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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 500x328, ar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7590491 No.7590491 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people without PhDs posting on /sci/ right now

>> No.7590493

if you have a phd and you are on 4chan you should kill yourself

>> No.7590499

There are also people who aren't virgin neckbeards

>> No.7590500

>only unsuccessful retards are allowed to use my japanese culture and anime website

>> No.7590504

I have an MEng and an MBA but an actual academic graduate degree sounds terrible tbh.

>> No.7590506
File: 119 KB, 800x450, bones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oi, sorry i dunt have that wee piece of paper tellin me the lights ar' firin properly upstairs laddie


>> No.7590507

If anything I get the impression most people who start threads here haven't really finished high school.

>> No.7590508

>engineering Master's
Why did you get two worthless degrees?

>> No.7590512

my employer paid for them so that I could move up

>> No.7590515

>posting on greenlandic whaling website when you have a PhD


>> No.7590580
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>having a degree

>> No.7590585

I think the point is that if you are successful and intelligent, you really shouldn't be wasting your time here. Go do something productive. Be better than us.

>> No.7590602

I don't think any truly "successful" person would be caught dead on 4chan, much less on /sci/.

>> No.7590604

> worthless
My estimate is that my MBA earns me an extra $40k/year.

>> No.7590628

Well, this is kind of extreme, but I do believe people without at least a B.Sc. shouldn't be posting on /sci/. The amount of ignorance here is ridiculous.

>> No.7590644

in what job?

seems like a lot of people do STEM undergrad and MBA so they get to manage stuff in a STEM company, but that's an old trick by now

>> No.7590657
File: 39 KB, 159x163, worry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people above the age of 19 on 4chan

>> No.7590699

Correct. Most normie board on 4 chan.

>> No.7590810

I'm studying to get my BA in math right now.
How fucked am I?

>> No.7590814

>there are people with PhDs that have nothing better to do than be on 4chan
PhD confirmed for being useless, as usual.

Make it harder next time OP.

>> No.7590819

phd just mean specialty of a subject. equivalent of an Asperger who like trains and contributed slightly, like adding lubricant to the tracks or something.

>> No.7590834
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>there are young shits under the age of 20 posting on 4chan

>> No.7590859

I believe you, anonymous poster :^)

>> No.7590899

Fuck off losers, just because you dedicate the majority of your time here, doesn't mean people with self control can't relax every now and then. And considering they've already produced more than you will your entire life you don't really have a right to say how other people should spend their time.

No, the majority of /sci/ happens to be successful and intelligent. If you aren't either headed for grad-school or already have your PhD or you're a PrEng you really shouldn't be posting on /sci/.

Seriously. There is no reason for you to be on our board posting your stupid pop-sci nonsense and homework. Get the fuck off our board.

There are award winning researchers and faculty members from top schools posting on /sci/. Get your head out of your ass. This place is almost as popular in academia as PHD-comics.

>> No.7590900

This. MBAs aren't as highly valued anymore, you can get into management just as fast without one.

>> No.7590902

>No, the majority of /sci/ happens to be successful and intelligent


>> No.7590919

Lol faggit i have a MMA, MAG, MIG and TIG certification


>> No.7590922

>There are award winning researchers and faculty members from top schools posting on /sci/.

cita tion need

>> No.7590930

/sci/ isn't a science themed /r9k/ like you retards want it to be. There are very few people on in academia who haven't been on /sci/ at least once. It's about as controversial to use as using Linux Arch. No one gives a fuck, some wintards might think you're edgy.

You don't know what /sci/ really is because you stick to the off-topic bait/popsci threads and avoid the on topic research and textbook threads etc. and you are the minority of the population even if you are the loudest (because you faggots have nothing better to do than post all day long).

