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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 45 KB, 985x739, mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7548699 No.7548699 [Reply] [Original]

>NASA will detail a major science finding from the agency’s ongoing exploration of Mars during a news briefing at 11:30 a.m. EDT on Monday, Sept. 28 at the James Webb Auditorium at NASA Headquarters in Washington. The event will be broadcast live on NASA Television and the agency's website.

A brief question-and-answer session will take place during the event with reporters on site and by phone. Members of the public also can ask questions during the briefing using #AskNASA.

its happening

alienz is finally happening

>> No.7548704

Do you remember the mushroom clouds in mars? Well, its was the goverment last resort and now they are coming here.

>> No.7548710

> alienz is finally happening
You wish. It's probably going to be something like they found some mineral or opportunity to grow plants or ancient dried out waterbed or something. If it was aliens, we'd know about it already.

>> No.7548721

Hope they found a transformer

>> No.7548724

>tfw if they do ever find any form of life we'll probably never be told about it

>> No.7548884

> News conference participants will be:

> Jim Green, director of planetary science at NASA Headquarters
> Michael Meyer, lead scientist for the Mars Exploration Program at NASA Headquarters
> Lujendra Ojha of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta
> Mary Beth Wilhelm of NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California and the Georgia Institute of Technology

Considering there are no biologists or experts on possible extraterrestrial life, this will most likely be about a geological discovery. And no matter how major of a finding it is, we won't be able to benefit from it for atleast a decade.

My expectations are very low

>> No.7548888



Ruins in the bottom of the Mariner Valley

I had a dream about it once

Quote me on this

>> No.7548892

> Quads
well. I know for a fact that it will come true now.

>> No.7548905

the announcement will be underwhelming
just like all the others

>> No.7548922

There's a water pond

>> No.7548936

i'll bump-quote you on that.

>> No.7548940

I never understood this or all the UFO-trufer people.

What would be so bad about finding out about intelligent life? That would be amazing. I feel like it would inspire or be a cool factoid more than anything else. I've heard people say "PEOPLE WOULD PANIC," but that never makes sense to me. What would they panic about? If you found out about intelligent life tomorrow, would you stop going to work and go riot?

>> No.7548943

The main issue is religion, AFAIK

>> No.7548968

>What would be so bad about finding out about intelligent life?

Most people already believe such life exists and has even visited us. The idea that the public would freak out if alien life was found is silly. They'd be amazed for week or two and then forget about it.

>> No.7548977
File: 99 KB, 900x900, mars150924-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

← Mars true-color globe showing Terra Meridiani
"Terra Meridiani" = "Middle Earth"
↑ this is a clue
NASA to Announce Mars Mystery Solved
in a news briefing at 1530UTC Monday 28 September

>> No.7548984

> implying any religious cuck has authority over what NASA can do or not
> implying NASA gives two shits about some jesus freaks

>> No.7548996

>implying NASA isn't a public agency
>implying that religious cucks have no authority over USA public policy

you're making it too easy

>> No.7549007

> Having minor influence is the same thing with having authority
> imblying if religiocucks had authority over US public policy, NASA would ever exist.

you're trying too hard

>> No.7549210

mary beth wilhelm has something to do ith life/bio markers.
some kind of life is almost surely involved

>> No.7549266
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Quads confirm ruins

>> No.7549286
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>> No.7549442
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Quads of TRUTH

>> No.7549475

I didn't read your post but these quads confirm whatever you said

>> No.7549513


>> No.7549523

This. These days 80% of humanity wouldn't give a shit anyway. Everyone knows these people IRL its the kind of people who watch the kardashians and whose deepest thoughts stretch too "where does milk come from?".

I would lose my shit with excitement.

>> No.7549604

Why don't we just colonise Mars?

>> No.7549675

>hobbits on mars

>> No.7549734

Because there's no feasible economic model that permits such a thing to happen. You virgin-nerds need to stop living in your scifi/manga dreamworlds and come back to reality, where if an action doesn't make a buck, Humans just DON'T DO IT.

>> No.7549749

Nasa have major announcements all the time

This will be about Mars having liquid water in the past that created canyons like miraner valley

>> No.7549760

Don't let your dreams be dreams.

>> No.7549766

Because we are the center of the universe and the world is made for us.

If there are others, I feel like every religious book ever lied to me and I feel like rioting and killing everyone

>> No.7549805


this imo, or some concentration of minerals being off by xy % meaning mars crust is older/younger than previously expected.

>> No.7549809
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>> No.7549829

Quads confirm ancient ayylium ruins.

>> No.7550158

Extinct bacteria?
Fossil of something?
Some shitty new element?
Found gold?

Hoping for;
Proof of life and that we moved the human race from there to here because of a nuclear war or something?
Derelict space ship kick starting a mass effect type thing?

