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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 46 KB, 480x468, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7595788 No.7595788 [Reply] [Original]

Place your bets on how long until news breaks that this guy "committed suicide" or "died in an accident"


>> No.7595793


apart the "air rechargeability, how is this a significant improvement from other supercapacitors?

>> No.7595798

but that's the most important part

>> No.7595801

>Place your bets on how long until news breaks that this guy "committed suicide" or "died in an accident"
probably while on his way to the show he's talking about

>> No.7595802

My bet: Never, but he's also completely ignored, like the guy who keeps claiming he's discovered a new room-temperature superconductor every week.

Or, conversely, he might be ignored for the precise opposite reason - I've seen a lot of research on graphene supercapacitors lately, so very possibly what he's doing is neither original nor notable.

>> No.7595812
File: 14 KB, 193x243, worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Place your bets on how long until news breaks that this guy "committed suicide" or "died in an accident""
>check his channel
>hasn't been active in almost two months for some reason after showing this stuff


>> No.7595813

Maybe he just got bought out, and is now working in some uber secret government lab somewhere.

>> No.7595815

this guy is literally making this shit in his garage. he definitely got fucking rekt right quick.
yeah, check the comments in that video. this battery show shit he went to

>detroit 13-15th sept

lmao he most definitely got rekt and cops blamed it on nogs, wouldn't even doubt it.

>> No.7595816

The only secret government lab he's working in is area 420.

>> No.7595817

>how long until news breaks that this guy "committed suicide" or "died in an accident"
You mean the same way the candle-maker industry had Edison killed?
Or how the livery stable cartel killed off Henry Ford?

Help me out though, is this the /x/ containment thread, or the /pol/ containment thread?

>> No.7595819


>> No.7595821

Edison and Ford were the type of guys to do that.

>> No.7595827

Seriously though, can someone who knows about this shit explain why this is either bullshit, or not that impressive?

>> No.7595849

>Edison and Ford were the type of guys to do that.
And how does that prevent other people from bumping them off?

People don't assassinate inventors, they just infringe the patents.

>> No.7595859

Or some other idiot board.

>> No.7596624
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 3000_farad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made a rechargeable battery that charges so quickly that it's actually defined as a super capacitor. 2000 farads in something smaller than a credit card is extremely impressive.

Since /sci/ is all normalfags that just act like they "FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE": If that battery was in your smartphone, it would have hours and hours of screen-on time and fully charge in ~10 minutes, every time. It would also be much more reliable.

pic related is a 3000 farad capacitor and the 2000 farad capacitor is about the same size. I guarantee that nothing in your house even has something that large other than all of your mothers dildo collections.

>> No.7596640

lmao do you think government and corperate hits just don't or have never happened?

>> No.7596808


Thinking that they've never happened would be stupid. Thinking that they happen all the time, or happen over inventions, is substantially more stupid.

>But I have this *intense* feeling that more is going on than is apparent on the surface! I constantly smell conspiracy!

That intense feeling is correct; there's a lot more going on than what is apparent on the surface, but if you went to class and studied instead of smoking weed every day, you'd know a lot more about what's going on in the world, both on the surface and under it, and you wouldn't have that feeling so much, because that feeling is mostly due to your constant state of confusion.

As for smelling conspiracy all the time, it's partly because you smoke weed every day, and partly because your opinion of yourself is so exaggerated that when people dismiss your ideas out of hand over and over and over, you assume there is some secret reason behind it, instead of seeing the very un-secret reason, which is that you're a fucking moron and all your ideas are stupid.

>> No.7596831

when a multi-billion dollar industry is at stake, it's not that weird.

>> No.7596969


On /x/, I'm sure it's par for the course.

In reality, things are just not that exciting. I know it would be so badass if there were these Men In Black of the oil industry, going around making people disappear, because, "gotta maintain the monopoly," but there would be so much more money in buying or stealing new tech and *adding* to the energy monopoly than there would be to have to keep killing every new inventor of the same tech, each time risking the entire company, just to suppress some unknown invention with unverified claims that an amateur made in his garage.

>> No.7596982

It's also tiny.

>> No.7596996

I smoke weed everyday, and I'm not a conspiracy loon. You can be educated and still enjoy weed

>> No.7597022


The pool of people smoking weed is not full of conspiracy loons, but the pool of conspiracy loons is full of people smoking weed.

I told him to stop smoking weed because he's a conspiracy loon, not just because he's smoking weed.

If you can smoke without seeing conspiracy everywhere, by all means continue; it's your body. This guy can't, and he's surrounded himself by people with the same parinoia for so long that he trusts anything based on gut feeling and laughs when someone doubts whatever ill-defined conspiracy is his current pet.

He sounds like a 17 year old idiot with problems that would best be solved by having his weed supply cut off and having his face repeatedly punched.

>> No.7597040

They won't kill the guy, they will either buy him out or cock block him through copyright bullshit.

>> No.7597046

I doubt that weed is a causative factor in most conspiracy thinking. I just think that people who have something against the government, and are irrational, latch onto illegal things that shouldn't be illegal as some kind of secret magic that "they" don't want you to have

>> No.7597060

>substance that you can put in your body to seriously alter state of mind should be legal

>> No.7597067

>substance that you can put in your body to seriously alter state of mind should be ILLEGAL

why back at ya?

>> No.7597068

why shouldn't it? I don't believe in taking away rights without very good reason. All reasons given for banning cannabis are false or insufficient to justify a ban.

Should we ban alcohol? it has a greater affect on a person's mind than cannabis does

>> No.7597107

Yes we should ban alcohol. Although studies show regular marijuana use is extremely damaging to the mind in ways alcohol isn't.

>> No.7597110

>studies show regular marijuana use is extremely damaging to the mind in ways alcohol isn't.
[citation needed]

I don't really want to hijack this thread, and I'm leaving for a while anyways, but I'll check back when I get home later to see if you can produce a source

>> No.7597124

Im the one you responded to. I just want to let you know you're an elitist faggot and I want to tell you some things about myself. I do not smoke weed at all because it makes me have bad memory and can trigger schizophrenia which runs in my family.
I never said anything about this guy being killed for certain I just wanted to tell you that immediately dismissing these sorts of things thinking they would never happen, is just dumb.

I'm not really sure how you extrapolated me being a paranoid stoner who doesnt go to class from my previous post. You literally know nothing about me yet you are so eager to prove you are better than me because you don't smoke weed and you got to class and you are so intellectual. When I don't even smoke weed, skip class, or indulge in conspiracy theories in the first place!

>> No.7597302

>I'm not really sure how you extrapolated me being a paranoid stoner

It was the part where you laughed dismissively at someone who didn't think much of your conspiracy theory.

>lmao do you think government and corperate hits just don't or have never happened?

That part, right there. So, the entire post.

The attitude I get from that post is, "pfffft, this idiot doesn't even see that secret assasinations are happening all the time, when to me it's obvious. Wake up, sheeple..."

It's the sort of nonsense spouted with an, "I know better," attitude I would expect from a 17 year old stoner, but perhaps there is a totally different reason that you come off as such a puffed-up twat. Sorry for making assumptions.

>> No.7597319

> high capacitance equals high energy
:^) back to high school, retarded shitstain

>> No.7597400

I was responding to your post. The one where you did the exact same thing before me and laughed dismissively.

> >>/x/

It's not my conspiracy either I don't really care or have an opinion one way or the other, I just didn't like that you immediately dismissed government and corporate hits as paranormal. Thats it.

>> No.7597431

Why? Because he made a supercapacitor? This technology isn't anything new.