This is literally a conversation I had with my adviser about 12 weeks ago at our weekly meeting:
>Me; "Yeah there's new interesting [physical model for a related process we're working on] I want to try, someone on 4chan sci linked it to me in a thread discussing [something related]."
>Adviser [old tenured research chair, runs a research department of over 40 people, has countless publications and academic awards]: "Oh excellent, [launches into a long soliloquy about how amazing the internet is and how great it is that ideas can spread so much faster and openly today, tells stories about slow communication in academia he's experienced in the past etc. Also talks about other sites he uses and compares them to /sci/]"

>> No.7590935
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>I mentioned 4chan at work/school

>> No.7590938

I also talked about stackexchange before. I even -get this- mentioned PF once.

There's literally nothing edgy or secret clubhousy about the biggest English speaking image board on the web you goddamn newfag

>> No.7590941
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I lurk among smart people to increase my own intelligence. There's something wrong with that?

>> No.7590943
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>> No.7590944

You have to participate to get xp.

>> No.7590965

I try to when I can, my strengths exist in understanding the implications of physics concepts. I'm trying to learn and get my mathematical skills up to date but it's not easy when I have no direction as to how I should layer and connect the ideas. I dropped out of high school because home life was emotionally overwhelming at the time and I had no particular skill when it came to controlling my emotions.

>> No.7590978

Structured education beats trying to string pieces together and learning yourself (What you're essentialy doing)

Finish high school. The math is made to be understood by the lowest common denominator, as long as they put enough work to try to understand it.

After that, you might consider engineering, understantment of concepts is pretty much one of the most essential/utilized skills.

>> No.7590986
File: 35 KB, 625x626, 5bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting in a bait thread

I think 4chan users are divided into 4 groups.
The pop sci dweebs who want to get smarter and think that'll happen by osmosis if they hang out in /sci/ long enough. Get enough of them in 1 place and you form a circle jerk. Too many will cause a critical meltdown of /sci/ and it'll be gone forever.

College students who use /sci/ as a place bounce ideas off each other or just want to relax with other students in between studying.

Post grads who are trying to keep in touch with other generations or looking to collect some of the ideas being bounced around.

The trolls, who troll /sci/ because they're a bunch of easily baitable NERDS! (Ogre voice) NEEEEEEEEEEEEEERDS!! Their effect on /sci/ is like taking a big fart in a crowded elevator full of 10 year olds. Kids will start pointing fingers and accusing each other LONG after the fart smell has left the elevator

Can you guess which OP is?

>> No.7591006

>muh PhD

It's okay. We know you wasted years of your life

>> No.7591146

I think the most amazing thing about /sci/ is how it's multidisciplinary in the worst way imaginable. I often see people posting absolute bullshit in my field, and it seems that they are (probably) not retarded, their specialty just lies elsewhere. Nevertheless, they feel confident in their opinions about subjects they barely know anything about. Dunning-Kruger Effect in action.

I find that most of the threads I read on /sci/ are low-quality for this exact reason. and it's also the reason I always find myself distancing myself from this board for months-years on end.

>> No.7591476

>worthless degrees
And getting a degree in solving triple integrals is?

>> No.7591530

I'm not studying anything science related (even though I'm considering switching my studies), but
this I know; some fields are more or less self-taught, artisan sort of knowledge and skill. If you know what you'd need to know and can get the job without a degree, then you don't actually need the degree.

BUT there are fields where you simply can't work without a degree and for a good reason too. I for one wouldn't want an autodidact self-proclaimed M.D to remove both of my kidneys to cure my flu.

So no matter how much people kick and whine about it, having a degree matters. But it also matters what sort of degree one has.

>> No.7591548

Biology grad doing research in a hospital.

>>Post grads who are trying to keep in touch with other generations or looking to collect some of the ideas being bounced around.

this is me.

>> No.7591569

I find the ignorance especially shocking considering how many people on here claim to be studying high level shit at major universities.

Seems like we daily have threads about someone's proposed methods of FTL travel/communication coming from people who obviously don't know shit about relativity.

>> No.7591578

Is it possible to use your /sci/ experience as a way to get professors to like you?

>> No.7591586

My professors like me because I know so much about other fields which is mostly thanks to /sci/. Just have to show that knowledge to them.

