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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7571916 No.7571916 [Reply] [Original]

>It's 2015 and no society on Earth practices eugenics.

What the fuck? Why aren't we having the most intelligent and beautiful people breed like rabbits, subsidized by the government? Imagine what we could become.

>> No.7571928


>> No.7571934

I love these butthurt "scientists" who think it's taboo to talk about artificial selection.

>> No.7571941

What's the point? Who cares if there are a few elite super humans living somewhere. More than half of the world population lives on less than $2 per day. These niggers will overflood the civilized world and we'll plunge into endless oblivion.

>> No.7571946

>a few elite super humans

Who said anything about a few? The point is to make a lot of them.

>> No.7571950

Fuck off back to your containment board

>> No.7571951

don't know how one gets so twisted into wanting a system where the most they'd be is fertilizer.

>> No.7571957

you don't need that many

exterminate the subhuman scum first and then estabilish a master race population of 500 million that's tightly regulated for genetic excellence

>> No.7571958

How can you imagine a massive cooperative effort that doesn't directly benefit anyone being carried out?
I'm not gonna be a super human, you're not going to be a super human. No one alive is going to benefit. I don't want a bunch of people who will outcompete me in every aspect of life to magically appear out of nowhere and would actually actively oppose the idea.

>> No.7571962

Most people who believe in Eugenics think they would be among the ones the government would select for selective breeding. They are likely incorrect.

Also, China will get on the Eugenics and germ leveling genome fixing train first, so move their.

>> No.7571968

>I don't want a bunch of people who will outcompete me in every aspect of life to magically appear out of nowhere and would actually actively oppose the idea.

If you would be against making the next generation better than the one before it, then you're some kind of psychopath. The vast majority would be in favor of it.

>> No.7571970
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I never understand this idea. The most intelligent and most beautiful people aren't worrying about such a thing because they are the top and can do what they wish.

People are intelligent because they work hard and have goals that they reach through persistence that most people wouldn't think is possible. We would never agree to something like OP is proposing because caring for your wife and children in a huge responsibility that will take away from your work. This is why many successful people don't have families. It just doesn't work for them.

>> No.7571971

>Most people who believe in Eugenics think they would be among the ones the government would select for selective breeding.

Not everyone is as selfish as you.

>> No.7571973
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>People are intelligent because they work hard and have goals that they reach through persistence that most people wouldn't think is possible.

>> No.7571976

how can people still be so ignorant in the great age of information. op, do you seriously believe that if we cloned Einsten today we'd get a revolutionar physicist ? or that if we cloned Cézanne, we'd have an amazing painter ?

>> No.7571977

Why aren't you in school, kiddo?

>> No.7571982


Do you actually doubt that he's correct? You think when people say "We shouldn't let stupid people breed" that they include themselves in "stupid people"?

Once people find out that the odds don't favor them, it doesn't sound as appealing.

Besides, it's not just intelligence. Any family history of cancer? Heart disease? Hormone problems? Mental disease? Prone to addictions? Any genetically inherited health problem that would cause you to be disqualified?

The pool starts shrinking really, really quickly, and that poster was absolutely correct that most people wouldn't be alright with being told they're not allowed to have children.

>> No.7571984

>has basic sympathy towards other human beings

"You must be a child!"

>> No.7571985

Intelligence is genetic, moron. Everything that a person is is governed by their genetics.

Mating high IQ individuals with eachother doesn't guarantee that one of their kids will be an Einstein, but it increases the probability. Mating the smartest of the second generation with eachother further increases the probability.

Doing this for 3 centuries would produce people that are similar to Einstein, with some being at his level, and some being above his level.

It isn't rocket science.

>> No.7571986

stay mad hillbilly

>> No.7571989

>/sci/ - opinions about how we should use science
keep thinking you understand what's going on boyo

>> No.7571992

Women practice eugenics since the dawn of time.
You're just mad that their idea of eugenics does not include you :^)

>> No.7571993


exactly, only stupid, ugly people go about thinking of eugenics

>> No.7571998

Societies that thrive are ones that place the heaviest weight on individual actions and downplay the. effects of genetics. It's simply better if everyone thinks they can work hard and win--more stuff gets done with that attitude.

People don't suppress these /pol/ ideas because they don't believe them, they reject it because the equality idea is more valuable than /pol/ ideas for advancing civilization.

