No people in STEM are good composers

You keep making unsourced bullshit claims. Provide source for EVERYTHING or FUCK OFF with your stupid ass bullshit.

You really shouldnt be a STEM student

>> No.7602268
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Guys... I had a phone interview today. Nothing too bad just basic HR stuff.

Have another interview ( data analysis position (math major)) and I'm nervous as fuck. It's my dream job but I have no experience. Very little database/SQL, programming is pretty good, excel is fine, but other than that nothing.

R I was supposed to be learning as a side thing but other than that I'm worried. Is SQL something I should be worried about not knowing for an inteo position?

Cut cat pic as thanks

>> No.7602270

I don't even study music lol

>I respect artists and musicians, not the majors.

yes exactly this

the major doesn't really mean anything, it's what you do with it

this is not really about the major itself, its about the competence pro composers have, which is significant

it's the combo of having INTERNALIZED(not just rote learned) a metric shitton of musical theory and then applying it creatively<-a lot harder than most people think it is

really the major itself doesn't mean anything, again it's about the competence required to do shit like composing for large orchestras

>> No.7602272
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I would provide sources but I'd be deprived of this fun.

>You really shouldnt be a STEM student
I am sorry if I don't think that studying mathematics makes me smarter than everyone else.
In your defense I can say that you're probably young and when I was an undergrad I used to be like that. You'll grow up.

>> No.7602275

>You keep making unsourced bullshit claims. Provide source for EVERYTHING


"an objective measurement of talent and intelligence required in high level musical composition in comparison to scientific fields: a study"

that shit don't exist

how about you learn a little bit of musical theory, get an instrument, try to compose shit, apply theory creatively, you'll get an idea of the amount of mastery good composers have. there's really no other way to get a grasp on this shit

>> No.7602280

I didn't make any claim faggot, I'm asking you to provide evidence for yours. If you can't then fuck off.

You're putting words in my mouth because you're dumb, which is the same reason you believe bullshit with no evidence.

>> No.7602281

>The researchers also found that, overall, the musicians had higher IQ scores than the non-musicians, supporting recent studies that intensive musical training is associated with an elevated IQ score.


>> No.7602284

>I can't provide evidence, I know what I'm saying is bullshit with no real support
>But it's totally true!

Right now your only argument is "You'd know if you did music!". But I do music.

>> No.7602285

jocks dont play the oboe and correlation does not imply causation. i played trumpet for 7 years it didnt make me smarter. i was smart and happened to play.

>> No.7602286

Computer Science and Motion Design

Going to be applying into Human Computer Interaction Grad, dunno about PhD or Masters, would probably return for that after some years working.

Hoping to work in virtual reality tech and practical applications.

>> No.7602287

Thanks for at least an attempt. I can't find the actual research, please find it instead of media coverage, which is meaningless.

>> No.7602289

>i was smart
Sure thing buddy.

>> No.7602291

m8 we can discuss this like adults, no need to resort to baiting, I'm not biting it

>> No.7602292


being poor scares me so Im looking to aim higher in the sciences, even though my dream is to make movies ;~;

>> No.7602293

scholarships for full tuition and 8k/year for room and board

>> No.7602312

is Rose a decent physicist

>> No.7602323

I'm guessing the issue here is that you've never had an experience with music that could be described as "transcendental". When a piece of music hits you like a bag of bricks and you feel and recognize how a combination of melodies, harmonies, timbre, rhythm etc., dozens of interconnected things form a whole that's greater than the sum of its parts.

You have a sudden insight of exactly what the artist wanted to say with the piece, for a brief moment you share the same mind, same feelings with the artist, even though he might have lived hundreds of years ago, you "know" how the artist composed the piece and why, but this understanding doesn't leave you with a feeling "oh know I know how this works, I can do it myself now too", instead it is "oh shit, this is truly inspired genius".

