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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 404 KB, 668x627, Dio_Adult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7544397 No.7544397 [Reply] [Original]

>University has taught me the following:

>How to do an assignment that has no relevance to anything practical outside of of writing academic papers, the night before it is due.

>Cramming for exams that have no practical application outside of the 14 weeks we study the subject, the nights before.

>That, lecturers and academics are teaching us almost as though they have forgotten the majority of practical degree students such as accounting for example, are not there to become academics, and will forget everything they taught the next session when the aforementioned cycle repeats.

>Meanwhile, technical college students walk into the same jobs, knowing how to use the software that is used in the real world, knowing how to work within the office environment with the tools and other programs used, but will regardless need the degree to progress.

>The degree and universities are antiquated, testament to a time when only scholars would attend university. They could wrap up an accounting degree in 1 year if they cut out all the useless matter. Better yet, just give us pdf copies of the 'tutorial' answers and tell us the exam is in 2 weeks, could have the degree in a matter of months and it's basically what we do now anyway.

Is he right? Why are you doing that STEM degree anyway?

>> No.7544400

did you expect to learn relevant and practical things by doing a science degree? top pleb tbh.

if you wanted that you should have done engineering.

>> No.7544410
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you go to college to go to grad school to then do research and write papers with your specialized knowledge, otherwise someone else(read: 1000+ other people on the planet) can and will do your job because you're not specialized enough. otherwise you will work a wageslave job making middleclass money if you're lucky but hate your life.

sorry for the reality. this goes for everyone on this board.

you're not going to be some happy go lucky that makes his 80K in engineering and loves life. you're not going to get a job at whichever big famous lab as a physicist after your PhD and be happy. life doesn't work like that.

you are paid because you are extremely specialized by your own merit or because your job is so miserable that nobody wants to do it so they give a nice pay at the end of the week so you can at the very least convince yourself that it's worth all of the bullshit.

there are two extremes in our society that are actually happiness
>artist that makes just enough to live and not worry about paying bills, if remembered for art after his death, even better
>scientist/academic who did something that matters and is awarded in some, remembered after his death

otherwise you're in a fucking rat race and that's the deal.

>do what actually make you happy and not miserable while taking less money

>do what makes more money and what you've been pressured into doing while not being happy

From what I've seen on this board, a good 90% of you fit into the latter.

>> No.7544414

this is what you like to think because you made shitty choices or were too thick. If you actually put effort in you could have gotten into a top program that you like, scored top marks, and have had a wide variety of options open to you.

No one elses fault that you fucked up and will hate yourself for the rest of your life.

>> No.7544436
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I went to PSU on scholarship for Physics(ranked 50~ worldwide) and graduated with a 3.75 GPA and my friends did similarly well. I did and have exactly what you describe, but it doesn't mean that I am happy.

You will come to realize that you will most likely not be happy with the results that you get after university. Looking back, going into artistry would have made me a happier person, but being pressured into certain things by your peers, parents and such after showing interest makes you do things you probably would not have done otherwise had said external factors not influenced you. Going to a technical school would have been a better use of my time; hell, even for a trade.

You can mentally masturbate all day long and feel happy that you know such complicated things, but unless you went into the rat race for the post-doc position and even then not doing anything of significance, you're stuck with engineering by designing the legs for a computer chair or going into CS and working for some insurance company. This is the reality for STEM majors.

This STEM shit isn't as cool as you think. The guys with the "cool" jobs are legitimately insane and have no life outside of it. You will never have it all and you have to deal with that. You either become a work-a-holic and masturbate to the idea of having a coveted position or you just deal with the fact that it's not what you think and go do something that doesn't make you want to rip your hair out because of some vague humanitarian-esque ideals that you preach to yourself so you don't quit.

I have many friends from uni, and the only one that is happy in a STEM field(it's biology) knew people and didn't even have such a great GPA. The ones that I see doing something that makes them happy on a routine basis are the arts majors, mostly visual arts with some voice actors and writers. They are nicer to be around, but they all make less than 40K a year, so apparently they aren't successful to most people.

>> No.7544449

>cares about pratical applications and industry tools
>goes to a university
People warned him, in school and in your first semesters, that university prepares you for research not for a job. And they warned him that a PhD doesn't give him more money and research is a shitty field. He is in the wrong place with the wrong aim.

>but will regardless need the degree to progress
It is rare in STEM that you need that, almost everywhere your portfolio is all they care about. Unless you are in some shitty accounting office, but why do you chose STEM then and not something easier?

He can always go to a consulting/banking/insurence position because they don't care about your degree and pay alright.

>> No.7544458

I would almost be inclined to believe you if I hadn't met plenty of people whose current careers completely contradict your theory.
But you're just a salty student with no experience out in the real world.

>> No.7544460
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these niggers know.

>> No.7544462

The vast majority of STEM jobs filter out anyone without a degree.

>> No.7544463
File: 21 KB, 359x394, september.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you've posted nothing but a short ad-hominem reply so i wonder who people are going to believe

>> No.7544464


I didn't expect to see a post this good on 4chan. This is true, especially its focus on extremes. There is no such thing as a job that requires half an intellectual.

