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File: 21 KB, 220x287, Neumann.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7539153 No.7539153 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any point in even trying when people like this exist?

>> No.7539175

but they don't

>> No.7539180

here's what i wanna know:
has anyone ever asked one of those "is there a point to life?" type questions and got an answer that actually satisfied them -- made them go "yeah that's it, that's what i was looking for, now i see the point and my will to live is renewed"?
if so, what was it?

>> No.7539185

What did von neuman really do? He made some discoveries in a number of fields, sure. But if you compare it to more focused mathematicians, it fades in comparison.

>> No.7539205

Not for you, since you don't seem to be pursuing whatever you're pursuing because you actually enjoy it. Also >>7539185

>> No.7539209

If you're willing to draw a line to your scepticism, then you can accept 'GAWD' as the answer, I suppose.
But of course, if you have an inquisitive mind you're then going to ask 'but why did God create existence?' and then you're really back at square one.

>> No.7539214

And how would you know that, pray tell?

>> No.7539216

everybody knows that von neumann was a party animal. He was the frat boy at Princeton's advanced studies thing and everybody knew he was a lost cause. Yes he vas very smart , a fucking human calculator if you want but that degenerate never concentrated on one single important thing. I know this because I am one of his bastard chidren; one of hundreds he has. Dont wine about not having a superb intelligence because high intelligence comes with pervesion in life

>> No.7539295

Because most of all you want recognition

>> No.7539303

My two cents
>There is no point to life.
>I can go off and make it whatever I want it to be and find my own point to my life.

>> No.7539317

secular buddhism

>> No.7539320


>> No.7539321

I was thinking the same thing today

>> No.7539334
File: 126 KB, 480x608, 1441779041512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7539337

Is there any point in what? Give me some point of reference, nigger.

>> No.7539364

Wrong, but nice projection.

>> No.7539370

he actually doesn't exist. sorry bro he died like 60 years ago.

>> No.7539374

That's a nice way to put it

>> No.7539376

I went trough a slight existential crisis a few years ago. I concluded there's no way we can tell for sure, but life does seem to be meaningless. However, that gives you an immense freedom to do whatever you like and create your own values, and also that thankfully, if you fuck up it won't matter in the end.