I am sorry if this offends your sensibilities of objectivity but it's the best I can do

>> No.7602373

>hey guises my major is better than your major
THIS IS EVERY FUCKING THREAD. There is no one working in the real world on /sci/. I work and graduated a few years ago. Let me tell you neets/college fags something; no one cares about your major. Your first job out of college will pay shit and you'll work in a shit company. The person you hear working at lolgole, faceshit, bleeter, or any big tech company/engineering company was the top of his class at a top 10 university. Everyone you're competing for the same job that pays less than 50k, with meager benefits. Your internships/coop didn't panned out because you were promised things by word of the mouth, not on paper. ALWAYS GET EVERYTHING ON PAPER. Engineering jobs are very unreliable for job security. Your whole job depends on the success of the project you're in or if the company didn't take a shit in their quarterly report. You want job stability? Work in accounting or sucking dicks. Also engineering salaries top out their earning potential five years after college graduation. By mid- career you're making less than a below average nurse. I always laugh at these threads because its filled with delusional kids with no life experiences.

>> No.7602388

Now compare those musicians with physicists.


>> No.7602399

Before the 1950s. The US used put music and math together. This is why old timers play an instrument and know math really well; if they're college professors.

>> No.7602405

Underwater Basket Weaving
Masters in Women's Studies
>Dream Job
CEO at stock trading company

>> No.7602429


I feel you fam. Just started upper division courses from community. I didn't ask for this.

>> No.7602435

Not even made shit grads like you in community college Jamal...

>> No.7602438


seriously fuck this kid. fucking autism made manifest

>> No.7602443
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no, she only as a B.Sc

>> No.7602450

Is a Ph. D a huge pain in the ass?

I'm in my last year of undergrad. Did well. I just hate the fact that the work never ends. I like studying the subjects, I just wish I had time to learn and experiment rather than finishing some BS lab or writing some BS report.

>> No.7602452

>civil engineer
>only undergrad
>dream of self employment which is one of the better reasons to do civil over other engineering disciplines

I got lucky as fuck cause my uncles are CEOs of a construction company and their sons aren't the engineering type. I'm basically the heir to a fortune

>> No.7602643

>Show me a STEM major who can compose and interpret a decent piece, and we'll talk.

Dan Snaith aka Caribou has a PhD in mathematics. http://wwwf.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/maths/research/notes/sp2n.pdf is his thesis.

I think he is very good, although "muh art music" /classical/ nerds probably won't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq_tDOFU5tY

>> No.7602652

he's good

mathematical and musical ability aren't mutually exclusive. actually I would say that talented musicians also have above average raw talent in math, even if it's uncultivated, and the anon you're replying to was an idiot in saying that STEMfags can't into music at all

>> No.7602784

>Your major in undergrad
Theoretical Physics and Pure Mathematics

>Masters and PhD (if any)
Not any yet. I'd like to do a masters in pure mathematics, and phd in pure mathematics whilst I work as a maths teacher for high schools. Physics doesn't excite me much, I feel like I'm not learning anything new or learning new techniques, and the labs are annoying. Maths is where its at for me. Even though they are more opportunities for physics than maths when it comes grad and postgrad research stuff.

>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
University/college Maths Lecturer for first years. Calc I, II, and III. okay I admit im a little egotistical, but it feels good showing to a large crowd people of what you can do.

>> No.7602785

I heard a rumor that 100% of people who consume dihydrogen monoxide die. Be careful buddy.

>> No.7602805

I always wish the math undergrads at my school were more visible, as there's not much of a community here for the undergrads but all the grad students know each other. Then I come to /sci/ and just imagine them all as self-absorbed little shits thinking they're superior because they're passing calc 2.

>> No.7602846

>STEMfags can't into music at all
there are always exceptions
most of them can't

>> No.7602855

>recording jungle noises
No discernible talent.

Actual music

>> No.7602860

>>recording jungle noises
>No discernible talent.

fuck you m8 regards the other anon who's arguing for the talents of musicians

>> No.7602870

im laughing so hard at that chart. Holly shit im ou of /sci/

>> No.7602915

you're probably in a plebeian career

>> No.7603028

>tfw lawfag with no job.
>need experience to get job
>need job to get experience

fucking how

>> No.7603325

>womens studies

>> No.7603334

History over medicine

>> No.7603335

Unpaid work

>> No.7603351

only finished highschool


smoking weed & have money magically appear, investing & shit
>don't have that job, believe it or not

I ain't gonna defend shit. The stereotypes about NEETs are mostly true. I'm 23. Too late for college and shit?

>> No.7603355

What does luthiery count as?

>> No.7603397

Dropped out of high school, got a GED, then got an associate's degree in computer network system from ITT Tech.

