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File: 87 KB, 568x320, apollo-14-astronaut-says-aliens-stopped-a-nuclear-war-between-america-and-russia-image-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7550702 No.7550702 [Reply] [Original]

Will we see Aliens in our lifetime (next 100 years)?

>> No.7550705

probs not

>> No.7550715


>> No.7550717

What makes you so sure?

>> No.7550723

What makes you so unsure?

>> No.7550724

Nothing. I'm asking you what makes you so sure. I'm open the the possibility, and frankly, welcome it.

>> No.7550726

Technically we're all aliens :^)

>> No.7550728

what makes you so unsure he knows why he's so sure that you're unsure about the sureness of the possibility

>> No.7550729

Not if Donald Trump gets elected. He's going to build a armored dyson sphere around the solar system and make the aliens play for it.

>> No.7550731

What? No. Alien is a word created by humans to describe things not of this world, which we clearly are.

>> No.7550732

I'm just asking what reasons he has to think that we will encounter aliens in the next 100 years.

>> No.7550735

>to describe things not of this world, which we clearly are

[citation needed]

You assume life originated on Earth. Microbes could have come from Mars or Venus originally, in which case we are aliens.

>> No.7550737

Yeah that could have happened, but I'm talking about what is widely accepted by the scientific field as of now, not hypothetical situations.

>> No.7550738

And what reasons do you have to think we will not encounter aliens in the next 100 years?

>> No.7550741

Hmm well lets see. I honestly don't know? I mean why haven't they visited us. It's kind of annoying tbh, I mean I want to know their knowledge and traverse the universe with them.

>> No.7550743

dyson spheres and probability

>> No.7550744


>> No.7550745

>I'm talking about what is widely accepted by the scientific field as of now, not hypothetical situations

Hate to break it to you, but the origin of life is purely a hypothetical situation. There is no evidence that life originated on Earth, and there is no evidence it came from somewhere else. This is the definition of a hypothesis, a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

>> No.7550746

yeah fuck those inconsiderate aliums not visiting us and talking with us about our feelings

>> No.7550748


dyson sphere would only effect low tier civilisations like us as a reason for not being aware of our existance

and probability because universe is pretty big

but hey you know i guess i'll see you on /x/

>> No.7550750

Hol up so whatchu sayin is

>> No.7550753

Replace aliens with God and see how illogical you are. As of now, there is no evidence or reason to believe there is life elsewhere in the universe. There's a chance a quantum fluctuation could produce a zebra somewhere in deep space, but just because there is a chance doesn't give any more reason to think its happened sans evidence.

>> No.7550757
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>Replace aliens with God

Anytime you even mention God, any credible scientific merit your post may have had is destroyed.

>> No.7550758

Would hyper intelligent aliens have a physical body? or would they purely exist in the invisible spectrum of our senses.

>> No.7550762

They could be so unlike us we are undetectable to each other. A bunch of EM waves that collide in such a way that they gain consciousness, for example.

>> No.7550765

*tips fedora in your general vicinity*

>> No.7550770
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bruh chill

>> No.7551109
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You've encountered many,
they pose as humans.

>> No.7551651

How do you know

>> No.7551665

>our lifetime
>100 years
>must be 18 to post on 4chan


>> No.7551677

Ayy lmao

>> No.7551746

Average lifespan will be like 150 by the time we reach 60 years old or so

>> No.7551751


>> No.7551764

Medical technology will be much more advanced 40 years from now. Of course the average lifespan will be higher, in developed countries of course.

>> No.7551772

Perhaps there is a universal law accepted by advanced species that states underdeveloped worlds are to be left alone until they are capable of intergalactic travel.
Other beings could easily have been monitoring us since the birth of our solar system with no intention to intervene. There would be no purpose to, seeing as we are still so primitive and giving technology or information to such a destructive species could be dangerous.

>> No.7551797


Aren't any.

Abiogenesis is incredibly rare, even in a multiverse, and only occurred in our universe because the other timelines where it didn't occur aren't visible to us. A timeline where it occurred twice, in two seperate locations within the same universe, is highly unlikely, and because it threatens our extinction (eliminating our privileged viewership), didn't happen.