>> No.7550169

We won't find any new elements on Mars.

We will find new elements on Venus though, a long-lost relative to Helium. It's called Shelium, and it will bring about a new wave of policy and temperament to science. It will be allow for huge improvements in all industrial applications that currently use Helium as well, because Shelium only costs 78% as much to use industrially as Helium.

>> No.7550189

Will shelium basically act like helium is problematic and taking over their rights as an element?!

>> No.7550208

Too bad shelium is only effective 3 weeks out of the month

>> No.7550236

Shelium is highly unstable though, so is not suitable for long-term applications that Helium does, nor is it suitable for use outside isolated environments, because it forms bonds quickly and carelessly and can compromise the usefulness of other (otherwise stable) elements.

>> No.7550316
File: 502 KB, 1280x960, 1441587296687933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its flowing, liquid water on mars.
if thats not awesome i dont know what is

>> No.7550385


The possibility that our airspace isn't our airspace.
That our borders mean nothing as the planet we inhabit may not even be our own.
The possibility of alternative technology puts major corporations out of the game.
I could go on, but you get the gist of it I'm sure.

>> No.7550399


Most likely this.
Mars is in it's spring, transitioning into summer by January.
Mars also had it's closest approach to the sun in it's orbit, a few months back.
So I'm putting my money on flowing, liquid water on the surface.

>> No.7550427


It can't be that since they already announced that several years ago. If they did it would be a disappointment.

>> No.7550449

OP didn't even post sauce or proof that they said this.

>> No.7550642

ahem, this unfortunately tbh fam

>> No.7550660


>> No.7550681
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>> No.7550773

They planted bio-engeered trees last year and they're not dead.

>> No.7550782

>jesus freaks

I think they might be more worried about muslims

>> No.7550787

probably this http://nasawatch.com/archives/2015/09/nasa-will-revea.html

>> No.7550799

Muslims aren't against NASA. They even love rockets and stuff

>> No.7550801

> flowing waters
So fucking what ? We have waters on earth and people waste their dumps in them.

>> No.7550820
File: 59 KB, 450x327, 1360120821130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never get to fight aliens

>> No.7550827

>anon doesn't want to be the first man to poop on mars
>doesn't want to enjoy that 1/3rd earth gravity descent from his sphincter as it splashes nearly weightlessly into the water

>> No.7550881

It's water. One of those people did an undergrad paper on liquid mars water and another is a climate scientist

>> No.7550887

It's probably water or some boring shit, nothing fun ever happens and why should it?

They're just doing this to cause a stir and get enough attention for an increase in budget. If you get enough buzz going they can get a lot of people talking about shit again.

>> No.7550894

Screencapped to preserve this epic historical event.
Also whatever the fuck you said about Mars

>> No.7550933

What if it's liquid water that contains ayy lmaos inside ancient ruins?

>> No.7550973

>Mariner Valley
You mean Valles Marineris, right?

>> No.7550974

>Ice melts into cold toxic puddle


>> No.7551032

How do we know that the water isn't aliens in the form of water?

>> No.7551034
File: 59 KB, 666x446, mars-creature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's alive ... ALIVE !!

>> No.7551037

looks like theirs a Pokemon inside.

>> No.7551038
File: 23 KB, 316x286, 0257 - unYsTaN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'd be cool as fuck, I'll stay hydrated while committing genocide with little to no effort

>> No.7551043

It's just a crab. We got crabs on earth, whats the big deal ?

>> No.7551048
File: 8 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally a futurama episode

>> No.7551075

My guess is that it's gonna be one of the following:

* not only did they find water in significant quantities, but they also discovered where it went, and why it went there in the first place

* they discovered what happened to Mars' internal dynamo which turned off its magnetic field

* they discovered some form of life near ancient water flow

* they discovered that plants can grow easily on Mars

* gold, oil, hydrocarbons, and/or other financially lucrative resource has been discovered, thus making any trip to Mars highly profitable and self-financing

I'm honestly guessing it's the first one, maybe the second.

>> No.7551077


>> No.7551124

>Mars is a relatively small planet, core cools down quickly
>Dynamo is kill
>Solar wind effortlessly strips the atmosphere, aided by low gravity
>Lower atmospheric pressure causes water to boil/sublimate at lower temperatures
>Solar wind continues to remove humidified atmosphere
>Remaining water is either frozen at poles or under the soil surface as permafrost

That's where the water went, I bet $10 on it.

>> No.7551150

> Remaining water is either frozen at poles or under the soil surface as permafrost

Yeah but WHERE? Like, did they discover a large aquafer, one that could be used by Mars colonists?

>> No.7551171

At the poles, duh.