How did this help? Well because I learned nothing of value through formal education, I had to git gud on my own. Now I broker commodity trading and infrastructural development deals and engineer the related logistics in developing nations. I would not have considered this my dream job five years ago, but after falling backwards into it, it's endlessly fascinating, and the money is obscene.

>> No.7603451

Silly cop, those are rocks.

>> No.7603541
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>recording wobbly strings and reeds
no discernible talent.

Actual music

that's how retarded you sound.

>> No.7603587
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>> No.7603590
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You're both stupid cunts, all music is inherently good and separating yourselves through taste is fucking vapid and idiotic. Accept that preferences are primitive animalism and that enjoyment of all music no matter what the sound is the future.

>> No.7603596

>computer science
>monkey coding

pick one

>> No.7603601


i lol'd

>> No.7603604

>all music is inherently good

no. like in all fields, most material produced is shit.

>> No.7603613
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There you go again with your one-dimensional scrublordism. Accept the facts, if you didn't have mass-produced shite music the beautiful music wouldn't even have anything to be compared to and thus it wouldn't even be considered beautiful.

Everything is inherently good. Get used to it.

>> No.7603634


>> No.7603722

Sounds interesting m8

>Not sure yet which master, maybe biotech or bionanotech. At least something that's more applied
>Something in the medical field

If anyone knows some cool labs in europe for an internship, let me know

>> No.7603781

Possibly get a masters if I can keep my grades up, dont think Im good enough to get a PhD
>Dream Job
Working in a research lab somewhere, or at a chemical synthesis company I'm not sure yet
Not every chemist watches breaking bad you fucks.and blowing shit up in a fume hood is usually an accident. Usually.
Not every professor keeps deadly chemicals in their office, although my professor has enough cyanide to kill the everyone at my college.

>> No.7603853

I'm not an American so I don't know what a 'major in undergrad' is or why it would be different from my master, but I'm a medical student, gonna start my PhD next year(Radiotherapy) and my dream job is to be some kind of doctor/researcher. Probably oncology.

>> No.7603866

>Math (starting my master's)
>I don't even know anymore..

>> No.7603867

>Undergrad major
My undergrad majors are Philosophy and Dramaturgy, but I have a lot of secondary studies in Political Science.

>Masters or PhD
I don't have my masters yet but I'm looking at either neuroscience or evo psych, and then I might or might not go for a PhD.

>Dream job
I want to be a communicator of knowledge, science and rationality. Teach the value of attempting to look at the world without biases, and ways to teach yourself to do so. I also want to help fight the shit nonsense that modern politics has become, and the horribly deformed look of the world that the media offers.

As far as negative stereotypes go (like I see in OPs pic related), I'd like to say that philosophy does have great value, particularly when it comes to logic, positivism and the justifications and deductions that lead us to value objective reality over subjective principles. It has a lot to say about the usefulness of different ethical models and how to make use of them in an effective manner. Perhaps more importantly, not all of us are post-modernist ideologues who insist in asserting unfalsifiable nonsense for the sake of their vanity and pretense of depth. What philosophy needs is to ally itself with the forces of rationality. I think the time for it to stand as a discipline of its own is past. It's value lies in being able to translate the goods of science and applied knowledge to language and ideological points that the humanity majors and politicians can understand, so that the bounties of rationality can be better and more systematically exploited in our society, as opposed to the more incidental nature of our technocracy, which is certainly efficient, but seems dilapidated and distant from the rest of society and our media apparatus (except for when they want to inject politics in it).

In short, I think science could use a bulldog they can throw at the ignoramus who want to play politics with it. Philosophy is equipped to be that bulldog.

>> No.7603915

>>Your major in undergrad
cs right now, thinking about doing either a minor in math or completely switching over to actuarial, (if I don't just end up doing both)
>>Masters and PhD (if any)
lol, waste of time any direction I go
>>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Nothing specific yet.

Nah, stereotypes exist for a reason.

>> No.7603965


Where is linguistics? You know, as in becoming a translator and such.

>> No.7604008

I'm a potential chemistry major, but a future of working in a lab doing synthesis seems so sterile and boring to me, I don't think I could take it. Which is a shame because chemistry is so fascinating

>> No.7604027

>do CS
>take AI courses (Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Multiagent Games, Neural Networks)
>it's mostly probability, statistics, numerical analysis, etc.
>mid tier
fuck u faget

>> No.7604203

>Your major in undergrad
Electrical engineering

>Masters and PhD (if any)
Materials Science/Engineering

>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
I'm going to want to do some work in energy materials, how things turns out over the years will determine the specifics.

