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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 95 KB, 560x420, super.string.theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7593285 No.7593285 [Reply] [Original]

This is an insanely hard question I know... But I've been searching the internet all week researching and I want to know.

What is the best way to visualize and explain each dimension?
I'm interested in all theories.

>> No.7593286

So say you have the three dimensions as coordinates x,y,z.
If you went from 000 to 100 you can visualise this as moving 1 unit to the right because the x axis corelates to the left right axis.
For 4 dimensions you have 4 coordinates wxyz. So if you went from 0000 to 1000 what direction have you moved? Cant visualise it? Thats because you are 3 dimensional

>> No.7593288
File: 301 KB, 606x2322, 1441572232158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

each dimension is at a 90 degree angle at each other so good luck with that

>> No.7593294
File: 736 KB, 1200x1200, Ds7awV8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know anything about the 11 dimensions?

>> No.7593337

Did you even read the replies? Each dimension is 90 degrees to each other. 11 dimensions just means 11 intersecting lines at 90 degrees to each other. You cannot visualise it it is literally impossible as you are 3 dimensional

>> No.7593357

Popsci fags please leave

>> No.7593361

Why would anyone eat that disgusting paste bar shit...?

>> No.7593372


Don't even try, its impossible. Your brain works in 3d, and ONLY in 3d. Try and imagine a 2d space, "Flatland" as it's sometimes called. Notice that you are imagining a flat area INSIDE a 3d one, like a tabletop or something, and not an actual 2d space. The same applies to 4d and up, your brain simply doesn't work that way. Just trust the math, and don't try to visualise, because your intuitions will lead you astray but math never lies.

>> No.7593373


Don't let it offend your delicate sensitivities.

>> No.7593431

just eat ice cream with cottage cheese or something

or get a gf who's a great cook

jesus christ

>> No.7593436

/sci/ and /fit/ don't mix well do they

>> No.7593508
File: 441 KB, 634x975, Figures_God_took_Enoch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a 2d image and rotate it. You now have a 3D object. Now rotate that third dimensional object to the point where it looks like a solid mass of all it's possible rotational states. You now have a fourth dimensional object, or a 3D object's rotational states in a specific direction. Above that, you have all rotational states of an object in all directions. Once you can perceive that, you've seen a fifth dimensional object.

>> No.7593627

I think you can do something near closing and living a day or more, with one eye only. I think it could be 2.5 dimensions because you were born in a 3d dimension space and you learned very well what that means, so you know that there is a space, but you cannot really perceive it, because of vision that works with differences between the image that every eye has. The brain do calculate distances in a intuitive way everytime. But with only an eye..just near that

>> No.7593643
File: 73 KB, 1280x817, SierpinskiTri3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volume is the power at which volume increases.

Example: You have some length a that parametrises a geometric shape. You compute the dimension of that geometric shape as the exponent which gives you the volume depending on the basic length a.

I.e if your geometric shape is just a line given by the length a then the "volume" is simply a, thus the dimension is 1.
If your shape is a square your volume is a^2 and thus your dimension is 2.
If your sahpe is a cube your volume is a^3, thus dimension is 3.

Now for the funky stuff, you can define shapes with dimensions that are not intergers or even rationals, i.e. if you pick the shape of a sierpinski triangle.

Just to give a non algebraic notion of dimension.

>> No.7593648

Closing one eye doesn't remove parallax. You can still resolve depth by moving laterally.

>> No.7593720

Traditionally, spacetime is modeled on a 3+1 dimensional,(3 spacial 1 temporal), pseudo-riemannian manifold. In string theory, at each point on the usual 3+1 spacetime manifold we put compactified 6 dimensional calabi-yau manifolds. These extra 6 spacial dimensions are very tiny and not observable in standard conditions.

>> No.7593819
File: 29 KB, 350x350, Voivod-Dimension-Hatröss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you visualize and explain Dimension Hatröss?

>> No.7593948

For the three spacial dimensions that all humans have an intuitive understanding of: you could define a dimension as any axis of "movement" which can be traveled independently of other dimensions. So if you travel on an x-axis only, the values of the y and z axes do not change. X, Y, and Z coordinates can be used to describe any location on the human scale.

Now the 11 dimensional theory, string theory namely, is where it gets tougher to conceptualize. Ultra-simply, string theory states that space is composed of fundamental elements or particles, referred to as "quanta." In string theory, there are said to be 3 spatial dimensions (as I mentioned), 3 "interspatial" dimensions, and 3 "superspatial" dimensions. Considering three dimensions as a way to accurately describe volume... it can be said that the 3 interspatial dimensions describe volumes between quanta, and the three superspatial dimensions describes the volume of the quanta themselves. This brings us to 9 spatial dimensions, and if I recall correctly, there are two time-dependent dimensions in the theory.

Of course, only the 3 spatial dimensions are well understood and agreed upon, but there ya go.

>> No.7593958

that's like trying to visualize a new different colour

>> No.7594748

you can visualize up to 4 dimension using a tesseract. but more than 4 dimensions are not possible to visualize for humans.

>> No.7594992

>Now rotate that third dimensional object to the point where it looks like a solid mass of all it's possible rotational states. You now have a fourth dimensional object, or a 3D object's rotational states in a specific direction.

That would just be a 3-dimensional sphere, because you only rotated it in 3-dimensional space.

>> No.7595000


Any explanation on why it's 6 extra dimensions for someone who's not an advanced mathematician?

>> No.7595005
File: 54 KB, 667x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHAHAH! You don't even lift

>> No.7595011
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>> No.7595018
File: 22 KB, 229x345, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating oatmeal and peanut butter 3 times a day

>> No.7595150
File: 120 KB, 400x400, tumblr_lrn083kdXA1qhtywco1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


building solid MASS bro

>> No.7595264

>actually just gaining fat

Woo were through the mirror now

>> No.7595337

OP dimensions are not seperate places but rather different frequencies of energy starting at thought and ending somewhere around matter. When you have a thought you are literally converting matter to light.

>> No.7595345

you've got to eat big to get big cmon


>In order to get from 175 to 250 pounds in one year I ate so many crazy things, it’s almost embarrassing to mention them. I did all the normal stuff: eating 6 meals a day, drinking a gallon of whole milk a day, drinking lots of protein shakes (actually I’ve drunk a gallon of milk a day for 8 of the past 11 years now). But I did a lot of unconventional stuff too. I’d eat a large beef pizza dipped in olive oil. I’d pour oil in my protein shakes. I’d eat double cheeseburgers and eggs and peanut butter and cans of cashews like I was a starving Somali child. I’d try to get thrown out of all-you-can-eat Chinese buffets 2-3 times per week. I’d eat until I felt sick. Then I’d eat Fruity Pebbles or other cereal because no matter how full I was, it always seemed I could get down a big bowl of cereal. As soon as I felt like I wasn’t going to be sick, I’d eat again.

>> No.7595354

no they are orthogonal

>> No.7595367

What the hell, when I'm clean bulking i only get 70-80g of good fats, and they're usually get used up pretty quickly. Who the hell would eat this piece of shit?

>> No.7595746

Neet 16 yo skinny non lifter confirmed. Enjoy your shitty embarrassing body test girls laugh at.

>> No.7595748


Yeah sure I'll just go down to the gf store and pick one that cooks all my meals.

>> No.7595757
File: 14 KB, 182x163, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try posting that on forum.bodybuilding.com and you'll get laughed off the fucking interest kid.

>> No.7595762

You should up your fats more regardless, that's way too low.

>> No.7595783


why should he post about powerlifting stuff on a bodybuilding board tho