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7596651 No.7596651 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /sci/entists,

My friend says the cure for cancer can be made in your own backyard.

Cure for cancer is apricot seeds / Vitamin B17 / Laetrile. The big pharmaceuticals are hiding the fact that you can grow the cure for cancer in your own backyard, because they cannot patent such methods, like growing your own plants and they don't want people to grow their own plants and cure cancer, because they would lose a lot of money.

Concrete evidence cannot be shown, because verified studies are being surpressed by big pharmaceuticals, so only rogue studies or underground, if you will have been performed, but the results are promising.

Please discuss.

>> No.7596660

If you eat too many apricot seeds or laetrile you die of cyanide poisoning.

>> No.7596663

I know about the cyanide in the apricot seeds, however what is too many, gave the link to my friend, hoping he joins in and sees how wrong he is.

>> No.7596669

anything in high dosage is bad for you.
the cyanide inside the seeds are locked inside and the only reaction that releases it are inside of cancer cells.

look im not a scientist, i dont know the exact terminology and shit, but a lot of people eat apricot seeds every day. you can buy it from your local stores man.

the supposed threat of cyanide poisoning is a coverup from the FDA to scare people away from the cure for cancer that you can grow in your own backyard.

they cant patent stuff like plants, its the same case with cannibis. anything they cant put a patent on they lose money out of. this would put them out of bussiness... they would have no other reason not to do this

>> No.7596675

Your "friend" has been fooled by Kent Hovind, the biggest christian apologist since Jesus H. Fucking Christ. They contain cyanide, enjoy.

>> No.7596676

What cancer is it claiming to cure? All? Impossible.

>> No.7596677

>On average, bitter apricot kernels contain about 5% amygdalin and sweet kernels about 0.9% amygdalin. These values correspond to 0.3% and 0.05% of cyanide. Since a typical apricot kernel weighs 600 mg, bitter and sweet varieties contain respectively 1.8 and 0.3 mg of cyanide. Oral ingestion of 200mg is enough to kill you within minutes, so you need a lot.

Kill yourself, you fucking pothead.

>> No.7596682

His post is >>7596669

>> No.7596683

Cancer is not a single disease; there is no single cure. B17 isn't a real vitamin. Consuming a pharmaceutically significant amount of apricot seed will leave you dead of cyanide poisoning.

Conspiracy theories are funny. If Bayer for instance discovered that they had a cure for all cancers, they'd immediately patent it, sell millions of cures every year, and make insane profits. Meanwhile, GSK would have to give up the (relatively small) division of their company that works on cancer treatments, or else try to develop something with fewer side effects or whatever. But Bayer doesn't give two shits about that. Bayer wants all that cash that GSK is currently making, and they want it now. There is absolutely no reason for them to suppress anything.

Oh, but they can't patent it, you say? Incorrect. They can isolate the active compounds, synthesize superior versions, and patent those. I mean, anyone can grow willow trees and chew on the bark... but most of us buy a bottle of aspirin instead. It works better and has fewer side effects.

>> No.7596686

youre suppose to eat like 10 kernels a day, what youre suggesting is eating 200 seeds in 1 sitting fucking retard.

>> No.7596687

>the only reaction that releases it are inside of cancer cells.
No. Just... no.

> a lot of people eat apricot seeds every day
A lot of people breathe in radon gas every day, too, but I would also not recommend that.

>> No.7596688

Cyanide accumulates in your body, you idiot.

>> No.7596690

then why the fuck are these available in the fucking stores you dipshit... people eat these seeds every day and THERE ARE EVEN AMAZON REVIEWS ON THIS SHIT.

are you god damn retarded

>> No.7596692

Same as cigarettes, or alcohol.

>> No.7596695
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Kill yourself retard, seriously.

>> No.7596697


>so how does it work
>"But cancer cells are not normal. They contain an enzyme that other cells do not share, beta-glucosidase. This enzyme, virtually exclusive to cancer cells, is considered the "unlocking enzyme" for amagdylin molecules. It releases both the benzaldyhide and the cyanide, creating a toxic synergy beyond their uncombined sum. This is what the cancer cell's beta-glucosidase enzyme does to self destruct cancer cells.

>> No.7596698

Get the duck out of here, dumbass. Just fucking go away forever.