>> No.7604262
File: 36 KB, 592x578, ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FByyCVgLCEAAcTb2.jpg%3Alarge&amp;f=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Planning more Physics
>I just want to know more

>> No.7604271

My older sister got her b.s in Chemistry two years ago and has since worked in a water treatment plant and is currently working for Honeywell. She hasn't said anything about working in a lab all day being boring.

I love the lab experience to be honest. Like, this shit is mine, I am the alpha and omega of this fume hood/bench top or whatever. Where I can do science for the sake of science rather than having to think about the ramifications of how it can be used.

It's good you have an interest in chemistry but not necessarily in a laboratory setting. There are plenty of careers in chemistry that don't have to involve sterile white walls and fume hoods.

>> No.7604272

>Major in undergrad
Aeronautical Engineering

Integrated Master's degree in Aeronautical Engineering (working towards it, in Bongland)

>Dream job
Corporate finance/investment banking analyst. Yes it's soulless but there's shitloads of money

>> No.7604279

Isn't chemistry a precursor to pharmacology?

>> No.7604290

The idea behind this is, I think, that most CS programs are not like that. Comparing it to CS programs that I have seen, you either went to a really good university or took only the best ellectives... or both. Probably both.

Most people in CS learn barely more than "how 2 do dis in piton". Proved by how, even today, CS graduates fail the fizzbuzz test in job interviews.

While in, at least, mathematics and physics probability, statistics and numerical analysis is literally mandatory.

You yourself may not be shit, but in general your major is shit and the people in it are complete retards.

>> No.7604292

look into Sales Engineering. if are business savvy you can make 250k+ out of grad school.

>> No.7604307

>none yet
>have not achieved, have better chance than most but I'm not gonna say it's likely
>not sure what stereotypes to defend against

>> No.7604324

>Game Development & Computational Physics
>Planning on getting a Master's degree in "Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering"
>Game Physics Programmer

>> No.7604339

It's true. My grandpa used to drink it all the time, now he's dead.

>> No.7604403

Are you me?

>> No.7604477

>all music is inherently good

>> No.7604514

>Ecology (in progress)
>Dream Job
Wildlife Enforcement Officer
I am a fucking idiot who is depressed all the time and literally just want to be outside all the time.

>> No.7604517

How fucked am I /sci/?

>> No.7604550
File: 62 KB, 800x450, 800px-Karlheinz_Stockhausen_par_Claude_Truong-Ngoc_1980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>percussion is "jungle noises"

Stockhausen is that you?

>> No.7604586
File: 281 KB, 649x866, courses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people in CS learn barely more than "how 2 do dis in piton"

Are you trolling, retarded, or have no idea what you are talking about? What CS programs only teach Python? Pic related is electives at my university.

>> No.7604597

Those are the electives.

Show the core curriculum.

>> No.7604608

>geology above molecular biology
>life science includes biology, microbiology, microbial biology, and biomed
It's shit

>> No.7604610

Hi fellow Philosophy friend. I think you're spot on, besides a bit of mental masturbation. For the reasons you've outlined, I got into Math and Physics.

>> No.7604611
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Here you go.

>> No.7604613

>Working on undergrad

>> No.7604626

I'm a philosophy student too.
I find it hard to come to /sci/ because of the permanent bashing against humanties in general. It is true that the behaviour of a reduced number of people like /sci/'s poster can hardly account for most stem students, but making the dissociation of ones and the others becomes harder and harder as the so called pop-scientists -physicists in particular- always seem to have negative comments on philosophy. It isn't a new matter -it's pretty much the same place philosophy always had- but the influence of the media which indirectly seems to have influence on students of stem disciplines, sometimes endorse those views -without wanting to be associated with pop-scientists- because intelligence is the university's dick size rule, and everyone is psychologically predisposed to accept views that flatter own's caring-matter.

>> No.7604721

>all music is inherently good and separating yourselves through taste is fucking vapid and idiotic

no, just fucking no, some music is objectively better

>> No.7604722

> I also want to help fight the shit nonsense that modern politics has become, and the horribly deformed look of the world that the media offers

not going to happen, it's that way for a reason

have you read Propaganda: the Formation of Men's Attitudes by any chance?