>> No.7551175

I know it will be some boring shit like bacteria found festering on a rock somewhere, but damn I kind of hope they found an abandoned city or some shit.

>> No.7551194

>Alium bacteria festering on a rock

Listen here you fucking cockshiner.

>> No.7551195

inb4 the pope declares this is in accordance with scripture

>> No.7551203


That would be a good announcement. It will be water again. It's always water.

>> No.7551206

Didn't they find bacteria once? Or remnants thereof?

Bacteria is boring because we already know it can survive in conditions comparable to Martian conditions.

>> No.7551216

Inconclusive possibility of it was found on a Martian meteor. And even then it could just be remnants of Earth life that contaminated it.

If literally any form of alien were found all of science would collectively shit itself in excitement.

>> No.7551217

Don't expect much guys.
The hype it up all the time to generate interest, which generates funding.

>> No.7551285

Maybe one of those pyramids in Cydonia switched online.

>> No.7551301

are you autistic

>> No.7551312


>Cores cool down quickly.

You're stupid.

Earth is 4.5 billion years old and still has a radiant active core.

planet heat doesn't dissipate as quickly as you think because, in general We are still in a vacuum dum dum.

>> No.7551324

>gold, oil, hydrocarbons, and/or other financially lucrative resource has been discovered, thus making any trip to Mars highly profitable and self-financing

Luxury elements from another planet would easily depress the market of said luxury elements on Earth when brought back.

>> No.7551325


No two planets are the same dickbat

>> No.7551327

But planet origin and fundamentals are more common than rare, swellanus

>> No.7551330


no shit ass wad.

that doesn't change the principle of thermal dyanmics.

Go be a casual somewhere else

>> No.7551475

>Implying Mars isn't half the size of Earth
>Implying its geology is exactly the same as Earth's

>> No.7551538

If we discovered aliens, would the government let us know about it?

>> No.7551547

I am a firm believer that any government is too incompetent to hide something that big for long. There'd be three ways we'd learn about the existence of aliums:
>Government makes an announcement after a few days of deliberation and squabbling
>Government tries to hide it but a number of politicians go public anyway, government relents
>Government tries to hide it but documents suddenly appear all over Wikileaks which detail the whole thing

>> No.7551553

Obviously they would tell us.
If they didn't tell us, there would still be a large chance of the public finding out (leaks, independent space agencies, etc.), which would probably cause uprisings against the government for holding back such information.

The only reason they wouldn't tell us is if they had aggressive plans towards intelligent extraterrestrial life, which they would probably see isn't wise.

>> No.7551561

What if we found some ancient artifacts that proved intelligent life existed on mars in the past? So the aliens dont exist any more and cant harm us, but there is proof that they did exist at one time? I guess you could hide that information away, because it would be nothing more than history.

But at the same time, architects show off their discoveries which contradict with religious doctrine all the time and they dont give a fuck.

>> No.7551568

... Then why would they hide it?
Fucking think fam

>> No.7551671

Mars is so boring tho

>> No.7551695

Just re-iterating that the announcement is flowing water. The reason why this is big is twofold: (1) because it increases the possibility for finding life (either currently living, or remnants), and (2) because it helps to narrow down locations which are more suitable for colonization.

>> No.7551728


They recently found a subterranean slab of water ice larger than Texas, a few feet thick, between the equator and the North pole on Mars.

>> No.7551922

Everything you said is stupid and ridiculous

>> No.7551977

scaring people

>> No.7551984

>We found a rock that looks different from other rocks

>> No.7551985
File: 7 KB, 208x199, bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7551996

The saddest thing is that it will probably not be much more than that. That "Mars mystery" they're trying to hype is probably just an obscure little-known effect you've never heard of. Something somewhat relevant for planetologists but just as relevant for the science as a whole as the Nielsen-Olesen vortex in QFT. My bet is that they'll show additional data confirming a climatological model. You first heard it here.

>> No.7552230

>Chief NASA geologist walks out
>Picture of a blurry rock that looks like a penis fade in on the projector
>Guy on stage laughs and claps
>Walks out

>> No.7552240

it's something about the stonehedge

>> No.7552250

Why is reality so boring?

>> No.7552263

because your a primate that thrives off dopamine rushs, boredum is an adaption to prevent you from doing an activity endlessly.

>> No.7552264

Nobody ever believes anyone who tells stories about aliens. you could have half of NASA employees saying they saw aliens and still nobody would believe it so long as NASA itself officially denies it. The government has successfully painted anyone who talks about aliens to be a tinfoil screwball, that is their greatest cover up method.

>> No.7552403


>> No.7552468


Oil is expended though, unlike gold. The oil could eventually be a profitable venture.