>> No.7596700

there is no scientific evidence because they have been suppressing these studies because it would put big pharma out of their fucking homes if there was a cheap cure for cancer

>> No.7596703

I'm not the guy in question, I simply made this thread for my friend, his posts are:

I don't even agree with him, I for one knew about this whole apricot seeds is a cure for cancer, B17 is a cure for cancer was a false hope, a hoax.

>> No.7596704


>> No.7596706

Wikipedia disproves your retarded link in the first paragraph on that enzyme:
>Beta-glucosidaseis aglucosidaseenzymelocated in on the brush border of the small intestine that acts upon β1->4 bonds linking twoglucoseor glucose-substituted molecules (i.e., thedisaccharidecellobiose). It is one of thecellulases, enzymes involved in the decomposition ofcelluloseand relatedpolysaccharides; more specifically, anexocellulasewith specificity for a variety ofbeta-D-glycosidesubstrates. It catalyzes the hydrolysis of terminal non-reducing residues in beta-D-glucosides with release of glucose.[2]
It is released in the small intestine. Your a fucking moron.

No. You're making bullshit claims.

>> No.7596728

>How does it work?
Apricot kernel contains a toxic chemical known as amygdalin. In the body this chemical is converted to cyanide, which is poisonous. There was interest in using apricot kernel to fight cancer because it was thought that amygdalin was taken up first by cancer cells and converted to cyanide. It was hoped that the cyanide would harm only the tumor. But research has shown that this is not true. The amygdalin is actually converted to cyanide in the stomach. The cyanide then goes throughout the body, where it can cause serious harm, including death.

>> No.7596745



>> No.7596757

lmfao, do you even chemistry. amygdalin is enzymatically hydrolysed in the digestive tract, upon which it rapidly releases cyanide

>> No.7596762

The comment section of tha amazon link, mate!
Lmfao, my sides hurt.

>> No.7596770
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>> No.7596776
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>Concrete evidence cannot be shown, because verified studies are being surpressed by big pharmaceuticals
how awfully convenient

>> No.7596778

Yeah, you can tell my friend that, the one being such a pothead >>7596700

>> No.7596783

>that comment section

what the fug man

>> No.7596787
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this is now the 2nd thread within one day spouting bullshit about "alternative" and "natural" cures for cancer with exactly zero evidence supporting it other than MUH BIG PHARMA

kill yourself you shitposting mouthbreather

>> No.7596871
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>cyanide cures cancer

>> No.7596880
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kek, I tried telling him after I was done laughing, but he doesn't get it.

>> No.7596894

we had this here in Germany or Switzerland, some guy had a wife with cancer and he claimed he was a esoteric spiritual healer, and he didn't allow his wife to visit a hospital for her chemotherapy, and he made her eat apricot seeds. then she died and he went to jail.

>> No.7596895

top kek

>> No.7596900

cancer is your body eating itself. That's why chemo destroys the body.

>> No.7596905

ive been told by many that cancer patients continue their usual medical routines AND take apricot seeds as a side. also something about sugar being supportive towards cancer cells.

in any case, you're not supposed to ONLY take apricot seeds and NOTHING else, you're supposed to do it in conjunction with.

>> No.7596908

I know one thing for sure, if I get cancer I'm taking apricot seeds as much as I can orally, hoping the cyanide kicks in literally seconds. I'd rather kill myself than die by cancer to be honest.

>> No.7596920

There is no 'cure for cancer' because there is not 'cancer' per se. Cancer is a broad classification of a wide range of diseases that have similar causes. There is no ultimate cure because each type is different.

>> No.7596922


>> No.7596940

Then how you know its the apricot poison and not the chemo cure what's healing your beloved murder victim?

>> No.7596949

in most cases, adults literally puke out the kernels theyve eaten (after eating 30 or more of them in one sitting) so the stomach doesnt even have the time to process that shit.

ofcourse. but a lot of cancer have similar properties and attributes. you can argue that there are common types of cancer which can be supposedly cured

because some of the patients that dont have chemo routines have also attempted cyanide poisoning and have dropped their PSA levels and lived longer than the expected lifetimes of usual chemo or other conventional cancer treatments.

>> No.7596954
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Cute, but I know people who's grandpa smoked all his life and lived to an age of 110. The outliers are never the rule, yet you hear success stories mainly from them. Enjoy your confirmation biased shit, my man.