>> No.7571999

Ideally breeding people with good genetics would be a good idea. But in practice i think it would be very hard if not impossible to organise. Also, do we even know enough about genome to adequately pick specimens for such breeding?

>> No.7572001

I never said anything about banning people from having children.

If your IQ is 90 to 110, you should be able to have 2 children for free, and then have to pay a high fee for each additional one. If your IQ is less than 90, each child should cost you a high fee.

>> No.7572026

>Libertarianism and individualism is better than Fascism.

Is that why all virtually all modern technology was invented in Nazi Germany by the most worthlessly unaccomplished inbred rape baby retards that ever walked on the planet?

I understand the theoretical benefit of militantly ignoring genetics, it just doesn't work in practice like we want it to. For example go to any thread on /fit/ where people have become disillusioned about their genetic limitations.

>> No.7572028

You don't seem to realize how expensive children are and are probably a child yourself. Fuck off with your bigoted idea.

>> No.7572029

am a stupidest - with
htiw - tsediputs a ma

>> No.7572051

We don't even need to exterminate. At the rate in which our sea levels our rising, in conjunction with treatment resistant super bugs, only the most affluent civilizations/people will survive anyway.

>> No.7572053

In other words, the Earth is doing the work for us. Keep burning your fossil fuels, and stop taking your medications before you're supposed to.

>> No.7572057

You don't seem to realize how much money our governments are wasting currently.

If we just deported the filth, cut the disgenics program (welfare) in half, then cut all other programs by 5% and direct all of that money to subsidizing eugenic families, it would be a major improvement.

>> No.7572058
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I'll check your trips my man.

>> No.7572070

You don't seem to realize that nobody cares about your pseudoscience.

>> No.7572074
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>> No.7572078

>"It's 2015 and no society on Earth practices eugenics."
>surprised that we're in a modern age and we're not practicing eugenics

lol that's not how it works. Eugenics is retard logic

I'm sure you think jet fuel can't melt steel beams and other retarded brainwashed /pol/-tier trash that morons just like you accepted with no questioning. You're a cancer to society.

>> No.7572079

But Swedes have eugenic program. It is called mass muslim immigration.

>> No.7572084

Because it works only in rare cases. Try educating yourself on population genetics. It takes forever to remove a recessive alelle.

>> No.7572085
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>he vast majority would be in favor of it.
which is why nobody does it, right?

>> No.7572092
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>implying OP wouldn't be killed for not being worthy of breeding

>> No.7572097

you wouldn't exist if eugenics programs were in place

>> No.7572104
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>do we even know enough about genome to adequately pick specimens for such breeding?
>using logic
Think about who we're talking to, anon.

>> No.7572116


You won't become anything.

>> No.7572119

>B-but what if it hurts someone's feelings

On a serious note, selective breeding might have its benefits, but only if managed by neutral third party, like, i dunno, ayyliens or robotic overlords or something. It will only be used for some rich fucker to get even more money otherwise. It always ends up this way.

>> No.7572121

>I love these butthurt "scientists" who think it's taboo to talk about artificial selection.
I love that the latest /pol/ invaders pretend to be "true /sci/".

Also, why do you 'tards start two threads at the same time?

BTW: Tesla was a eugenicist, so /sci/ _should_ have eugenics automatically.

>> No.7572122
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>he doesn't know about the perfection paradox
>he doesn't know that he would be one of the people killed off

>> No.7572125

you could also have listed arguments against eugenics and then it would have been a reply.

>> No.7572133

Society is based on a broad workforce that is easy to please and stupid. Only breeding highly intelligent people would effectively eliminate this workforce and thereby most of the governments tax income.
Now try to picture a scientific Utopia without any form of social services

TL;DR: Op's idea would create an africa tier shitty country

>> No.7572170

For what purpose, why not just intelligence

>> No.7572176

Heh, good one.

>> No.7572183

>okay we need to find perfect white girls to breed
>this girl is blonde, hot and white but stupid, would pollute the gene pool, better kill
>this girl is smart but has curly hair and a long nose, better kill
>this girl is blonde, smart, white and hot, but she carries the E47ab gene which would give everyone cancer after 2 generations, better kill

Why aren't there any perfect dogs? Why do all dog breeds that are different have horrible medical conditions or other problems? Watch porn if you want to experience your sex fantasy, eugenics isn't science.

