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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7531054 No.7531054 [Reply] [Original]


The QS 2015-16 University Rankings are now out.

How did you do /sci/? Post your

>Overall Ranking
>Country Ranking
>Overall Subject Ranking
>Country Subject Ranking

>> No.7531067

Firstly, even as a measure of desirability for undergrads, this list has serious flaws. No secondary schooler would pick UCL over Imperial for academic reasons if both were potential choices. Same for Manchsester, edinburgh and King's College over LSE.

Also, I'm the guy who complains about going to my uni at my home town. My uni is higher ranked than I thought. But this list is an utter joke.

>my alma mater being higher than Dartmouth
>than boston college

Yeah, I should've asked to swap places with one of those students at the start. no doubt they would've said yes....

Also I think this list is harsh on mainland europeans

>> No.7531079

>tfw alma mater isn't even listed
Don't even care, got into the aerospace defense industry, making my 60k starting

>> No.7531080
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>> No.7532593
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Feels good man. National first in my category.

>> No.7532621
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my school went up like 10 ranks and my major is ranked at 38 in the world so I think I'll be okay. I don't pay anything to go here so oh well.

>> No.7532649

>26th overall
Ranked w/in top 5 every year for chem grad program so w/e.

>> No.7532656
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Wat do you study bro?
MSC applied physics here

>> No.7532666

+500 :(

Fuck you Flinders University

>> No.7532667

The ranking change from one year to the other is due more to the scoring system changing than any change happening in the universities.

It's a pretty pointless ranking ranking and /sci/ which is so often critical of social science and limited rigour in the studies should be the first to see it.

>> No.7532714

Whenever people can circlejerk, they will. This was already postulated centuries ago by Jackoffski et al. No need to be a bitch about it.

>> No.7532727


I-it's just for my undergrad...

>> No.7532728

Actually, I'm finishing up my BSc Applied Physics right now. Gonna do the MSc AP after that as well. I'll probably see you around ;)

>> No.7532749

I should get my bachelor degree in mechanical engineering within a year. Assuming my uni is not internationally famous and i have average grades, how hard would it be to get my master's at one of decent us schools?

>> No.7532753
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>> No.7532778
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>#3 world
>#1 in country
But it's studying something useless so it balances out

>> No.7532798


Only real ranking worth looking at

>> No.7532801
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Same shit. Different asshole.

>> No.7532803



>> No.7532807

Nope. It's better smelling shit

>> No.7532967
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>mfw Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

feels good brehs

>> No.7532968


>> No.7532974

>obsessing over rankings

From what I see none of the factors are relevant to students.

So who cares?

>> No.7532993

see >>7532714

>> No.7532998

Disgraceful, Cambridge is clearly above MIT and Harvard. Mathmo?

>> No.7533031
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>tfw top in the world and top ten in my subject

tell me, what benefits do I get from joining in this circle jerk?

>> No.7533048

>studying something useless
read: arts

>> No.7533052 [DELETED] 

>Overall Ranking
>Overall Subject Ranking

>> No.7533078

>Overall Ranking
>Overall Subject Ranking

>> No.7533146

>top 100 in the world
>just chose my state school
I'm okay with it.

>> No.7533155

First University in my country... good enough for undergrad.

>> No.7533163

> rating as whole company
> not by specific section
=> is useless and misleading

>> No.7533174

78 in general, 51 for subject.
keeps dropping every year though the wankers

>> No.7533178

That's a cool building
>brb mowing the roof

>> No.7533179

>tfw my uni dropped 20 places suddenly from previous, consistent years
Well, fuck.

49th in arts/humanities, cool enough.
>university of amsterdam best of the netherlands
Hahaha really? Top fucking kek, shit's rigged, move on.

>> No.7533181

>Still no Vietnam

>> No.7533183

It really is.

If the weather's nice, it's absolutely loaded with people just chilling or reading or whatever.

>> No.7533774

lots of cambridge math students come on /sci/ I've spoken to some of them. Still though, there might be easier ways into it but they can always become investment bankers.

>> No.7533861

46th in world, is this respectable?

>> No.7533891

>UC Berkeley

you fukkin w0t m8?!

>> No.7533913
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>Rockefeller University, not even ranked
>Campus is the densest concentration of Nobel Laureates in the world
>Every member of my thesis committee is in the NAS


>> No.7533940
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>tfw 160s
>hometown has internationally recognized school in the 30s, all my friends go there
>applied late, got waitlisted with a high ACT score, never cared enough to get in, went to easier school to get into

and now, when I care more about my life I regret this decision. could have been accepted.

>> No.7534111

>85th overall
>26th in country
>Physics ranking: #101-150

Just about what I expected. Not great, but not bad either.

>> No.7534737
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>> No.7534841

> 19th
> 1st
> No idea what the subject ranking is
> MD

>> No.7534866

QS ranking is the worst out of all the major rankings.

>> No.7534872

We go to the same university.

>> No.7534895

University of Michigan; ranked 30

>> No.7534934

21st in the world, 6th in the country, 20th in the Humanities.

>> No.7535163
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Is there even a reason to care about rankings if you aren't top 50? My university is all over the place in these lists, sometimes unranked and sometimes ranked top 100.

>> No.7535170

this. no one cares that you went to a school ranked #378 or #578. There's no difference between them. The group that makes these rankings are exploiting the universities, basically taking their money so they can place them higher in their imaginary ranking system.

>> No.7535336

>Overall Ranking
>Country Ranking
4 (if you've dropped an extra chromosome and actually think that UCL is better than Imperial)
>Overall Subject Ranking
4 (Engineering master race)

>> No.7535340

More like top ten.
Because the education levels plateau quickly, but if you're in the first few you will be able to quote the name of the uni to open doors for the rest of your life, not so much the case after that.

>> No.7535567


aww yiss Imperial College fuckin' London

>> No.7535577

Dammit, Bas, get off 4chin

>> No.7535585

>overall ranking
>country ranking
>subject ranking

>> No.7535763

Take it easy, Hendrik.

>> No.7535787

#319 Represent nigggaaaasss

>> No.7535789
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>UofT, the best Uni in Canada not even rated in its page at all despite being #34

What a shitty website

>> No.7535829

ayy lmao what is this shit? I rejected offers from 3 unis here (UCL was literal SHIT, Kings was even worse, and Warwick was a concrete jungle), and go to a uni that isn't even listed here...

>> No.7535831

Mfw my university is not in the list.
That hurts.

>> No.7535839

These are always useless. Having said that, my university improved by 79 places.

>> No.7535861
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Where's Ghetto University

>> No.7535876

Which uni did you decide upon m8?

>> No.7535894


Oh well. I'm from a poor family where neither parent was university educated so I'm not too concerned about such rankings. If I have children I will try to do better for them though.

>> No.7535905

Once again UCL proving itself superior to imperial cucks

>> No.7535943

Rank 360.

>> No.7535964



>> No.7536005

Isn't an undergrad institution

>> No.7536009
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16 reppin. 8 in North America.
too bad I don't plan to go to med school

>> No.7536017

I'm going to grad school at a university in the 400's range. Funny thing is that I also got a funded offer to MIT, but I liked this department more.

>> No.7536354

Not listed
Not listed

g-good thing it doesn't matter where you get your underggrad...r-right?

>> No.7536374
File: 351 KB, 2880x992, Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 12.54.27 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Georgia Tech, #35 for CS

>> No.7536378
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nvm typo #39

>> No.7536383


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