>> No.7596984

obviously, anything this major would require hard evidence, but if the system is against you, your options are limited. there have been rogue studies on this subject, but literally everything can be waved away by simply denying, falsifying and outright lying about the truth.

>> No.7596999

itt: jews

>> No.7597003

>"there just isn’t enough information out there because these million dollar industries can’t patent and make money out of natural treatments. I would urge you to look a little bit deeper. Again, no offence meant to anybody here."

>> No.7597005
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>> No.7597018

ITT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law

>> No.7597026

even if a single one of these cure magically worked for some unscientific reason, the guy claiming it works could very easily use it to make millions. Cancer and especially terminal cancer make people absolutely desperate and many will be willing to try even the most outrageous treatment if it means a chance to live. If this treatment worked, there would have been one, then two, then 10 confirmed cases, it would spread like fire that some person is selling some mysterious cure for cancer. But you never hear of that because the guy and his cure vanishes once he's paid and the patient dies a few months later with a few thousand dollars less.

>> No.7597031

There is no system working against you. You can easily submit your paper to a peer reviewed open access journal. Where is the research though? There's nothing concrete out there and all you've got is conspiracy bullshit. Its okay to be wrong man, everyone is wrong at times, just don't be that idiot who sticks to his beliefs regardless of knowing otherwise.

>> No.7597034

>There is no scientific evidence to support claims that laetrile or amygdalin can treat cancer or any other illness
>One animal study claimed that amygdalin slowed the growth of cancer in animals and helped stop tumours spreading to the lungs. But repeated studies couldn’t show similar results, so the treatment remains unproven.
The fact that the first study was published shows that this has been considered and "big pharma" couldn't stop it. The repeated studies, however, indicate that it's bullshit.

>> No.7597044

>what are relatives
but seriously, there have been cases, anecdotal cases, but these arent deemed scientific enough and you would need to conduct a research with a big enough sample size for it to impact the industry in a big way.

'the guy' that youre claiming claims he has a miracle would be bogus in this case because you can buy apricot seeds in large quantities from any general store. you can hardly link the sales of all or most of the apricot seed business to any single person or man. besides, like OP said, this is a plant you can grow in your backyard, you dont even have to buy it in store.

>> No.7597047
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>da gubberment
>muh big pharma
>muh rogue studies
we get it

everyone is against you
you know the underlying truth but the higher ups suppress it
just like every other crackpot schizo out there

>> No.7597055

OP here, thanks to all anons who replied. My friend is wrong, yet he still wants to stick to his beliefs. Definitely retarded, such a horrifying way to find it out.

>> No.7597059

This tbh

>> No.7597063

because there is. doctors and patients are required to sign a contract of sort stating that they make use of substances like laetrile just so they can crackdown and de-license people in these types of miracle business.

a single rat can slip through the cracks, doesnt mean the big man is trying to cover up those cracks.

just because a few studies have 'absolutely' proven that a certain method is false doesnt mean their research cant be biased or botched in some way either.

is it so weird to think that any multi million billion dollar company would actively try to work against something that could literally destroy their entire infrastructure if truth would come to light?

but ofcourse, we can simply wave any statements by saying its 'bogus'

fuck off homo.

>> No.7597065

you don't get my point. I'm not talking about this case specifically, all of these cure can be sold whether it's technically easy to reproduce it or not. Someone could produce the cure described in the OP without telling the patient what it contains. Even in this specific case, the reason that it doesn't spread isn't because people don't believe the anecdotal cases, it's because the anecdotal cases stay anecdotal cases. A few people around those cases will try the same remedy and it will fail on them, and that's why the story never grows. There are genuine remission with chemo, but we only call it a medical progress when the remissions can be predictably repeated.

>> No.7597072

so it'll be a slow progress, which i'd hate to see. but at least some day it'll come to light and people will be in shock about this for years to come.

a man can dream.

>> No.7597080

Placebo effect. Combine with proper treatment it may produce a favorable result. I say do it up

>> No.7597082

Let's shift this discussion into another direction, what about the newly found research on the cure of cancer? Involing a certain protein of the malaria virus, thoughts would be appreciated and how you see that would turn out in say 5 years.