>> No.7572184

it would work but only once all kinds of processes are highly automated and the stupid aren't needed anymore.

>> No.7572193

Well we'll need their money until then. And when we're there a decent goverment that can handle dumb fucks whining about "muh joobs"

>> No.7572222

>Why would I cure children's leukemia I'm not a child?!

>> No.7572228

>Intelligence is genetic

[citation needed]

>> No.7572259

most of the world commonly practiced eugenics in the early 20th century. even though the allies were against the concentration camps of nazi germany they too were practicing eugenics to a degree. alan turings castration was part of the british eugenics program. people were very much in agreement that eugenics should be practiced. I guess the downfall was that who ever was in charge decided what genetics continued; and, big surprise, they usually chose the genetics that they had, even if they were a totally a corrupt power. tl;dr listen to this guy>>7571928

>> No.7572269

Why not both?

>> No.7572271

Because it isnt a detirmining factor of how high of quality a human you are
It's 2015, come on

>> No.7572275

>Entire race of Stephen Hawkings
Might not be the best thing to do.

>> No.7572287

It's an important factor, especially for females. A woman's job is to be attractive and pick a good man to mate with.

Besides, beauty (in all its forms) is what makes life enjoyable and meaningful.

>> No.7572292

No need to practice eugenics when the repository for germinal choice exists.

To what extent is intelligence inherited is a more interesting question?

>> No.7572294

Lets be honest, beauty is inversely proportional to intelligence.
If everyone was bred to be intelligent and not pretty, the worlds average "beauty" would go down, so nothing about finding an attractive person to mate with would change.
>beauty (in all its forms) is what makes life enjoyable and meaningful.
Is this a ruse? Surely you arn't serious

>> No.7572301

>beauty is inversely proportional to intelligence

no it's not, you're just jaded to attractive people because you're quite obviously very ugly and despise them

>> No.7572302

>beauty is inversely proportional to intelligence.

Studies have shown the opposite. Intelligence and attractiveness have been found to be correlated.

My hypothesis for the cause of this is that intelligence is linked to success in life (studies have shown), and successful men throughout history have been able to attain the most beautiful women to mate with.

>> No.7572310


Short of some better data, I'm presently convinced that your premise is false, viz. q.t. Swedish and Japanese people (female and male alike, both intelligent and physically attractive) versus oh, say, the abos and certain black Africans (both dumb and unattractive).

I do think (agree?) that at a certain point, very high attractiveness can have diminishing returns against intelligence, however. The whole business of having everything handed to you throughout life means that you don't need to be particularly smart in order to survive, for example. But this cannot totally blunt innate intelligence, because innate intelligence as I understand it is principally (mostly) racial and genetic in nature. Some racist blogs which explore this theme of race and intelligence (some with more sadistic glee than others) include unamusement park and Vdare.

"Diminishing returns past a certain high benchmark", as I've phrased it above, is not the same thing as your blanket inverse relationship (a conceit that some high schoolers have, and then grow out of as they continue to observe the world), which simple observation of the world (yes, even accounting for the halo effect) disproves.

>> No.7572750


All this people thinking "eugenics" means "killing people who don't meet a certain criteria"

And we're supposed to be in /sci/

>> No.7572771


Not them but that's what eugenics amounts too, your genes getting opted out of the future genome.

Now maybe you're thinking of genetic engineering where your genes get implemented into the future genome in some particular fashion without conceiving children.


>he doesn't know about the perfection paradox
>expecting anons in this thread to into metaphysics

Don't even bother, if they can't instantly spot the fallacies in op's premise they're not worth the effort explaining it to them.

>> No.7572776

Would you define "People breed, but the undesirable things in infants are cut out" as eugenics, or genetic engineering? Or both? Where is the distinction? Where you're no longer trying to remove Catholicism from the genepool like the Brits tried, but trying to collect every gene like pokemon to breed the ubermensch?

Why can't we just fix babies up?

>> No.7572784
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why do we need eugenics?

if the population of the world that's 70 IQ is reduced by half, it does not decrease the level of development the rest of us have access to.

if there were such a relationship, why not kill off all the dogs and cats of the world? certainly, they're far less intelligent than any human.