>> No.7552662
File: 43 KB, 704x396, 1304352204733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last time they announced something like this it was just kepler.... which, don't get me wrong, was cool as fuck, but i felt it was a bit over hyped?

>the hype

>> No.7552796

>implying it isn't that the Soviets sent men there in the 60-80s and we just discovered some very unhappy old cosmonauts living in a shitty tin can

>> No.7552844
File: 45 KB, 716x603, GNRAVEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would be crazy

>> No.7552849
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>> No.7552869
File: 71 KB, 400x408, 0AL0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you said is sound and logical.

I don't think it would be pandemonium but honestly, most humans are idiots and can't agree on anything. how on earth could we communicate as a species?
It's hilarious to think about what it would do do organized religion, except for scientologists, who would all be wanking off for xenu's return.

>> No.7552883

Erm.. I hope not.

Ruins would be a very, VERY bad sign.

>> No.7552885


Why would they be bad?

>> No.7552886

It's a shame Helium can do anything Shelium can do, and more. I'd say Shelium is rather useless, in all honestly. It would make sense that it would be found on Venus though, considering. Helium is more of a Martian element.

>> No.7552891

Because it would mean there was once a creature advanced enough to build ruins, but that died out.

Think about it. If we found signs of bacteria or something then it would be one thing, but if we found signs of advanced life that died out, then it could be bad news for other advanced life. What is advanced life has a tendency to self-destruct?

>> No.7552892

shut the fuck up, idiot

>> No.7552899


Or maybe they just died cuz their planet was too cold and exposed.

>> No.7552901

Still not a good sign. What, they were advanced enough to build ruins, but weren't able to escape a planet that had become a death trap? I don't see any way to spin that discovery positively.

The good news is that I'm sure it's not ruins.

>> No.7552929


>> No.7552931


Ruins doesn't mean super-advanced though. It could just be some kind of stonehenge.

>> No.7552959 [DELETED] 





>> No.7552960

>Build ruins

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.7552964

lol you know what I mean. They didn't build the ruins, but they DID build the structures that make up the ruins.

>> No.7553036

the amount of time it takes for a planet to self destruct is pretty long though
and going from building fucking anything to space travel is relatively short
I suppose if an intelligent species just evolved at the wrong time and couldn't get off that would kinda suck for them though

>> No.7553065


Well the water dried up nearly 3 billion years ago at least.

>> No.7553069

Mars life 3 confirmed

>> No.7553083

Why the fuck do these niggas need a press conference to fucking announce water? JUst say you've found water and it'll pop up on Yahoo news the next day. We don't need a conference for little shit.

Now when there is huge news we won't give a fuck.

>> No.7553084

Because they're desperate to hold on to funding, so ... PR time.

>> No.7553085

And fighting the Air Force for money too...

>> No.7553101

What was your dream anon?

>> No.7553110


I was in a martian orgy at the bottom of the Mariner Valley.
Hundreds of martian tentacles tickled my gaping anus and made me climax one last time.

>> No.7553375


>> No.7553418
File: 39 KB, 246x286, mars-ruins-7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let those ruins go to ruin!!

>> No.7553483

Nasa is simply doing their semi annual justify their budget funding drive.

The Press read /b/ for their 'finger on the pulse' reporting and have subsequently given it traction in the mainstream.

>> No.7553523


Sometimes I dream about news broadcasts.

One time a few years back I dreamed about a helicoper shot of a bunch of black pillars at the bottom of a canyon lit up by lights with the words "MARS" underneath.

I've always just thought in my head that there's something there since then, it just seems the right answer.

>> No.7553601

If they found life on Mars and more than about 20 people knew about it

i am pretty sure they would not be able to keep the wraps on it, by today the line for the conference would be NASA FINDS LIFE ON MARS DETAILS MONDAY

too easy to leak shit these days

>> No.7553603


happening confirmed

>> No.7553608

This sounds like one of those stupid ass facebook posts like "NASA sent a rover to Mars, AND YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT THEY FOUND NEXT"

>> No.7553609

>Researchers and NASA officials will unveil the discovery — which the agency described in a media advisory as a "Mars mystery solved"

Well aside from life what major Mars mystries are out there worthy of a "it's happening" news conference?

Come on /sci/ we should be able to figure this out

Off the top of my head I think they found out where the Methane is coming from, and the answer is some kind of geologic process because as an anon said above every biologist at nasa is not scheduled to be there

what else could it be that's not some obscure question that would not be drama worthy?