>> No.7597083

I thought you might like to read the clinical data on the use of Amygdallin with cancer ;)

The anti-tumor effects of Amygdallin was published in Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics where they said ” Amygdalin is a natural product that has antitumor activity and less side effects” Vol 10 / Iss 5 / 1: 2014 Aug pg 3-7

and in another study conducted by Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, South Korea, they said “Amygdalin is known to exhibit selective killing effect on cancer cells. Apoptosis, programmed cell death, is an important mechanism in cancer treatment. Amygdalin induces apoptosis through regulation of Bax and Bcl-2 expressions in human DU145 and LNCaP prostate cancer cells.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16880611

Amygdalin Blocks Bladder Cancer Cell Growth In Vitro by Diminishing Cyclin A and cdk2

In vitro cytotoxicity following specific activation of amygdalin by beta-glucosidase conjugated to a bladder cancer-associated monoclonal antibody.

keep in mind these are lab experiments.

>> No.7597085

discuss it 20 years later when it's 'conventionalized'

>> No.7597091
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>is it so weird to think that any multi million billion dollar company would actively try to work against something that could literally destroy their entire infrastructure if truth would come to light?
again, you're not providing any actual argument, just big-bad-corporation rhetoric
and your "evidence" for all of this is the fact that there is no evidence, way to go champ

as >>7597034 shows there HAS been research on this topic, and it couldn't be reproduced
seeing how you keep spouting the same nonsense I can safely assume that you'll just say that further reproduction of the study was fudged by the big, evil corporations that poison our wells and slowly kill us with autism-inducing vaccines

what a horrible life to be stuck in, constantly torn between wanting to "wake up" the "sheeple" and finding yourself unable to do so
you truly have my pity

>> No.7597092

Just because you can conceive of a reason that it might be true does not make it true. It gives motive but doesn't prove anything. It would be possible to make up any fantastical story to describe any situation.

>> No.7597098 [DELETED] 

>I'd rather kill myself than die by cancer to be honest.

Painkillers will make death more bearable. Late stage cancer patients are littered with huge smelly tumors that gorge their blood, flesh, organs and bones.

>> No.7597101

What contract? Why is legitimate research wrong? All these allegations you make, yet you give no evidence. You're like a religious retard trying desperately to stick to its beliefs despite knowing he's wrong. Its quite pathetic tbh fam. But by all means, feel free to eat some cyanide.

>> No.7597102

it's a cytotoxic poison, it has by definition anti-tumor activity. Just like.... Vincristine, a mitotic inhibitor, that is extracted from a natural plant. And used in chemotherapy. Why would vincristine be allowed by big pharma for chemo and not amygdallin ?

>> No.7597113

why would you bother to question what a needle is doing in a haystack... or rather a straw in a needle stack.

>> No.7597118

Nice rambling, crazy person. Try making some sense next post.

>> No.7597119

tons of people all over the world eat apricot seeds every day...

>what is google

its not fantasy, im only claiming this because how the fuck would you PROVE such a thing. i'm only implying there is a motive.

>> No.7597123

metaphors are hard to understand i know. maybe try some literature.

>> No.7597126

Got it. In which case I am sure you own large stock in the apricot seed business. Of course YOU would like us to believe such claims.

>> No.7597131

that is why you can cut out the middle man and the end man by just growing it in your own backyard...

>> No.7597132

Maybe try making an actual argument. Then I'll listen. Of course you have nothing except weird analogies that only you understand. Dumb fuck.

>> No.7597133

I'm just going to keep on lurking. Seeing as my friend is clearly as wrong as ever and just cannot admit defeat, I will continue to lurk and monitor this thread for my amusement.

>> No.7597138

cancer bad
apricot seed kill cancer
cant patent apricot seed
wave off as conspiracy
keep my money

>> No.7597141

where is the proof ?

>> No.7597144

Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you? All that money you would make with your stock in hoes, fertilizer and apricot seeds which I guess you would still need to grow them.

>> No.7597146

Yeah tons of people smoke a pack of ciggies each day or drink till they drop each day. Very healthy right? Anecdotal evidence is worth jack fucking shit. And you know it. Cite something that hasn't debunked by more recent studies. I dare you motherfucker. You cannot. Your beliefs are wrong. The only reason you're still in denial is probably because you recommended someone else to use cyanide seeds instead of actual medicine and can not afford to back up now.