>intelligence as I understand it is principally (mostly) racial and genetic in nature.

what is racial intelligence?

>> No.7572787

>why do we need eugenics?
because you touch yourself at night

>> No.7572791
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So I've tried to start a thread on /b/ with this three times, only to suffer mysterious timeout errors.
Now I can't post on /b/ at all.

all my boner
I want to bear this woman's children

WTF new moot?

>> No.7572793

>What is racial intelligence
A subject that you may as well forget having a decent discussion about not because it's taboo (which it is) but because morons ignore that it could give interesting information about all races and instead use it as an excuse to whine about muh niggers

>> No.7572800
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>mfw natural selection = eugenics at a slow rate
>mfw eugenics won't fix OP being a massive faggot

>> No.7572803

>It's 2015 and no society on Earth practices eugenics.


In parts of India, if you're young enough and poor enough, you can exchange a sterilization for benefits.

is that eugenics?

the stated goal is to help reduce generational poverty.
i guess poverty is heritable.

>> No.7572806

that cleared nothing up for me but ok whatever.

>> No.7572808

>japanese people
>physically attractive

>> No.7572811

>i guess poverty is heritable.
Generally speaking, it looks like it is.
Nature vs Nurture remains to be explained, but in /sci/ence observation trumps theory.
Poor people make more poor people is the observed fact.

>> No.7572812

Probably a virgin who can't get a white gf tbh. Males like that typically pretend that Asians are attractive.
For an example see engineers

>> No.7572816

I have epilepsy : (
>feels bad man.

>> No.7572824

just checked, and I still can't post to /b/
test post to /sci/

welcome to the new 4chan

>> No.7572846


>Would you define "People breed, but the undesirable things in infants are cut out" as eugenics, or genetic engineering?

I would define it as genetic engineering since you are editing the genome with tools that are not naturally available to us through normal means of procreation.

>Where is the distinction?

Methodology, eugenics is a crude estimate of desirable traits utilizing a crude system of gene editing. Even with traditionally top performing populations you are still "rolling the dice" in trying to get desirable results hoping that any trait your progeny lack can be made up by sophisticated infrastructure.

>Why can't we just fix babies up?

You can fix babies up but don't expect it to always be clean and beneficial when you can't even make proper empirical decisions on future human environments.

>> No.7572850


The trouble with this though is that by the time the Earth begins to regulate the population an immense amount of damage will have already been done.

Its a bit like saving a beautiful Cathedral from being utterly destroyed by an angry mob. You get there there in time to stop the mob from removing the foundation stones, but everything else above ground level is already gone.

>> No.7572858
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>> No.7572873

We would suck at selecting traits since we suck at anticipating future useful traits.

Some retard may be carrying what will save us from some type of extinction around in his DNA.

>> No.7572907

Second this, natural selection will always be better than humans at selecting traits to survive. Sickle cell exemplifies this will.

>> No.7572930

I don't understand this pic

>> No.7572939

It's already starting to happen.


Many scientists predict a massive increase in genetic fitness through genetic engineering or smart selection.

Eugenics, as in selective breeding is slow and not that effective compared to genetic engineering or mass embryo filtration.

The problem is there are thousands of genes that effect intelligence and only 80 are known at the moment. You have to wait 2-4 years before you can get a good boost on offspring.

>> No.7572966

Of course no society will ever practice eugenics, this is an evil practice and no one with an heart would be ok with it.

Now if you'll excuse me, gotta work on making commercial designer babies.

>> No.7572988

the shitstorm we are going to see in the next 20 years in all fields of tech/science are going to be amazing.

The top three fields of shitstorm

1. Designer Babies
2. Automation
3. Race to General Intelligence Algorithms

3 is only so low because it's almost a possible doomsday or God came to earth sort of thing. If it is successful it changes things too quickly for average person to have a chance to be upset.

Designer babies are going to be a big shitstorm, and it starts with an upcoming huge world conference in December to discuss banning gene editing of humans.

>> No.7573024

I don't think it'll be banned, or at least not for long, thanks to the great power that dominates current society : muh feelings.
No one is going to be against removing diseases in muh little children. The only thing you have to do is bring to the stage some little kid with leukemia, it's that easy.

>> No.7573033

I think it's too powerful not to be used. You can't put it back in the bottle. Also international competition is too strong of a force.

