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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7536220 No.7536220[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


STEMfags getting BTFO

>> No.7536229

fucking arrogant scientists wont understand that time is ideal i keep telling them but they dont fucking listen.

>> No.7536230

aye so what happened to arrowfag?

>> No.7536233

somebody explain what "time is ideal" means

>> No.7536235


Everything that actually exists is Ideal, we're just looking at those forms through the veil of ignorance, and the distortion is clear.

>> No.7536239

ah good ole pluto

>> No.7536240

Physics is easy compared to this


I'd like to see a physicist tell me the solution to the Frege Geach problem

>> No.7536241


>> No.7536252

Holy fuck, how many non-problems can exist in one shitty subject.

>> No.7536255

this kid has a very punchable face

>> No.7536259



>> No.7536262

>philosophy is too difficult for me to understand
>I know! I'll just pretend it doesn't matter!

>> No.7536263

>It's 2013
>Dualists still exist and are allowed to reproduce

>> No.7536265

this, jesus christ i have never had less respect for the liberal arts

>> No.7536272

>Philosophy is easy compared to this


>I'd like to see a philospher tell me the solution to the Reimann Hypothesis

>> No.7536275

Math is a social construct

>> No.7536276

>it's 2015
>people still think that reality is a knowable standard of truth.

>> No.7536282

No it's not.

>> No.7536283

Prove it. Oh wait you can't because all systems of logic are social constructs too.

>> No.7536286

"Philosophy is the hardest science" - Richard Feynman

>> No.7536287

Well technically speaking, science is simply a subset of philosophy.

>> No.7536288

>a boat can't drive on land
>a car can't drive on water

>> No.7536289
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>Has the right to badmouth about any other board, even /b/
You people are fucking disgusting, get out of this board, it is bad enough without you faggots.

>> No.7536293

What do stemfags have to say about this


>> No.7536295
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>> No.7536297
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>> No.7536300

STEM majors confirmed for autistic anime watching manchildren.

>> No.7536301

those are /lit/ people.. lurk more

>> No.7536302
File: 30 KB, 480x408, 1430276429566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god why did I read this.

>> No.7536303

>not pretentious pseudointellectuals

>> No.7536305


this video cant even spell "philosophy" right


>> No.7536306
File: 108 KB, 680x680, 1432408976684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, YOU /sci/fags are the real pseudointellectual faggots. We read a lot more real books rather than the shitty theories you study all day.
Get on our level.

>> No.7536307


>> No.7536309
File: 133 KB, 623x564, 1440374227702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice false flag weeaboo. No self respecting /lit/izen would use an anime pic. go back to reading your light "novels" kid

>> No.7536310
File: 330 KB, 900x720, 1441999359978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading more non-factual books automatically makes you an intellectual

>> No.7536311
File: 7 KB, 125x103, 1374884600956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The statement "Murder is bad" looks like it's talking about murder, but it's actually not.

>> No.7536312

everyone reply to me

>> No.7536314
File: 51 KB, 420x248, 140331741259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop pretending to be a /lit/ gentlemen. And no, LNs are better than most of your shits on the /lit/ wiki.

>> No.7536316


>> No.7536317

>ask theoretical physicists what he thinks the difference between expressivism and descriptivist subjectivism is

>Huhhh? expressa-what now?

How are physicists allowed to have children?

>> No.7536318

scientifically speaking, /sci/ does tend to make a lot of threads asking how to increase IQ and instill study habits through dubious methods like nofap, listening to music that "stimulates thought and creativity", trying to emulate lifestyles and habits of famous scientists and mathematicians aside from studying really hard. and if they fail, they just justify their stupidity with evolution and "muh shitty high school, im too dumb"

>> No.7536319

Feynman is the product of a generation that was told to shut up and calculate. His words have no weight here

>> No.7536320
File: 15 KB, 251x251, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LNs are better than most of your shits on the /lit/ wiki.

Oh look, the weeb accidentally reveals his own identity

>> No.7536322

nice ad hominem friend

>> No.7536324
File: 339 KB, 680x680, 1426183334599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ here. I have nothing to contribute to this thread other than to laugh at the OP who is so insecure that he had to go out of his way to post a non-argument to /sci/ to assuage his feelings of inadequacy and lack of accomplishment.

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.7536325

holy fuck, what an EPIC thread
my finger is hovering the prt sc button constantly
the screencap is already 2MB
this is going to get me SO MUCH reddit gold that I'll be able to buy a new house

>> No.7536334

>Feynman is the product of a generation that was told to shut up and calculate.
How insecure you can get?

>> No.7536344
File: 27 KB, 250x250, 1441762469227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ here. I have nothing to contribute to this thread other than to laugh at >>7536324 who is so insecure that he had to go out of his way to post a non-argument to /sci/ to assuage his feelings of small penis and lack of girlfriend.

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.7536349


>> No.7536356
File: 11 KB, 350x233, 12314123543253453534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ here. I have nothing to contribute to this thread other than to laugh at >>7536344 who is so insecure that he had to go out of his way to post a non-argument to /sci/ to assuage his feelings of autism and lack of white genes.

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.7536359

/x/ here. I have nothing to contribute to this thread other than to laugh at >>7536356 who is so insecure that he had to go out of his way to post a non-argument to /sci/ to assuage his feelings of autism and lack of spiritual enlightenment.

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.7536363


every board except for /x/ here

we all agree you're the tiptop cancer and should kill yourselves, faggots.

>> No.7536364
File: 241 KB, 800x778, 1426375178849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ here. I have nothing to meme to this thread other than to top kek at >>7536356 who is so cancerous that he had to go out of his way to post a FRESH HOT MEEM to the entirety of 4chan to assuage his feelings of autism and lack of memesical enlightenment.

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.7536365
File: 31 KB, 540x720, 1419624502276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of motherfucking /sci/ reporting in and you all should commit suicide

>> No.7536369

You know who else loves to chain together comments together like this as if it's funny and clever?


>> No.7536375

Really? I dont frequent reddit, do you?

>> No.7536377

does that make him wrong though?

>> No.7536379

You know who else likes to suck cocks other than engineers?


>> No.7536380

4chan did it first.

I presume you've only been here long enough for the Reddit insurgence.

>> No.7536381

isn't it past your bedtime anon?

>> No.7536382


>> No.7536384

Hi Shane

>Captcha: James

>> No.7536385

Implying geniuses like lenardo da vinci had bedtime

>> No.7536387

That is anecdotally speaking, not scientifically.

Im /sci/ not /lit/ btw

>> No.7536389
File: 312 KB, 586x489, happy air mendicant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone actually thinks maths is any other than language near me

>> No.7536393

This anon >>7536380 is right. Have you never seen a "c-c-c-cOMBO BREAKER" before?

>> No.7536405


>> No.7536413

He stated that any statements from someone who was born at a certain period in time are to be assumed as false

>> No.7536418
File: 46 KB, 400x387, batslap-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the apparent world

>> No.7536428

i know that he said that. but why is it wrong?

>> No.7536436

axiom: anything that a person who was born at that time says is false

a person who is born at that time period were to say that what >>7536319 said is correct

which, according to the axiom, means that what >>7536319 said is incorrect

there's a contradiction there

>> No.7536460

Did he really say that literally?

>Anything that a person who was born at that time says is false

>> No.7536462

he might as well have

>> No.7536478

I'm not so sure about that.

>> No.7536486
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>> No.7536488

>Did he really say that literally?
No, he said it liturgically.