>> No.7604752


>> No.7604764

>not going to happen, it's that way for a reason
I understand why it is the way it is, and I'm not so naive as to expect to change politics en masse, but it's perfectly possible to enact some degree of change in the way it's discussed and communicated.

And no, I haven't read Ellul, tho it's in my to-read list.

>> No.7604769

>mental masturbation
what do you mean?

>> No.7604780

maybe I am a cynical asshole but I'm starting to think that most people don't even want a rational logical discussion on politics

they simply can't deal with all the complex relationships of issues but their ego prevents them from admitting that "I don't have the competence to have informed opinions on this shit" so they go out and look for the most easily digestable soundbites that conform to their preconceptions

the public political discourse is essentially a theater to make the "plebs" believe their opinions matter and that the people up top listen to them

god forbid you actually tell the public to truly educate themselves on all that shit, you'll get crucified

so it's absolutely necessary to have this infantilized public discourse about all the complex issues so that the actual experts can do their job in peace

>> No.7604793

m8 I can take a shit on the keyboard but no one sane would say it's better than this

inb4 hisaishi a pleb

>> No.7604807

Eh, I think a lot of it has to do with pop scientist like Lawrence Krauss not really having the patience to try to understand philosophy. It's fine, I get it. Besides, it's not like there's not a bunch of "philosophers" out there spewing the stupidest bullshit imaginable (plus the cronies of some old philosophers--equally stupid--trying to "apply" that cultish nonsense to other areas). I think it's up to responsible adherents of the discipline to rescue it from what ideologues would want it to become. I really think it's the least polluted of the humanities, at this point, and it's up to us to ensure it remains so.

>> No.7604840

Hmmm, I see where you're coming from, but I don't think what I'm looking for is trying to get people to be *more* informed as it is to get them *differently* informed. I'm more interested in communicating methods to at the very least fight off some of the worst memes in modern politics (most of them nested in bland, lazy relativism or in a discourse of inescapable subjectivity). It's no secret that everyone grows more and more tired of typical, bland political discourse, so I have hopes that more and more people will be looking for alternatives more conducive to concrete (or at least alternative) solutions and away from the anti-positivism of the modern social and political discourse. It's not like newer generations aren't smarter, and a lot of fights have already been won. Of course, I don't pretend there's a way I will personally engineer a new enlightenment or anything like that, but I think it's possible for me to at least try and help fill what I think is a void in the public discourse and a demand for ways of engaging with data that are more effective at providing actionable solutions and/or are more able to help you either as an individual or as a society. Besides, I think we're moving away as a society from the old timey governmental apparatus and into a sort of more upfront technocracy. Maybe political discourse really *can't* be changed, and, as such, will die with it's presumptions and aspirations of power. If that's the case, then there will be a need for alternatives, which is also something that will need ideas and people to introduce and make those ideas more palatable, so that those not in the fray can understand the motivation behind them.

Anyhoo, this is all very grandiose and whatnot, but I think in practice it will look much smaller. I'd just like that some of the big ideas discussed behind the scenes, can be brought forward and into the public as I believe that both a) they could handle it, and b) they need it.

>> No.7604842
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>Your major in undergrad
>Masters and PhD (if any)
Hopefully going to start it next year but probably in both Paleontology/Museum Studies
>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Head of Education at a Museum, I've worked as an Assistant Educator at a few smaller museums but they were temporary

>> No.7604888


Help me pick a major, /sci/

>> No.7604903

double in public health and health sciences

tho l have no idea what the latter is, never heard of it before

>> No.7604914

what's your most despised major?

mine is anthropology, I absolutely hate it, it's like a poor man's astronomy.

>> No.7604922

Not sure if you're trolling but from what I've seen, public health has lots of job openings in my state. A master's in public health brings up a shitload of openings in online job searches.

>> No.7604927

>it's like a poor man's astronomy.

What the fuck does that even mean?

Anthropology is the study of the social and cultural development of humans.

Astronomy is the scientific study of matter in outer space.

They literally have nothing to do with one another, other than the fact that the Earth's gravitational pull made it possible for humans to stay on the Earth long enough to develop cultures and social mannerisms.

