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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7530945 No.7530945 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't gyroscope anti-gravity technically real? Before you laugh hear me out: Gravity is a linear force towards the centre of mass, can't defy that without some sort of linear reaction propulsion that's not in dispute. However the torque due to gravity on an object held on an axle can be cancelled out with gyroscopic action. If we are analyzing a system rotating on a fixed axle all that matters is torque therefore if we define the gravitational effect on the system as the torque caused by gravity we can say that the gyroscopic action cancels out the gravitational effect.

tl;dr gyroscopic action doesn't cancel out gravity itself but it does cancel out gravitational torque on a rotating system therefore it is technically an "anti-gravity" device.

>> No.7530948
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>> No.7530958

We have high temp superconductors now, why can't we put a massive current in a big loop to create a force with earth's magnetic field, F=BIL?

>> No.7530997

One thing I've learned from our modern world is that if a machine does not exist yet it's because it was not efficient or possible, or because it has not been researched enough. In this case I would say that antigravity is not as efficient as planes, and even tho it looks cool it's not that useful.

>> No.7531009


For a super-top-secret black project there sure seems to be a lot of info available on the tr3b. :^)

>> No.7531037

>If we are analyzing a system rotating on a fixed axle all that matters is torque

lol what? gravity will make the whole system fall, regardless of whether or not you impart a rotational vector

>> No.7532693

>fixed axle
I believe in UFOs but I think the TR-3B is probably bunk. Reasons: If the military is going to bother with subsonic craft it's not going to be so massive you can shoot it down from a thousand miles away. The only reason why the F-117 was subsonic was because of the stealth and that isn't a secret anymore so why keep "TR-3B" secret? Finally, the government blew like $1 billion on the X-33 so it's safe to say that they don't have anti-gravity tech. What I don't rule out is that they may have alien tech they are still trying to work out but have not been successful.

>> No.7533013

General relativity does have some anti-gravity effects when you spin matter that you could possibly use if you spin enough energy fast enough.
check out
for a basic description

some examples:
>Two wheels spun on a common axis, the mutual gravitational attraction between the two wheels will be greater if they spin in opposite directions than in the same direction.
>a flexible toroidal mass undergoing minor axis rotational acceleration will pull matter through the throat . In theory, this configuration might be used for accelerating objects without such objects experiencing any g-forces.

>> No.7533025

>it's either possible or it's not
wow, that's really helpful reasoning

>> No.7533126

This sounds like a fudge to explain gravity with electromagnetism theory because they didn't know relativity. It will sort of work because they are both fields but we now have relativity which is a more accurate description so this is basically way obsolete

>> No.7533144

You can't fly by pulling on your feet.

>> No.7533180

nigga, this was derived from the Einstein equation in the weak field limit.

Its much simpler to solve these equations than the full Einstein equation which is why its used.

Did you even scan the 'background' section?

>> No.7533274

sadly earth's magnetic field isn't strong enough. think about how lazily a compass needle moves and imagine trying to apply that to something that can carry a person.

>> No.7533518

so its just a dumbed down version?
yeah i did the calculations, 150A through a 1km wire to lift 1 kg, the weight of wire would be many times this. Oh well propellers for life....

>> No.7534014

Not dumbed down, simplified. The full Einstein field equations in curved spacetime are extremely difficult to do calculations with. There's nothing dumb about choosing not to use the full mathematical bulk of a theory when a vastly easier-to-calculate approximation will do the job.

>> No.7534029

yeah so is chair

>> No.7534039

>so its just a dumbed down version?
You visibly have no idea what you're on about. Just look it up. Read a book. Read an article. Search for the terms and concepts you don't get. Educate yourself, learn something--it won't hurt, I promise.

>> No.7535476

>accessible relativity
This sounds too good to be true, could an amateur like me study it and come up with warp drive ideas? Or has it already been jerked over a million times. What is this all about?
>Gravitomagnetic arguments also predict that a flexible or fluid toroidal mass undergoing minor axis rotational acceleration (accelerating "smoke ring" rotation) will tend to pull matter through the throat (a case of rotational frame dragging, acting through the throat). In theory, this configuration might be used for accelerating objects (through the throat) without such objects experiencing any g-forces.[12]

>> No.7535592


People have been talking about producing gravitational effects with electromagnetic fields for decades and they've got exactly dick for evidence it even exists.

>> No.7535629

Gravitoelectromagnetism doesn't have anything to do with electromagnetism. This is not a case of trying to do anti gravity with magnets it's using the fact that gravitoelectromagnetism is relativity-lite to search for ways to manipulate spacetime.

>> No.7535795

>nuclear powered

what is weight lol

>> No.7535799


>> No.7535816

I'd love to see the stability for this one. IRL it would just tip and spin out of control probably, I don't think rocket thrusters can react fast enough to stabilize this thing in any meaningful way

>> No.7535827
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>> No.7537920

Apparently not much if you can diminish gravity's effect by 89%

>> No.7538574

Or we just can't grasp its concept yet and have to do more research and work on it.
Can't do any harm right?

>> No.7538606

/sci/s mindset is that if it hasn't already been done by DARPA it can never be done by anyone. This of course assumes that DARPA works on every idea imaginable.