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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 82 KB, 725x361, 1442893343547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7543997 No.7543997[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Jacob Barnnett in Suicide Watch

>> No.7544480

Gotta admit I laughed OP.

>> No.7544487
File: 13 KB, 186x205, whatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took apart a clock and put it in a box
>is now praised
>wearing a NASA shirt
>is a mudslime so we have to act like it's significant




>> No.7545747

I've never seen /sci/ so butthurt over one little thing.

>> No.7545750

People might get icky over injustice you know.

>> No.7545755

Hey everyone, I turned my Nintendo DS into an mp3 player in 8th grade. When is it my turn to go on MSNBC and chat with an MIT astrophysicist?

Also, I can't find a job. Maybe Facebook can take me on?

>> No.7545762

>"Nobody cares about my own test scores!"
This whole thing is simply academic jealousy.

>> No.7545765

Haha, if only putting a clock into a different case was "academic."

>> No.7545767

>Hey dad look at this clock I took apart. I got to learn how it goes together and stuff!

>Thats nice son! Here is a box that you can fit the guts in, then you can feel like a real inventor.

>Gee thanks dad! I'll do it right now

>Oh and son you should bring that to school and show it off to your teachers, they will probably enjoy it much more than me! *grubby hand rubbing thinking about all the publicity he will receive to run for supreme ruler of Sudan and bring the ultimate Jihad against America*

thats pretty much exactly what happened

>> No.7545770

What test scores are you talking about retard?
We're talking about a child putting a clock inside a pencil box and getting praised like he cured cancer. Thousands of other 14 year olds actually spent effort to come up with ideas for their science projects that actually constitutes as a science project, yet they are unheard of because they are not privileged.

Address the main point of my post or shitpost elsewhere with your bigoted strawmen garbage.

>> No.7545779

Because he got arrested showing that young Muslim inventors are being held back by the system. The media is consequently trying to fix this by giving him the attention he deserves

>> No.7545786

it has nothing to do with being an inventor or anything.

He personally doesn't deserve the amount of attention he received.

The entire issue is that he was arrested for bringing in something that could have been perceived as a bomb to school even though he never made any threat and told the teachers before hand that it was a clock.

They put the race spin on it because his dad contacted the media and let them know that they were Muslim.

>> No.7545794


So you're saying that it's got nothing to do with his actual project. Thats good to know. An interesting jump from "He deserved it due to his academic success" from "he's a muslim, he deserves it" indeed, which is a despicable act of racial prioritizing.

Unfortunately, being biased towards his side is the opposite of fixing things. If he had the same opportunity as every other child, then people wouldn't have anything to complain.
And since this is not the case, it's very natural that everyone around the world calls on his bullshit "project" and his privileged benefits.

>> No.7545876

kek, how does /sci/ feel knowing that this kid knows more than you posers combined

> b-b-but an A in calc 2!!!!

>> No.7545880

Posting inane trolling garbage outside of /b/ is a bannable offense.

>> No.7545884



>> No.7545890

>took apart a clock and put it in a box
>is now praised

this is what salty engineers think that this controversy is about?

>> No.7545900

/sci/ isn't, /pol/ is.

I wish all those racist troglodytes would shoot each other already.

More to the point, taking things apart to figure out how they work is a really good habit for any scientifically-minded person.

He isn't being lauded because he made something spectacular, he's being encouraged because his curiosity and enthusiasm was subject to draconian punishment as a direct result of xenophobia in America. Some people aren't shitters and want to more than make up for how he was treated as a second-class citizen for doing something that should be encouraged.

>> No.7545915

> muh /pol/ boogeyman
> if you are offended by this injustice, you are a racist.

I'd say go back to /reddit/ but you are way too retarded, even by reddit standards. Make sure your post makes sense next time if you don't want to come off like a braindead shitposter like this again.

>> No.7545919

Did I /trigger/ you?

