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File: 140 KB, 1184x1570, mech major.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7545828 No.7545828[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about this Mech Eng. 4-year schedule? Is there anything that you learned that I won't be?

>> No.7545838

You'll never learn aps150: Ethics in Engineering. You'll never learn the story of the collapsing bridge and how it collapsed again while they tried to fix the first collapse.

>> No.7545843

You don't understand set theory im afraid you should change courses

>> No.7545856
File: 19 KB, 483x328, 1st year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


says here we do m8

>> No.7545860

I'm a little surprised that FEM isn't even offered as an elective, but if you don't wanna go that route, this is just fine.

>> No.7545861

thought they replaced that with the aps100 thingy?

>> No.7545927

he might have to look at the aero or civil department for that. if his school lets him, then they might be able to substitute that as an elective

>> No.7546032 [DELETED] 


Where is this?

>Is there anything that you learned that I won't be

It's kind of odd that you don't have Gen Chemistry nor Intro Physics but they might have been cannibalized into Mechanics, Dynamics, Electrical, Thermodynamics, Circuits and Material Science.

Also, where the fuck is vector calculus in fall of year 2?

>> No.7546060
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Makes the mech e curriculum at my school look pretty dumb, that's for sure.

>> No.7546714

Yes, maybe because in my country we have a 5 year grad but I can see you don't take stuff like Fluid Mechanics II

>> No.7546741
File: 183 KB, 1374x701, mech_undergraduate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine

>> No.7546826
File: 203 KB, 939x711, Screenshot_2015-09-23-15-47-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check my degree plan

>> No.7546845

Looks like the font on the U of T engineering website.

Don't worry. You will be fine. Half of that won't be useful for a real engineering job. A quarter of what's left you'll have forgotten. Anything else, you'll look up and reference as required.

>> No.7546991
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Just curious, but which of those do you feel will be useless in a job environment?

>> No.7546996


>All of those 18 credit semesters.

Man, I would dump a couple into those 14 and 15 semesters just to even things out.

>> No.7546999
File: 1.34 MB, 1984x1280, nuclear engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7547026

Yeah I haven't been following exactly so far, but it's hard not to have some really packed semesters because of the way they do a bunch of fall only or spring only courses.

>> No.7547033


>Get rid of APS100, literally worthless
>Get rid of APS111, this is stuff that can be learned by normal networking methods.

>Get rid of APS112, for the same reasons, huge god damned waste of everybody's time.
>Get rid of MIE 191. Seminar courses are bullshit that nothing substantive is ever learned from.

>Get rid of complementary studies electives for year two.

>Get rid of natural science requirement and two stream option courses in year 3.

>Get rid of MIE 358.

There. Fixed.

>> No.7547212

I don't know about MIE358; seems like something relevant in a like an actual workplace.

>> No.7547330
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What do you guys think about this one?
>If you don't speak spanish feel free to ask.

>> No.7548346
File: 220 KB, 723x875, feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here again

What fields do you recommend me to study in my spare time in order to round out my knowledge?

>> No.7548369
File: 133 KB, 830x515, 1438128766064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Washington Accord/10

>> No.7548371


>> No.7548373

Looks pretty standard.

>> No.7548374


It depends on what kind of job you get. Undergrad covers a lot of width with little depth, your job will cover a much narrower topic with much greater depth, same as grad school.

>> No.7548376

>FEM isn't even offered as an elective
Why the fuck would you need an entire course for that? It should be in your numerical methods or bundled somewhere else.

>> No.7548379 [DELETED] 

TIL U of T has Mat 186. I thought it was only mat 133/136/137/157 for first year. Did they change this recently? What the heck do engineers get their own calculus courses? I thought they all took 157.

>> No.7548515

where's your calc III, your pde's? your complex variables?

engineering confirmed for plebe tier

>> No.7548528

So many classes per semester.
I sit with a comfy 4 classes a semester, math major.

>> No.7548530

hi-didly-ho pleberino

>> No.7548555

>purposely stressing yourself out

>> No.7548558

>choosing a piss easy major instead of what you want to do because what you'd rather do is too hard

>> No.7548579

>Is there anything that you learned that I won't be?

Yes, your listed subjects, but properly.

>> No.7548580


it's possible they roll the calc 3 subjects into the first two because Canadians aren't mentally retarded like Americans are

>> No.7548586

>doing all of single, multivariable, and vector calculus in two semesters without rushing and cutting corners.

good luck

>> No.7548588


oh wait we literally learn it in high school



>> No.7548591

>You will solve problems involving geometric and algebraic representations of vectors and representations of lines and planes in three dimensional space; broaden your understanding of rates of change to include the derivatives of polynomial, sinusoidal, exponential, rational, and radical functions; and apply these concepts and skills to the modelling of realworld relationships.

doesn't sound like vector calculus to me, sounds like single variable with vector algebra, no mention of stokes theorem, or gradient, or curl or anything you'd expect in a calc III course.

>> No.7548598

Doesn't matter. What do you want to do? You have a variety of technical electives, try to pick electives that show interest, like aerodynamics and intro to CFD, or material selection and biocomposites. Every graduate will have 98% of what you got, don't "just do something".

Alternatively, find out what are equivalents and build a custom schedule, as I did.

>> No.7548599

>thinks courseload has anything to do with difficulty

>> No.7548603


I know I was shitposting

>> No.7548604

>its not harder to balance 7 classes than 4
also engr coursework isnt easy

>> No.7548606

I'm not him but I am >>7546826
We do calculus I-III in two semesters of MATH1450 and 1451 because cal I and II are shit you should've learned in high school anyway. 1451 covered all of the usual Calc III stuff. Then differential equations and linear algebra are taught through the chemical engineering department rather than math so that class is listed as CHEE 3321 and it's called Analytical Methods.

>> No.7548613

woah thats rad bro.

1 and 2 in one semester? then calculus 3 the second? wow I wish my CC worked like that rather than spending a whole semester in calculus 1, why not split it with calculus 2? smh tbh fam

>> No.7548841


>> No.7549128

What university is this?

>> No.7549139

Participate in automotive, robotic or related clubs.

>> No.7549251
File: 280 KB, 2578x1274, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comp. engineer here

>> No.7549316


university of toronto (op)

apparently waterloo is better for undegrad but who knows

>> No.7549937

You go greece !

>> No.7549945

The only places that I know do this are MIT, Harvard, and a bunch of shitty colleges that pretend to be good but actually cut ridiculous corners.

The elite schools that do it though make the honors version an extremely challenging class

>> No.7550781

Why is Operating Systems listed as a possible course in the last semester? I mean sure if you were interested in it, go ahead, it's just that I doubt most ME's would have the digital design/computer organization prerequisites for it.