>> No.7553610


NASA hardly ever does this though, they did it when they found water on mars which was a big deal and they once did it a long time ago to say they found fossils in a mars meteorite but that turned out to be the scientist being retarded dramaqueens

>> No.7553614

I am putting on my NASA T-shrit

and setting my custom made clock alarm for this one

i guess i can take a few minutes off being a genius inventor for this, I do have a lot of CPUs to solder though

>> No.7553630

This is literally how I found out about tomorrow's announcement. And I felt gross clicking the link, but I just wanted the info, dammit…

>> No.7553633


normie get out

>> No.7553643
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>> No.7553660

this is literally one of the main reasons I'm excited, Genesis is BTFO if we find any life

>> No.7553672
File: 62 KB, 620x469, 1gQKwi.AuSt.69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am putting on my NASA T-shrit
>and setting my custom made clock alarm for this one
>i guess i can take a few minutes off being a genius inventor for this, I do have a lot of CPUs to solder though

>> No.7553675

>this is literally one of the main reasons I'm excited, Genesis is BTFO if we find any life

if you think they give a shit about that you have not been paying attention to the last 1000+ years of history and the way they don't give a shit about anything contradicting their faith as proof about their book not being true

>> No.7553677


Dude they totally will just say it's a hoax.

>> No.7553678

If it is running water / life found, chances are the next program will include sending robots or people to retrieve a sample. What then? I feel like it would make a difference to christian agnostics or just people with weak faith

>> No.7553688


They could just start saying that god put life on Mars too.

>> No.7553689

>If it is running water / life found, chances are the next program will include sending robots or people to retrieve a sample. What then?

we share 98% of our DNA with chimps and they still say we are not related

a talking snake told a woman to eat an apple therefore the creator of the universe had to impregnate a teenage jewish girl so her son could logically be killed as a blood sacrifice to the god, believe it or burn in hell. End of story

heliocentrism and evolution didn't even phase them, microbes on mars don't mean shit

>> No.7553693

> Worried about the implications of extraterrestrial life impacting christian ideology
They always adapted and will adapt to science. Who cares about skydaddy worshippers ?

>> No.7553704
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>> No.7553705

evolution is too abstract, microbes can be put right in front of them

>> No.7553708

Microbes aren't mentioned in the bible and don't count as life.

There, solved.

>> No.7553715

>Fossils, DNA from the fossils being sequenced and shown to relate to both us and chimps and living Chimpanzees and modern humans all existing the same time
>heliocentrism being formally heretical up until relatively recently, heliocentrism is now an accepted fact even by Christians despite the bible saying the earth does not move and that being a core part of the faith for 1700 years, ad no christians giving a fuck about the bible being wrong

a bug on another planet without sentience or a civilization

concrete proof Jesus was a bad guy and you should be an atheist who thinks all this came from nothing


>> No.7553726

>"And God said let there be light to the Martians as well"
You can't win fedora boy.

>> No.7553735
File: 52 KB, 634x415, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they are freaking out about? A Mars stone henge?

>> No.7553737

It doesn't say that in Genesis :^)

>> No.7553742

Bible never mentions Venus so it doesnt exist then christian fag

>> No.7553754

It does in Martian Genesis :-}
But seriously what if it totally backfires and a search of the ruins find that they had a religion vaguely similar to Christianity?

>> No.7553786
File: 32 KB, 514x536, black autism man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o fuck

ooohhhh fuuuck

cant stop thinking about what this would do

>> No.7553791

It might actually help spaceflight you know. The Pope orders every Catholic to fund more missions to Mars to find more scriptures. And the Muslims may even start funding their own rival missions in order to find evidence that it's a big Western fraud. Could start a new religion based space race.

>> No.7553799


'The Church of the Christian Space Rangers'

>> No.7553801
File: 375 KB, 1191x670, unitology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space based religion

>> No.7554194

Check out this bacteriafag

>> No.7554204

they're probably just going to tell us about the lunar eclipse they discovered is happening tonight

but now that everyone knows about it, we kind of took the wind out of their sails so now they have to make something up like they found a big mac box floating in mars' orbit or something

>> No.7554221
File: 1.13 MB, 900x900, mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giant crater
>Resembles eyeball
>Pretty big, so it has a wide range of sight
>Mars rotates
>Gives the eye a 360' view of space
>It can see all
>Sauron was said to have an " all seeing eye"


>> No.7554225

Go punch a mexican

>> No.7554234

Watch it be something really stupid, like "We figured out why this rock has big holes in it" or "We now know that liquid water used to exist on Mars, but we don't know if life existed when it did"

>> No.7554255

Hahahaha, You bastard, you are one of the choosen. Lucky bastard.

>> No.7554259

Where's the eye? All I see is a clenched asshole.

>> No.7554324


i hope not, this would lead to terrible things for the rest of the universe.

i mean, even more terrible than would already be if we got out there.

>> No.7554334



>> No.7554336

maybe there's some micro-ayylmaos in there

>> No.7554357

When is it happening? Almost Tuesday here in Germany.. why are americans so far behind?