>> No.7591845

I really don't think grad students posting on /sci/ is a problem, or even upper-level undergrads.

My issue is with first-year undergrads who just passed Calc I and the classical mechanics sequence of Intro Physics, so they are convinced that they'll get a PhD in high energy particle theory and every other branch of science is bullshit. That's where the shit-posting ("chemists are stamp-collectors", >real science >biology, etc.) comes from.

>> No.7591852

>My issue is with first-year undergrads who just passed Calc I and the classical mechanics sequence of Intro Physics, so they are convinced that they'll get a PhD in high energy particle theory and every other branch of science is bullshit. That's where the shit-posting ("chemists are stamp-collectors", >real science >biology, etc.) comes from.


>> No.7591875
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>implying you can't have an interest in science and maths without holding a PhD.

Pic related it's you, except the girls are prostitutes that you paid

>> No.7591911
File: 297 KB, 918x1368, rXtqswT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Fuck off losers, just because you dedicate the majority of your time here, doesn't mean people with self control can't relax every now and then.

You do realise you are on 4Chan: the arsehole's armpit of the internet.

And considering they've already produced more than you will your entire life you don't really have a right to say how other people should spend their time.

Citations needed. See here you made an assumption without evidence, very naughty.

>No, the majority of /sci/ happens to be successful and intelligent.

Citations needed

If you aren't either headed for grad-school or already have your PhD or you're a PrEng you really shouldn't be posting on /sci/.

>Not allowed to have an interest in science outside of school

>Seriously. There is no reason for you to be on our board posting your stupid pop-sci nonsense and homework. Get the fuck off our board.

>our board,


>> No.7591935
File: 127 KB, 595x842, k1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not about being in a secret club, it's about letting people know you lurk 4chan.

Lurking 4chan shouldn't be something to be proud of, that's why you don't mention it.

"Hey that's interesting info where'd you get it? "

"It's from the science board of an amine image board that is well known for hacking, child pornography, furries, bronies and general bad behavior all done for the Lolz."

"Oh, okay. Please don't talk to me again."

That's how conversations should go, if they don't then you're talking to a pedophile.

>> No.7591944

>4Chan: the arsehole's armpit of the internet.
That's /b/, most of the boards on here are highly regarded.

>Citations needed. See here you made an assumption without evidence, very naughty.
They wrote a thesis it's proof by tautology you fucking idiot.

>Citations needed
Look up any census thread when the archives are back up.

>Not allowed to have an interest in science outside of school
You do not have an interest in real science, you have an interest in layman journalism and general hype nonsense. Only people with degrees can have an interest in science. Everyone else doesn't even know what science is, you can't claim to have an interest in something you've never done.

>> No.7591951

You know it's hard to take you newfags seriously that learned about 4chan from reddit and can't even quote properly

>Lurking 4chan shouldn't be something to be proud of, t
Where did I say that moron? Using google is not something to be proud of either.

>amine image board that is well known for hacking, child pornography, furries, bronies and general bad behavior all done for the Lolz."
Except it isn't about any of that and they would know it's not because they've been here before and didn't learn about the internet from reddit or facebook like you did.

>> No.7591987
File: 48 KB, 394x406, 1433304790865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Show me where you can prove that people on /sci/ who hold degrees are more successful than those who don't?

>You do not have an interest in real science,

Oh sorry, browsing discussions and asking questions on /sci/ isn't allowed because you don't have an interest in REAL science. What the fuck man? Now who wants to be part of a secret club?

>you have an interest in layman journalism and general hype nonsense. Only people with degrees can have an interest in science.

No, I have an interest in the topics being discussed here and when my knowledge is lacking I research it. What's wrong with that?

Everyone else doesn't even know what science is, you can't claim to have an interest in something you've never done.

>unless you've been alive 150 years you can't have an interest in life so just kill yourself

How about rather than being a dick you help the normies? The more people interested in science the better.

