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7530323 No.7530323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it to go to a university and study there?

They are very expensive, and even if i will get a degree it will still not ensure me a job.

I need more money in order to accomplish my true dreams, which is living in a different country and releasing albums as a musician. i know going to a university will increase my chances to get a higher paying jobs, but the time and money that is being invested into a university makes me think twice whether it really worth it or not.

What do you guys think?

>> No.7530325
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Don't even bother going to college if its because you want to move and uh, become a rock-star?

You sound dumb as fuck mang. I'm not being mean, its just really obvious. Don't even worry about college, especially since you'd just go for some BS fine arts/humanities/English BA

Get your shit together son, or provide links from youtube to substantiate why anyone would give a shit about your music no matter what country you live in

>> No.7530332

I dont want to be a "rock star", i merely want to record my artistic visions, and recording something with an actual good quality can be pretty expensive. music is my true passion in life.

About my intelligence, i've been diagnosed as gifted not once, but 3 different times by actual professional tests, so i do have the abilities to excel in whatever subject i will decide to learn.

And the reason i want to leave israel is because i believe the middle east is simply not a good place to live in. here in israel, it's always a question of time when the next war will happen. i live only once, i want somewhere more peaceful to live in. preferably an english speaking country so that i won't have the burden of learning another language.

>> No.7530346

There's already enough music, do something else.

>> No.7530348

There's never enough music (or art for that matter). While I don't think OP should solely rely on music as a means of income, I don't think discouraging someone for something their passionate about is a good thing.

>> No.7530349


Become a scientist and do something awesome with your life.

>> No.7530353

>There's never enough music (or art for that matter).
No, there is. We have enough now, we're well over capacity. There's approximately 78010 times as much arts as are necessary.

>> No.7530360

Shut the fuck up

>> No.7530362

I live only once. i want to live that one time doing something i actually love.

how much music exists is completely irrelevant, but just to counter your claims - there is no capacity to the amount of art we need.

>> No.7530364

Holy shit I just saw your trip. I kindly ask you to please leave this board and go back to /mu/

>> No.7530366

man you cannot live from your passion right now as it does not make any profit yet, u can consider getting a job now and produce art as your personal proyect, or go to college get good job and the rest. I will not lie it could be that your passion will never be more than that, just think of how many musicians/painters/sculptors live from day to day without having a hint of what could happen tomorrow. so I suggest you to go to college in case that your passion fail you still have a solid base upon which you can build your life.
ipve had the same problem as u but i knew that the routine would kill my love for music so i decided to let it like that my personal hobbie

>> No.7530368

If you came to this thread to say this, instead of actually discussing the subject in the op, kindly leave this thread. thank you.

>> No.7530371

Does /mu/ still hate you

>> No.7530372


>> No.7530373


>> No.7530378

The way I see it, if you can go to college without burying yourself in debt, do it. It'll benefit you much more than the 4 years of mediocre pay you'll get from working

Btw I work in a music store and know loads of professional musicians, it's possible to make a living off it but you're p much limited to teaching 8 yr olds and making a mediocre ~$20 with a music degree or getting lucky and getting a hit song

>> No.7530380

~$20 an hour**

>> No.7530383

Well, it is fundable for me to go to a university, the question is if getting a degree actually worth it financially, considering:

1. universities are extremely expensive and time consuming
2. a degree does not guarantee you a job

>> No.7530384
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tl;dr You're a retard

>> No.7530385
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>About my intelligence, i've been diagnosed as gifted not once, but 3 different times by actual professional tests
>diagnosed gift
>3 professional tests

What the fuck are you on about?

"gifted" is not a diagnosis. It generally means you score in the [.85,1) population on standardized tests and in general.

>so i do have the abilities to excel in whatever subject i will decide to learn.

Are you 17? Because at the moment, this may well be true.

If you've been out of school for more than 2 years though, so goodbye to everything you had in your head senior year.

>> No.7530387

I'm pretty sure i rank in top 1% of the population actually. (Iq of 136~140)

And i'm 20 years old

>> No.7530395

I will answer your questions and concerns.

1. see >>7530384
2. shut up

You are a lazy and pretentious moron.

sage goes into the options field, anons

>> No.7530398
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>What do you guys think?
I think that you're a twat that is unlikely to do anything great in his life. You will not complete any such university program with a true interest for the subject. Your true intentions are clearly typed out by yourself and so there is no reason to take you seriously. You will fail and nobody will care. Implying that you are as intelligent as myself or any of my /sci/ anons is a joke and it is obvious to anyone reading your posts that you are a fool. Even posting such a thread here shows that you have no idea what you're doing as you can't even follow elementary organizational principles of the website.

>> No.7530399


20 years old
Never been to college
posting your iq-peen
>I'm pretty sure i rank in top 1% of the population actually

>It generally means you score in the [.85,1) population

So you're smarter than 99% of the people you meet but not so smart as to notice that I already said exactly that in the aforequoted post

>> No.7530400

That post doesn't consider that in some countries it's harder to get scholarship than others, and that being intelligent does not automatically earns you a scholarship.

Considering how expensive going to a university is, and considering my goals in life, it is not essential that going to a university will help me fulfilling those goals at all

>> No.7530401

Not OP but how can I become smarter? I've always been one of the smartest in my primary and secondary schools but some college classes and /sci/ made me realize I'm not as smart as I thought.