China won't hesitate to engineer a few thousand 180 IQ geniuses to work in their weapons development program.

So basically it becomes

- legal and everyone has access
- illegal and elites or countries have access

If the enhancement portion gets banned, which is possible, it will just go black market which means in shady gov labs and only in small batches.

>> No.7573080

Isn't China already working on gene splicing human embryos?

>> No.7573098

>Imagine what we could become.
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?

>> No.7573102

Perfection is not a metaphysical concept, it's more like metaethics.

>> No.7573105

nonviable ones

>> No.7573107

Well, they only publicize about the nonviable ones.

>> No.7573113

Artificial intelligence will definitely overtake everything else. It moves faster and faster everyday, and it also offers a solution to all humanity's ailments.

>> No.7573114

Agree, but it's hard to speculate what is going on behind closed doors.

>> No.7573115

Why are people so ignorant about what AI is?

Please go read AIMA.

>> No.7573117

This. Humans will one day be obsolete prepare for the beta-max uprising

>> No.7573119

Most make this argument. There is a slight chance enhanced humans could influence AI development. The thing is people like Nick Bostrum do agree on enhanced humans being important but dismiss it because there is a lot of red tape which might slow it down.

Practically speaking, it might also be a combination solution. Involving genetics and computation power. Something like creating a brain the size of room to jump start AI research.

>> No.7573122


Delusion the post

>> No.7573137

If I had to guess they just probably took some not-deactivated embryos and tried the same method on them, killing them after results were obtained.

>> No.7573159


It's metaphysical when it pertains to the nature, study and application of biological assembly for the purpose of creating a "better" system that brings consequences unto other systems that it comes in contact with.

This isn't simply about moral or perspective anymore, there are people out there who seriously believe in the tangible concept of a "master race" with a "master biology" who can build "master tools" for the purpose of controling everything they see.

They ignore the very real possibility that in their quest for perfection that not only do they undermined the very concept itself. But make themselves vulnerable into becoming a biological glass cannon specialist species that can thrive highly in one particular environment but outright be devastated by large range of abnormal conditions that afflict it.

The best example comes from the fact we can only breath using oxygen. We can use other chemical gases for biological purposes but oxygen is the one that keeps us functional. While that may seem good on earth it is laughably bad when seeking to adapt to different celestial bodies that have a hard surface and some semblance of an atmosphere.

>> No.7573181

Philosophy : the post.

>> No.7573188

>The best example comes from the fact we can only breath using oxygen

jesus fuck

reported for underage

>> No.7573189

ppsss.... you need a lot of dumb workers do shit for almost no pay so the "good" people can do their work.
(The poor people don't have to be stupid but the work doesn't take much thinking)
Basically slavery gets shit done. We convolute it with crazy systems but that is what is always happening. We need the village idiot.

>> No.7573212

more like simple idiot

>> No.7573214
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except not

high population is going to be worthless.

>> No.7573215


>> No.7573219

no, you're fucking retards.

You don't lose genetic diversity when you gain the ability to arbitrarily edit genes. You gain more of it.

Look at total human population in 1400 versus now. We have never had more combinations of genetics ever in the history of humankind.

We could engineer 95% of humans to be near identical and still have all the diversity in the world stored in the 5%. In any case, any adaptation needed would easily be engineered into the babies being born.

There is absolutely no risk of such "glass cannon" future occurring. One of the biggest reasons is that our ability to change the environment and genetic engineering itself gives us incredible adaptation compared to everything else on earth. If anything it massively accelerates natural evolution.

>> No.7573221

Swedish people are ugly and their males are and look like fags.p

>> No.7573229

>A ratio of 95:5 is just as genetically diverse as a normal distribution.

What? Are you daft? A simple, single car crash could wipe out our only genetic immunity to a superbug. You really need to spend more time in math classes.

>> No.7573236

We practice it, but only on animals because doing anything on humans is wrong. Then again, /an/ might be full of /pol/ according to /sci/ and PETA's logic:

>> No.7573247

>A simple, single car crash could wipe out our only genetic immunity to a superbug.
If only a car full of people survived an epidemic we'd probably go extinct anyway.

>> No.7573250

just stop

The thing is human's genetic defenses increase as we get more advanced, not decreased. We have 7,000,000,000+ people on earth, more than enough to guarantee diversity should we start engineering.