>> No.7604940

I hate art majors, they're all punk-ass ochem wannabes.

>> No.7604948

as a software developer, I would like to remind you all that software develoment is not a real engineering discipline nor is it a science. We live in the "Information Technology" group at low tier.

>> No.7604956

Torn between English lit and Gender studies.

Gender studies I guess. English lit at least could potentially be in a different world a cool subject to study.

>> No.7604965

do you mean astrology newfriend?

definitely gender studies

>> No.7604966

I'm in PoopTier

>> No.7604969

yes public health is a good degree, I might have gotten one myself if the closest decent program for it wouldn't be in another country

>> No.7604974

"The subject involves elements of toxicology,biology,chemistry, and physiology, and is a broad scientific field applicable to many careers in thelife sciencesarea."

Pulled from a quick Google search. You could get a BS in chemistry before applying to a pharmacology graduate program if your university doesn't offer anything specific to pharmacology as an undergrad.

>> No.7605207

>either comfy tenured academia doing AI research or industry job in a field I enjoy
My dreams aren't very big, but did I fuck up taking a CS degree? I'm in a top 25 uni based on IT rankings.

>> No.7605220

>Math and Economics
>work in an MLB front office

>> No.7605228

>BSc (Hon) Biochemistry
>MSc Biochemistry
Going for graduate entry medicine next year.

>> No.7605292

>I'd like to get into research, but finance is my backup, the problem is, I really don't know much about the system for stuff like getting into research or becoming a professor in the UK... too bad that all of the info I get on /sci/ comes from the American tenure track. Can anyone from the UK here tell me more?

>> No.7605334
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>Your major in undergrad

>Masters and PhD (if any)
Starting fieldwork for PhD project next month.

>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Had it. Was a geophysicist managing in-house data acquisition and interpretation for a nickel-copper project in East Africa. Small exploration team, good camp, great salary, awesome location and exciting project in a virtually unexplored part of Africa.

Unfortunately everything went bust when the commodity prices dropped so went home and am now heading into academia.

>negative stereotypes
Most okes don't even know what geophysics is. If anything they'll confuse it with geology. Usually say it's similar but with less coloring in..

Pic is somewhat related, it's a work vehicle the crew decorated with camel bones when working in central Australia.

>> No.7605337

le bac général ?? Ouais. Suis allé à la fac après. D'ailleurs, 70% des gens en L3 venaient de prépa, 80% en M1 + des normaliens, 98% en prépa agreg (sans normaliens) et finalement en M2 j'étais le seul de fac. Mais c'est possible d'arriver à avoir tout ça en passant par "la voie de garage" des études supérieures.

>> No.7605346

>reached nirvana
>fuck hot girls
you are a slave to your desires and do nothing but delude yourself into thinking wasting your time is achieving something

>> No.7605368

> Engineering
> None
> Coastal Scientist ( working unpaid in marine conservation while in last year of undergrad)

>> No.7605449

Geology's no longer top tier since the hydrocarbon commodity drop out. Even mud loggers are staying put.

>> No.7605540 [DELETED] 

Where would programmer/software developer fall?

>> No.7605571

>Your major in undergrad
Dropped out!
>Masters and PhD (if any)
>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Film director, fuck no. Goal is to stay at my current job as a software developer until I can get a better paying job and hoard currency.
>Then proceed to defend your degree from the negative stereotypes people give your degree and the people with it.
Get @ my $0 in student debts, bitches.
>And if it is not completely obvious, explain why the education you got helped you/will help you get your dream job.
It won't!

>> No.7605644

anyone do geology here? Whats it like? would you recommend it over Environmental science/ geography

>> No.7605655

That's metal as fuck. Living the geophysics dream, anon.

>> No.7605673

>Your major in undergrad
>Masters and PhD (if any)
Will be going back for M.S after a year or so of this awesome internship/temp at a local Hospital. After that, hoping to do a concurrent M.B.A/Pharm.D.
>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Either running my own clinic (hence the M.B.A) doing phase 1 and 2 pharmaceutical trials, or working as a research professor at a uni doing rodent trials. Not entirely sure what disease/disorder I'd prefer to work on though.