>but, but, my secret science club, I won't be the unique snowflake anymore, my autism is triggered

>> No.7592023
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I've never actually used reddit, I couldn't even tell you what it looks like. I think I've seen screencaps, but they could be from tumblr or one of the other ones I don't use. I use Facebook in the scene I have an account.

The only image board I've lurked is 4chan and I used to go to 7Chan a little. I tried 2Chan once but that was Japanese or something and evilChan, well that was evil, I didn't even scroll.

You know how I can tell you're a newfag? You weren't here when that shit did happen all the fucking time. it used to be about that shit, all the fucking time. Where do you think the term hackers on steroids came from? Or the saying "did it for the Lolz." They even released a 4Chan album called 'Lulz: a corruption of lol.'

They fact that you use newfag is proof enough. What use to be said was:

>lurk moar

But what do I know I'm just a newfag.

>> No.7592199
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>I use Facebook in the scene I have an account



Sorry I'm still in a hospital bed, I'm not 100% function brain well at the moment.

>> No.7592309

the fuck is a mma?

>> No.7592339

>telling normies you browse 4chan unironically
back in my day, you never revealed your power level ever

rules 1 and 2 faggots

>> No.7592465


This is up there with the "I've been a memer for years" copypasta in hilarity.

>> No.7592487

>implying i'm not going to be a full professor and shitposting on 4chan

>> No.7592495

i'm pursuing a phd in biology and i sometimes shitpost about biology being soft stamp collecting

dont confuse shitposting with earnestness

>> No.7592820

>there are people who believein Dyson sphere building aliums on /sci/ right know

>> No.7593517

Rules 1 and 2 is about /b/ not 4chan you fucking newfag.

Jesus christ you newfags trying to talk about the rules...every fucking time.

>> No.7593536

>Show me where you can prove that people on /sci/ who hold degrees are more successful than those who don't?
If the goal is to science and math then people with degrees are obviously more successful you fucking hippie.

If money is your thing I'll just refer you to salary data. Which is applicable given the large population of this site. ie NEETs and people without degrees are statistically unsuccessful financially, so a generalized statement is valid.

>What the fuck man?
Because low brow pop-science belongs on facebook and reddit. They are more about ego than discussing real science or "educating yourselves". Again it's fake interest, shit normies regurgitate like drunk philosophy trying to impress girls and boys.

>How about rather than being a dick you help the normies?
Because normies have no discipline or sense of responsibility, they abuse anything we tell them and recast wrong ideas to even more wrong ideas with a burgeoning and undeserved confidence. They incorporate it into their politics to the point where they will dismiss real scientists and force everyone to believe the incorrect dogma they've built up.

And then they'll fucking whine that I'm being condescending for not wanting to dumb down and explain GR to them.

Put in the work and study it for years instead of abusing fake knowledge for ego.

>The more people interested in science the better.
I have yet to see proof that this is actually true. In fact personally I believe something like the system in Stephenson's Anathem to separate academia from normal society is safer for everyone.

>> No.7593544

They're worthless these days. Employers are going back to the days of promoting from within the company.

>> No.7593550

>You weren't here when that shit did happen all the fucking time. it used to be about that shit, all the fucking time.

No, I was here, except I wasn't because that shit happened ON /b/ NOT 4chan.

And even /b/ was mostly teenagers trying to be edgy, the board was always mostly gore, porn and intentionally stupid shit that was occasionally funny.

>Anonymous hacker group
Loose affiliates that were literally banned from 4chan because they spammed their faggy recruitment posters to get more victims for their LOIC botnet or did you forget that they got the exact same treatment as those annoying GGfags? They are barely related to 4chan, just because they started here doesn't mean they represent the site in any way. Anyway the good hackers don't associate themselves with the maskfags, which is why the retards haven't done anything significant in years other than posting stupid teenage activism youtube videos that the normies take way too seriously.

>They even released a 4Chan album called 'Lulz: a corruption of lol.'
Why the fuck is that important. Do you any idea how many books and albums are related to or about 4chan? No one cares.