If you don't want to be associated with a containment board for right-wing nutters, then don't be one.

There is no injustice here.

>> No.7545922

>Hey everyone, I turned my Nintendo DS into an mp3 player in 8th grade.
Bitch all you did was buy a flashcard.

>> No.7545924

Nobody cares who you retards associate people with. Calling people racist only works when it makes sense.
> It's not unjust to have a child getting privileged benefits simply because of his ethnicity.
Supporting a statement as such is called racism, and it makes you a racist.
Get it now dingus ?

>> No.7545926

>Nobody cares who you retards associate people with. Calling people racist only works when it makes sense.
You do, apparently.
>> It's not unjust to have a child getting privileged benefits simply because of his ethnicity.
This is true, but it isn't what's happening here.
>Supporting a statement as such is called racism, and it makes you a racist.
No it isn't and no it doesn't. Reparations are not racist. If you want to talk meritocracy only, what he did did not merit the punishment he received. It's only just that someone makes up for that, without race even entering into the picture.

Where ethnicity does enter is that he was treated unfairly *because* of his ethnicity.
If you can't recognize that, then perhaps you should go back to your hugbox where you belong?

>Get it now dingus ?
You sure showed me with that cogent argument that I'd never heard before.

>> No.7545931
File: 281 KB, 551x277, 1432870047169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care about him getting to go to the white house or being on TBBT but jesus christ the obvious fake pictures of him and the circuit board and mind numbing.
Sure use him to inspire kids to do science and all that but at least take time to take proper pictures instead of fumbling to get them out while the media is hot about it.

>> No.7545933

Why the fuck does MIT have to hog all these ''child prodigy'' stories? They know it's a fucking clock he bought from Walmart and now they're dropping words like theoretical physics and astrophysics in a news interview.

fuck off.

>> No.7545934

All he did was buy a clock

>> No.7545937

The guy still took it apart and put it back together into a new box. That still takes some knowledge to do without frying it due to static shock.

>> No.7545938
File: 67 KB, 640x360, muslims burning american flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It's not unjust to have a child getting privileged benefits simply because of his ethnicity.
> Supporting this is not racism

So are you claiming that it's okay for a white kid to surpass his other ethnically diverse peers for no other reason but just because he's white ? And supporting this statement is not racist ? Are you descended from Hitlers family or something ?

Reparation would suggest that his arrest would be baseless and not because he brought a bomb-looking device into the school. And if the redeem of every false arrest was to get into the white house, getting featured in Google Science fair or getting invitation by Facebook, there would be tons of kids from all different colors sitting by the side of Zuckerberg right now.
But this is clearly not the case. You simply don't want to admit his ethnic and economic privilege brought him all these benefits. And you try to shut down anyone who doesn't fall for this bullshit by calling them racist or /pol/ like it's your big scary weapon that everyone should supposedly be scared of.

Until you can make a singe sensible point, I'll just watch you shitpost further and call people more names. I hope you can make one logical argument so I know I didn't waste my time, but seeing your previous posts, I'll keep my expectations low.

>> No.7545943

Oh yeah, I'm sure he knew all about static shock. Actually I don't know, you'll need to show me a few more pictures of him with pre-made circuits in the background, I think then i'll believe it.

>> No.7545944

>hat he did did not merit the punishment he received.
How so?

He showed it to a teacher who said cool, but bud don't show it around because it might be taken the won't way.

There are reports that he was joking with other kids it was a bomb after he disobeyed the instructions to not show it around.

It was taken away and sent to the principle who because of talking about how it was a bomb HAD TO TREAT IT LIKE A HOAX. He had literally no choice in the matter. Race doesn't play into this decision at all.

Seriously, the amount of liability involved is so ridiculous that it can't be taken as a joke even if everyone realizes it is a joke. It's shitty some kid got caught up in it and kids can't be dumb kids any more, but that is life, brown, white, yellow, or whatever.

