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File: 147 KB, 800x535, mechanicaldrawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7568808 No.7568808 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

Fag bag engineer here.

Taking a mechanical drawing class and I have to replicated this image within a cad software.

How do I find the thickness of the dimensions circled in red?

The professor is always talking about how he makes sure all of his drawings have the absolute minimum dimensions, but why wouldn't he just put the thickness of the material?

Am I not understanding a principle of mechanical drawing?


>> No.7568817
File: 490 KB, 449x401, 1348330333579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw engineers go on /sci/

>> No.7568818

nobody said it's hard you dumb faggot
you'd fail out of engineering, if you weren't a NEET sperglord and actually went to uni in the first place

>> No.7568820

It clearly says 11, are you retarded?

>> No.7568823

come on OP

>> No.7568825

Holy fucking shit hahahahahaha I thought those were some kind of double line symbol.

Thanks mate!

>> No.7568828

It clearly says eleven(11). What did you think it means? Did you thought it was a notation for something?

Source: I'm a Mechanical Engineer.

>> No.7568829

Yes, I thought it was maybe a notation for "Infer this dimension from others" because the professor is always saying how that is the right way to give the drawings.

Pretty funny, glad I asked and didn't waste too much time.

>> No.7568830
File: 6 KB, 241x243, 1443883042991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, no amount of chemo can rid me of all the cancer that this thread gave me.

>> No.7568838

Good thing Im studying..... nuclear meme-gineering

>> No.7568841

m8 you're a horrible shitposter

>> No.7568843


>> No.7568845

You'd never make it in nuclear engineering.

>> No.7568851

I'm in my last year my friend. Very little chance of me failing now. Plus I have work experience already.

Just cause someone makes a silly mistake and laughs it off doesn't mean they are a failure. I am interested in learning so I ask questions, if it makes me seem like a retard to you I don't really care.

>> No.7568856

>blaming the student because some retard writes 11 as ll

>> No.7568857

What uni? And why are you taking mechanical drawing?

>> No.7568871

New York University. And because here we do a major in either mech, elec, or civil and then our minor in aero, nuke, etc. So I am a mechanical major nuke minor.

>> No.7568878

So you're not studying nuclear engineering. Good to know. We don't need another TMI or Fukushima

>> No.7568883

Actually, what almost all of my minor courses are in is risk analysis and nuclear safety engineering.

Again, you can think I am a retard as much as you want, but I will be the one employed protecting your ass from various risks that are involved with nuclear power.

>> No.7568887
File: 1.77 MB, 320x180, 1358822970949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7568890

So you don't cover radiation interactions with matter, radiation detection/shielding, neutronics/reactor analysis, etc?

>> No.7568894
File: 164 KB, 1129x861, cuckworks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I say it was dangerous? I said there were various risks, just like anything.

I take courses in dosimetry, nuclear measurement, applied nuclear physics, probabilistic risk assessment, radiation physics, and radiation damage in solids.

>> No.7568897

>i thought it was some kind of double line symbol
It is...that's the symbol for eleven.

>> No.7568899

>doesn't even us ProE

>> No.7568915

This guy vs Purdue nukefag

>> No.7568923

I got into Purdue, I hear their program is very good, probably better than NYU's when it comes to nuclear. Sometimes I regret not going there. But overall, the network of NYU and the city is better I think for my career goals.

>> No.7568954




>> No.7568957

>cad software.
>mechanical drawing
>not just using Solid Works (AKA grown up minecraft)

>> No.7568965

holy shit. you are in your last year and just NOW making simple parts/assemblies in solid works? this is freshman tier shit m8. any mech E worth a shit has been doing MATLAB and solid works for at least 3 years before getting out of school. did you not have a design class? Computer Aided Engineering? CFD analysis? fucking senior project?

you are full of shit m8.

>> No.7569048

Someone screen cap this stupidity for prosperity

>> No.7569060


>> No.7569063

>Solid Works
>thinks hes relevant
>not just using Siemens NX

>> No.7569175
File: 34 KB, 489x488, 1443834968216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7569531

You forgot the hole in the middle, toddler.

>> No.7569802
File: 49 KB, 1362x623, no_SketchDown_is_not_a_real_drafting_program.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no hole in the middle


>> No.7569812

>>not just using Siemens NX
What is CATIA

>> No.7569819

this isn't aero m8

>> No.7569824

Cheers, my aujism can RIP in peace now.

>> No.7569827
File: 149 KB, 299x290, 203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought those were some kind of double line symbol.

>> No.7570040

>This guy vs Purdue nukefag
>implying anyone wants to watch two shitposting retards bicker about a useless field of study

>> No.7570049

Yeah I put the hole in last night. I noticed after I posted it actually, good thing I admired my awesome shitposting before I submitted.

>> No.7570770


Jokes on me, I forgot the damn fillet.

>> No.7570788
File: 441 KB, 1775x971, Double Line Symbol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been laughing at this thread all day

>> No.7570986

Missing a fillet, cucks.