>> No.7597156
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cancer bad
belief random internet salesman
salesman said there big evil conspiracy against my grandma
better belief salesman
grandma dies because she denied treatment and ate cyanide instead
still belief cyanide cures cancer because cannot confess I killed grandma

>> No.7597161

if there was any concrete proof, the damage would already have been done, and we wouldn't be discussing this right now. basically youre asking for something that wouldnt exist in this very timeline.

if the tradeoff is the cure for cancer would people really care?

comparing degenerating products to regenerating products. because that makes sense in the slightest.

i'm advocating the usage of apricot seeds, but not in contrast of some negative substance. yes anecdotal evidence is bullshit and should be waved and refused immediately because its not scientific. but to reject any type of evidence would be silly in the first place.

>> No.7597163
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well I mean I guess taking Cyanide does in a way cure cancer

>> No.7597164

wish it would cure yours.
but for real though, i dont actually know anyone who has cancer.

footnote, if you eat 30+ kernels in one sitting, its dangerous.

>> No.7597165

I was implying that it doesn't really cure cancer and you were just trying to make money in this scenario

>> No.7597166

>cyanide is a regenerating product
This is how retarded you sound right now.

>> No.7597171

Nice ad hom, faggot. How's that murder guilt treating you?

>> No.7597177

Ya know I think this thread has died. The only people left are people who just want to argue with the other because they are angry.

- It is a tale told by an idiot. Full of sound and fury and signifying nothing lol i'm drunk

>> No.7597178

if i tell you you can grow it in your own backyard, would it matter.
why would a guy like me try to convince people on 4chan of all places. do you really think that if i had any hand in profits that would result from this, that it would matter in any significant way?

btw, on amazon these bags are like 20 dollars for 900 seeds/kernels. please make me rich.

i wouldnt know, i havent suffered any BECAUSE I DIDNT DO IT.

>> No.7597186

replying to your first point: Sure why not? It doesn't even have to be you, it could be somebody you were paid by to post this thread. Things especially that inspire hope are infectious. There are many people who would jump head long into something like this because they would hope. They would try anything. Then you and your employer would rake in the money.

Of course I don't actually believe this. Just sayin'

>> No.7597189
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>> No.7597192

Dude, there are too many good scientists to keep something like that bottled up. I worked in pharma and 100s of people touch every study and the scientists i worked with were 80% 'good' people. You couldn't bury sonething like that.

>> No.7597193

>literally thousands of vendors
>literally can DYI
>somehow can rake money out of this
>through 4chan of all places

madman please.

>> No.7597194

>why would a nobody try to convince people on 4chan
If you had any credible evidence and sources you would surely be able to convince us. Yet you don't. So you can just fuck off, plebstein.

>> No.7597196

if you have thousands of 'alternative' and 'hoax' remedies, people tend to get a little skeptical.

you got it big guy

>> No.7597203

>a single rat can slip through the cracks, doesnt mean the big man is trying to cover up those cracks.
>just because a few studies have 'absolutely' proven that a certain method is false doesnt mean their research cant be biased or botched in some way either.
Of course one can never be absolutely certain of anything, but when a large collection of experts says "this is nonsense". you would be smart to agree, especially when you yourself aren't an expert and are without evidence to the contrary.

>> No.7597208

>is it so weird to think that any multi million billion dollar company would actively try to work against something that could literally destroy their entire infrastructure if truth would come to light?
I thought you said it was meant to be taken alongside evidence based medicine?

>> No.7597212

both sides win basically.
so people wont run around yelling 'cyanide killed this cancer patient'

>> No.7597220

Fine i'll step it up a notch lol. Really this is argument has become ridiculous but I am having fun with creating scenarios.

>be commander klerbork from the andromeda system
>tasked with fixing our energy crisis
>find redneck hick in corn field
>decide to eat his innards and assume his form lol
>create apricot that can control the human mind
>dumbasses believe anything, tell them that it cures cancer
>tell them that it prevents cancer too
>years later
>human race spends day and night building dyson swarm
>Sell them hoes and fertilizer to grow crops for work force
>make millions

>> No.7597239

people buy farming equipment every single day. do you really think that with my 'metaphorical' company i would boost my sales 'somehow' by stating that some certain fruit seeds are the cure.

