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7539680 No.7539680 [Reply] [Original]

How did you guys personally, the /sci/ guys, get over your video game addiction?

Did you watch any streamers? Ever felt attached to them? It's really hard to let go or at least just watch them normally, like not cling to their every stream.

Not looking for advice, just want you to share your experiences.

>> No.7539692

I just found vidya boring. Got really bored quickly of gta 5 or mgs 5.

>> No.7539693

College fixed my addiction.

Before that I was a borderline weeaboo/hermit shut-in, but college and work took most of my time so eventually I just slowly forgot about them and was never given a chance in to get back into them.

>> No.7539694

>watching streamers

Kill yourself.

>> No.7539695
File: 43 KB, 250x318, Destiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only watch Destiny really, he's pretty charismatic and intelligent, and I share a lot of his views on things

>> No.7539723

Girlfriend. And even then it's hard not to pull out the hearthstone when we're out.

>even then it's hard not to pull out

>> No.7539726

>Did you watch any streamers

Are you 12?

>> No.7539729 [DELETED] 

not so sure bruh
but definitely more so than a lot of other streamers

>> No.7539736 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 250x300, gladys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a crappy internet connection will kill it for ya
i was a league fag and hearthstone fag and d3 fag
but then i dc'd and lost numerous games in rage then i had the epiphany dawned on me that i could free myself from that rage by not playing aforementioned games

that's how i quit pc games

but i still have a ps vita and play mostly VNs on it, which doesn't require continuous effort, so it allows me to game in small chunk, turning into a real casual gamer

now i play about <5 hrs a week of game

>> No.7539778

College and a job. Cannot go wrong with that time consuming combo

>> No.7539817

Got busy learning new things in my free time.

>> No.7539824

OP here again. Please just pick my thoughts right now, I am very disturbed by these thoughts and I constantly have them.

Any time I want to decide my future, I basically think about my entire life from now to the end and how I'd have lived if I pick this. I can't stop it and it gets me down.

Like I forget all the people who I have connections with now and I drift away as my new lifestyle requires it, and it gives me anxiety.

>> No.7539826

Started playing music. Got bored of video games.

>> No.7539831
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I gave up video games for lent last season

It was the best thing I ever did

It forced me to find other things to do

But boy it was boring

>> No.7539834

jesus christ i don't understand stream crap at all it's so pathetic

>> No.7540170
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What makes you convinced that it's an addiction and your peers aren't just shaming you for something you enjoy?


>> No.7540186

Same here. Sold my PC for a synthesizer, and so far all indications suggest it was for the better.

>> No.7540189
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Same here. Sold my PC for a synthesizer, and so far all indications suggest it was for the better. I feel like I've been spending the time so much more constructively and developing into a better person because of it. Funny how small things really aren't small things sometimes.

>> No.7540195

>being addicted to watching streamers
Fucking what?

Either you're weak-willed as fuck or you got born to the wrong generation, kiddo.

>> No.7540196

>inb4 muh full-time studies, GPA > 4 ace students

You're all gay

>> No.7540197


>> No.7540207
File: 184 KB, 1600x1200, 1441371978750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my response.


>> No.7540261

Nigger never ever not ever post another vocaroo with no funny in it.

I expected some fum.

Fuck you

>> No.7540265
File: 13 KB, 186x205, whatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op asks for help
>gets it
>acts like a faggot about it

not even surprised that you're so insufferable.

>> No.7540270

I really, really don't understand the appeal of watching someone play video games, let alone getting attached to someone who plays video games for a living.

>> No.7540274

>got born

>> No.7540386


I'm OP though. That guy wasn't me. Don't just assume it's OP.

>> No.7540387


So just reading off this reply it's obvious that you look down on me so there's no real reason to read your shitty vocaroo advice.

Fucking condescending piece of shit. Better luck next time.

>> No.7540391

Games was my life until i began High school.
Browsing the net and playing video games, felt repetetive as fuck an it felt like a second job.

Naturally came over it when I was 16, however I fell in a depression for a year(perhaps some kind of withdrawal) and i was on meds for a year kicking seratonin.

Now I am doing fine, not by /sci/ elitist standards though however I'm doing well enough to feel satisfied with what I've accomplished.

>> No.7540392

Since i am studing let all video games away, is hard it hurts but is for my future!!!!!

>> No.7540399


You're literally underage.

>> No.7540401

I had it easy. My addiction decayed as I got more depressed in high school. Never really grew back when I decided to start going to college and hopefully it'll stay this way.

I was hooked on Phantom Pain the first week, then classes started, and I've been playing 2 or 3 hours a week with no problem.

>> No.7540408


I wish. At least then I'd have just been a stupid kid who could correct himself fully and not miss a beat. Now I'm just a 24 year old manchild with conflicting thoughts every single day for the past few months.

>> No.7540442

>projecting this hard

>> No.7540451

Streamers are just the esports version of football players.

>> No.7540455


I noticed how parasitic gaming companies are and that turned me off from gaming. $90-$100 for a game after DLC that has considerably less content than a PS2/Gamecube/Wii/N64 game.

There's much less passion put into video games currently, it's all to make money. "Free" to play aka Pay to Win is becoming the way of the future, charging players for non-content such as in-game items and currency. It's already on consoles, I'm a big Forza fan, and in Forza 5 makes it extremely hard to get nice cars to the point where you almost have to pay unless you have unlimited amount of time. Forza 6 you basically have to pay an extra $20 to get double credits on races. This isn't adding anything new to the game, it is handing the company extra real life money to change the way the in-game economy works. Obviously, that example is better than straight out buying cars, but it's still unacceptable in my eyes.

I'm just going to take a break from AAA gaming, besides buying a Wii U to play Sm4sh and Mario Kart 8, because those are just fun pick up and play games with highly tuned core gameplay and the DLC isn't too bad on them, and I support Nintendo because they aren't mega shysters and actually put passion into games, unlike the majority of the soulless AAA games that come out on the PS4 or Xbone.

>> No.7540459


Do you even know what projection means? I just don't want to bother with an asshole, that's not projecting.

>> No.7540465


>i had the epiphany dawned on me that i could free myself from that rage

Fucking kek, you're funny anon

>> No.7540470

I "was addicted" to ArtosisTV youtube-channel on hearthstone - because I never really played a collectible card game before (played Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon as a kid). But I got bored quickly, because there is very little complexity to it.

Same was for VaatiVidya youtube channel, because he did really good videos on Dark Souls, and is a 4channer. But I got bored when I realized Dark Souls was Miyazaki's magnum opus and everything after it was just worse.

The only things I watch now are the SC2 GSL finals, and the DotA2 The International finals. But that's like 5 times a year.

Either way, there is nothing wrong with liking video games or doing it 24/7. If that's what you enjoy, go for it. For me, I just enjoy maths more, for now.

>> No.7540479

>doing it 24/7

kill yourself

>> No.7540499

Well I used to play many games and watch lot of stupid shit on youtube. But after some time I started realizing that I'm wasting my time and now I can't even look at the same shit I was watching before.

>> No.7540516

His old starcraft shit was amazing. He got worse and stale just like the game did.