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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 546 KB, 2181x897, mega-city-one-justice-department-from-dredd-2012[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7566206 No.7566206[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the hypothetical carrying capacity of Earth, given that 95% of it's inhabitants would enjoy a standard of living comparable to modern Europe or NA?

Is breaking 10 billion even a remote possibility? What about technologies such as vat-grown meats, along with fusion power?

Would it be possible if there was a successful and thriving space-mining industry?

What would the maximum population be if we wanted to conserve, say, 90% of the Earth's wilderness without being packed into cities any more dense than New York?

>> No.7566214

If we upload our minds into computers, the problem is solved

>> No.7566222

With current technology I'm not sure if we could achieve that, given that we need like 5billion poorfags to sustain the populations of europe and NA as is.

>> No.7566229
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We'll grow plants and meat cultures underground on UV, and that will free up some surface area, which can then be used for solar, wind, and hydro power.

>> No.7566247

If we're talking about 'ideal' numbers, humanity would be better off under 1 billion globally. You have to consider being able to sustain a certain standard on a longer timescale.

Also Europe is considerably less wasteful than the US so conflating them like you did is incredibly misleading.

>> No.7566266

>What is the hypothetical carrying capacity of Earth, given that 95% of it's inhabitants would enjoy a standard of living comparable to modern Europe or NA?

2 or 3 billion.

>> No.7566270


More people = more brains = faster progress.

>> No.7566272

Ideally we start to colonize space.

>> No.7566280

3 Billion, prove me wrong faggots!

>> No.7566282

>given that 95% of it's inhabitants would enjoy a standard of living comparable to modern Europe or NA?
With current technology, far less than the current world's population.

>> No.7566284

Can someone else explain to this guy how huge of a number one billion is?

>> No.7566298
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>given that we need like 5billion poorfags to sustain the populations of europe and NA as is.
>implying the 5 billion poorfags are doing jack shit for first-worlders besides menial factory jobs that will be automated in the next few years anyway

>better off under 1 billion globally
>2 or 3 billion.

ITT: /sci/entists pull numbers out of their asses.

>> No.7566322

>Vat grown meats
What abominations you futurist kids are capable of.

>> No.7566323

What year do you think the government will realize it can't afford to continue supporting free loaders who contribute nothing?

Are we going to hit a point where everyone realizes the free rides are over and you have to fucking do something to get fed, and everyone freaks the fuck out and starts rioting?

>> No.7566324

Without fossil fuels we would never break 2 billion

>> No.7566326

>What abominations you futurist kids are capable of.
Delicious steak without needing to waste untold acres on feeding inefficient flesh beasts?


>> No.7566331

>given that 95% of it's inhabitants would enjoy a standard of living comparable to modern Europe or NA?
Probably around 200-300 billion people if you really figure out efficient methods for nearly everything including housing, food production, water systems, energy systems and so on.

The real problem isn't if the Earth can sustain 300 billion intelligent people. The problem is if the Earth can sustain 250 billion 3rd world retards that are fucking retarded and let the infrastructure go to shit.

>> No.7566332

The natural carrying capacity of the earth is completely irrelevant. Humans have lots of technology that allow us to circumvent that limit. Now we have to ask if it's meaningful to talk about a carrying capacity at all if we can always circumvent it with newer and better farming techniques.

>> No.7566336

i'm sure you would run the world better than it currently is being run. everybody on the internet can, apparently.

>> No.7566337
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>What year do you think the government will realize it can't afford to continue supporting free loaders who contribute nothing?

As automation and modern farming continue to improve, less and less labor is required to sustain each individual.
Back when my parents were kids, most Murrican families were supported by a single breadwinner.
What you should be asking is why so many people still need to work at all.
Hint: It's because people are being compensated less and less for their work.

>> No.7566340

>More people = more brains = faster progress.
lol are people this retarded?

1 billion 80 IQ african/indian/spic/shitskin brains accomplish as much as 100 120 IQ brains.

>> No.7566346

I run everything better than 3rd world shit skins, spics, niggers, indians, chinese.

I know not to shit in the streets

I know better than to let companies pollute rivers without reporting them.

I know better than to let infrastructure go to shit because you can't comprehend what a solar panel does or how a water well works.

good try I guess.

>> No.7566348

>What is the hypothetical carrying capacity of Earth, given that 95% of it's inhabitants would enjoy a standard of living comparable to modern Europe or NA?
about tree fiddy

>> No.7566352

There are Indian "shitskins" who are almost assuredly smarter than you.