>> No.7597246

party on

>> No.7597249


>> No.7597252

>the average American is on 11 prescription medicine
This is just bullshit like the rest of the video, right? Please, tell me it's bullshit.

>> No.7597262

>people are on medicine
>must be bogus
have you visited the americas my friend? shit is downtown up there. they have commercials that promote prescription drugs.

>> No.7597268


yeah I mean here's my opinion, and I'm not an expert on this shit, so the amygdalin in apricot seeds gets broken down by enzymes when the seeds get chewed and that releases cyanide, probably a herbivore defense mechanism.

Cyanide inhibits proteins in the ETC so shuts down ATP production, it would be harmful to any cells so I'm gonna assume that cyanide most likely kills cancer cells in vitro, I bet you can do a study like that that gets those results, I don't know if there are studies out there, probably. People could have read some study that showed that, and erroneously assumed that it extends to living animals or humans. I doubt that there are studies that intentionally give people cyanide and whatever potential anti-cancer effect cyanide may have would be overweighed by the systemic toxic effects to the rest of the body, making it less useful than any other modern chemotherapy drug, that being the reason that it's overlooked in any legit cancer treatment.

Also, these people take this apricot shit , "Laetrine" because it sounds more "naturalley" than KCN powder, which is "chemicalley".

But the worst is that these people think that there's some kind of conspiracy against this shit, it's offensive to scientists who are working on research to discover new treatments for cancer, if this stuff had any usefulness, couldn't a company make an analogue of it and patent that? Why do they think that pharmaceutical companies have no interest in "natural" shit because there's no money to be made? Fucking aspirin is acetylated salicylic acid, salicylic acid is from willow bark, people chewed it for ages for pain relief and Bayer made the brand name Aspririn, and people still buy the brand name even though it's been more than 100 years.

Those people are beyond help, they will probably be forever fucked in the head, especially thinking that the people like scientists and doctors who are trying to help those with cancer are involved in some evil scheme.

>> No.7597300

because any other medical treatments isnt as expensive as chemo that can also be cured with medicine in pill form. (what does aspirin heal that is directly affecting your health aka cancer) all the more reason to delay a natural cure and instead pump money into finding a synthetic cure that can be patented.

since theyve made b17/laetrine illegal or against regulation, they've effectively closed the door on that and going back to it might show them for the frauds they are.

i know im not making massive sense right now but its 3 am and i work poorly in these conditions.

>> No.7598084

I regret to inform you that your brain clearly doesn't work under any conditions whatsoever.

>> No.7598097

I find this interesting since a character in an early 80's comic book took apricot pit pills in a desperate attempt to cure his cancer.

Apparently this isn't a new idea.

>> No.7598115

You're a shitty friend

>> No.7598160

>The big pharmaceuticals are hiding the fact that you can grow the cure for cancer in your own backyard, because they cannot patent such methods

>Please discuss.

Big Pharma here:

That sentence is solid evidence your "friend*" has zero idea how things work in pharma.

We don't HAVE to hide anything, your doctor will not prescribe it because it isn't FDA approved.

The reason it isn't FDA approved is not that we're preventing it, the reason is that it costs a solid $1 billion to go from "idea" to "regulated medicine" and then our competitors can make the same stuff because we just got it approved and we'll make no money, so we don't pay to get it approved. If you want to pay $1 billion to get it through phase III trials, be my guest - We'll happily start making it just as soon as you've paid off the government regulators you hired to prevent us from making it.

See also: LOVAZA / Fish oil, or DEPLIN / Folate, or RAMELTEON / Melatonin.

*Hint: You can just say "I," it is more honest AND we'll see through your bullshit anyway.

>> No.7598169

>the supposed threat of cyanide poisoning is a coverup from the FDA to scare people away from the cure for cancer that you can grow in your own backyard.

Listen you raging faggot: We are not ALLIED to the FDA, they do not do our bidding. The FDA is a government regulatory organization whose sole purpose is to forbid us from selling drugs until we burn a billion dollars on the altar of bureaucracy. That's not a hyperbolic asspull number, that is billion with nine zeroes, that's how much it costs us to get things FDA approved.

