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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 791 KB, 1920x1080, Moss Road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7574997 No.7574997 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ how come no one has made a moss or something or other that can grow well on roads, adds traction, and can survive being constantly run over by multi ton vehicles?

Assuming we were to cover most of the road surface of say north america, how much would something like that be able to minimize the Co2 output of vehicles?

>> No.7575000

Moss by itself, would significantly reduce traction, and even more so when wet.
It'd probably have a significant effect on CO2 reductions, but would require a crapload of energy to get it to grow on asphalt naturally.
Not a bad idea though.

>> No.7575036

Right so how do we get it to gain more traction...maybe if it was ridged with bits of bark?

>> No.7575039

there are a billion better ways of reducing co2 emissions than growing moss on roads. would improve asphalt's aesthetic value though

>> No.7575055

>moss improves traction

You've obviously never driven a car

>> No.7575060

Surely we could find a way to make one that's on par traction wise with roads

>> No.7575079

I'm pretty sure we could

but try doing it in a way that's affordable in regards of coating millions of miles of road with it

>> No.7575090

>something like that be able to minimize the Co2 output of vehicles?
If you want to use moss to reduce emissions wouldn't it make more sense to engineer moss that filled a tailpipe (or just exhaust) attachment?

>> No.7575094

ya but how is it going to get water there? Maybe on a hydrogen fuel cell car

>> No.7575095

Or we could just follow the apparent global trend and all drive zero emission electric cars, instead of creating bizarre hybrid moss mufflers.

>> No.7575124

>ey /sci/ how come no one has made a moss or something or other that can grow well on roads, adds traction, and can survive being constantly run over by multi ton vehicles?

Because we haven't found a magic lamp yet?

Where to start... Have you seen North America? The climate variation is absurd. It has parts that get frozen and parts that get fried, parts that rarely see rain and parts that rarely see anything other than rain. The soil can be rich and fertile, dusty and dry, rocky and cold, or mostly mud. There are roads at high lattitudes running east-west and cut through tall forests and so never have the sun shine upon them except around noon in summer. There are roads cut through deserts that never find shade during the daylight hours except during a storm.

If you could find or make a moss, a mildew, a fungus, *anything* able to grow in all of those conditions, you could turn both the deserts of Africa and the wastes of Antarctica green at the same time.

Not to mention, things that grow can also die and burn. How'd you like to listen to the news one morning and learn that one road out of town is bumper-to-bumper traffic because the other road out of town is on fire?

>> No.7575126

why not build the entire engine from moss?

nobel prize here I come

>> No.7575212

If a sun made of fire and sun made of moss were to collide, what would happen?

>> No.7575226

Better question. If a sun made of moss and a sun made of tires were to collide, what would happen?

>> No.7575250


I'm pretty sure water is a constituent of exhaust fumes besodes from CO2/CO.

>> No.7575252

Isn't it going to be too hot for them to survive there though?

>> No.7575254

the sun made of tires would be able to grip the sun made of moss and roll around on it for a while till it got bored then leave.


>> No.7575258

If we had hydrogen fueled cars, we wouldn't need to worry about CO2 emissions of these cars.

>> No.7575427

You guys are getting off topic. If a sun made of moss and a sun made of emissions collided, what would happen?

>> No.7575441

Thankfully, you aren't a civil engineer :^)

>> No.7575443

No. Plant material will just get squished after being driven on it too much and that would just make the road slippery, also good luck finding a plant that survives being crushed 1000 times a day. Its a pretty bad idea in general.

>> No.7575452

I think it could work if you cover the road surface in pebbles/small rocks, and allowed the moss to grow in between the surface. The bits of rock would provide traction to the tires of a car and the moss would still be able to grow and help with CO2. Also, growing the moss in the space beneath the jagged pebbles would allow more water to collect there, keeping the moss cooler and hydrated longer throughout the day. A standard, smooth asphalt road with moss would be slippery as hell.

>> No.7575459


No it wouldn't you fucking idiot. Rocks would just fuck up everyone's car and a huge safety hazard.

>> No.7575511

Not sure if troll... most of the roadways where I'm from are surfaced this way. It's referred to as "oil and chips." Allowing moss to grow underneath of the points of the rocks that make contact with the tires seems feasible to me.