>> No.7566353


>> No.7566355

please explain in depth on how you would create society from scratch.

>> No.7566356

South Indians shit in the streets.

Northern Indians are incredibly smart though.

They have their share of niggers just like america does. It just so happens that theirs are classified as indian as well.

>> No.7566359

Remove jews, remove 3rd world retards, only allow people who are intelligent enough to make good decisions that don't fuck up everything.


>> No.7566362
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>> No.7566364

Do people who don't shit on the sidewalk belongs to /pol/ ? I guess that explains why theres much more people there.

>> No.7566365

>realizing that many native populations are fucking retarded and destroy their environment is wrong
ebin trole m8

>> No.7566367

you'll fit right in

>> No.7566371

>liberal faggot has his world view shattered and can't come up with a counter argument

>> No.7566372

Then guess you fit in a board where they shit on the streets and post memes. Which is not /sci/

>> No.7566375


You blame the race on being behind in development.
But these countries are in the same place that pre industrial western world was, which makes sense because they industrialized later; these parts of the world were home to some of the earliest civilizations.
The migrants do as well if not better than the indigenous folks in the developed world.
With time and development,

As late as WWI, the average IQ of the US according to standardizes tests conducted by the military was 85 by today's standards, back when the country was overwhelmingly white.
These were generations that gave us revolutionary scientists and engineers.

>> No.7566380

>who are intelligent enough to make good decisions that don't fuck up everything.
Better throw all the climate change deniers, fundamentalist christians, slack-jawed yokels etc on that list too, then. I'll sharpen my edge up a bit and add "people who think eugenics is a good idea" on that list, too. Eugenics is indefensible based on both logic and morality.

>> No.7566390

>implying i argue with /pol/tards
Back to >>>/pol/, please

>> No.7566391

In some cases its the other way around. South Indians have to compensate for being viewed as inferior by lighter sooner northerners so they work harder.

>> No.7566401

that's not what I asked, you have NO IDEA about the management of the world yet you still have an opinion on it. I think people like you should be killed, not these people you deem as inferior.

>> No.7566402

>You blame the race on being behind in development.
There are some intelligent people in all races, but some races have a much higher proportion of retards than others. Races highly affect the probability that you will be intelligent.

>But these countries are in the same place that pre industrial western world was, which makes sense because they industrialized later; these parts of the world were home to some of the earliest civilizations.
why didn't they Industrialize at the same time that everyone else did? Why is it that everyone else got their shit together and even now with all the help they get from Industrialized civilizations they still fail?

>The migrants do as well if not better than the indigenous folks in the developed world.
Most migrants that 1st world countries allowed are the most intelligent migrants of other races so you're using highly skewed data to argue that the races of those migrants are all intelligent when in reality you're only allowing the intelligent migrants in. This is pretty simple to understand statistical bias.

>With time and development,
No matter how much time you give 3rd world shit holes they never improve. Those people are just too dumb to have nice things.

>As late as WWI, the average IQ of the US according to standardizes tests conducted by the military was 85 by today's standards, back when the country was overwhelmingly white.
Many of them died in the world wars, that left the more intelligent americans to run the country. The lower IQ humans will always tend to die much more than higher IQ humans which means over time the IQ average will always increase relative to past measurements.

>These were generations that gave us revolutionary scientists and engineers.
Those guys were already smart, they didn't just magically become smart all of a sudden and gain 20-30 IQ points. You're confusing IQ average with outliers.

>> No.7566404

Why are you on a science board if you refuse to form arguments and only wanna post memes ? Addressing people is not discussion, it's called spamming and it's a bannable offense on /sci/.

>> No.7566407

>climate change deniers, fundamentalist christians, slack-jawed yokels
Those come later. They aren't nearly as bad as the africans that can't maintain a water well.

>Eugenics is indefensible based on both logic and morality.
We can always just not do anything like we're doing right now if you want. Natural selection still applies to us no matter how much you want to deny that. It won't matter I guess, they'll die anyways.

Sure, but on average this is not the case.

That is what you asked. Sorry if you don't agree with it but that would improve everything immensely.

You wouldn't have 50K college loans like the retard that you are if there weren't jews in your university sucking up cash for themselves because the government is giving out loans like candy.

We wouldn't have to deal with muslim retards in the middle east or mexican cartels if the spaniards had killed them off in the 1500's.