>They fact that you use newfag is proof enough.
And no look at the archives, newfag was an unironic term since very early on.

>lurk moar
Because it's hopeless. September will never end, deal with it.

>> No.7593563
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Pic related.

Do you see 4chan anywhere? No. It's /b/. You didn't notice because you thought /b/ was 4chan. Because you haven't been here long enough to dissociate your edgy teenage years on that board from the rest of the site.

Anyway these rules are obviously written by a legion fuckwitted /b/tard.

>> No.7593568

I wish biologists would make more threads on /sci/. I'm sick of everything being math, physics and engineering.

>> No.7593605

Med-student here, but I feel you. We are pushed out by high-schoolers shitposting their >biology >science or other such memes, and undergrads who barely have any knowledge of biology going on and on about their unbased theories.
Pretty impossible to have any coherent discussion.

>> No.7593634

Yeah I know, I wish there was something we could do about the people derailing those threads.

A botanist posted regular threads earlier this year it was very informative and interesting. Then these goddamn high-school kids kept coming in whining about how it's not science.

And don't want to read just about physics every thread, I get enough at wokr.

>> No.7593655

ok well m8 you have fun telling people you browse a chinese cartoons imageboard known for being home to school shooters, child pornographers and hackers m8

>> No.7593658

There's what it's known for and then there's what it actually is bitchnigga

People like to misconstrue the truth to fit their own agenda, news at 11

>> No.7593685

>mfw you actually 100% unironically talk about 4chan in real life and you have that reputation as "that weird guy who keeps mumbling things under his breath that we're really nice to because he might shoot up the place one day"

>> No.7593730

I bet yall can't even triforce

>> No.7594002

>There are very few people on in academia who haven't been on /sci/ at least once.



>> No.7594005

shit, the blank character doesn't register anymore

>> No.7594045

If i say its like shoving a stick into a peice of metal will that help?

>> No.7594097
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>there are people on this board right now who fell for the PhD meme
Hahahhahahahah top kek my man!

>> No.7594229


>> No.7595057

>there are grownups spending their free time on the vsauce/numberphile comments section of an anime imageboard

>> No.7595375
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>If the goal is to science and math then people with degrees are obviously more successful you fucking hippie.

This I don't disagree with. I would agree that if your mark of success is knowledge of maths or sciences then sure, your statement is true.

>If money is your thing I'll just refer you to salary data. Which is applicable given the large population of this site. ie NEETs and people without degrees are statistically unsuccessful financially, so a generalized statement is valid.

This part I disagree with only from personal experience, anecdotal I know.This could also be because I'm not from The States.

I was doing a degree in computer system engineering. Looking at jobs in the industry the norm salary was about $60k-$80k. I dropped the degree about a yeari in. I wasn't top of the class but I was top 1/4. I did a trade as an electrical linesman instead. As an apprentice I earnt on average over the 4 years $65k and that's only because I was out for 6 months with medical issues. As a tradesman after my 1st year I cleared $92k after tax and I was only doing 37.5hr weeks with a couple of weeks of being on-call. My mate is a Sparky (EMF), works on a gas refinery site and cleared $220k after tax.

In my 3rd year as an apprentice, there were apprentices from north earning $130k before tax. They would of been doing 60hr weeks to earn that but you would be doing those sort of hours also. If I wanted to earn more I can try and apply for work on a mine site and earn $160k +. I've met older lineys in the past who were able to get work in Dubai who claim wages of $500k.

>Because low brow pop-science belongs on facebook and reddit.

No! It doesn't belong anywhere.


>> No.7595387

Fight me bro

>> No.7595394
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>Because normies have no discipline or sense of responsibility, they abuse anything we tell them and recast wrong ideas to even more wrong ideas with a burgeoning and undeserved confidence. They incorporate it into their politics to the point where they will dismiss real scientists and force everyone to believe the incorrect dogma they've built up.

How do they abuse what you tell them? I don't understand this. If they have the right info how can they get it wrong? That doesn't sound like a person interested in science, that sounds like someone with alterior motives maybe politicians?

