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7566714 No.7566714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who here is a sociopath? What's it like inside your mind? These one sided stories with psychologists are boring. Please be as descriptive as possible. I like details.

>> No.7566716

not science
kill yourself

>> No.7566732

Sociopath here. I love doing things that are epic, but badass and twisted at the same time, like triggering SJWs and wearing guy fawkes masks.

>> No.7566760

Personal experience as an introvert/sociopath and also studying neuroscience and psychology as a pre-med.

Imagine you're talking to someone and they start talking about something you really don't care about, but you politely listen and nod your head and pretend to be interested. Now imagine you do that with literally everyone because you really just don't care. It's not that you CANT feel that emotional connection with another person, you can, you just don't feel the passion behind that emotional connection.

Someone tells a joke and you laugh, not because you find it funny, but because "oh they're telling a joke I should laugh so I fit in/so they feel like somebody cares."

Someone asks for your opinion and you'd love to tell them you simply don't have one on the matter but you make something up on the spot and tell them exactly what they want to hear.

Someone tells you about their bad day and you sit there and can console them and tell them "oh that sucks; oh don't stress out you'll be fine" but in the back of your mind you're thinking "wow why the fuck are they stressed out about this. It's literally not a big deal". Its like certain things that may seem common sense and obvious (to the sociopath) aren't as common sense to everyone else.

>> No.7566763

It can probably be correlated pretty well with being antisocial, however being a sociopath doesn't necessarily mean you're antisocial. Its like being "selectively antisocial" instead. Think of a constantly ruminating, overthinking, introvert; except a little better at fitting in with other people.

When I meet l people I notice sometimes that I mimick their personalities. Like my lab partner at school is a lot like me: dry humour, not very emotional, calm and collected. And we get along great because we enjoy going into the biochemistry lab and doing work discussing results and going over methods without things getting personal. Other times I'll meet a very positive, bubbly person and I'll lighten up, notice I'm smiling a lot and try to be the person they'd like to talk to. Its something I've noticed and I almost can't help it. Sociopaths don't really know how to "be themselves".

I have a few close friends who understand me and like my narcissism and my extremely sarcastic, dry humor. We don't make a lot of small talk because they understand I honestly couldn't give less of a shit about talking about the weather. We don't hang out often because I don't like going out and doing things, but they always ask and hey, sometimes I do. Its not that I don't enjoy talking to people though.

>> No.7566772

Its not that I'm some basement dweller who never goes out and doesn't know what society is, its just like I don't see the point in going out to a bar to sit down and make awkward small talk with people and drink. If I go out I enjoy doing things with an objective. If they ask me to go rock climbing, hell yea I'll go. Go karting? Sure. But ask me to come over and hang out and I'll probably make up an excuse to not go over. That's more opinion I guess then a generalisation, but hey its not too often you get to get all this off your chest. Most people just don't understand and if I ever tried to explain this in words to one of my friends it wouldn't be as fluent as this writing and it wouldn't have the same meaning

>> No.7566776

You two are both retarded and you will never figure out why.

>> No.7566778


>> No.7566782

Good discussion. You're probably part of the reason why I don't like people

>> No.7566789

Darkly enlightened sociopath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NulgtJrRfPQ

>> No.7566796
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I don't think any of the "sociopaths" posted above really are sociopaths based on what they've posted above.

They're just garden variety Americans. Says something about American culture, but nothing more profound than that given that the vast majority of the world's dominant cultures are as dishonest and shallow or worse. Properly socialized, human beings aren't conditioned to lie and manipulate, compete and gain advantages. That's a product of post modern capitalist socialization.

As these kids get older, they'll likely begin to see relationships as important, and prosocial motivations as desirable and important. It's too bad that this remediation to a young lifetime of being callused by the gladiatorial nature of contemporary socialization will probably not occur until they are beyond their child-rearing years.

Then they may have a divorce, and a couple of fucked up kids by that time.

>> No.7566812

That's great but fun fact: I'm Canadian and those 3 large posts were all me. I never said I do it to gain a competitive edge over someone else for either and i do understand why people are have a need to develop relationships. Its just kind of difficult to develop a relationship with someone when you don't have much of a personality.

So you can take your meaningless opinion presented as a fact somewhere else. :^)

Also bonus points for using all of the big words. Nice job.

>> No.7566816

Also I made a couple typos in that response which you're probably going to attack instantly

>> No.7566819 [DELETED] 

>open up to someone else
>personally attacked by some self righteous know it all on the internet

>> No.7566830

Don't get butt hurt bro.

>a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

Your post just doesn't meet the criteria. You are just garden variety alienated, even if not American. (Canadians not much different)

>> No.7566841

>Someone tells a joke and you laugh, not because you find it funny, but because "oh they're telling a joke I should laugh so I fit in/so they feel like somebody cares."
>Someone asks for your opinion and you'd love to tell them you simply don't have one on the matter but you make something up on the spot and tell them exactly what they want to hear.
>When I meet l people I notice sometimes that I mimick their personalities.
>Its something I've noticed and I almost can't help it. Sociopaths don't really know how to "be themselves".
and This

all describe me but I am pretty sure I am not a sociopath.

