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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7564074 No.7564074 [Reply] [Original]

> It's called Electron microscope
> You cannot see electrons with it

>> No.7564077

It's called a Scanning Electron Microscope. Electrons are used in the measurement process.

>> No.7564080

>It's called aluminum can
>There's no aluminum inside

>> No.7564095

>cowboy boots
>not made from cowboys

>> No.7564119

>It's called radio nuclide scanning
>Can't listen to music with it

>> No.7564125

>It's called a Hotdog
>Not made from dogs

>> No.7564129

that's what they tell you...

>> No.7564130

best one so far
>inb4 samefag

>> No.7564135

>its called a meme
>not made for me

>> No.7564136

These are all bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.7564140

They're made for you

>> No.7564152

>takes the sum of natural numbers
>it's not natural

>> No.7564173

They are though :0

>> No.7564183

>doesn't know the (-1/12) maymay

>> No.7564184

> takes the sum of all natural numbers
> garlic bread

>> No.7564203

>-1/12 is natural

>> No.7564382
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>> No.7564493
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>Classical Mechanics
>Has nothing to do with 18th century music or fixing cars

>> No.7564516
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>Quantum Tunnelling
>Can't be used to steal the declaration of independence

>> No.7565088

Need source for this claim.

>> No.7566203


Underrated post

>> No.7566218

>it's called a light microscope
>you can't see light with it

>> No.7566305

>cows aren't boys

>> No.7566335

>Particle Accelerator
>Can't accelerate your particle sized dick

>> No.7566338

so did 9th grade cover divergence and convergence already? I'm asking you because you clearly know nothing about limits.

>> No.7566350

Actually, that's all you see with it.

>> No.7566361

>called an electron
>Ron hasn't been elected

>> No.7566369

>called a black hole
>isn't actually black
>isn't actually a hole
this is why I have trust issues with science.

>> No.7566394

they accelerate my dick into the upward position

>> No.7566409

Those 'er steers, ya queer. I don't want my boot made outta lady cows.

>> No.7566413

>called dark matter
>isn't actually matter

>called dark energy
>implying enegy has color

>> No.7566428

only if you're a big guy

>> No.7566896

>it's called dog food
>doesnt contain any dog meat

>> No.7566898

>es heißt Majorante
>es hat nichts mit Majonäse zu tun

>> No.7566903

Although... by that logic you can call almost anything an "electron _____" just because it's made of electrons.

This is the correct way of thinking about it.

>> No.7566923
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>called fire hydrant
>releases water not fire

>> No.7566924
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>> No.7566954

>No chlorine
Who is responsible for this

>> No.7566969


>> No.7567010
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>labelled imflammable
>its flammable

>> No.7567021

Chloros is greek for green.
Phyllon is greek for leaf.

>> No.7567026

>it's called /sci/ - Science and Math
Need I continue, faggots?

>> No.7567027

>Retards can't into etymology

>> No.7567061
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top kek

>> No.7567103

dark matter is probably particulate, i.e matter.

> called dark energy
> not called "we dunno lol"

>> No.7567108

Then why arent we seeing hydrogen cloud fucking everywhere?

>> No.7567112
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>be from /tv/
>vietnam song starts playing

>> No.7567494

Bumpity bump