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File: 212 KB, 1024x1024, The_Sounds_of_Earth_Record_Cover_-_GPN-2000-001978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7552427 No.7552427 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7552433

It's cute I guess

>> No.7552436

omg its so dumb like how could they ever make something so confusing my dog could make something better than this LOL!!

That's my guess anyway

>> No.7552439

more than 2/3rds of the disc is literally the instructions on how to play the thing. unless the aliens are total retarded fucks I think they can figure it out.

>> No.7552470

In a galaxy far, far away....

"I've got a golden record
I've got a golden record in my cargo"

Which then spawns the movie "Ayyylmao and the Golden Record Factory"

>> No.7552473

>mfw 3/4 of the human population cant even figure it out

>> No.7552474

Personally, I think it's a terrible idea.
If there is intelligent, sentient life somewhere out there with the means to create technology, it's probable that they're just as oblivious to our existence as we are to theirs.

"I have an idea, guys. You know those far superior beings that we're sure are out there somewhere and assume are way more technologically advanced? Yeah, let's send a message out, in hopes they see it, giving our location in the cosmos. Let's not stop there, though! Let's let them know ahead of time that were a divided planet that fights with its own populous and have no real unification. I'm sure it will be friendly."

That's just my take on it. In all likelihood, though, it will get sucked into a stars gravity or smash some barren rock somewhere...

>> No.7552489

The likelihood of an intelligent being stumbling upon the probe in interstellar space is pretty much zero.

>> No.7552518

>in all likelihood it will be sucked into a stars gravity or...

Agreed, but there's always a chance.

>> No.7552523

It will never reach anybody.

>> No.7552538


What do think Aliens will say to Johnny B Goode? How jealous do you think they'll be?

>> No.7552553

In all likelihood if there is intelligent life capable of finding it they already know we're here and don't give no fuck

>> No.7552575

Why is that likely? To another species, far away, looking for life we're just one planet of billions orbiting one of billions of stars.

I dare say we're most likely hard to find, unless there is some form of technology for discovering signs of life we aren't even at a point to fathom yet.

I'd imagine that another species finding us would be on the same table as us finding them: concentrated effort and PURE luck.

>> No.7552582

It will be worn smooth by interstellar dust in a few billion years.

Unless we develop a method to go out there and get it, in which case it will end up in a museum.

>> No.7552587

Is it possible for some form of organic material to be on the disk? Is it a possibility that if it crashed in a right spot that material could, eventually, reestablish and multiply?

Could the very thing we sent to find life outside our planet in a billion years have CAUSED life?

This is the shit that keeps me up at night.

>> No.7552589

ITT: Low IQ autists think they're smart by saying "it will never reach anyone" as if they're more intelligent than the people who made it

That's not the point retards, it's a time capsule.

>> No.7552601

Actually the point of Voyager was to explore the gas giants and outer solar system, not to be a time capsule. They included the gold disc as an afterthought, drummed up by a NASA selected committee chaired by Carl Sagan.

>> No.7552605

hey vsauce micheal here

>> No.7552612

Topic title: "What does everyone think about Voyager's Golden Record?"

>> No.7552623


Be a scientist. Think about what you just wrote.

>Is it a possibility that if it crashed in a right spot

If it "crashed"...you understand that Voyager 1 is traveling at 17 kilometers per second, right? You know what's going to happen when it hits something at that speed, eh?

Let alone that it will be falling into a solar system, which would accelerate it further.

Be serious. The record was a cute gesture that humans did for themselves to make them feel better, as are all things.

You think Shakira singing before the United Nations is going to do anything? Come on.


>> No.7552630

Best bet, they're already on the level of rationality and instead of war, they'd want to study us. That's one thing we can assume. The smarter something gets, the less aggressive.

>> No.7552715

Who said anything about war? I'm more worried about some species finding us, seeing we are capable of learning and performing complex tasks and thinking "oh, look! Laborers!".

I have no fear of mankind being exterminated by a more superior being, I imagine we'd be enslaved.

>> No.7553040


"Everyone" has a romantic dream of it arriving at an alien planet someday.

Intelligent people however, including everyone at NASA, know it's just a publicity stunt and that the chance of it ever reaching another object in space before the end of the universe is astronomically low, and if it does it would just end up uselessly orbiting some star at an enormous distance where it could never be spotted from a planet even if there was life close to it.

There's a 99% chance it will get picked up by humans in the future. The remaining 1% is the chance of humanity going extinct in the next couple of millennia.

>> No.7553047

impossible for anyone besides the people who made it to read without explanation

>> No.7553051


>> No.7553066

>its impossible for me because im an ignorant tool, therefore nobody else can understand it either

>> No.7554078

Hell yea that's the coolest thing on their. I hope they think Johnny B. Goode is the Emperor of Earth.

>> No.7554091

Assuming something does not slow it down as it exits the heliosphere.

And Comets can travel anywhere from 25 to 200 km/s, they may have been traveling from halfway to Alpha Centauri, the closest star system at 4.3light-years away

>> No.7554133

it is sexist because the humans on it are only straight cis european people.

>> No.7554135

It's the thought that counts.

>> No.7554154
File: 267 KB, 1024x578, 1407549262619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyys might not have the same atmospheric pressure and composition as us. All the tunes will sound gimped

>> No.7557164

>If the future is indeed immutably foretold, then my demise is but moments from that confirmation, for I could not live if not the master of my fate

>> No.7557362

Some messages, Including the Jimmy Carter one, sounds like passive agressive shit.

>> No.7557369
File: 623 KB, 1632x1224, 1437789570838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no fear of mankind being exterminated by a more superior being, I imagine we'd be enslaved.

