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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.07 MB, 2048x1152, booooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7546708 No.7546708 [Reply] [Original]

Which of these books would /sci/ consider worthy of keeping/having on its bookshelf?

>> No.7546725

None of them tbh, way more disappointing than I expected.

>> No.7546727

post your bookshelf thread?

none of them???

>> No.7546731

howd you get those books to float?

>> No.7546737

Read that Bill Bryson book this summer. Pretty good read, really puts things in perspective. Also, at first I thought I was looking at floating books in a vertical bookcase.

>> No.7546739


>> No.7546740

This is a 18+ board

>> No.7546758

He's actually right

>> No.7546760

cringing right now

>> No.7546766

Stewart Pre-Calculus is top tier, as well as the hawking and bryson books. wouldn't bother with the rest.

>> No.7546773

She hasnt read Freedman Young:Physics yet

>> No.7546777
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Guess my degree.

>> No.7546778


>> No.7546787


>> No.7546790

computer science

>> No.7546793
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biochemistry tbh now lad

>> No.7546796
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>> No.7546840


>> No.7546862

none at all, you bought a lot of introductory freshman books and not any reference books. you learn from these kind of books but you don't buy them, they're useless when you already learned from them.

>> No.7546886
File: 70 KB, 560x472, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess mine

>> No.7546889

none of these books?

>> No.7546893
File: 2.24 MB, 1344x1582, knowledge = power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546896

>That one insecure nuke.

kek, every damn thread.

>> No.7546908


at least you stopped posting the lovecraft and d&d books

>> No.7546918

Young and Freedman, University Physics
Petroski, To Engineer is Human
Petroski, Invention by Design

>> No.7546923

wait, I just connected the dots. This is the purdue douche correct?

>> No.7546930
File: 12 KB, 334x302, 1308434172697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book is titled simply "physics" or "chemistry"
Into the trash it goes. Everyone who thinks you can put a whole scientific field into such a small ass book needs to be shot.

>> No.7546932

keep the HG Wells one

>> No.7546983
File: 37 KB, 646x398, yurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we were talking about physical books :^3

If it's pdf collections then...

I don't recognise some of the books on your list. Do you recommend any of them in particular?

>> No.7547039
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>Engineering your future
Sure is.

>> No.7547042

*hetero sex can wait

>> No.7547071
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>implying i'm a nigger

>> No.7547087


>> No.7547524
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>> No.7547530
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I recommend this one.

>> No.7547605


>> No.7547606
File: 68 KB, 884x800, boy-with-downs-syndrome-giving-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the nuke engi meme

>> No.7547803

Math is the only meme m8. Other majors are actually useful

>> No.7547809
File: 19 KB, 300x430, 1322531317991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek no NE is just ME with extra shit you'll never use because there are no NE jobs anymore. stay mad though.

>> No.7547811


The only one unambiguously acceptable to me would be Young and Freedman. I know it's "just" freshman physics, but damn is that a thorough book. I've had it on my shelf since the beginning of my undergrad and will likely never take it off in order to consult it.

>> No.7547812

I see that you have bought books on elementary cock-sucking.

>> No.7547813
File: 8 KB, 235x164, nucl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no NE jobs anymore
and nukes can do pretty much any eng or phys or materials science job

>> No.7547819

Why is this the book everyone is saying to keep? It's just some freshman textbook from the mid 90s.

>> No.7547826
File: 9 KB, 177x278, 497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any engineering job
yeah no they can't. They can't even do many mechanical jobs.
>or physics
lmao that's ridiculous to think
>materials science
yeah all of those matsci jobs

also that pic is the same shit you post in every thread, and it's not even relevant as there aren't any jobs and that is a contract. compsci and chem, aero, and electrical makes more than you ever will, as well as the MEs that actually can work in their field and know more than you do about ME. kek. purduefag is literally delusional

>> No.7547833

Only because retard hippies are afraid of le meltdown meme

>> No.7547835

>no NE is just ME with extra shit
>but they cant do ME jobs
>compsci and chem, aero, and electrical makes more than you ever will
patently false
spoken like a true NEET that doesnt leave his lair. over half of the top engineers at Intel were nukes btw

>> No.7547839

>implying there haven't been major nuclear disasters caused by incompetent engineers.

>> No.7547840

>intel had nukes
No they weren't. Intel has no nuclear facilities that would require a nuclear engineer to use his knowledge.


>> No.7547842

yeah i think i want the earths surface to be in habitable in my lifetime thanks. couldn't care less that you don't have a job.

>> No.7547843

yes they were you mong. that's the point. they were nuclear engineers working on plasma switching and shit. nuclear engineering isnt muh nuke plants. get your head out of your ass and take that hot pocket out of your mouth

>> No.7547849
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or plasma physicist who would be easily better than a nuclear engineer. get your head out of your ass and realize that specializing in your fucking bachelors degree isn't that smart.

>> No.7547852

they didn't hire plasma physicists they hired nukes.


>> No.7547853


>> No.7547857
File: 17 KB, 281x440, 1442931820139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>college algebra
wtf is this a thing?

>> No.7547864

Talking to people in the industry

>> No.7547866
File: 436 KB, 1080x1920, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rid of that fucking precalculus book. I'll be burning mine soon

>> No.7547870

AKA no source. get fucked. i almost gave you a chance.

>> No.7547871

I thought it was god-tier? it seems nice.

>> No.7547872


>> No.7547874

Arts & humanities

>> No.7547875

Abstract algebra

>> No.7547877

It's a useless piece of shit

>> No.7547880

but why?

>> No.7547881

biochem major?

>> No.7547901

It's shit.

No, medsci

>> No.7547904

>stewarts being shit

>> No.7547907

You're pretty dumb tbh

>> No.7547910

only a dumb person would say that

>> No.7547915

No pics since I just moved and my bookshelves aren't set up yet, but here is a list off the top of my head:
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Peskin and Schroeder
Modern Quantum Mechanics, Sakurai
Classical Electrodynamics, Jackson
Introduction to Solid State Physics, Kittel
Solid State Physics, Ashcroft and Mermin
Methods of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics, Abrikosov and Dzyaloshinski
Quantum Theory of the Electron Liquid, Giuliani and Vignale

>> No.7547918

planning to sit GAMSAT I presume? judging by the australian version of your textbook

>> No.7547928

Not a single one of them.

Got to the new /sci/ wiki and pic up some better books.

>> No.7547929

the /sci/ wiki is shit. doesnt even have Callister listed for mat sci

>> No.7547931


dislike calculus

>> No.7547934

ah, postgrad research?

>> No.7547936

1) Because there's no mat sci page yet since it's too interdisciplinary.

2) Because no one even considers buying anything other than Callister for an intro anyway.

3) Do mat sci texts that isn't Callister even exist?

>> No.7547964

>2nd hand college books you bought from a thrift store
>self-help books
>H.G Wells
None of them, you shouldn't even have a bookshelf.

>> No.7548003

>dislike calculus
you're literally a fucking retard

>> No.7548160

H. G. Wells is pretty based imo tbh

>> No.7548214

>someone has inside knowledge that you don't
>they're full of shit and you're of course correct
ayy lmao /sci/ at its finest

>> No.7548306

>Not having Griffiths

>> No.7548308

shankar > griffiths

>> No.7548363
File: 35 KB, 625x625, 1440963239978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

joke's on you, i'm working on my master's

>> No.7548372

Wrong faggot.

More like shankar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literal shit >>>>>>>>>>>>> griffiths

>> No.7548429

kek ochem