These stupid situations you imagine are incredibly retarded and assume that

- we magically genetically engineer every baby born on earth
- the engineering is focused on more than a few hundred or thousand genes, which is not even close to happening
- the engineering kills all people born before then who have such genes
- we cant engineer future generations

Every person that envisions some sort of "oh fuck we just genetically engineered 100% of babies to die at age 5, we just went extinct!" are incredibly stupid.

>> No.7573274

>look mom, I posted it again


>> No.7573277

>just stop

>The thing is human's genetic defenses increase as we get more advanced, not decreased.
Are you actually stupid? How are you going to defend against an unknown threat, retard? The point is you don't know which genes are going to confer an immunity to something important.

>We have 7,000,000,000+ people on earth, more than enough to guarantee diversity should we start engineering.
Yes, for a time. By definition, eugenics decreases diversity. I suggest you look at the sorts of problems that certain purebred canines face due to years of artificial selection.

>These stupid situations you imagine are incredibly retarded and assume that

>- we magically genetically engineer every baby born on earth
So engineering is magic now? I just assumed you were a fascist and wanted that to be the goal since you are advocating eugenics. So are you implying that the only way eugenics can work is if it doesn't completely work? Nice logic.

>- the engineering is focused on more than a few hundred or thousand genes, which is not even close to happening
To really have any major effect, especially on something like cognitive faculties, this is what it takes.

>- the engineering kills all people born before then who have such genes
This is not a required assumption, dipshit.

>- we cant engineer future generations
This also isn't?

>Every person that envisions some sort of "oh fuck we just genetically engineered 100% of babies to die at age 5, we just went extinct!" are incredibly stupid.
Strawman. As expected of a mouth-breathing /pol/tard advocating eugenics.

>> No.7573282

Once i'm a machinegod, i'll track you down and murder you.

>> No.7573290
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Once you're a "machine god" it probably won't be so easy to hurt your feelings.

>> No.7573302

>Are you actually stupid? How are you going to defend against an unknown threat, retard? The point is you don't know which genes are going to confer an immunity to something important.

You answered your own question. You don't know which genes. The thing is we have something called science, which tests and evaluates the world around us.

You act like these rare protective genes will get rarer, rather than more common.

>Yes, for a time. By definition, eugenics decreases diversity. I suggest you look at the sorts of problems that certain purebred canines face due to years of artificial selection.

It does nothing that you are talking about. Purebreed canines are inbred and the ones with problems have poor genetics. Genetic engineering removes such problems. Eugenics decreases diversity? How so? How rare are genius brains today? How rare is a great combination of neuroprotective gens now? etc The rare genes that are beneficial become more common and common genes that are negative become less common.

These are all positives. Natural evolution and selection allows for selection of individual genes only under extreme stress and is very random with dysgenic tendencies in many areas.

So yeah, I'll take not being susceptible to heart disease, alzheimers, schizophrenia, etc over worrying that a schizophrenic brain somehow protects against a future virus.

Anyway I can't go into the rest of your points because you seem extremely stupid.

>> No.7573312

I wonder if you'll know why you are drowning in your blood. Maybe you are a little kid, and this moment will be lost to you. Can't wait to find out.

>> No.7573320

Because eugenics are shit, their methods are slow and imprecise as fuck. Biotechnology is where the true future belongs.

>> No.7573322

eugenics kind of works though. You just have to target the extremes. Let the genius pump out 50 kids and kill the low IQ zero empathy criminals.

Yes though, at this point in human history there is no point to that style of eugenics as compared to Genetic selection or engineering.

>> No.7573324

wisdom is ways woman

>> No.7573326

wtf where do you come up with this literally nothing you said was true.
>it isn't rocket science
No, it's genetics, which is way more complicated than fucking rockets

>> No.7573329

Intelligence is indeed governed by Genetics. There's a lot of genes involved, however, so eugenics would be quite difficult.

>> No.7573331

The elites do it. But they don't want intelligent masses

>> No.7573332

>You answered your own question. You don't know which genes. The thing is we have something called science, which tests and evaluates the world around us.
Nice. You really don't get it at all, do you?
I bet you are one of those people who think the answer to our public health problems is more antibiotic prescriptions.