>> No.7566412


>> No.7566417

NO. I'm asking you HOW you would manage society, not "remove X and add Y in power". simplistic moron

>> No.7566419

Why are there no arguments against the poor African intelligence, immigrant crysis and difference in life standards between races other than >>>/pol/ meme ? Why is not one single person in this thread come up with a sensible argument against these ? Are all of them childish shitposters or is there no counter-argument avaliable ?

>> No.7566420

I already told you how, remove jews, remove 3rd world retards.

How are those college loans looking right now? Gotta subsidize the jews new boat you now.

>> No.7566422
File: 96 KB, 1833x400, pol edginess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you should go back to >>>/pol/ instead of shitting up the science board

>> No.7566423

>Eugenics is indefensible based on both logic and morality.
...and history too.

>> No.7566425

Everyone is afraid of stating that africans are just dumber than other people on average.

There are african tribes that literally have no concept of distance, they're absolutely useless when it comes to working anywhere as they don't understand what it means to cut a wood board at the mid point.

Too many people are afraid of what it means for them, intelligence is the most powerful trait a human can have and they know this. If they were to admit that they were fucking retarded it would mean they would have to take responsibility for their actions instead of blaming whitey or another group of people.

They refuse to improve themselves for some reason, even if you're a fucking retard you can still be very knowledgeable and make the correct decisions at nearly everything but they refuse to do even that.

>> No.7566430

lol, that pic even applies directly to this thread

What does the average IQ of blacks have to do with this thread?

>> No.7566432

> more memes and >>>/pol/ spam
Learn how to discuss like an adult in a science board first you imbecile. Everyone is arguing their points rather than spamming the same non-sensical garbage like you do. Go back to reddit where autism is the default communication method and leave /sci/ alone.

>> No.7566433

you're the one who derailed this into a "LOL NIGGERS R DUM" thread like the typical stormcuck you are

you belong on >>>/pol/ and should stay there


>> No.7566434
File: 24 KB, 440x309, 1359790524_2863_FT180705_get-a-brain-morans-freeman_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I already told you how,
His point is that you're apparently not qualified to run an entire society, despite your criticism of other societies.
Responding with a list of races you despise isn't much of a come-back, and only serves to prove his point.

>> No.7566437

>hurrr pol is the reason people in this thread are saying niggers r dumb
im sure it has nothing to do with the fact that they're less intelligent on average than other people but okay.

>> No.7566440

What part of remove jews do you not understand?

Do you seriously believe that having jews scam people of their shekels is okay? Do you seriously think a society can do well with something like that?

How are those college loans looking btw? Better pay up so the president of your school can afford his new house.

How much did you spend on 100+ dollar text books btw?

>> No.7566442
File: 124 KB, 600x894, merely pretending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to >>>/pol/ if you want to circlejerk about the average IQ of the African continent.

You'll find a lot more people who are willing to humour your ideas and agree with everything you say!

>> No.7566443
File: 62 KB, 640x663, Sad Little Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is incapable of forming arguments. Only thing he can do is spam /pol/ and hope it does the trick. He's clearly from reddit, ignore him.

>> No.7566444

>incapable of forming arguments
>gives no argument whatsoever
ebin trole m8

>> No.7566446


>> No.7566448

IQ means Intelligence Quotient, got nothing to do with politics no matter how much you cry about it.

Africans have lower intelligence on average. This won't change no matter how much you cry about it.

Nothing will magically change facts and justify any reddit flooding, no matter how much you cry about it.

Now please leave /sci/ alone, you've shitposted enough for today.

>> No.7566450

Just go back to >>>/pol/ already.

>> No.7566452
File: 1.42 MB, 500x281, 1443736417973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What part of remove jews do you not understand?

>be moran
>claim certain societies are fucking up big time
>/sci/anon asks you to demonstrate your own civic planning skills for comparison
>respond with "I hate kikes"
>feel smug superiority
>go home, fuck sister, eat mayonnaise sandwich

You were asked to prove that you could do a better job of running a society than "certain" societies.
"remove jews" isn't a complete social blueprint.

>> No.7566454

Sorry but spamming is not the same thing with arguing. Let me know when you learn that.

>> No.7566457


>> No.7566459

Soooo how are those college loans looking like? Remember goy, you don't want to be a nigger or greece that doesn't pay their loans. The university administration has to get their shekels somehow hehe.

What are the interest rates on those loans btw?

>> No.7566461

also see

>> No.7566462

>Soooo how are those college loans looking like?
Are you seriously suggesting a college education is a sign of low intelligence?
On /sci/?