>> No.7544489

If you have the job, you won't need an additional degree to progress. If you get in over trade school or whatever nobody will bother you to do a college degree

>> No.7544503

>no practical blah blah blah

Friend, welcome to the real world. School is where you learn to keep bosses happy and some random facts might rub off on you at the same time.

Can you figure out what they care about and how best to use that to get a good grade? Can you play to their capricious whims and within their arbitrary rules? How quickly and effectively can you process and distill unfamiliar information?

That is all school is to employers and the frame of reference you should have for it. You will be trained to most any job you ever get by the employer to their standards.

It's your 4 year job pre interview interview.

That said, the bachelor's degree head become the high school diploma of a few decades ago, but still.

>> No.7544519

Dio is NEVER right

>> No.7544541


That is essentially the only reason employers care about a degree - it is proof that you can work effectively. As soon as you have actual work experience in relevant fields on your resume, they care about that instead, because that's a far more effective indicator.

And because it's one of the only good indicators available for employers to judge candidates without work experience, and it also serves as a judge of having spent time learning about and working within a relevant base of knowledge, an employer will pretty much always take a candidate with a degree over one without - they are a much safer bet.

Again, though, once you've been in the field several years and have direct experience to point to, that matters way more than GPA. For the employers I've known in engineering, the question is "what have you built?" If you can be impressive enough in this area, you may even be able to make it without a degree.

>> No.7544555

>University must be practical

When did this gay meme start?

>> No.7544560
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>/sci/ has taught me the following:
>pic related

>> No.7544592

>They could wrap up an accounting degree in 1 year if they cut out all the useless matter.
Such degrees exist, OP. You can get one if you prefer that sort of thing. It's called a trade school, and considered a lesser degree for a reason.

>> No.7544609

Mate you seem to care a lot about having fulfillment in your work
This is how I know you're a loser

Very few people find fulfillment in what they do and they are the especially lucky ones
You could become an artist but there is no guarantee of happiness especially if you're a failure

This is why most normal people find their fulfillment elsewhere because they aren't retarded enough to chase something when the odds are especially against
All you can hope to do in this world is to not hate your job
Maybe you'll get lucky like my sister and love what you do so much so that it becomes the anchor in your life but the chances of you ever finding that is next to none

Also that doesn't really answer shit about the OP tbh
You kinda just posted something almost completely off topic
Basically you've said you'll never be a star which anyone except the most naive know

>> No.7544624

Sounds like you just really wanted to be an artist, and you're just really salty that you didn't choose that career path tbh.

You also seem to be under the belief that being an artist makes everyone happy.
>be an artist and be poor, you'll be happy!
>do anything else and make money and you won't be happy unless you're the next Newton or some far out outlier!
>these are your only two options for happiness!
The most I read your posts, the stupider you sound.

>> No.7544630
File: 256 KB, 1500x873, cqk5KcI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an Engineer. I previously wanted to be an Artist. I wanted to draw.

First of all, creativity doesn't pay in the art field, it pays in the Engineering field. That's an irony that made me laugh the first time I realized it.

An artist thinks up something cool then draws it on a piece of paper. That's it. It looks cool/awesome, but that's where it ends.

An Engineer does the same thing with a schematic, but then applies it to the real world and gives it functionality, and has a chance to affect people's lives positively. Engineers are unique in that they use both their artistic/creative part of their brain, but also the logical part and combine it all together.

>> No.7544633


I am studying electrical engineering mostly to get a job. What i really want to do with my life is to be a writer, so i didn't needed a degree for that. I picked something that i had some interest and that i knew it could provide me some money. If i had only pursued my interests i would probably have studied literature or architecture, but here in Brazil they both are terrible courses to make a living. Also, i think they wouldn't help me with my writing anything more than engineering did.

I am studying in USP, probably the best university in my country to study EE, still there is a lot of shitty classes, professors and work. The course could be 1000 times better and i really insecure about having to do anything technical by myself. Anything that there is not a "how to", a guide, is sure to make me feel really lost and i know that there are a lot of people working in the industry that learned far more than i did just with experience and hands on. Anyway, i will probably earn more than they later.

>> No.7544636

But creativity in the arts and in engineering are very different. I am the anon from >>7544633 . Artistic creativity its a lot more about manipulating emotions and letting your life experiences and thoughts go out in an unique way. In engineering its about playing with the pieces in the most irreverent way possible.

>> No.7544640

Same here, I used to be a designer. The worst thing I get off from that time is about the customer's taste.
Your taste =/= The client's taste
Like, there are times when I spent several days working on something but it just ended with the client declined it. I have read similar stories in jobs such as concept arts and film effects.
Seriously, if you want to make money in art field, you have to do what the client want, not what you want. And that is not as happy as this guy said >>7544410
You would be lucky if you are the art director or someone influential in your team, but then there are like 10 people under you who must follow your instruction. And the big chance is that you are one of the 10 followers, bot the director.

>> No.7544642

>unique way
Doesn't exist

Nothing is unique in this world
That's one of the first things I realized when I was doing artistic shit

>> No.7544643
File: 16 KB, 221x292, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in turns me on how in denial you are.