The reason we don't sell you your anti-cancer wonder drug is that:

- you have voted to make it cost us that much money to get it approved, and
- you have voted to make it so we cannot patent it (If it is, indeed, unpatentable) to make that money back.

And then you wonder why we're not marketing it! Fuck you! Literally fuck you. You work your hardest to prevent us from doing it, then blame us for not doing it. FUUuucckk you.

>> No.7598218

I am serious about it being my thread, he asked me where such a post would belong, told him /sci/. He didn't believe me, I created this thread for him and linked it, he has been replying in this thread and raging and arguing about it last night. I'm a shitty friend for doing so, but the keks made it worth it.

>> No.7598221

Thread = friend.

>> No.7598229

thanks for the thread btw, im glad 4chan is your bandwagon on which you base your opinions on instead of forming your own.

>> No.7598270

If you did your research properly, instead of believing your own vision, everyone on that amazon product page is retarded, as are you.

>> No.7598280

i am doing research on the subject, for my own. im not trying to oppose someone right now. i wont come to any conclusions because there isnt a conclusion.

>> No.7598446

>It works better and has fewer side effect
Keep telling yourself that. If you would read any medical entries on that topic you'd be suprised.

>> No.7598447

I doesn't.

>> No.7598462

Listen OP. I didn't read any of the comments that were made prior to my post, but I will tell you my honest and true opinions and knowledge.

I work in research. Computer Science. A few years ago I worked with a british scientist, a professor specialized in medical chemistry -> making and researching different kinds of drugs and I mean he was a big shot (he got like 200k pounds for research as a single person for a single project, he was doing like 4 to 5).

He once showed me the results of a research project on diseases like asthma where he and his russian colleague (who was like a walking library, knowing complete books by heart lol) found a cure for asthma and 2 allergies related to it. He told me that before they published it, they got approached by pharma and told they'd get a big bunch of money for their other researches, if they keep their finding to them.

>> No.7598644

Watch this then kill yourself you fuckin pot head

>> No.7598690

Except big pharma doesn't make money on cancer cures

>> No.7598815

did it have a patent? was it a synthetic product that was used? this is what they're after i believe.
the big sum doesnt bother them in the grand scheme of things

>> No.7598850

Then why haven't they gone out of business?

>> No.7598851

If God isn't real, then who wrote the bible?

>> No.7598888






>> No.7598912


>cure for asthma
>not knowing what asthma actually is

You cannot cure an hypersensitivity reaction, you supress it moron.

>curing allergies
>not an illness, merely an overreaction

>> No.7598920

>It can cure cancer
Which cancer?

>> No.7598930

exactly why we can assume that it's not the best course of 'curing' cancer but only the widely used one.

>> No.7598945


It is a last resort kind of thing, really, I readily admit that.

However many people do not realize/ willingly ignore this, and then complain about the chemo while that's literally everything you can do to save their life.

Or even worse, they get a cancer diagnoses, refuse to accept conventional medicine, go to natural healer yadda yadda, get metastasis, come to the hospital and then go "oh why can't you do anything", after letting the cancer proceed so fucking far away.

We get cases that would have been extremely easy to cure, had the braindead moron actually accepted to go into surgery/etc.

Yes, having a shoulder removed is disfiguring. Yes it is horrible and unfair. Now, you want to die or not? Because that's the underlying question.

>> No.7598954

>we can assume
you can't assume shit, citations or fuck off

>> No.7599021

exactly why i said before that you should just try it in conjunction with the conventional methods, since you dont have much to lose in that situation.

what citation do you want? you're asking me if chemo is bad for you? because that much is know. Currently we don't have a better 'cure' than nuking body cells. We just haven't discovered a better method yet.

>> No.7599131
File: 54 KB, 480x480, 1417233613084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Concrete evidence cannot be shown, because verified studies are being surpressed by big pharmaceuticals, so only rogue studies or underground, if you will have been performed, but the results are promising.

>> No.7600336

> definitly

>> No.7600373

Jesus Christ is the doctor of our bodies.

>> No.7600538

Sure does. Only side effect is death

>> No.7600549

Ha Ha

>> No.7600569

technically, it does kill cancer

>> No.7600821
File: 161 KB, 640x427, evidence or gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh conspiracies

>> No.7600936 [DELETED] 

>We just haven't discovered a better method yet.

What is excision surgery?

