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7576705 No.7576705 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw EE professor calls Dirac's delta a "function"

>> No.7576706

That's what everyone calls it, and everyone knows it's not technically a function. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.7576707

It is a function.

<div class="math">\delta(f) = f(0)</div>

>> No.7576710

I asked him if it's a distribution and he said no, it's a function. I then tried generalized function and he told me to shut up.

>> No.7576721
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>mfw biosensors prof mentions binaural beats and acting like its totally legit

>> No.7576750

Oh... well he's a dick then. Still idk if it's worth arguing over. In most contexts it doesn't matter that much.

>> No.7576762

This. Undergrads autistically 'correcting' their professors and still beinf wrong are the worst.

>> No.7576765

No he's not. If anyone's a dick, it's jacob barnett over there stalling the lecture with irrelevant minutiae.

>> No.7576776
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>mfw biology prof implies the safety of genetically engineered crops is unclear
>mfw she uses the term "Big Pharma" unironically during lecture

>> No.7576779

Don't walk, run.

>> No.7576796

It's a linear functional which is just a name people have given to a certain kind of function.
You're an autist.

>> No.7576799

>mfw that retard kid wastes 5 minutes of lecture time just to prove he's smart

>> No.7576800

You saying it's a functional that returns the value an argument function takes at 0? Seems different from the wikipedia page.

>not technically a function
Can it be made one through nonstandard analytic framework, or is there no appropriate analog (considering either formalism or application/utility)?

>> No.7576810

>mfw teaching a babby tier undergrad class
>Delta function comes up
>some slovenly guy in a Minecraft shirt corrects me and says it's not technically a function
>continue lecture
>he mumbles something under his breath for the rest of the lecture
>later see him in a hallway crying
true story

>> No.7577579

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as a the Dirac function, is in fact, a distribution, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Dirac distribution. The Dirac function is not an function unto itself, but rather another way of expressing a fully functioning limit of functions made useful by placing them in sequency
Many electrical engineers use a modified version of the Dirac distribution every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of the Dirac distribution which is widely used today is often called the Dirac function, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the a probability distribution, developed by Paul Dirac. There really is a type of delta, and there are people are using it, but it is just a discrete version of it
The Dirac function is a shorthand that you use to make you calculations easier. This shorthand is an essential part of electrical engineering, but useless by without a proper mathematical foundation; it can only function in the context of rigorous analysis .

>> No.7577582


>> No.7577878

Not irrelevant minutiae, it's an important definition. When infinite quantities pop up in physics and engineering they deserve careful treatment. All of the teachers I've had have gone into some amount of detail on what it is.

Good comment. Although I think it was developed before Dirac, he just invented the notation and made the concept more widespread.

>> No.7578011

What class are you in? If it's circuit analysis 1 or 2, then he probably just told you to shut up because your signal analysis courses will discuss the fact that the impulse function isn't a "function" in more detail, and that for the purposes of the circuit analysis courses, it isn't really worth the time to delve into the details of what it really is.

>> No.7578033

I'm not the OP, I'm a physics major and I have only learned about the Dirac Delta from a PDE class and an electrodynamics course I'm currently taking. Even if that is the case he could always say that it would be discussed later instead of insisting it was a function. Although I don't know how OP was acting, he could have been a dick about it.

>> No.7578043
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>that guy who only corrects notation and thumb errors
>He fails all of his examns

>> No.7578049
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Im starting a civil engineering course next year, are there any engineers in here that could please tell me what I should study up on before I start?

>> No.7578051

City laws and baby maths

>> No.7578052

You are going for master's in physics and you haven't been taught Dirac Delta in earlier years? What?

>> No.7578056

T-Thanks anon.

>> No.7578063

He is an undergrad who saw MIT open course

>> No.7578069

What? I'm an undergrad, and I haven't seen any open course videos on the dirac delta.

>> No.7578071

This does seem weird. I'm not sure how things are in the physics camp, but over in EE land, the impulse function is almost as ubiquitous as derivatives and integrals.