>> No.7554361

>When is it happening? Almost Tuesday here in Germany.. why are americans so far behind?

we have special software on our servers that only displays the right day when the goverment is testing the site

>> No.7554363



total recall is real people

>> No.7554383

I don't know. I wouldn't get my hopes up about it.

>> No.7554405

what's your take on Donald Trump

>> No.7554444

They're going to reveal that they actually set Matt Damon to Mars

>> No.7554451

>NASA hardly ever does this though
Lolwut. They do that all the time. I stopped paying attention to NASA's loud advertising campaigns long ago.

>> No.7554454


>> No.7554456

There's no way this will live upto the hype, prepare to be disappointed.

>> No.7554459

you son of a bitch I was literally going to post this


>> No.7554474

inb4 one of the people giving the press conference dies in an accident.

>> No.7554480

>aka just living my life as usual

>> No.7554483

Thanks skeltal

>> No.7554485


>> No.7554488

What if we came from mars?

>> No.7554539



>The Martian is a Documentary

>> No.7554648

Earth confirmed for God's favorite planet, bible confirmed true.

>liquid water
>ancient seas
>no life
>evolution confirmed for not working

suck it fefora dawkins sucking evolutionists

>> No.7554676

>insider hint here

it has to do with the mars face, aliens, and our own history

>> No.7554678

Only 16 hours to go


>> No.7554682

this is a great moment in the history of /sci

>> No.7554703

please be this

>> No.7554704

you are too funny

>> No.7554741

a man can dream cant he? I sometimes wish life was more like all the scifi novels I read.. then again having earth attacked by aliens whos technology surpasses our own by 10k's years would sort of suck.

>> No.7554753

No. Writers of bible didn't knew other planets existed and they didn't knew Space exist as well. They thought the Sky and clouds were solid dome and limit.
They didn't knew about billions of billions of billions of billions of galaxies.

>> No.7554791


just because something is not written down does not mean they didn't know anon

>> No.7554805

>millions of ancient people know something scientific
>writing is fairly common especially among scientist
>no one writes down that thing cause you know why not

>> No.7554817
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>> No.7554837

>tfw birthday tomorrow
please god let it be aliens

>> No.7554838

They didn't.
You believe they did but they didn't.
History isn't a lie.

>> No.7554849

Too unlikely. It would be on news and everyone would know about. Even people who don't believe in Extraterrestrial life would know about it. Everyone. Even people who is about to die and people who is about to be killed by police would know about it.

>> No.7554902

We don't need dead aliens to know that we could easily screw ourselves to extinction.

>> No.7554913


If it was aliens it would be a secret impossible to hide.

Maybe is something related with extraterrestrial life, like water, or a strong evidence of a biological activity, but not aliens.

>> No.7554915
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>> No.7554920

No one would have believed, that in the early years of the 21st century that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space.

No one could have dreamed we were being scrutinised as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water.

Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets and yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this Earth with envious eyes.

And slowly, and surely, they drew their plans against us.

>> No.7555022

No. Extraterrestrial lifeforms are not evil.
That's uncharacteristic for intelligence extraterrestrial species. You been watching scifi and paranormal tv shows.

>> No.7555041


>That's uncharacteristic for intelligence extraterrestrial species.

You know this...how?

>> No.7555082


You think humans are the only ones using 4chan?

>> No.7555098


That's a terrifying thought.

>> No.7555118

> I know this from my extensive experience with aliens

>> No.7555146

is this why the pope is in the us

>> No.7555176

The chances of anything evil on Mars are a million to one he said.

>> No.7555207

if you are alive, then aliens are not evil.

>> No.7555226

So, I read this whole thread, and there is absolutely no useful insight into what this announcement could be.

You suck, /sci/.

>> No.7555237

you are false

>> No.7555241


You wouldn't know, would you? I could be typing this from orbit and you wouldn't know. Not for sure.

>> No.7555269
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>God made a huge universe and then put life on only one planet
>God spoiling the surprise that life is everywhere

>> No.7555270

Liquid water on the surface or something that could be only produced by life.

>> No.7555389

I'm typing this from Uranus

>> No.7555424

Be careful, I just heard some explosive methane releases from there.

>> No.7555452

Well done

>> No.7555477

>if you are alive, then aliens who have found us so far are not evil.

>> No.7555486



>> No.7555504

>Not quints or greater
Meh. I'll habeeb it when I see it.

>> No.7555531
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Warm up the butter!

>> No.7555532
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How? Even the Creationist heretics can accept the existence of aliens. There's nothing in the Bible that says the entire universe was made solely for man- only that man has dominance over the Earth.

>> No.7555539

That dummy called bacteria boring. BORING!