The CIO of the Hospital, who is my boss's boss, thinks I should get into pharmaceutical management/sales. She claims I have the personality to make it big, and potentially get into big shot administration. I also wouldn't mind doing some work and then being an administrative pharmacist at a hospital, overseeing purchasing, management, and phase 3 and 4 clinical trials.

If I can land myself anywhere between those 3 points in the next 2 decades or so, I'll be happy. My problem is that I'm always going to think "there's a better position, a bigger hospital, something better". I can't settle, it's a blessing and a curse.

>> No.7605682

>Computer Engineering with specialization in networking and web engineering
>About to finish the major itself

>> No.7605749

>wanting to become a glorified janitor

>> No.7605751


But why? What the fuck?

>> No.7605880

>>Your major in undergrad

Biomedical Engineering

>>Masters and PhD (if any)

None yet, haven't decided if it's worth it or not.

>>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)

Pharmaceuticals or developing prosthetics probably, haven't really figured out where I want to go with this yet. Any other Biomeds here?

>> No.7605890

Cheers m8.

>> No.7605909

>>Your major in undergrad
Agricultural biotechnology

>>Masters and PhD (if any)
Fuck no. Academia is boring as hell.

>>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)
Agricultural biotechnologist

>> No.7605919

currently at UB studying CS as an undergrad but they only have a BS should I transfer to a better school for a BSE or is it just shit smearing either way.

>> No.7605922

If you can even get a career in philosophy, that's quite an achievement

>> No.7605926

Nsa data mining thread

For claiming to be so smart, you're all pretty fucking dumb tbh fam

>> No.7605947


As an UG degree Philosophy is usually supporting another major for whatever reason. It is also a sound base for pre-law students, opposed to criminal justice. CJ+PHIL is generally the most common type of degree people have before going into law, unless your uni actually has pre-law; which to be honest is just a medley of CJ and Phil. with a title that can help you get laid.

You're right though, if you ONLY have a phil degree and you have no interest in academia, better pick up a trade. You'll be a tradesman, but at least you'll be a smart tradesman.

>> No.7606121


That's awesome dude. I majored in Geophysics (Bachelor's only) and worked offshore on a seismic acquisition boat. It was a dream job like yours was, for me at least. I love the marine side of it.

But yeah, that company went bust so right now I'm just teaching in the mean time until I figure out what to do next. You think I should get a masters?

>> No.7606125


>Extremely low unemployment rate

anon have you been living under a rock the past year?

>> No.7606179

Is it stupid of me to pursue a degree in mech engr. despite the fact that I dont want to work in a cubicle? I want to become an astronaut so I'll earn my college degree first, go to the Navy/Chair Force and do my service, get my GI Bill to cover grad school tuition and then start my own company and do extra shit until I feel Im qualified enough to apply for NASA by 2030-35. Im 19 btw.

>> No.7607263


Sounds dope man. I would recommend upskilling now while the industry is down, so yeah go ahead and do your masters. You'll come out of it significantly more employable.

Are you thinking a coursework or thesis type masters? If your thinking about academia after masters I'd recommend doing a thesis type. Unsure how the system works where you are though.

I'm in a fortunate position in that the system here allows a fast-track to PhD from a bachelor with 1st class honours. Have been told that it doesn't work like this in North America.

>> No.7607287

Just do Aerospace. It's basically the same, except you'll get to be surrounded by other "imma gunna bee a astroonut" types, better connections, more relevant courses, etc

>> No.7607451

Turns out they'll be training me in SQL

Thanks /sci/

>> No.7607465

What Navy jobs have good training? Please don't say nuke

>> No.7607964

EECS || Applied Mathematics
UC Berkeley
gunning for that phd
tfw too stupid

>> No.7608202

Yeah It's a extremley slow acting agent, I have been drinking it for 20 years now. And its probably gonna kill me in about 65 years

>> No.7608227

nuclear/particle physics
experimental physics with a theoretical background or work with thorium research

>> No.7608230

>thorium research
we 1950s now

>> No.7608237


From a buddy of mine, claims that these are best branches for higher level programs as an officer.