>> No.7578073

You're an engineer. Why do you care?

>> No.7578127

For babies it's a degenerated function (a limit of function series).
For dadies it's a distribution

>> No.7578132

>what I should study up on before I start?
how to kiss ass.

>> No.7578156

play around in a sand box

>> No.7578187

<span class="math">\delta: C(R) \to R[/spoiler]

Takes (continuous) real-valued function to R, as defined in the post. What's the problem?

>> No.7578746

TIL physics major = undergraduate physics

>> No.7578749

It appears EE is baby tier math unless you go into the PhD level.

Still above CS though which is literally pre-fetal stage math :D,

>> No.7578816

>the limit of a function is a function
<span class="math">\displaystyle \delta (x)=\lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0}\frac{1}{2\epsilon }e^{-|x|/\epsilon}[/spoiler]

>> No.7578829

...yeah, most people major in something during undergrad. Sometimes it's physics. If I were doing a PhD I probably would have specified, but just because I left it ambiguous doesn't mean I'm doing a masters.

>> No.7579065

I thought you get a Bachelor's after your 4 years or so of undergrad studies. Then you can go for a Master's and/or PhD.

>> No.7579100


You should get as familiar as possible with Updog.

>> No.7579109

made my day. i know engineers shit on mathematical subtlities even more than physicists do (since their daily work doesn't really require that much mathematical insight), but this is not even close to the heuristical definition.

>> No.7579114

From wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirac_delta_function):

>In mathematics, the Dirac delta function, or δ function, is a generalized function, or distribution

What this tells me is that 'generalized function' is a synonym for 'distribution', and intuitively I'd claim that a generalized function is a type of function. Why is this not so?

>> No.7579117

a good professor would have told you that the naming is just a convention that has historical roots.

>> No.7579120

all strawberries are a kind of fruit but not all fruits are a kind of strawberry.
as the name indicates a generalized function is a broader/ more general term for certain mathematical objects that share characteristics with what we call a function but are not identical with them.

>> No.7579264

you dont get it. its not dirac, its ganoo linux

>> No.7579271

>tfw sci doesn't understand /g/ memes

>> No.7579277

>You saying it's a functional that returns the value an argument function takes at 0?
According to Hans Feichtinger (who seems to know his shit as far as I can tell) it can be defined that way without running into any serious problems. Or at least he said he "prefers that definition" in a lecture I had that he taught.

>> No.7579279

And there isn't a hope in hell of the converse happening either..

>> No.7579283

>uses the term "Big Pharma" unironically during lecture
Honestly, depending on the context I can see that being somewhat legit. The pharmaceutical industry has considerable financial and lobbying means, and the interests of large pharma companies in terms of pending legislation and/or public opinion often overlap.

>> No.7579288
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>> No.7579291

Are binaural beats not real? In what sense? I have definitely experienced the phenomenon personally. Maybe some crackpots claim a lot of pseudoscience mumbo-jumbo about binaural beats entraining your brainwaves or something. That's not real. But the "binaural beats" phenomenon itself is definitely real.

>> No.7579308

Legit and real are two words with different meanings.

>> No.7579313

The convention is to call it a function to fuck with mathematicians and autists

>> No.7579315
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>mfw professor emphasises that he's just teaching us the best model at the moment and we should think critically about everything

>> No.7579343

But the terminology in physics (thus it extends to engineering too) is already as convoluted, misleading and ambivalent as possible; it's almost like it was made to confuse plebeians.

Why would you feel the need to do the same with mathematical terminology when plebeians have no chance of understanding any of it regardless of terminology (as opposed to physics)?

>> No.7580934

It's a discreet function you fucking autists.

>> No.7580984

Why was he crying ?

>> No.7582185
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I think you can treat it like a function and not run into any problems for the most part. Also, everyone just calls it a function.

I've noticed that ECE professors are a bit shaky on math/physics fundamentals. For example, one of my professors started calling voltage a vector, and repeated multiple times that the lines he was drawing were voltage vectors rather than electric field lines.