You have no faith in your fucking brothers. Humanity always prevails.

>> No.7557433


If one individual can figure it out, they would be able to explain it to the rest.

>> No.7557445


I was under the impression that the golden record was more a symbolic gesture of human intent. Other than greetings in various languages what gives the impression we are not unified? Could it not be construed as diversity and an ability to work together despite communication difficulties?

>> No.7557452

All it takes is one asshat.

>> No.7557482

We would just blow ourselves up, or I hope we would

>> No.7557517

It's the physical proof that we were here, and that we were capable of sending that disc. It will last around a million year in space so it would be nice if it reaches someone, even if they can't read it.

>> No.7557536

>actual literal fuccbois implying they would be able to decipher that shit

decipher this you ::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::;::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::;:::::;:;:;:::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::;::::;:::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::;::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::;::::::::

and yes there's a mistake somewhere there, just to make you autists rage.

>> No.7557541

What if they take the songs as a declaration of war?

>> No.7557550

None of us a space fairing intelligent alien. Why don't you decipher this dick in your mouth.

>> No.7557562

Don't worry. There's also Independence Day and War of the Worlds to show them that they better not fuck with us.

>> No.7557563

Meme pop-sci tbh

>> No.7557581

Should we send them some of our memes? I think "for you" would be suitable because it's only approximately 6 to 7 characters, which makes it easy to transmit throughout the universe and soon enough, thousands of civilizations will meme to each other (although nobody will know what we mean by this).

>> No.7557585

Those words could start in intergalactic war tbh lad. The fire rises.

>> No.7557601

Patriarchal and Eurocentric. Where is the black female illustration? Where is the shadaha in Arabic?

>> No.7557623

They put Johnny B Goode on there and a picture of Africans building some house or something.

>> No.7557647

>seeing we are capable of learning and performing complex tasks and thinking "oh, look! Laborers!"
As if we don't make that to ourselves.

>> No.7557673

In fairness it have enough protections to survive an impact like that. The real question is, for how much time?

>> No.7557680

It has Earth's coordinates or something right?

>> No.7557681


Matter/antimattet rocket.

Annhiliation reactions are visible for tens of lightyears and are blatently artificial.

If we want to keep a low profile, we should never ever build one (don't get worried, we're hundreds of years from developing the technology to do so).

>> No.7557709

>Hundreds of years from developing the technology to do so
Really? Hundreds of years? We can already make it and store it for short periods of time, I doubt it will be very long before it's weaponized.

>> No.7557713

>The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has equipped a deep-space probe with a pictorial message ‘on the off-chance that somewhere on the way it is intercepted by intelligent scientifically educated beings.’ It is unlikely that their effort was meant to be taken quite seriously, but what if we try? These beings would first of all have to be equipped with 'receivers’ among their sense organs that respond to the same band of electromagnetic waves as our eyes do. Even in that unlikely case they could not possibly get the message. Reading an image, like the reception of any other message, is dependent on prior knowledge of possibilities; we can only recognize what we know. Even the sight of the awkward naked figures in the illustration cannot be separated in our mind from our knowledge. We know that feet are for standing and eyes are for looking and we project this knowledge onto these configurations, which would look 'like nothing on earth’ without this prior information. It is this information alone that enables us to separate the code from the message; we see which of the lines are intended as contours and which are intended as conventional modelling.


>> No.7557718

>>7557713 cont
>Our 'scientifically educated’ fellow creatures in space might be forgiven if they saw the figures as wire constructs with loose bits and pieces hovering weightlessly in between. Even if they deciphered this aspect of the code, what would they make of the woman’s right arm that tapers off like a flamingo’s neck and beak? The creatures are 'drawn to scale against the outline of the spacecraft,’ but if the recipients are supposed to understand foreshortening, they might also expect to see perspective and conceive the craft as being further back, which would make the scale of the manikins minute. As for the fact that 'the man has his right hand raised in greeting’ (the female of the species presumably being less outgoing), not even an earthly Chinese or Indian would be able to correctly interpret this gesture from his own repertory.

>The representation of humans is accompanied by a chart: a pattern of lines beside the figures standing for the 14 pulsars of the Milky Way, the whole being designed to locate the sun of our universe. A second drawing (how are they to know it is not part of the same chart?) 'shows the earth and the other planets in relation to the sun and the path of Pioneer from earth and swinging past Jupiter.’ The trajectory, it will be noticed, is endowed with a directional arrowhead; it seems to have escaped the designers that this is a conventional symbol unknown to a race that never had the equivalent of bows and arrows.

Ernst Gombrich, (1982): The Image and the Eye: Further Studies in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation. pg 150-151 London: Phaidon

>> No.7557734

What the fuck is this stupid meme that gets repeated by everyone. Why does everyone have to think that aliens are these super sensitive war hawks who can jumped as easily as a deer?

>> No.7557752

Do you seriously think that an alien species capable of traveling to and enslaving us wouldn't already have robots a hundred times more efficient than we could ever be.

>> No.7557777

The important thing to realize is that no intelligent species can survive without developing empathy and altruism, otherwise it can go extinct due to infighting. This is all the more true for an alien species intelligent enough to find us.

Before you give the old Europeans vs. Aztecs example, in the end, we all learn about how cruel the Europeans were and how they were wrong, and we learn this because we are empathetic and altruistic.

We have no reason to not believe that an intelligent alien species wouldn't try for peace before war, or at least have strong moral objection to wiping out our species.

>> No.7557789

This is cool and shortly explains the intricasies of understanding the code, message and meaning in communication. In short, ayys might not understand shit if they find Voyager and may need years to decode our message, because they developed in a entirely different way.