>> No.7545958

>> It's not unjust to have a child getting privileged benefits simply because of his ethnicity.
>> Supporting this is not racism

>So are you claiming that it's okay for a white kid
>to surpass his other ethnically diverse peers for no other reason but just because he's white ? And supporting this statement is not racist?

I know this is your wet dream, but you really don't understand racism at all, do you?
No. It's okay (even the right thing to do) to selectively advantage an ethnic group when they are objectively worse off precisely *because* of racists and xenophobes like yourself, who, as a social group, control most of the wealth, which, I might add, is largely a result of a history of racial violence perpetrated by your social group.

It's not racist to pay someone arrears that you already owe them anyway.

>Reparation would suggest that his arrest would be baseless and not because he brought a bomb-looking device into the school.
It doesn't look like a bomb at all.

>But this is clearly not the case. You simply don't want to admit his ethnic and economic privilege brought him all these benefits.
Yeah, it was his privilege. It definitely wasn't because of some scientifically illiterate racist fucks like yourself mistreated a child due to their prejudice and people sympathized with him. Oh, I forgot. You're white, so people OWE you their sympathy. They can't choose to sympathize with whoever they please because they already owe their sympathies and fealty to you!

>Until you can make a singe sensible point
I'm done responding to you. I'm not sure if you're a troll or just a genuine run-of-the-mill idiot, but you've wasted enough of my time repeating your tired old racist diatribes, GOP pamphlet blame shifting, and textbook megalomania.

Good riddance to poor conversation.

>> No.7545962

I'm not him, but I suggest you return to Reddit.
If racism triggers you to write brainless leftist paragraphs, especially on /sci/, you do not belong here.

>> No.7545966

Behaviour is genetic.
Both parents are malicious in nature, no reason to assume the kid is not too.

>> No.7545968

>you do not belong here.
He doesn't, but neither does this thread.


>> No.7545972

Wow you're really retarded

>> No.7545976

No, this thread doesn't belong here, but nor do leftists on 4chan outside of /b/ and /soc/.

>> No.7545978

This is what /pol/ actually believes

>> No.7545979
File: 304 KB, 2028x810, s4s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ just happens to be right about one thing.

>> No.7545980

Wth, that'd such a weird line of thinking. The problem was he was arrested, not that he made something amazing. Way to totally forget about the point of all this among the distraction over the retarded clock

>> No.7545990 [DELETED] 
File: 598 KB, 935x445, Screen-Shot-2015-09-17-at-10.22.18-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending religiontards

>> No.7545993

Hang this little fucker already
Muslims are scum and stand to destroy science

>> No.7545996
File: 957 KB, 290x360, 1442516576068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahmed Muhammad is stunning and brave. If you don't agree with this you're a racist bigot who needs to have their privilege checked.

>> No.7545999
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>> No.7546000
File: 42 KB, 468x312, muslim shariah for UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I know this is your wet dream, but you really don't understand racism at all, do you?
Putting words in opponents mouth is very cheap and degrading for your appereance. I suggest you stay off this desperate method if you want people to take you seriously.

> No. It's okay (even the right thing to do) to selectively advantage an ethnic group when they are objectively worse off precisely *because* of racists and xenophobes like yourself, who, as a social group, control most of the wealth
The indicator of your ignorance and illiteracy starts off by your assumption that I am american, but we established that you are a bigoted, namecalling shitposter who hates logic already so I won't repeat myself.
> Xenophobes
Like the America hating, sharia screaming muslims who demand the death of western nations ?

I don't even have to bother talking about if Americans are xenophobic or not, before you accept and apologize for the extremist xenophobic mindset that infected the eastern countries. Although it's funny how you blame american xenophobia but don't even mention Islamic xenophobia which results in the deaths of thousands. Let me know when you desperately try to justify that first.

> who, as a social group, control most of the wealth
Yeah America is wealthy. Do you have a problem with that ?