>> No.7575523
File: 24 KB, 401x372, 1441933969731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's put moss on streets to improve traction!
>moss would actually reduce traction
>well...uhm...then we should make it so that moss improves traction!!
what the fuck is wrong with you
are you clinically retarded?

>> No.7575543
File: 210 KB, 520x678, 1438615122328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>growing plants
>on a surface being traversed by 40 ton vehicles
did you discover the retarded idea of placing solar panels on roads and decided that you have to one-up it in terms of sheer stupidity?

I mean how the fuck do you even come up with the brainfart that being crushed by heavy trucks day in day out is somehow beneficial to the health of plants?
common sense is your friend when it comes to determining the feasibility of an "idea"

>> No.7575548


Hehe, this.
Better idea, OP. Let's get asphalt classified as a kind of moss. Mission accomplished, and you can just go back to whatever the fuck you do when you're not hatching breakthrough ideas like this whole mess.

>> No.7575554

>Let's get asphalt classified as a kind of moss
brb going to patent it before OP does :^)

>> No.7575620
File: 13 KB, 656x529, naysayersBTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7575634

Ocean Algae sucks up more CO2 than any other thing on the Earth combined by a large margin.

I honestly don't buy into this global change meme and CO2 being a problem, it can easily be fixed by promoting ocean algae growth.

There are bigger problems like companies throwing their trash into the ocean creating trash islands.

>> No.7575635

I'm sure that road design is going to do wonders to your wheels.

Let's go out of our way to pave 0.000000000000001% of america's land area with faggot ass moss.

>> No.7575647


fuck off

>> No.7575783
File: 128 KB, 1245x825, STOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7575993

i'm not going to claim to be as smart as you guys

but i think that i can take from this thread that this moss on roads idea is a pretty good idea

>> No.7576155


Pics of trash islands pls

>> No.7577324

why not grow moss on the roof of your car?

>> No.7577331
File: 71 KB, 641x701, india[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7577338

What if we simply cover the road with a glass panel that has holes in it and grow the moss under that.
We will call it
>Solar Mossways

>> No.7577345

Let's convert all cars to hovercars. Then they can just float above the moss-covered roads and the moss won't get crushed.

>> No.7577349

Alright guys so if growing moss on all the roads reduces traction, why not reduce traction even more and just fly planes everywhere.

>> No.7577357

Depends on if there's a moss that would help reduce air resistance

>> No.7577364
File: 219 KB, 720x478, human catapult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not gather the moss up in big piles and then shoot people at the moss pile nearest their destination.

>> No.7577383


>> No.7577532

We all know that a rolling tire gathers no moss.

>> No.7577541

Lmao, this guy has never been out in nature or walked on moss in his life.

>> No.7577648

Jesus fuck I lost it, I definitely lost it. I slid out of my chair I laughed so hard. Everyone in the lab is staring at me now.

>> No.7577748
File: 19 KB, 810x462, ahmed-810x462[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I invented a side hover car and we converted all the hover cars to that.

>> No.7577775

was he seriously charged?

>> No.7577812

make clothes out of moss

>> No.7577826

He was arrested for bringing a bomb to the school, turns out it was just a bomb looking clock.

>> No.7577850

so you shoot the guy down for having an idea?
you're everything wrong with science, and infact, the world

>> No.7577862
File: 411 KB, 499x281, 1443998907359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to reddit faggot

>> No.7577885

No, hoax bombs are illegal in TX, they never thought it was an actual bomb, they just thought he was fucking around using some shitty bomb prop on the first school day after 9/11.

>> No.7578332
File: 194 KB, 382x597, 1371910768828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so you shoot the guy down for having an idea?
if your "idea" falls apart the second someone actually thinks about its feasibility then it is simply a shit idea and deserves to be burnt
ideas don't make you special, they don't matter, everyone has ideas all the time
having ideas that actually work is what matters
you don't get a price just for the mere act of trying in the real world

>> No.7578532

Yup, there's a reason wet leaves are bad for traction.

>> No.7578538

Too abstract.

If a moss made of sun and an emissions made of sun collided, what would happen?