Navy = Medicine/Nuclear
Army = Engineering/CJ
AirForce = CS/Tech
Coast Guard = Don't know/can't remember
Marines = Killing shit

>> No.7608241
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>tfw researched since 1950s
>still stuck with inefficient reactors using a metal which is almost as rare as platinum (hint: it's uranium)

>> No.7608244

>one day
>researchin dem algorithms

>> No.7608288

Computational Science

idk yet

>dream job
idk yet

someone pls help

>> No.7608329


please use "--" instead of "-"

>> No.7608379

>Your major in undergrad

>Masters and PhD (if any)
MS in Quantitative Finance

>Your dream job (and if you already have it or not)

Hardcore quant job programming models created by math and physics PhD's. I want it but I don't have it and might never have it (I just doubt I'll ever put in the effort to get good enough to pass the insane interviews).

There's very little to defend. CS at an undergraduate level is pretty lame. I wish I had double majored, or at least minored in math, physics, or EE, or just majored in something else and minored in CS (the only classes I would keep for sure are OS, compilers, algorithms, networks, and Objects and design).

I went to gradschool after 2 years of working in the industry. Between that and the fact that as a CS major I wasn't required to take a lot of calculus-based math (besides the bare minimum calcs 1-3 and probability and statistics, all of which I took in the early years), I didn't do well in the beginning, so my GPA wasn't stellar. I still need to get a lot better at math to get through those quant interviews.

I've nearly given up on my dream job and think I would remain content with just making applications, but being good enough at it that I can get a job somewhere else or make a startup when I come up with a good idea.

>> No.7608430

Biomed engi student here, my dream job would be R&D in prosthetics, especialy electronic ones.

>> No.7608455

I am a Computer Science major. Literally anyone can do it. Like all of it...

>> No.7608462

>Materials Science
>Make new toys for biology and medicine

>> No.7608478


>> No.7608545


>> No.7609629

What if you get bored of doing useless things? You tire eventually and wonder where all the time went.

>> No.7610001

Master Microelectronic,PhD Nanoelectronic engineering, job Senior Engineer at Intel, Dream job Watching anime

>> No.7610005


>> No.7610306


Now, this is a genius, you plebs.

>> No.7611280

>Medicine/Medical Sceinces (my country uses the European system)
>MD-PhD (Still have a couple of years before I am done)
>Combining medical research and clinical practice, currently most excited about Neuroendocriniology, but it will probably change by the time I get to practice

>> No.7611299

> history and philosophy in shit tier
I find this offensive.

>> No.7611478
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>I'm a pipe fetishist myself
confirmed for faggot

>> No.7612002

Does systems engineering qualify as top tier?

>> No.7612280

You're talking about IT. You're not doing CS.

>> No.7612308

We had an Indian engineer for a bit. Asked him to help solder some cables because regular guys were overwhelmed for an order. He finished really fast. Everyone was impressed. Later they found out he used hot glue gun to attach wires to connectors.

>> No.7612325

If it's stupid and it works then it's not stupid.

>> No.7612396

molecular biology

dreamjob is fuck off to the middle of nowhere and study birds or fungi or marine biology

thinking of switching

>> No.7612403

>Your major in undergrad
Atmospheric Sciences, currently working on an associate's in Computer Science. And before you
me it's almost entirely to enhance my resume for meteorology applications
>Masters and PhD
Someday when I have a steady-ish job in my field I will revisit this
>Your dream job
Working at the Storm Prediction Center or National Severe Storms Laboratory. Not even close to there, that's at least a decade of experience in the National Weather Service down the road.

>> No.7612460

>implying engineering isn't like that

>> No.7612463

>social """""science""""" kiddie thinks empirical evidence is all there is to science

>> No.7612464

ayy lmao

>> No.7612472

>Applied Epistemology

>> No.7612477

>beauty only exists in comparison
>but everything is inherently beautiful
nice logic there bro

>> No.7612482

No one criticizing, so I'm going to attack myself.
>It's not actually practical to combine both basic research and medicine unless you decide to work yourself to death
>PhD is probably not going to be related in any way to my eventual specialization due to starting on it 7 years before residency, so it's probably not going to be related to what I research in the future

>> No.7612504

Being a translator falls under foreign languages, more than linguistics

>> No.7612813

>law in top tier
into the trash it goes

>> No.7612816

>women studies in shit tier
>into the trash it goes

>> No.7612825
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>> No.7613600
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I'm doing my bachelors of science in psych and am applying to med school. I think it's a pretty cool major, alot more stats and math than I thought.

Got a 4.0 gpa

>> No.7613731

Is programming viable?