> a child due to their prejudice and people sympathized with him. Oh, I forgot. You're white
It gets more hilarious everytime you act on your prejudice and call me white, when I'm not even close to white. But as I stated counless times, retards who are completely oblivious and unaware of their own self-righteous prejudice can ignorantly call other people prejudicial. That's a treat that comes from your lack of logical thinking.

> I'm done responding to you.
I knew I was wasting time with you and you were going to run off like the other shitposters.

Please stay in reddit and never visit a science board ever again.

>> No.7546008

I know he triggered you m8, but can you stop shitting up /sci/ with this horseshit? There are plenty of other people to argue with on boards where this is remotely on topic.

>> No.7546010

>it's not racist to pay someone arrears that you already owe them anyway
>Oh, I forgot. You're white, so people OWE you their sympathy. They can't choose to sympathize with whoever they please because they already owe their sympathies and fealty to you!
So minorities are allowed to be owed things but white people are not? Listen to yourself, you have the stupidity of a nigger combined with the pretentiousness of a feminist. Or wait is it the stupidity of a feminist combined with the pretentiousness of a nigger? Whatever you're probably both anyway.

>> No.7546014

Why do racists get so angry when you call them racist?

I thought you guys prided yourself on "not sugarcoating things" and "being politically incorrect even if it offends people."

You can dish it out, but you can't take it?

>> No.7546019

> Why do racists get so angry when you call them racist?
ask yourself

>> No.7546020

Your tears are delicious

>> No.7546025

Reddit: the post.

>> No.7546027

> lolumadxD
Why is reddit terrible at trolling ? You are worse than /b/

>> No.7546029

Bbut hes muslim

>> No.7546031

Two more. I'm beating /pol/ at this point. Keep em coming!

>> No.7546033

Lack of anonymity discourage pointing out faggotry in fear of harming your reputation, which fosters and reinforces it.
See : everywhere outside 4chan, including real-life.

>> No.7546035

Yeah bro epic, upvoted lol!

>> No.7546036

But doesn't anonymity also encourage people to show their faggotry to the public? Doesn't that mean there's more faggotry on 4chan than anywhere else?

>> No.7546039

Is that it? We have much more work before the bump limit. C'mon comrade, I'm sure you have more anti-liberal vitriol in you!

>> No.7546045

At least I'm just being racist as a joke and not trying to hide it. This anon actually believes minorities are owed something just because they are worse off. There's no reason to compensate these people based on their past or what environment they were born in; this is the real world and you deal with what you're dealt. The reason he's sympathetic towards minorities is probably because he's a minority himself and understands what they're going through. The reason I'm unsympathetic towards them is because I'm white and I understand I have problems in my life too (financial, medical, antiracism, dealing with ghetto nignogs on a daily basis). Why the fuck should they be owed something and not me? Racism !=prejudice+power you stupid SJW

>> No.7546050
File: 183 KB, 1024x512, reddit_fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7546054
File: 62 KB, 640x663, Sad Little Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so mad rite nao xD
upboated :^))

>> No.7546058
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw SJWs literally tripping over themselves to defend a religiontard just because he's brown

>> No.7546062

Shame knows no bound, even under the veil of anonymity.

>> No.7546063


>14 year old kid
>likes to take shit apart and put it back together
>starts at a "science and tech focused" high school
>brings his shitty project to school - essentially harmless
>english teacher goes Homeland Security DEFCON ORANGE on his ass
>handcuffed and booked... for a pencil case with some household electronics
>cops say "looks like a bomb... in the movies"
>another STEM kid bullied by imbeciles - this time teachers and cops

fuck you, get off /sci

>> No.7546064

I'm so flattered guys. Hey want to meet over in
for a wank?

You can dress up as a nazi and I'll dress up as Anne Frank and suck your dick.

>> No.7546066 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 500x432, inigo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>treats people differently based on color of skin

>> No.7546068


Oh, hi /pol.

