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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7595710 No.7595710 [Reply] [Original]

You're on an airplane that crashes in Butfuk, Nohware Russia, and only you and one STEM major survived. You both agree to partner up to try and survive for the next three years until you are eventually saved by some hikers exploring deep into the tundra.

You are allowed to choose what this hypothetical partner has a degree in from the following list:

>Mechanical Engineering
>Electrical Engineering
>Chemical Engineering
>Civil Engineering

To maximize your chance of survival, what did your partner major in during undergrad?

>b-but what was my major?
You were a pleb during uni and majored in basket-weaving. You provide many baskets to your partner when needed for survival.

>> No.7595713

Math. Not because math is actually useful but because they are probably some kind of weirdo like Ted Kacyznski who lived in the wilderness in Montana.

>> No.7595714
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This tbh fam, almost everyone that studies math is a crazy person

>> No.7595717

Biology. She's probably spent some time in the outdoors, knows stuff like which plants will be edible, and has better than even odds of being a total babe. And let's face it, that last one is the most important; if I have to go three years without sex, I'm not going to make it.

>> No.7595719
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absolutely useless and we'd die
would know a lot but have no idea how to apply any of it IRL and we'd die
sort of useful, actually
would actually know lots of useful shit but unless they had a perfect memory and remembered which berries were poisonous and which weren't etc, we'd die
>Mechanical Engineering
maybe actually useful, would be able to make tools, weapons to kill animals for food and defense, could probably jerry-rig guns with homemade bullets and shit, more than likely have enough knowledge to make a insulated hut and keep a warm place to sleep with all of their thermo knowledge, wouldn't actually be useful for anything else though and lets get real, even the physics majors could make a fucking bow & arrow. you don't need to be ME to do that
>Electrical Engineering
probably less useful in this situation unless they had loads of telecommunications knowledge and knew how to jerry-rig some sort of communications to have us saved earlier, probably not possible with the few materials, would still have some decently useful knowledge but would probably be fucked tbh m8 this would be the only guy that could get us out before that 3 years if they know this shit, though.
>Chemical Engineering
we're not going to need tubes, so we'd die.
>Civil Engineering
We'd probably have a sick hut but get fucked in the ass in every other way, so we'd die. we don't need to design a road m8.

>> No.7595721
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>> No.7595725
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your partner will be a guy. feel free to fuck your partner in the ass, though.

>> No.7595730

Biologists aren't botanists you fucking idiot. In fact you know very little about any of the disciplines you described. Including your own.

>> No.7595732

> engineering
You've never done an actual project with an actual engineer, have you? Even if you got beyond the scouting stage for where you would erect your shelter (and I'm dubious about this, but let's carry on), you'd be sunk by his obsession with fixing that one last leak rather than, you know, finding food or doing anything actually useful.

> make weapons
> jerry-rig guns
> bow and arrow
Ba ha ha... no. And it doesn't take a degree to figure out how to make a hut. Literally a caveman can do that.

>> No.7595734

>including your own

>> No.7595736

It's obvious what your major is and you overestimating your usefulness.

>> No.7595737

>implying mechanical engineers aren't jack of all trade
b-b-but The Martian...

>> No.7595738

i'm none of the majors in the OP.

>> No.7595741
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non-engineer detected

lmao stay mad nerd

>> No.7595751

doesn't even matter. they would still have more legitimate outdoor knowledge than any other major on the list cuck boy.

>> No.7595754

What do you mean by "STEM major"?
A researcher? They're all useless in the wild and I should eat them and wear their skin to hold me warm.
A student? Probably ME, because they more probably have some hands-on tinker hobby that usefull for working with their hands.
Someone who graduated and already works?
Physics because he should be used to the underling role from work by now.

>> No.7595760


>You are allowed to choose what this hypothetical partner has a degree in from the following list:

>To maximize your chance of survival, what did your partner major in during undergrad?

obviously it just means some kid that graduated with a bachelors

>> No.7595778

If the plane crashed in the middle of Russia, it's most certainly gonna be found pretty fast, even faster if one tries to alert searchers to your presence.

If a plane crashes, you don't stop searching for it until your fucking find it, because it's of vital importance to figure out what the fuck went wrong to prevent future plane crashes.

I go with EE so we can build a fucking radio or you know put the emergency locator beacon in a better location or something.

Fuck, I mean even Cessna's have flight tracking beacons now:

This whole scenario is bogus

>> No.7595779
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>> No.7595805



Make radio.

Get saved after a week, not three years.

>> No.7595807


>> No.7595808
File: 13 KB, 182x171, yess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EE master race

>tfw know magic

have fun with your internal combustion engine tier knowledge, MEs. maybe you'll learn to join the future with us EEs.

>> No.7595832

The biologist on the off chance they have done field work and actually know about plants and animals.

Although they're far more likely to be a gril than the others.