>> No.7566467

I'm suggesting that you're getting ripped off and yet you refuse to do anything about it?

Is it normal for college prices and textbooks to go up a billion % in a couple of years? Does it have something to do with the government giving out student loans like candy?

Maybe, I actually investigated a bit when I was in college and I realized the higher ups are big time jews. They made so that our university could not buy computers unless they bought it from some other company that bought computers for them, installed the OS, then took their cut in the process. Needless to say the computer science department was not thrilled and they fought against it for a while, I don't think they won.

>> No.7566470
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>tfw most based candidate won't get 10% of the votes

>> No.7566477
File: 410 KB, 804x1163, Reddit Spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit needs to stop.


>> No.7566481
File: 233 KB, 1200x900, 1436068809058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so butthurt by 8 characters that you put together a collage
my fucking sides


>> No.7566491

Regardless of your autism, spamming is against the rules of 4chan, no matter how hard you try to justify it.
Funny poster though.

>> No.7566493

>he actually has that image saved
>he actually believes that image

>> No.7566496

Jesus do people like you even consider looking at history? When you say that it doesn't matter how much time you give *insert race here* and that they will always be inferior to *insert other race here*, please consider that everything was the other way round some thousand years ago. The "mudslimes", " shitskins" or whatever you call them were top of the line in things like education and it's not by chance that we still use arabic numerals. Then we oh so cilvilised christians stomped their shit, took some of their better ideas like universities and now reap the benefits

It's just a matter of upbringing and circumstances, of course the average african isn't as educated/civilised as the average european, but speaking of genetic differences is idiotic. That shit's mixed as hell anyways

>> No.7566502

>not stealing everything from the greeks

>> No.7566503


>> No.7566505

it's one thing to be /pol/ but quite another to be a janny sympathizer

>> No.7566510

The namecallings don't matter. White people might have a higher IQ but you belong to the lower IQ part of the white people if you use words like nigger or any other derogatory crap that racists love to use.
Theres an IQ gap even within the same race. Every race have dumb people and smart people. That means you can find a black person smarter than a white person, and the other way around. Generalizing people into a single number while ignoring their individual assets is simply stupid. That's why it doesn't really matter what race you are from.

>> No.7566523


>> No.7566524

>When you say that it doesn't matter how much time you give *insert race here* and that they will always be inferior to *insert other race here*, please consider that everything was the other way round some thousand years ago.
Literally never happened. Different races back then lived in the same general area and eventually they left the other retards to colonize other areas. They were never a homogeneous group of people.

> The "mudslimes", " shitskins" or whatever you call them were top of the line in things like education and it's not by chance that we still use arabic numerals.
They had some good contributions very early in recorded history but they quickly fell off for some reason. Most likely only a small group of their general "Arabic" group of people did a lot of the advancements and they eventually left the Arab group over time.

>Then we oh so cilvilised christians stomped their shit, took some of their better ideas like universities and now reap the benefits
Kinda their fault for getting stomped. Nature doesn't really give a fuck about you faggot.

>It's just a matter of upbringing and circumstances
>retards actually believe this
blacks who are raised in white homes with all the advantages of having a rich family and loving family still aren't able to do as well as their white counterparts. there is a marginal increase in school performance and career performance.

>but speaking of genetic differences is idiotic.
>genetic differences don't matter

>> No.7566534


>> No.7566539

heeyy whats going on in this thread ? I wanna talk about genetics too.

>> No.7566540


>> No.7566541

>White people might have a higher IQ but you belong to the lower IQ part of the white people if you use words like nigger or any other derogatory crap that racists love to use.
Racism is nothing more than applied statistics. There's a reason racism has prevailed throughout all of history, it's an intelligent thing to do as it turns out. Racism merely states that the following probability relations are true.

P(IQ > 100 | skin = White) >>> P(IQ > 100 | skin = Black)

>Theres an IQ gap even within the same race. Every race have dumb people and smart people.
This is true.

>That means you can find a black person smarter than a white person, and the other way around.
This is true to an extent. The problem is that there are WAY more intelligent white people than intelligent black people. There's 1 intelligent black for every 20 intelligent white person.

>Generalizing people into a single number while ignoring their individual assets is simply stupid.
Nobody is doing that, you're the one that did this.