>> No.7546069

His mother is literally a PR person.
His father is literally a politician.

How can you be so dense.

>> No.7546070
File: 55 KB, 500x432, inigo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>treats people differently based on color of skin

>> No.7546072

And then the actual racists come and enable these fuckers. And then the media comes along and glorifies sjws while the real story is that a dumb kid put a dumb clock in a dumb box.

>> No.7546075

> lose argument in a catastrophic fashion
> reduce to namecalling and meme spamming
This is how you identify reddit posters.

>> No.7546076

i haven't seen anyone bait this hard in /sci/ in a long while, holy shit.

>not racist

pick 1

>> No.7546077

Don't give this tard that much credit, they're clearly a tumblrite.

>> No.7546078

Are you fucking kidding me? How is 4chan any different?

>> No.7546079


It is a double-edged sword.

>> No.7546080

Those asshole aren't liberal, m8. They just hijacked the word.

>> No.7546081



Time for you to take more Lithium, Nostrildamus. And move out of your Mom's basement while you're at it, NEET, and get a fucking job, and stop living off state assistance. You're not autistic and schizophrenic - your just LAZY.

>> No.7546089

If you feel that way you should go back to reddit.

>> No.7546093

> comes from a background where they pride themselves with the invention and relentless overuse of "le" and many other childish memes
> acts like he's concerned about shitposting in some other website.

>> No.7546103


I think the real problem with Ahmed's school is the culture of closed-mindedness and stupidity in some of the teaching and administrative staff.

It seems like all that it would have taken to prevent what happened from getting entirely out of hand, if the teachers were any good, was to designate one teacher to have a personal discussion with Ahmed, determine what his interests were, and then help him set up a school club, or even append a small segment of a science class curriculum to electronics projects.

This is what any reasonable school, or a private school, with intelligent staff, would have done.

>> No.7546108

To be fair, it was the first thing I thought when I saw this news and the following interview, he was clearly being pushed into it by whoever was behind the camera.

>> No.7546114

> its the whiteys fault
> kill all the cracka ass white pigs

>> No.7546118


>he produced a defective racially-based premise and then drew a faulty conclusion from it like a typical backwoods imbecile
>he continues to spout worthless reflexive jargon that befits his limited ability to conduct higher reasoning without resorting to melodrama and self-righteous emotional outbursts

oh, hi /pol

>> No.7546124

> I won't bother addressing all the reddit shitpost that flooded the thread.
> omg said something against my post, quick call him /pol/ !
Hello there reddit

>> No.7546127 [DELETED] 

> That's pretty racist of you. Why don't you like black people ? Why is reddit so racist ?

>> No.7546128

That's pretty racist of you. Why don't you like black people ? Why is reddit so racist ?

>> No.7546129

Are you high? Do you seriously think they have that kind of time to devote to a single student?

>> No.7546130

kek hahaha very funny

>> No.7546139 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7546141
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>> No.7546144
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>> No.7546147
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>> No.7546149

>Jacob Barnnett in Suicide Watch
So is Ahmed

>> No.7546151
File: 13 KB, 260x194, holocaust02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546153

public education is about making stupid people think they're smart, and making smart people actually stupid. also instilling hard conditioning on a variety of governmentally approved cultural and behavioral cues and issues.

if you think anything besides this is true, you too are a brainwashed idiot gloating with your 'participation trophy'.

>> No.7546154
File: 417 KB, 800x800, holocaust-massgraveatbelzac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546155
File: 456 KB, 800x789, holocaust-massgravewss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546158
File: 335 KB, 800x625, holocaust-liberation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546160
File: 278 KB, 800x588, holocaust-ebenseeprisonersatliberation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546162
File: 298 KB, 800x599, holocaust-ovenswithbones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546165

stop it already. the holocaust didn't happen, and nobody would give a fuck if it did. thousands of worse things have happened then some poor kikes getting manhandled by a wartime nation. allow me to re-iterate: nobody cares. nobody feels bad about it. it doesn't mean anything. 'the holocaust' is simply irrelevant, does not matter, is not important.