>> No.7566849

Well being a sociopath doesn't mean you're crazy. There's obviously a spectrum of how serious the sociopathness(?) is. I think I'm a well adjusted member of society but I'd still consider myself a sociopath. It doesn't mean you cut up animals in your basement or have violent tendencies. Thats leading towards the psychopath end of the spectrum

>> No.7566863

>being a sociopath doesn't mean you're crazy
You are going to need to define "crazy".

>> No.7566874

Everyone is :^)

>> No.7566921

i might fit the 'sociopath' category, depending on your definitions.

>feel completely indifferent to the suffering of strangers
>never ever feel guilt or remorse towards other humans
>always assume others are either retardedly stupid or evil/malevolent
>dont value the opinion of others at all
>no idea how empathy is supposed to work, i suspect it's just a buzzword that people use to gain some sort of moral high ground in debates

strangely, this all only applies to humans. i feel a great deal of affection and care towards random animals, especially cats.
i can watch ISIS execution videos where people are burned alive without any emotional reaction, but if i see a cat suffering or being hurt i tear up inside and feel terribly sad.
no idea if i fit the definition of a sociopath. i never visited a psychiatrist; i can lay low and keep up the appearance of normality just enough to avoid negative attention.

>> No.7566975
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I scored a 28 on the PCL-R. I am a sociopath in England, but not in the US. Imagine the most cold boredom you can, and imagine always experiencing that. Imagine getting into a car accident and not even blinking, only being mildly annoyed at the other driver for being in the way. When I was in the 1st grade, I punched a retarded girl in the stomach just to see how she'd react. I routinely went out hunting small animals on my farm just for the sake of killing them. Imagine seeing other people as organic machines. Automated meat. Seeing someone get hurt means as much to me as watching dirt crumble. I can't form close relationships with people because I get bored with them or scare them. I lie constantly, cheat on everything I can get away with, and manipulate every system I can to my advantage.

>> No.7567090

Someone come up with similarities between a psychopath and sociopath?

>> No.7567091

He asked for sociopaths, not regular anglos.

>> No.7567107

I'm a sociopath but I'm too nice.

I want to kill everyone/everyone to die, and have AI take over (when its finally done and able to write its own code, with the hardware to build its own hardware)...but killing everyone would just be mean, even if I know it would be the best thing to do.

I'm a pretty bad sociopath, tbh :(

>> No.7567154

They are synonyms.

>> No.7567157

i hope you die painfully as fuck you edgy sperglord

>> No.7567222


I'm pretty sure psychopaths are more likely to go out of their way to harm people but I can't back that up.
I believe the main difference is that psychopaths are born psychopaths but regular people can become sociopaths.

>> No.7567227

You are retarded and unscientific and this whole thread is retarded in unscientific. Pyschopathy and sociopathy are outdated terms and have nothing to do with a "spectrum". They are simply older terms for anti-social personality disorder. As much as a soft-science psychology is, your just pulling things out of you're ass and you're not a sociopath you're just a fucking autist

>> No.7567229

I don't really know why people want to be sociopaths. My closest acquaintance recently died, and I'm more upset at the fact he can't pay back the $20 he owed me than his death itself. People got REALLY upset when I said that. Stuff like that is annoying, and happens all the time.

>> No.7567230


>> No.7567231

fuck forgot to sages

>> No.7567233

>People got REALLY upset when I said that.
A sociopath wouldn't say that. An edgelord would.

>> No.7567268

This is me but with a few crucial exceptions, I am more than average-attuned to the suffering of others but I have very little tolerance for trivial things.

I agree so much with the empathy thing because people apply empathy in the shittiest situations imo

>> No.7567284


You're just idiots, the both of you.

A sociopath isn't indifferent. A sociopath is jaded. A sociopath concludes that humans are the problem.

If a sociopath is a negative number, and a philanthropist a positive number, you would classify as a zero. Nothing. Useless, no positive use, no negative use.

You're right at least on the empathy part. Very few persons understand what empathy really is. Interestingly, I think Ender's Game stated what empathy is best. Once you understand your enemy, you love your enemy.

The problem with most bleeding-heart liberals/progressives is that they don't love their enemies. But primates evolved that way, so I ain't even mad about it.

>> No.7567288

Dark sociopath prince reading YA fiction in his black fortress

>> No.7567290


Watched the movie.

I don't read fiction. I haven't read a book in years.

>> No.7567584

>made up categories of behavioural traits are totally legitimate & scientific things which really exist
>black people don't real
Modern (soft) science everybody.

>> No.7567586


Kill yourself my man

>> No.7567595


>not science

>> No.7567601

Medicine really isn't one of the sciences.

>> No.7567604

when's your birthday?

>> No.7567639

Underrated posted

>> No.7567642

Well I'm a psychopath, not quiet an emotional crazy faggot.

>> No.7567748

Science Medicine Engineering Technology

>> No.7567753

M is for Math

>> No.7567758

*Maths. American fuck. You wouldn't say "Mathematic", would you?