>That's why it doesn't really matter what race you are from.
It does actually. If you know nothing else about the person besides the persons skin color then the probabilities that that person will be intelligent will CHANGE. The reason we use skin color a lot is because it's a feature that is difficult to hide, you can look at a person and tell if hes black or not very easily. Nobody really uses only skin color though, we use skin color, facial features, hair color, height, weight, clothes, pretty much all information we can gather.

You can always just "get to know" a black person but in some cases that causes problems. "Getting to know" a nigger in a bad area is just asking for you to get punched, stabbed, shot.

>> No.7566547

>heeyy whats going on in this thread ?
We WERE making up arbitrary numbers to demonstrate our disdain for humanity in general, when somebody insisted it was all the Jews' fault.

>> No.7566552
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>P(IQ > 100 | skin = White) >>> P(IQ > 100 | skin = Black)

>> No.7566556

>People who lived in caves and tribes will do great in a modern society instantly!
I thought /sci/ was smarter than this?

>> No.7566560

someone didn't take statistics? I'm sorry bud.

>> No.7566566
File: 112 KB, 920x575, harry_b2_gallery-cover_8838[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's much more than skin color. Genetics manifest itself on many levels. But genetics is only one factor here. Education, culture, parental upbringing and media is what sculpts someone into what they are.

Remember back 50's ? Black people run their own businesses, dressed classy, acted polite, made amazing jazz music and lived peacefully. After the Kennedy assassination and the crack-cocaine epidemic, they started rioting, started to iconize rappers who took pride in murdering, gangbanging and committing crimes, they adopted ghetto culture, started producing violent rap songs that glorify crime and turned violent.

You have to go to FBI first and tell them that their crime statistics are arbitrary.

>> No.7566580

OP here, what the fuck happened to my thread. I want reddit and /pol/ to leave.

>> No.7566581

This place belongs to reddit now >:D

>> No.7567458

>The natural carrying capacity of the earth is completely irrelevant.
It really is not, considering we have problems like groundwater depletion, pollution and global warming.

>muh leeches
Business is considerably more wasteful, without creating anything of long term value. It is true that the earth is overpopulated by any relevant metric, but it is also true that the global population shrinking is not enough by itself, it also has to become less wasteful, and this necessitates reducing the amount of non-critical work we do.

>> No.7567468

>Business is considerably more wasteful, without creating anything of long term value.

>> No.7567483

You forgot your argument.

>> No.7567485

Guys, let this thread go. It's literally covered in /pol/ and it's just racist bullshit in half the posts.

Move on if you're actually from /sci/. Let /pol/ stay in here.

>> No.7567486

With current technology not even current population.

However, in the next 25 years or so the average co2 emissions per person will plunge.

Once they start mass production of vat-meat/fish and later asteroid mining/space solar mirrors, the limit is in the tens of billions with much, much higher per capita income.

I'm thinking self sustaining space stations with artificial gravity will hold millions by the end of this century.

>> No.7567502

>>implying the 5 billion poorfags are doing jack shit for first-worlders besides menial factory jobs that will be automated in the next few years anyway
Actually they have a very important job; keeping the first worlders in line by scaring the fuck out of them.

>> No.7567503

Those problems have very little to do with carrying capacity. Moreover technology can mitigate all most all of the problems you mention, the fact that it doesn't is more to do with maximisation of profit than anything else.

>> No.7567508

quality over quantity

one phenomenal brain makes more progress than 100 000 shit ones combined

>> No.7567510

'Technology' in an idealised, limitless form surely would solve every problem in the world, but in our present reality it doesn't, and may not reach the point where it could if we refuse to address current problems that jeopardise our ability to conduct research or manufacture equipments.

>> No.7567522

>Ground water depletion
Desalination plants
Removal of the largest use of water, ie cattle farming, this could be done by growing just the bits of a cow that are needed, this could be economically viable within the next decade.

Obviously "pollution" is very broad and general problem, that said there are solutions to a wide variety of pollution problems. The only thing stopping these solutions being adopted is that it's not economically viable to do so.

>Global warming
The simplest way would be to remove the largest contributor to global warming, so cars, and replace them with something else, so electric or hybrid cars. Something that could be achievable within the coming decade.

The Maltusians amongst us have made these sorts of claims, that humanity is close to the carrying capacity of the planet, almost every year since Malthus first published his treatise. And every time they have been wrong. If any other idea had the track record Maltusianism had it would have been abandoned long ago, but for some reason this particular philosophy rebounds, each and every time.

>> No.7567548

can some else explain to this guy how bigger 100 billions is compared to one billion.