>> No.7544645

In denial about what?
I just said that you've pointed out something that everyone who isn't stupid should already know
Not everyone can be the next Feynmann

>> No.7544648

What am I in denial about?
Me not wanting to be an artist? Me not believing that everyone wants to be an artist?

>> No.7544649
File: 13 KB, 147x170, sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not
i just love how the responses it is getting are all typical /sci/ denial replies to save face. people wouldn't be replying to it if it wasn't hitting nerves.

>> No.7544651

Do not reply, he is baiting.
tl;dr: If you are not happy in STEM, don't do it and get out of it. If you are happy with it, continue to do it.
Is it really that complicated?

>> No.7544652

but you're now baiting that he's baiting...

>> No.7544654

Yes you're right I'm just so incredibly salty over that guy

It's why I agreed with him

>> No.7544656

>-1000 degrees of celsius
all of my keks

>> No.7544660


>> No.7544734


>So we're going to pretend entrepreneurship doesn't exist?


>> No.7544807



i have heard so many stories at university about students putting their real passions aside to become hobbies but doing something less enjoyable for the sake of financial security.

>> No.7544815

what alternative do you suggest?

>> No.7544873

>writing assignment
>no relevance to anything practical
>no practical application
Nobody has a job that requires writing, everybody just copies-n-pastes what they need.

>> No.7544884

if I have to choose between being a poor scholar, and being a rich idiot
I'd pick the scholar
and fuck these highschoolers who say otherwise

>> No.7544892

>>fundamental life failure: the post

>> No.7544894


>> No.7544895
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>I went to a shit university

>> No.7545068
File: 22 KB, 451x195, fuck-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally stole my picture i made a few days ago
Fuck you, faggot.

>> No.7545490

You've a child's view of the world of you believe that has any parallel with the real world.

There is literally no reason to think or believe that because pursuing new knowledge is not a person's direct vocation that they eschew learning or are in any way lesser than those who do. If anything, you can argue that they are more free to do so because pleasing employers/funding organizations to ensure they have basic necessities isn't tied to their pursuits. Yes, they don't have the resources, but they also don't have the pressures to research in certain areas and get certain results (which does happen if you're researching anything of any significance or political interest, if you're not, you're not getting real grant money, so who cares what you do? ).

>> No.7545673

For the people talking about going into an arts field, here's my reason for not doing that.


Do you want that shit to be you life? I don't.

>> No.7545685
File: 26 KB, 384x120, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ight, ya'll need to chill.

>> No.7546285

>pleasing employers/funding organizations to ensure they have basic necessities isn't tied to their pursuits

Uhhh yeah it is. You can't pursue knowledge if you can't feed yourself. So in that sense whatever income you have, regardless of the profession, is directly tied to your pursuits.

>> No.7546435

>im too smart for college lel

>> No.7546439

Employers don't care about your degree in arts fields any way. Thousands of people land jobs in visual arts with just a highschool diploma. What matters the most is their portfolio.

>> No.7546450

what matters in art is not some autistic quantifiable thing like that, it is your talent and ability for self promotion

although opportunities in the fine arts do typically require formal training.

>> No.7546453


Im just following your excellent example.

>> No.7546454

if you think common ownership of the means of production will mean you won't have a boring, grinding life and that you'll be free to pursue your hobbies then you might as well kill yourself now

>> No.7546455

My mom's knows an architectural designer. He was always regarded as a genius and brilliant by her and her other friends, but he's fucking crazy. He will scream at his costumers if he doesn't get his way, and if they don't like it he quits. Best part is he's much more expensive than all the other designers in the area, because he knows from his experience that his taste is right.

My family was getting an addition done on our house some years ago, an he mockingly told my mom that our main staircase looked like the servants steps. My mom was insulted and asked a bunch of other designers how the staircase looked. They all basically told her it looks fine. She did some research and found out that our main staircase was actually taken from the servants steps of some older house. So she went on to let the crazy designer finish the job, even though he laughed in her face and insulted her.

On another occasion he charged my mom's friend a $250 bullshit fee for questioning what he said. He was joking, but she ended up paying it anyway because she was afraid.

Moral of the story: people are stupid and the customer is never right (if you actually know your shit).

>> No.7546469

you sound insecure
People say you are wrong all the time, and this is your excuse to try and make yourself feel better

>smart but lazy
>smart but no one understands

>> No.7546505

>ITT: wannabe Frueds
seriously what is up with you guys analyzing every little thing I say and assuming I'm talking about myself? Why can't I tell a relevant story without being ridiculed? Sure the customer is always right in the food business, but almost everywhere else the customer is always wrong; that's just what I've found in my experience.

Your post is the worst case of projecting I've ever seen.
>inb4 I'm called a wannabe Freud for saying that

>> No.7546835

It's not though, only to you

>> No.7548059


>implying being an artist is mutually exclusive with a degree
>implying working in a STEM field can't be fun
>implying you need to be important to feel fullfillment

>> No.7548120


Or maybe Im doing stem because I want to understand the world on a fundamentally more exact scale and don't care if everything I learn isn't applicable to my bourgeois overlord.