>And then they'll fucking whine that I'm being condescending for not wanting to dumb down and explain GR to them.

Well you are being condescending in your tone, literally this whole thread is condescending.

This is how I would equate this thread:

>if you don't understand musical theory stay out of /mu/
>if you can't deadlift 300kg stay out of /fit/
>if you can't fit 12" of dick down your throat stay away from /fa/

Actually the last one probably applies to /fit/ more so lol.

>Put in the work and study it for years instead of abusing fake knowledge for ego.

So when you have problems with your car rather than taking it to a mechanic you actually do a mechanical apprenticeship?

I get your frustration when you get the same questions again and again, it happens on every board but that's why you refer them to the sticky or you just ignore them. You don't have to be an arsehole to people just because you're smarter than them. That attitude just makes you seem like a bitter person who got picked-on in high school and now hates everyone.

>> No.7595427
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>No, I was here, except I wasn't because that shit happened ON /b/ NOT 4chan.

And how did /sci/ start again? I'm pretty sure I remember all those planes on a treadmill "will it fly" threads amongst other science troll threads on /b/, then some sort of a survey was done finding a high number of intelligent people hung out here and then /sci/ was born.

>Anonymous hacker group...
>...They are barely related to 4chan, just because they started here doesn't mean they represent the site in any way.

I never claimed it did I just pointed out that that shit used to happen which you have just acknowledged it did, thank you.

>Why the fuck is that important. Do you any idea how many books and albums are related to or about 4chan?

Lulz wasn't just related to but released by 4Chan.

>>They fact that you use newfag is proof enough.
>And no look at the archives, newfag was an unironic term since very early on.

Yes but you didn't use it ironically you used it literally. Hence my statement stands. If you knew the difference why use it? Everytime someone uses that now I just assume they will then go on to say "I've been here all summer!"

>lurk moar

This statement is literally "Do the research for yourself." I don't know why no one uses it anymore. Although I don't spend as much time here (4Chan in general not just /sci/), as I once did, so maybe it does get used. I only see people saying newfag because they want to be part of secret computer club.

>> No.7595446
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Whoops, kinda missed the point with all my ramblings. Forgive me I'm doped-up on endone.

My point was, here where I am tradies are earning more than doctors because of a shortage of tradesman in the workforce.

Monetary success isn't defined by education it's defined by the neediness of the job market.

>> No.7595709

You. I like you

>> No.7595949

>There are people under my age on 4chan.
>There was once a 76 year old shitposting on 4chan. His grandson showed him 4chan.

>> No.7595959

Except that's not bismuth. That's a compound of bismuth, you chemically illiterate fool.

>> No.7597388

I can really see how insecure left winged liberals are when they see people without PHDs disussing science. Get over it please, just having phd doesn't make you smarter than guys like Bill O'Reilly who know what they are talking about

>> No.7597399

Didn't know phd grads congregate on 4chan PogChamp xD

>> No.7597419
File: 31 KB, 500x342, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got a phd and I'm posting on /sci/ right now

>> No.7597424

It's just fact that only people with superior genetics can post is sci/

We don't want to have lessers diluting the intelligence here

>> No.7597429

I agree, I come here to deal with people on the higher end of the gene pool, it is my escape from the peasants around me irl

>> No.7597432

I play terran, so, I'm pretty sure I can post on these forums

>> No.7597437

@OP I was on the team that discovered liquid water on mars and I don't a PHD, am I not allowed to discuss SCIENCE???

>> No.7597679

>getting those book smart paper things
I bumbled through high school, took a pipefitting course in college and make 240k per year. Take your dumb nerd shit and eat my superiority. At least until the industry shits the bed entirely.

>> No.7597698

Don't be like OP.
You are here because you find these subjects interesting and of course you would like to spend more time on them.

OP is an insecure little twat or more likely this thread is bait.

>> No.7598972

This tbh

>> No.7598980

Congrats on not being smart enough to cut it out in academia.