>engineers are excluded because I don't want any limp wristed fairies, possibly considered if I'm guaranteed a bear

>maths only if it's like >>7595713 said

>chemists only if they've done some outdoors stuff like geochem or ecochem

>physicists will probably just be useless pencil necked dweebs

>> No.7595836

>chemists only if they've done some outdoors stuff like geochem or ecochem

that's mostly just because they are far more likely to have outdoors ecperience or interest

>> No.7595842

>Jack of all trades
Master of none. U gon b ded fgt

>> No.7595885

structural mechanics engineer could prove useful.
electrical engineer (very bright one)(telecommunication) would be able to restore the plane's communication systems
math & physics are good for conversation
chemistry, biology - higher chances of qt. at least ill die with a smile one my face
chem & civil an hero upon crash

>> No.7595929

obviously a Mechanical Engineering since he would be most likely to be able to actually put his good ideas to practical use

also im still me rigth? i got shit loads of survival knowledge so thats already looking good

>i can calculate the exact amount of heat our shelter will retain
>what you want me to build a shelter? i dont know how to do that should i stack the sticks or what? what are you talking about where would i find ferns! why do we even need ferns this is stupid im going to do some math

your education dont mean shit if you dont have any survival knowledge
i would rather have someone who never finished high school with 70 IQ who have been camping more times then he could count then a STEM major with 150 IQ

>> No.7595934

>implying a jack of all trades isent usefull
>can do a average job at any task in his way
>can do a great job at one out of every 10 tasks in his way and a terrible job at the rest

wich one would you choose?

>> No.7595936

Can I bring a Geologist instead?

>> No.7595937

>also im still me rigth?

>> No.7596014

Well fuck...

>> No.7596032

Ayy lmao
Mech eng grads just learn theory and computer drawing, the last thing they actually made with their hands was their meccano crane when they were 12.

>> No.7596123

Neither, fuck other people tbh :^)

>> No.7596129

Biology. Im ME so I can cover majority of technical issues and id choose biology because I recon they can handle basic medicine and can maybe know how to find nutrition in wilderness.

>> No.7596136

Biology, obviously. At least it's remotely useful, in this situation. Everything else is just suicide.

How is this even a hard question for anyone that isn't retarded?

>> No.7596154

>non-engineer detected
>lmao stay mad nerd

Engineers are the biggest nerds though. I can't say I know a single engineer undergrad with a gf.

>> No.7596170

In my university they're the normiest of all normies. Spending their life drinking and doing sports and checking some notes a day or two before exams.

>> No.7596664

>I'm ME
No, you aren't. See the OP.
You're a fucking basket-weaving major.

OP is just a neat way to ask which of the /sci/ majors would actually be able to survive in the wild for years with their knowledge and which would get rekt.

>> No.7597357

The average STEM grad from all of those majors is a pasty nerd who would get rekt though if they had no external experience

>> No.7597358

Should be to

>> No.7597672

I'd choose the electrical engineer. I've got extreme weather survival training, so it's really just about getting a pair of holes to fuck for my three years of tundralyfe

>> No.7597677

agricultural science

not even a question

>> No.7597681

oh and because it's not on the list i scavenge an agricultural science textbook from the wreckage and give it to a Biologist

>> No.7597688

all engineering is out because they have atrophied muscles from sitting at desks too long

math majors are out since they think too much and will get their own ideas

any of the 3 sciences are good because they are good at blindly following instructions and are probably too beta to challenge anything i say

biology seems the best since they are dumbest of the 3 and easiest to boss around

>> No.7597761

At least they go outdoors

>> No.7597789

I choose the tradesmen over you limp wrist faggots who never worked a day in your life. Engineers in real life are fucking useless. They're just glorified data entry fags. The guys that built the stuff is always a tradesmen.

>> No.7597803
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>builds stuff
you mean the stuff that the engineers design every single aspect of, build the prototypes for, and then have to come to the field to babysit the tradesmen so they don't fuck anything up?

>> No.7597811

Biology. At least they'd know a little about the plants, insects, and animals and we might not starve to death or get ourselves eaten.

>> No.7597824

>all engineering is out because they have atrophied muscles from sitting at desks too long
engineers generally have time to lift weights and get /fit/ without a problem.

>> No.7597828

>Triggered: The post

>> No.7597844

Mathematics. People in math are usually small weak guys. I can kill and eat him to stay alive.

>> No.7597865

This. Tradesman just follow orders, just because they do the labour doesn't mean they can "build" anything without instructions more explicit than a LEGO manual. Engineers have already replaced most of them with 3D printers anyway.

I'm so sick of those faggots coming on to /sci/ after being chewed out by their younger, more alpha engineering boss and then espousing their unwarranted self importance.

Someone should make one of those 6 panel comics about the situation.

>> No.7597982
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You're kinda right but also wrong. Siberia is fucking huge with shit all radar coverage, the aircraft's transponder (flight tracking) is dependant on this as it only gives info back when interrogated by primary radar. Aircraft do go missing and stay that way but it's generally smaller stuff.
I'd probably want the electrical engineer - they can fix the radio, rip out useless wiring and make a fuck huge antenna and maybe a massive battery/power source to run it. If it was a jet aircraft with an APU that could power it too.

You don't need a degree to build shelter or find food/water. If you can't then I wouldn't want you to survive anyway.

Pilot studying chemistry semi-distance.

>> No.7598047

>im a buttmad retarded tradesboy: the post

>> No.7598122

>the best a cuckgineer can come up with is 'no u'