>> No.7555565

Pretty sure there is a part of the Catholic church that believes that aliens = demons.

>> No.7555566



life confrimed

>> No.7555574

Where the dank pics at?

>> No.7556240

I'm bumping this thread to the front page where it belongs today.

3 and 1/2 hours left.

>> No.7556257

It's just water.

>> No.7556259

It's always just water

Then again we can always hope

>> No.7556260

Great, now I have this riff stuck in my head

>> No.7556297





>> No.7556320

So what happens when the announcement is just season 2 of Space Brothers?

>> No.7556337

Is this going to be streamed or is it just a press thinf

>> No.7556348

>Is this going to be streamed or is it just a press thing

Streamed live. Multiple outlets.

>> No.7556356


When does it start? I'm in Australia.

>> No.7556374
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>When does it start? I'm in Australia.
Don't know if this helps.
I tried that Google thing though.

>> No.7556397

1 hour and half

>> No.7556415

It's likely to just be definitive proof that Mars once had flowing water.

To the public, the "great mystery of Mars" is "are there ayyyliens?", but to actual scientists it's to do with the water. And they're revealing the answer to the mystery of mars.

>> No.7556419

How the hell are we supposed to know what some eggheads found on Mars? Anything but speculation and guesses is impossible.

>> No.7556485

That wouldn't contradict a thing.

>> No.7556492

You already missed it

>> No.7556496

What was it?

>> No.7556503

This is the stream right? http://www.ustream.tv/nasahdtv

>> No.7556504

They found ur mum on mars m8. She was huge.

>> No.7556545

that looks like a cloud anus shitting an F-18

>> No.7556554

I just saw the news.

They found liquid water on Mars.


What the fuck?

>> No.7556558


>“There is liquid water today on the surface of Mars,” Michael Meyer, the lead scientist on Nasa’s Mars exploration programme, told the Guardian. “Because of this, we suspect that it is at least possible to have a habitable environment today.”

>> No.7556565
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Holy fuck

>> No.7556572


>> No.7556576

Temperatures get up to like 15C during summer days, I'm not even surprised. Is this really meant to be big news?

>> No.7556581

Please stop dude. You sound retarded. Also all this is going to be is water. Which is still kind of cool but was obvious.

>> No.7556592
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>> No.7556697


>> No.7556712

found it.

Wattamellonium detected on Mars. Curiosity decamerated by ISIS

>> No.7556757

Technically, it can only happen very briefly. Atmospheric pressure at "sea level" is not enough to permit stable bodies of water to subsist on Mars. They all freeze or sublimate eventually, depending of the season. NASA eggheads have always suspected the presence of undergrounds aquifers ever since the Mariner era however.

>> No.7556776

Huh shit went offline while I was watching. :(

>> No.7556792
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>> No.7556807

Thank for explaining the process so well and concisely to me.

Very good. You should post more often.

>> No.7556855



>> No.7556870


Is your resume for a manned Mars mission out yet?

>> No.7556884

So, ok, water on Mars. But what's next?

>> No.7556897

It was water on Enceladus last month. Damn thing's literally covered in it.

>> No.7556908
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>> No.7556927

Europa too?

>> No.7556931

>Water on Mars
how the fuck but the air pressure doesnt what what what what


>> No.7556957

Seriously, can someone explain the lack of pressure and water?

>> No.7556965

Enceladus is more interesting to scientists because the external ice crust is a lot thinner, and also because it vents water plume into space, allowing for sample collection. Had they learned about it sooner it'd be on top of their prority list for moon exploration, but they decided to do that stupid Europa mission instead.

>> No.7556977


Underground water ice flows on mars in the warm season but doesn't stay long

>> No.7556983


>> No.7556991

I don't really get it. When was the last time the water was on the surface? Yesterday? Or millions of years ago?

>> No.7557002
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today. Or better, every year in very short period

>> No.7557012

Right now, there's water.

Mars is what earth will be like in a few billion years. meaning there used to be intelligent life on mars, and earth life is one of their experiments.

>> No.7557032

So this is confirmed?

First they say right now, then a million years ago, then right now again.

>> No.7557033

> earth life is one of their experiments
top kek
but not necessarily impossible

>> No.7557039


I still believe this.

>> No.7557042

"Kek" all you want, memekid, but you will learn the truth before you die.

>> No.7557044

millions years ago there was huge ocean, 1km deep

now we have tiny stream of water which appear only in some summer months and disappear later

>> No.7557046

Why did they think this was important enough to try to generate hype and to hold a conference?

>> No.7557052

come on then thomas fuckint aquinas tell us the truth

top kek

>> No.7557054

you fuckers are dense as fuck. Mars used to have oceans and other bodies of water but has since lost them. However there is still liquid water on the surface and even the air is humid rather than dry. In certain times of the year water gathers enough to flow in parts of Mars.