>> No.7551811

>Abiogenesis is extremely rare
how do you know this? Use evidence that isn't biased towards Earth's particular atmosphere.

>> No.7551842

You rang?


>> No.7551864
File: 50 KB, 512x397, 1439761236651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching documentary
>"However, the planet has no liquid water, which is required for life"

>> No.7551866

It's just going to be flowing water, nothing special.

>> No.7551913

This bugs me to no end

>> No.7551930
File: 14 KB, 194x178, ayy lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasnt already contacted aliens

>> No.7551935

What did you say to them?

Hi haha?

>> No.7551962
File: 21 KB, 328x471, ayy lmao 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7551967


Dunno about see but I reckon we will be aware of some at least.

>> No.7551968
File: 318 KB, 640x1257, DUMBbases_schneider_map_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7552101

I saw this on UFO files. Why doesn't someone just scuba dive down there and find out? it's only the California coast, not exactly the deep Atlantic.
Why is everyone so fedora when it comes to aliens? "I am certain as to what goes on in every corner of the cosmos". Come on man. I don't know for sure if they are out there but I have a strong belief they are based n probability and as for whether they have ever visited us, I'm not sure either but I have seen convincing evidence that they have. At the end of the day the only right answer is "I don't fucking know". UFOs have never been conclusively proven OR disproven.

>> No.7552147

I've already seen them
>tfw nobody believes what you saw in the desert that night because you were high

>> No.7552190



>> No.7552227

I believe anon, tell me the story.

>> No.7552252

If you were high, then why do you believe it either

>> No.7553825

>Abiogenesis is incredibly rare
zero arguments.
>even in a multiverse
yeah because infinite possibilities is rare.
>because it threatens our extinction (eliminating our privileged viewership)
That´s an argument?

>> No.7553834

Not him but you should write a fanfic

>> No.7553844

Why do you think we won't be able to live past 100 in the next 40 or so years? Go on, I'll wait.

>> No.7553923

Nice! Well-thought-out argument! I believe in God now! All based on the single statement that He HAS to! Wow! Great evidence!
Really though, fuck off.

>> No.7554181


>> No.7554209

>Will we see Aliens in our lifetime (next 100 years)?

I'm pretty sure the guy running the local taco truck is an illegal alien and I see him every week.

>> No.7554619


>> No.7554624

I wonder why is everybody assuming that aliens are more advanced than us. Like people saying why they have not visit us yet etc. Maybe most aliens are still in some kind of medieval ages and they don't even know about other planets. It is possible that we are most advanced race in universe.

>> No.7554641

It's also possible that we are the only race in the universe.

>> No.7554661

As if God created us and the universe so strange... religions almost had it right for thousands of years.

>> No.7554674

If you can get as far as a medieval age, it's not going to take very long to advance beyond that. Pretty much all of human history has taken place in a tiny amount of time.

More likely that most alien life would just be single celled microbes. If they had gotten as far as developing intelligence, then they would almost certainly be far more advanced than us.

>> No.7554677

>It is possible that we are most advanced race in universe.
Swap the word Universe for Galaxy and you won't sound so retarded.

Possible, yes. likely, nope.

Kill yourself.

>> No.7554708

>I watched an episode of The Universe once and I'm pretty much an expert.

>> No.7554710

Pathetic neckbeard.

>> No.7557131

Rude tbh fam

>> No.7559256

The thing that always bugged me about this hypothesis is that people always talk like it needs to be either A or B. Either all life originated here or it came here on a meteorite. Why couldn't most life have originated here, and at the same time we had a few hitchhikers from ancient mars?

>> No.7559270

All living organisms store genetic information using the same molecules, DNA and RNA. Written in the genetic code of these molecules is the evidence of common ancestry among all living things. If you go back far enough everything originates from the same source. I find it unlikely two variations of life formed on totally different planets merged into one.

>> No.7559277

No, we're likely the only intelligent life in our galaxy.

>> No.7559289

You forgot to mention singularity, mind uploading and Bitcoin
*tips fedora
*posts Michio Kaku video

>> No.7559299
File: 92 KB, 660x465, le meme fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are superpowered energy absorbing god-like beings possible?

>> No.7559346

ayy lmao