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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7581245 No.7581245 [Reply] [Original]

>General recommendations:


Is pic related any good for someone that already has an extensive background statistical mechanics? I've found that in general these books tend to have an annoying habit of dedicating the majority of the text towards superficial review instead of the applications I'm actually interested in.

>> No.7581882


>> No.7582150

Why would there be any application beyond proving our macroscopic laws follow directly from the group behavior of many particles? Don't get me wrong its a beautiful theory but it doesn't seem very useful talking about a mole of molecules in terms of their individual movements over taking the group behaviour as a whole unless your modeling very small systems.

>> No.7582156

>unless your modeling very small systems.

>> No.7582172

Can you tell us more about this book OP? What are the contents?

>> No.7582727

>Finding parameters to unknown reaction kinetics.
>Finding VLE parameters for an EOS to unknown systems.
>Finding catalysts and enzymes.
>Developing new EOS when needed.

Don't get me wrong, using more fundamental theory is certainly not the norm, but there are many cases where the macroscopic experiments aren't viable.

I think it's on google books if you want to skim through it.

>> No.7582771

How suitable is the book in the OP for learning in depth about receptor-ligand interactions for drug design?

>> No.7582936

OP here. That's what I'd like to know to be honest. There are so many sources in this field and this text is recommended a lot, but I don't know if there are any better ones.

>> No.7583206

My prof. is shit and his accent is completely unintelligible. Does anyone know a good text on group theory that I can use for independent study?

>> No.7583280

What's your major OP?

>> No.7583289

I'm a ChemE postgrad, my stat. mech. background is from self-study of Pathria's amazing textbook and from my chem. mol. thermo from my undergrad.

>> No.7584078

I can't seem to find any 3rd or 4th edition copies of Housecroft's inorganic chemistry text, or any copies of Lee's concise inorganic that don't inexplicably cut off around page 300. Is Housecroft 2nd edition nearly the same as the more recent ones? I have up to date books on computational chemistry, which i suspect to be the most changed aspect.

Going to specialize in organic, so less current inorganic literature is alright unless there were some relatively major, broadly relevant developments since 2001.

>> No.7585092


>> No.7585248
File: 39 KB, 421x637, Nakahar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can anyone recommend a similar text over this to me?

>> No.7585280

It's a good book.

>> No.7585282


Wew lad.

>Can anyone recommend a similar text over this to me?

Maybe "A course in modern mathematical physics" by Szekeres.

>> No.7585298

Thank you.

Is "wew lad" meant to have negative connotations? I'll check out that text too thank you.

>> No.7585300

>Is "wew lad" meant to have negative connotations?

I honestly have no idea, what I'm trying to say a tour de force, at least imo. I don't know if it's what you're looking for.

>> No.7585336

Sorry to hog the thread.

After reading the preface and reviews I think this text is too advanced for me. I've never formally studied group theory and topos I'm not really confident as I took a lot of shortcuts in undergrad.

Does anyone happen to have good recommendations for introductory texts to these topics (or maybe just a simpler text aimed at applications rather than pure mathematics students).

>> No.7585380

>There is no royal road to geometry/mathematics ~ Euclid

Learn Algebra (Artin or Herstein) and Topology (Munkres and Hatcher) right first then worry about applying it second.

>> No.7585387


>Munkres and Hatcher
Wait do you mean both of those or pick one?

>> No.7585392

Also what about Conover? I can get a hard copy of it for free. Or is Mukres and Hatcher significantly better?

>> No.7585409

I'm confused. I read through the toc in Artin and it covers topics that is apparently more advanced than Nakahara according to some review I read earlier.

Math is too big, I'm scared ;_;

>> No.7585496


Do you understand proofs?

>> No.7586358

No, I'm not a mathematician, I pretty sure I've never done a real proof in my life.

>> No.7586375


Then learn how to do proofs first, you're not going to get anywhere without them.

>> No.7586736

Why do mathematicians always try to turn everyone into themselves?

>> No.7586969

They're actual math zombies. Nope seriously. I work in fluid dynamics and upon hearing "how do you even know Navier-Stokes has solutions?!" I love to troll them with "cuz it's apparently a good model for nature". They just can't stand empirical/experimental arguments. It's just not how their brains were wired to think during their studies.

>> No.7586976
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>how do you even know Navier-Stokes has solutions?!
hoky fuck

>> No.7586980

Anon wanted to by a book heavy in pure mathematics, after some confusion it transpires that anon doesn't understand proofs, at which point another anon told him to learn proofs first. Some would argue that understanding how to read and build proofs would be a prudent move before buying a book heavily involving reading and writing proofs.

>> No.7586986


Physics from the beginning was already mathematics. If you think it's about tipping fedoras all day long then you're in the wrong place.

>> No.7588112

How don't you know a different numerical method wouldn't converge to a different "solution"?

>> No.7588852

You do realize that there are analytical solutions to most IVPs for the Navier-Stokes right? I think that's his point, mathematicians no so little about applied math they think it's all numerical simulations. They aren't to think about or look at applications.

>> No.7589353

Are there any good books on astrophysics and astronomy without any hard math for a pleb to understand? I mean, I did high school and uni math with no problem, but astrophysics is another level of crazy and I'd like to spare myself the trouble.

>> No.7589363

existance of solution of NS considers all possible instances of that problem. Just because you used these equations with some initial conditions, boundary conditions, and specific parameter values doesn't mean that the general equations always has solutions that don't blow up in finite time.

>> No.7589470

>without any hard math

What do you consider hard math, Riemann Geometry? PDEs? Calculus? Algebra?

>> No.7590717

>Riemann Geometry
have no experience with Riemann Geometry, but PDE, Calculus and algebra is totally ok.

>> No.7590838

Astrophysics no, Astronomy yes, I don't have any good recs, but astronomy isn't math heavy.

>> No.7590840


>> No.7591814 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 400x500, Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to get a pdf for:
Student Solutio>>7582156
ns Manual for Stewart's Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 8th

>> No.7591823
File: 43 KB, 400x500, Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to get a pdf for:
Student Solutions Manual for Stewart's Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 8th

>> No.7591830

You're joking right?

You don't need a solutions manual for baby calc and this thread is not a fucking >>>/r/equest thread.

Delete this post.

>> No.7591835

Good, now delete this one >>7591823 too.

>> No.7591840

I deleted it before your post because I fucked it up.

How about you fuck yourself if you're not going to be helpful.

I just want the manual for the sake of checking whether I have missed anything, since I'm not a massive faggot who assumes he knows everything.

Go kill yourself

Why even come on /sci/ being a little bitch, did you have a tough day in the real world with your shitty attitude which repulses other people?

>> No.7591853

This is not a request form because you're too fucking stupid to know how to find pdfs. /sci/ is for discussing science, not a pirate bay comment window.