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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7593711 No.7593711 [Reply] [Original]

So a few months ago, I woke up on my bed with an outdated Virgin Mobile phone with a rubber case laying next to my right leg (the backside with rubber was the side in contact with my leg). The phone got pretty hot when it's on (which it was not at that time). When I went to pick it up, I noticed that my leg felt kind of strange, like a buzzy feeling but no pain. I felt it where the phone was laying and after a few minutes it was gone and I haven’t had any weird symptoms of any kind to this day. My leg appears to be the same as always and I'm pretty healthy overall. Give it to me straight /sci/,

Did I get ionizing phone radiation?
Can humans even feel phone radiation?
Am I developing have radiation cancer?
Is it nothing and I'm being stupid faggot?

>> No.7593717

Mobile phones cannot emit ionizing radiation. They don't emit waves at high enough frequency to do so, if they did you'd know about it, trust me.

You probably stopped the blood flow to your lower leg somehow (lying awkwardly) and that's the whole buzzing without pain thing.

>> No.7593721

>Did I get ionizing phone radiation?
>Can humans even feel phone radiation?
>Am I developing have radiation cancer?
>Is it nothing and I'm being stupid faggot?

>Did I get ionizing phone radiation?
no, not nearly powerful enough
>Can humans even feel phone radiation?
probably not
>Am I developing have radiation cancer?
>Is it nothing and I'm being stupid faggot?
It's nothing, but you're not stupid for asking. You would be stupid for believing whatever you're told. So go look up the wavelength of this "radiation" and the power emitted by your phone, what that wavelength can do with that power, and draw your own conclusions.