>You act like these rare protective genes will get rarer, rather than more common.
No. The point is that they will get so common that they will stop conferring benefits. Particularly in the case of infections, the microorganisms, which by the way evolve at a MUCH faster rate than humans, will respond to selection pressures of whatever magical genetic sequence you pick. You are placing a single point of failure in your "ideal" genetic improvements. Unfortunately, your environment is not static but rather dynamic. By getting rid of diversity, you are painting a target on your back, solving three problems now by creating 27 in the near future.

>It does nothing that you are talking about. Purebreed canines are inbred and the ones with problems have poor genetics. Genetic engineering removes such problems. Eugenics decreases diversity? How so? How rare are genius brains today? How rare is a great combination of neuroprotective gens now? etc The rare genes that are beneficial become more common and common genes that are negative become less common.
There are no "negative" or "positive" genes. It's just that some expressions sometimes result in undesirable effects. It's not so simple to pick out the "bad" alleles, isolate them and select against them.

>> No.7573334

>>7573332 cont.
>These are all positives. Natural evolution and selection allows for selection of individual genes only under extreme stress and is very random with dysgenic tendencies in many areas.
Yes, but sometimes randomization results in a better outcome than a direct method. For instance in the case of local maximums in a search optimization algorithm.
Ramification also confers protection against unknown variables, as previously stated. Eugenics is the opposite of this, and leads to less diversity in the general population over time. It's also not always clear when a genetic mutation leads to something desirable or not, especially in the long term.

>So yeah, I'll take not being susceptible to heart disease, alzheimers, schizophrenia, etc over worrying that a schizophrenic brain somehow protects against a future virus.
I don't think you understand genetics very well. At best you could become less susceptible. It also wouldn't be you personally, but rather the offspring of other people with "better" genetics or a divergence of your offspring from your own genetics.

>Anyway I can't go into the rest of your points because you seem extremely stupid.
Of course not! You're a busy fascist with an agenda to push! Don't let me hold you up!

>> No.7573420

>If your IQ is less than 90, each child should cost you a high fee.
And what happens when Tanquisha and her ex-con boyfriend Tyrone can't afford to pay? Will you throw Tyrone into prison again?

>> No.7573432

>implying beautiful people are also smart
>tfw Indians

>> No.7573437

You are really and truly a stupid individual. Do everyone on this board a favor and fuck off.

>> No.7573439

The only smart indians are the upper castes, who are arguably better looking than the lower castes.

>> No.7573441

>A subject that you may as well forget having a decent discussion
Fuck off nigger

>> No.7573474

not that i condone the idea of eugenics, but wouldnt abortion be the consequence?

>> No.7573493

Better kill yourself to make more space for intelligent life forms, homo.

>> No.7573505


the sort of eugenics you're vouching for is bound for failure.

folks already have access to genetic counseling and embryo selection.

/sci/ doesn't have a good idea why eugenics would be beneficial, just a general sense that it will "improve" conditions.


why not just get women to choose abstinence / sperm donor / adopt instead of having sexytime with retards and jerks.

>> No.7573524

Anime 1: Did you find enjoyable how I performed oral stimulation of your clitoris?
>Anime 2 is crying.
Anime 1: Excuse me, is your apparent negative emotional state a product of me overdoing the act?
Anime 2: You low sympathetic sexual partner. I, too, desire to perform cunnilingus on your genitalia.

>> No.7573642

>Proving me right
Looks like it's you who's the dumb nigger this time

>> No.7573663

>People are intelligent because they work hard and have goals that they reach through persistence
Is this nigga serious?!

>> No.7573666

Fucking /pol/ haha

>> No.7573667 [DELETED] 

Eugenics is a term that encompasses all methods to improve the genetics of a species.

>> No.7573670

she's a kinda gurl

>> No.7573672

When the AI starts telling SJWs things they don't want to hear, what will happen?

>> No.7573681

What's with you underage Nazi faggots? Go back to /pol/ and have a circlejerk about how you're superior to everyone else

>> No.7573685

I called you a nigger because you said you didn't want to engage in a conversation. I was stooping down to your level.

>> No.7573808

OP was talking about oldschool breeding programs, not genetic engineering.

>> No.7573817

>caring about breeding
>not caring about achieving biological immortality and human augmentation

le mayo

>> No.7573833
File: 2.84 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-09-01-10-02-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw when i got mollested last summer