>> No.7530402

You said im smarter than than 85% of the population, so i fixed you and told you my score suggests that im smarter than about 99% of the population.

I don't see anything wrong here.

>> No.7530405

OP is a troll. time to sage

>> No.7530406

What's with all these dumbshits with supposedly high IQs?

>> No.7530407

someone disciplined always will get better results in everything than someone smart

>> No.7530410

thank you for this. what's your study routine?

>> No.7530411

Well, you can start by not asking stupid questions.

I can guarantee that you are not more intelligent than 99% of the human population as you have not provided any proof to the contrary. We actually use proof before allowing anything to be true here on /sci/, because we're not morons like you are. By how you post, I would bet probably $1000 that you are not very intelligent. Other anons have already brought attention to this.

>> No.7530412

I belive that is completely incorrect.

Sure, studying hard will improve your results, but it does not mean you will be able to essentially surpass people who are smarter than you.

It also depends whether the task is memory reliant or logic reliant. the more logic reliant it is, the more likely it is that you won't be able to surpass smarter people despite working harder

>> No.7530413
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>I belive that is completely incorrect.
We don't "believe" anything here, further proving your idiocy. You "believe" it to be incorrect because you are not intelligent in reality.

>> No.7530414

How were they stupid?

>> No.7530416

In one hand you are saying that you want proof, and in the other hand you are making a wild assumption and willing to bet money over it.

I can tell you i have been in a professional institute in israel called "karni" in order to get accepted to a boarding school with a high-level gifted class. i excelled in that test. other than that, i have done 2 other professional tests previously, showing my IQ ranges between 136~140.

I do not have a way to prove it to you, however.

>> No.7530420

I'm allowed to belive in something and i'm allowed to make assumptions. my assumption is based on logic, mind you.

also, i think it's silly how you claim i should not make assumptions while you are making much wilder assumptions in your own post.

>> No.7530421
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You didn't define what you even meant by "become smarter" so how do you expect anyone to answer your question?

You're implying anything you say matters with no proof. Many of us on /sci/ are adults who are legitimately in top universities and attended top boarding schools in the USA. Even assuming what you say is true, you are not impressive on /sci/; a small fish in a very large pond.

>> No.7530425

No, it's not based on anything. You're a twat that is trying to sound smart and sit at the smart kids table.

>> No.7530426

Alright, fair point. Become smarter in the sense of being able to grasp information easier and analyze problems better. I just want an A in physics.

>> No.7530429


>> No.7530431

What's your study routine?

>> No.7530432

posts related is an example of smart.

posts related is an example of idiocy.

saging and i'm out

>> No.7530433

Can you provide proof for any claim you are making on /sci/? i don't blame you if you take what i say with a grain of salt, but you should also expect to not get proves for every single bit of personal information someone gives you on this site. the best i can do is give you my word that im being honest. I was merely trying to show that i have the abilities to excel in a university if ill go there.

You are not only making wild assumptions, you are also bieng rude for absolutely no reason.

>> No.7530437

The only thing that we can conclude from your post is that you are a rude person who goes down to the level of trying to bullying a person who merely asked for an advice over the internet. typical for 4chan, to be honest, but it doesn't make it right.

>> No.7530438
File: 7 KB, 252x240, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't realize he's talking to us right now
Yeah, I'm out too. OP is a lost cause. That's typical for sand-niggers, though.

>> No.7530444

inb4 someone points out my typos

"trying to bully"
here. i tend to have typos pretty often, just ignore them and respond to the point.

Using the term "sand-niggers" is downright rude. i also believe, that actual intelligent people are less likely to use that kind of terms. i mean, using the term sand-niggers surely isn't a sign of intelligence, if anything it's a sign of ignorance.

>> No.7530454


I said:
>It generally means you score in the [.85,1) population

You replied:

>You said im smarter than than 85% of the population, so i fixed you

[.85,1) means you score greater-than or equal to 85 and less than 100% of the population.

You sure are a genius bro, not even knowing fucking set notation from high school algebra

>> No.7530473

You said im smarter than 85% of the population. what i said is im smarter than 99% of the population.

I was not fixing the statement "gifted means smarter than 85% of the population". i fixed you by saying that that number is actually around 99% when it comes to the results i got in my personal case.

>> No.7530638


>You said im smarter than 85% of the population.
>what i said is im smarter than 99% of the population.

You scored [.85,1) IS STILL an accurate statement.

It means you scored higher than AT LEAST the 85th and LESS THAN THE 100th percentile.

Is .99 greater than or equal to .85? (yes)

Is .99 less than but not equal to 1.00? (yes)

Jesus dude.

You said im smarter than 85% of the population. what i said is im smarter than 99% of the population.

I said:
>[.85,1) means you score greater-than or equal to 85 AND less than 100% of the population.

>> No.7530851

TBH fam, I'd recommend doing www.khanacademy.org or some other form of self taught knowledge. Once you feel ready, you can go to a college that offers CLEP testing and pay an average fee of about $80 to take a test. If you pass the test, you'll get credit for that course which many colleges already accept.

Then you can always get certifications and what not, depending on the job you get. Most employers really only care about how well you can do it, and how well you can sell yourself during the interview.

If I were an employer, I would not give one single solitary fuck if you had a college degree or not. Can you do the job? Do you know the information?