>> No.7546170
File: 127 KB, 800x683, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546174
File: 86 KB, 670x409, Holocaust-Remembrance-Children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546177

don't care.

don't care.

>> No.7546178
File: 401 KB, 991x1327, World-War-II-The-Holocaust-in-Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546181
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>> No.7546184
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>> No.7546185

Stop posting those holocaust pics, dickwad. Nobody cares about your edge.

>> No.7546187
File: 45 KB, 480x310, 31450b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546190

Whats up with the polish prisoner photos in german camps ?

>> No.7546192
File: 115 KB, 480x332, 05479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting off-topic threads, and I won't continue ruining them.

This /pol/ raid ends now.

>> No.7546194
File: 298 KB, 1366x768, SXJ2l2K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le persecuted minority maymay
idk how you faggots still believe this shit. It's like you're stuck in the 1800s.

and holocaust spammer, fuck off and try not to cut yourself on those edges

>> No.7546198
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>> No.7546201
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>> No.7546202

Why are you posting the polish prisoners that were held in german camps in a coolclockachmed thread ?

>> No.7546206
File: 180 KB, 665x385, majdanek-holocaust-victims-ashes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546209
File: 42 KB, 667x459, jews3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546212
File: 57 KB, 796x512, bundesarchiv_bild_101i-680-8285a-08_budapest_festnahme_von_juden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7546215
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>> No.7546217
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>> No.7546221

Kill yourself, edgy child.

>> No.7546229
File: 17 KB, 429x241, male_female_bell_curve_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are objectively subhumans.
Once the artificial womb is here, the first society to only birth boys is going to outperform all others. Some culture, like the indian and chinese ones, already kill infant girls, so such a society is bound to emerge.

The next century will be womanless, and the start of a millenial golden age.

>> No.7546231
File: 18 KB, 320x223, GasChamber1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You first, shitlord

>> No.7546232

> criticizing ahmed makes you racist
Funny enough, I don't know how posting polish prisoners will change anything.
But keep at it.

>> No.7546234
File: 11 KB, 200x144, fd4234383f98e610bdde54bbcb7ba1a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more you post, the more I post

>> No.7546237

Raiding /sci/ won't get you any favors. This is a science board, not your personal playground.

Please leave and stop flooding this board.

>> No.7546241
File: 39 KB, 540x344, 204._arrival_at_auschwitz_-_victims_are_selected_for_the_gas_chambers_in_may_or_june_1944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a science thread and should be deleted.

>> No.7546244

Yeah sorry, reddit keeps spamming /sci/ with this garbage and attempts to fill the thread with tryhard nice comments about Ahmed.
But punishing /sci/ for reddits childish actions is simply non-sensical and uncalled for. So please stop flooding whatever your reasoning is.

>> No.7546266

except no, he's being praised for "building a clock" when all he did was take a clock's guts and transplant them in a pencilcase. its not something difficult to do, and the only reason it happened was because his father is a politician, and this will garner him sympathy votes.

>> No.7546269
File: 1.01 MB, 3040x2016, Suitcase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't look like a bomb at all.
yes, it does

>> No.7546270

He doesn't want anyone criticizing ahmed so he's gonna keep spamming and calling you /pol/, hoping you get bored and leave.

Redditors don't like arguments or logic, they like flooding boards and spamming memes. They are the cancer of internet.

>> No.7546272

You're the shitlord here, degenerate fuck.

>> No.7546273

it's funny because I do browse /pol/ but mostly just /v/ and /vg/

>> No.7546275

aww spoilers dont work on /sci/

>> No.7546278

>moviegoers idea of a bomb

>> No.7546281

> retards idea of a clock

>> No.7546293

Choke on a dick