>> No.7557057

Someone said something about humans being an experiment, similar to that of a petri dish to a scientist. Maybe WE are the aliens, we came from outer space, and evolved on Earth.

>> No.7557058


They need to captivate the audiences to believe on science.

>> No.7557061

wow, congrats you just said what everyone not retarded itt already know

>> No.7557063
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>Why did they think this was important enough to try to generate hype and to hold a conference?

>> No.7557066

>meme kid
that's the first time I've ever said kek on here because it actually warranted it.
also I think it would be cool if there was life elsewhere and we could start travelling and colonizing other planets

>> No.7557072
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Hint: the pyramids in Egypt have something to do with Mars.

No shit, dude, that's kind of what I was saying. We came from the aliens, their DNA and shit in ways we don't yet understand, we are a sort of evolved and experimental version of them.

>> No.7557073

Thank you for telling us what we already know

>> No.7557074

>on nasa
The French everybody

>> No.7557082

>dat guy

just because you want that to be true doesn't mean it is

>> No.7557088



The same can be said to you.

>> No.7557093

There is water on Mars. Likely some microbial life.
Nuke it Now !!!!

>> No.7557094

get to say it twice in one thread

top kek

>> No.7557099

And it was nothing.
call me when they get samples back in 2020

>> No.7557102

cmon mate, don't be a retard

>> No.7557104

>Could start a new religion based space race.
I would sign up.

Just like the sailors had their own belief about the ocean

>> No.7557110



>> No.7557122

So salt water confirm previous life right?

>> No.7557126

>NASA shilling for funding

>> No.7557129

Who fcuking cares, you'd have to be retarded not to think there was water on Mars.

>> No.7557135

Why don't we just drop DNA on mars and see what happens?

>> No.7557137

The Vatican has departments dealing with that; catholics wouldn't have much of a proble, Most other christians would probably join in.
Don't know about muslims and jews though, but i'd guess the most backwater places would just consider it western propaganda anyways.

>> No.7557141

oh man you changed my fucking life gg anon

>> No.7557148

contamination of what already there

>> No.7557156


interesting, a similarly sized window

>> No.7557158

>If there are others, I feel like every religious book ever lied to me and I feel like rioting and killing everyone
You haven't read that many, have you?

>> No.7557177

It's cool I guess but, yeah, not "live press conference" cool.

>> No.7557178


It's not, just water, sorry.

>> No.7557185

They literally got paid by the marketing team for The Martian.

Capitalism is disgusting.

>> No.7557194
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>> No.7557206
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>> No.7557216


Liquid water can exist at that atmospheric pressure, but only within a pretty fine temperature range due to the fact that it's pretty much at its triple point. However, because it's SALT water that has been found, the salinity of the water means the freezing point is lower than usual, meaning it has a larger range in which it can exist as a liquid.

>> No.7557222


>> No.7557255

it's a 100% PR move. They've known this for years but need to hype it up for the general public. Because you know, NASA relies entirely on public funding.

>> No.7557263

Not necessarily. Brine deposits on earth do not support life.

>> No.7557278

exactly the opposite, brine water is a no-no for life

>> No.7557325


Someone should take this scene and edit Nasa and Mars in it some how.

>> No.7557327

i think u dun goofd

>> No.7557356
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>> No.7558428

sup /sci/, /fit/ her

what is all this shit about mars, NASA has 5 robots on mars and today they come on the TV and they are all like "OMGwe did it mars news totes coming up!"

and then they are like "here are some rocks that are wet we are pretty sure"

wtf guys, how is this a big deal, what is going on with NASA? they have like a 15billion dollar a year budget and this is it?


>> No.7558447


Deal with it meathead.

>> No.7558455


don't they do anything good anymore? what happened to landing on the moon and shit?

after the news thing today (at the gym) a guy told me they don't even launch the Space Shuttle anymore and pay the Russians to go to space

is that true?

what do they do with all that money?

>> No.7558566


Obviously they don't spend it on public education.

>> No.7558660

Finding liquid water on another planet is a pretty huge discovery, if you ask me.

> what happened to landing on the moon and shit?
That was expensive, and they don't get that kind of budget anymore.

>what do they do with all that money?
What money? Everything in space is expensive, and their budget is peanuts.

>> No.7558733


Damn straight it is. Combine this with other observations like methane hotspots, probable fossil traces in meteorites and the certainty that meteorites from Earth landed on Mars too, likely with microbe cargo, and we have a very real case for life and/or panspermia. It's one thing to imply this stuff but this is science, which requires evidence.

>> No.7559120

time traveler detected

>> No.7559247

Yes, heavens forbid that NASA try to get even a 1% increase to their budget.