>> No.7567561

>Desalination plants
Isn't the energy to created fresh water ratio absolutely pitiful? And those plants fuck with coastal ecosystems.

I find it quite interesting that you propose concentrating on making cars more efficient rather than devising a model where people don't need to travel such great distances in their daily lives, eliminating the demand for cars.

Malthus hasn't been proven wrong, the same way climatologists who predict terrible consequences haven't been proven wrong. If anything, Malthus is increasingly relevant as there hasn't been a second green revolution or a policy shift in the rapid depletion of natural resources.

>> No.7567588

>Isn't the energy to created fresh water ratio absolutely pitiful?

I think that the record is something like 2kwh/m^3 with a theoretical minimum expected to be around 1kwh/m^3. Meanwhile using just fresh water is something like a tenth of that, so it's more energy intensive, but you'd expect that. As for the environment you can take steps to reduce the impact on the environment, they do this on Australia and the reductions are so effective you can't tell that the difference between seawater and brine just a few metres away from the discharge pipes.

>devising a model where people don't need to travel such great distances in their daily lives, eliminating the demand for cars.

I just don't think that's a realistic possibility if I'm honest. And I doubt you'd ever reduce the use of cars by enough.

>Malthus hasn't been proven wrong

He really has, these predictions have been made for 200 years, still nothing. Malthus's main thrust was that population growth was out stripping food supply, this is now demonstrably false. Beyond that, well see above.

>> No.7567594

>Malthus's main thrust was that population growth was out stripping food supply, this is now demonstrably false.
Not him but jumping in.
Eh, guess he didn't predict chemical fertilizer and mechanised farming.
At any rate there's only so much efficiency that can churn out per amount of land.
Plus we've only really had 7 billion people for a little while, and whether this is actually sustainable long term will only be borne out over.. A long period of time.. Like a century.
Anyway, I don't really like doomsayers either but population boom/bust cycles happen.

>> No.7567613

>At any rate there's only so much efficiency that can churn out per amount of land.

Certainly, which is one of the reasons that I think that, by the end of the century we'll have moved to more esoteric farming methods such as vertical farming. As you said population boom and busts do happen, but the civilisations they happen to tend not to have the mastery over the planet as we do right now. But like you said, really only time will tell but I'm far from being convinced by any Malthusian argument.

>> No.7567626

>mastery over the planet
Never again imply something as stupid as this.

>> No.7567629

>he thinks the idea of a type 1 civilization on Kardashev scale is stupid

>> No.7567630

>that reading comprehension

>tend not to have the mastery over the planet as we do right now

It was clearly supposed to be a comparison to previous civilisations that had collapse due to drought and the like. In this sense we are clearly talking about the relative ability of a civilisation to change and alter the planet. As is, we have technology and knowledge today that enables us to do things pervious civilisations couldn't even dream about.

>> No.7567632

>As is, we have technology and knowledge today that enables us to do things pervious civilisations couldn't even dream about.
Again not him, but one of those things could be 'have 4 billion people die of starvation/unrest when the food supply shits itself'

>> No.7567640

Yes. We haven't conquered the mistakes of past civilisations, because those mistakes were not technological in nature. The way people (even here) speak of technology approaches mysticism, sometimes reaching comical proportions as was the case with the italian researchers blamed for the occurrence of an earthquake.

>> No.7567641

>could be

Yes it could be. But it could also be to make a human pyramid that is taller than the Great Pyramid, the point is whether it's likely to happen. And I just don't see the food supply "shitting itself" at least not in the way Malthus or his acolytes suggest, if such a thing were to happen then I'd think it would part of a wider economic collapse, but I don't see what could cause such a massive problem. Which leads me back to, it's just not likely to happen.

>> No.7567647

How have you managed to ignore both climate change and the emerging structural problems in global economy?

>> No.7567799

They aren't ignored, I just don't believe that they'll pose a huge problem in the long term, in the sense that solutions exist is just a case of implementing them.

>> No.7567996

>women with 12" cocks

Retard detected. If you don't like hearing the truth just go back to reddit where you can downboat it to oblivion.

>> No.7568006


I think it's the fear of the consequential stigma and pidgeonholing by everyone else afterwards. People know some things but are just afraid to say it. Not to mention that there may also be a lot of complex underlying conditions which can lead to those things as well. Some people genuinely believe that the whole world is completely uniform in every sense and that it becomes an "acceptable" ignorance.

Then again, what does the immigrant crisis have to do with science anyway?