>> No.7600948

Sometimes prevention is better than cure.


>Boys who grew up in communities that added at least moderate levels of fluoride to their water got bone cancer -- osteosarcoma -- more often than boys who drank water with little or no fluoride.

>By the time they were 20, these boys got bone cancer 5.46 times more often than boys with the lowest consumption.

>Bassin says she "was surprised by the results."
>"Having a background in dentistry and dental public health, [I] was taught that fluoride at recommended levels is safe and effective for the prevention of dental [cavities],"

>Bassin says in the statement. "All of [our analyses] were consistent in finding an association between fluoride levels in drinking water and an increased risk of osteosarcoma for males diagnosed before age 20,

>> No.7601034
File: 2 KB, 125x96, 1382541360627s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some PROVEN ways to beat cancer:
-Starvation destroys cancer cells.
-Jumping off of a bridge destroys cancer cells.
-Putting a bullet in your brain kills cancer cells.

Lmao... when people say "big pharma" covers up cancer cures and shit, it makes me cringe. Do you even realize how much money those companies POUR into anti-cancer drugs? The market gap for treatments and cures has been growing exponentially over the last 50 years, and it's been an arms race ever since. They have, and will, try LITERALLY anything.

And yes, they tried "Amygdalin," look it up. People are so easily convinced by the dumbest shit because they simplify every thing.
>"cyanide isnt releesed from da seeds until the sead has lodged itself into the heart of the cancer tumor developmental zone."

When in reality, and as it was said in this thread, the HCN portion of the molecule is enzymatic-ally hydrolyzed pretty much instantly, then you've got free HCN traveling into your highly absorbent intestines -- fun.

Just because I can hold a BIC lighter up to a glass slide smeared with cancer cells and kill them all doesn't mean engulfing yourself in flames is a reasonable and safe cure for cancer, does it?

>> No.7601178
File: 13 KB, 380x265, Brainstorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I don't get is that if Leaterile is literally poisonous cyanide and it's present in apricot seeds and perhaps apple seeds and we're supposed to just die from eating too much of the aforementioned seeds why hasn't anyone done experiments on guinea pigs proving that this is the case? It should be quite simple. Grind up a ton of apple seeds and apricot seeds and feed them to lab rats and other animals to see what happens. Heck, this could be a highschool experiment it's so easy. So why hasn't anyone done this?

>> No.7601211

>Cure for cancer

cancer is a meme name like autists is used here.
its used for many different diseases (like autist here that is used for autism, OCD,.......)

>> No.7601217

>there is no scientific evidence because they have been suppressing these studies because it would put big pharma out of their fucking homes if there was a cheap cure for cancer
This show how you know nothing if you think money is reason for cancer cure repression

>> No.7601219

What I like about this thread is how nobody has mentioned that not all cancers are the same. There is and never will be "a cure for cancer" because cancer is just a single term that describes in the most basic sense hundreds of different diseases that kind of resemble each other. My brain cancer =/= your brain cancer =/= Bob's lung cancer, etc.

>> No.7601223

Except for this guy >>7601211

>> No.7601229



>> No.7601671

My great grandpa had cancer, he starved himself and was on a similiar diet to ketosis, eating only around 2000 cals a day but eating less than 40carbs a day.

2 months later his cancer minimized itself, stayed on the same diet for 1 more month and his cancer disappeared.

I can only assume that the lack of carbs giving energy to his cancer cells prevenbted them from growing and because he was geting so little carbs they shrunk and died

>> No.7601689

ive been told cancer cells love sugar

>> No.7601748

>I can only assume that the lack of carbs giving energy to his cancer cells prevenbted them from growing
Or maybe it went into remission for an unrelated reason.
Damn, I'm opposed to eugenics, but maybe you just should volunteer to not have kids.

>> No.7602454

>coverup from the FDA
Joe Biden's goddamned son died of cancer and you think the US government is hiding a quick-fix, easy cure?
You think the VP wouldn't know? You think his kid would die if anyone in the US government could've stopped it?

>> No.7602483

>My friend says the cure for cancer can be made in your own backyard
sure can, you gotta suck it from a hose behind my shed

>> No.7602487

>Cure for cancer is apricot seeds
Ernst Krebs pls go
you'll never be in the same tier
as your cousins Edwin and Hans