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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7529229 No.7529229 [Reply] [Original]

How does the schedule of a scientist or a top student in a top university look like?

How much sleep do they get? How much do they study? How much time to they spend on entertainment if at all? How much time do they dedicate to their other hobbies if they have some?

>> No.7529256
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>> No.7529258
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>asking for top students in a top universities
Where do you think you are right now?

>> No.7529259


>> No.7529261

To answer your questions: i have almost no entertainment besides going to the gym every second day and fucking my gf. Thats my life and it fulfills me

>> No.7529264

Sleep, toilet, exercise, shower (sometimes), eat. Rest of time spent in: class, studying (with breaks), writing, reading. Hobby is studying

>> No.7529265

I thought everyone here is top of the class in math at a top 10 university.

I am just interested to know how I should efficiently structure my day and how much entertainment I can allow myself.

>> No.7529268

Where do you think *you* are right now?

>> No.7529269

How long, how intensivly do you study and how often do you take breaks and what do you do during those breaks?

>> No.7529273

They don't sleep. They masturbate 13 times a day just to break even. And they save a lot of time by not going to bathroom or eating. The rest of the time, they shitpost on /sci/ as opposed to doing actual work.

>> No.7529274
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>> No.7529281


your "entertainment" is your studies

if your studies aren't fun, you should reconsider what you're studying before you burn out

>> No.7529284

I can't imagine that even someone with a passion for his subject has fun all the time.

>> No.7529292

Math/science is mentally exhausting, and there is a lot of not-work that one needs to do to able to do what they want, but ask any professional and they will tell you they love their work.

>> No.7529295
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I'm an ME at Stanford which is apparently ranked #2 in the world by program. I have a scholarship.

I sleep for eight hours each night. I have never stayed up overnight to "study" as the positives of doing so do not outweigh the negatives.

I study by a modified Pomodoro Technique for at least a few hours each day.

If by "entertainment" you mean watching films and other such media, 0%. I am actually good looking thanks to my parents, so sex tends to fall onto my lap without much effort and sometimes I take it if I'm not busy, so I suppose that could be considered the entertainment. What I study is my entertainment.

In my spare time, I toy with ideas that I conjure up from what I'm learning and with a powerful computer, I am able to test things. I exercise just enough to keep a healthy cardio-vascular system. I always had strange hobbies as a child and had a mystical interest of figuring how something worked by taking it apart and researching what I found. I played the guitar a lot from say the 6th - 12th grade so I sometimes play that just to "reset" myself if I could say as a form of therapy. I try to draw. I read what interests me and I think that it's important to read in your spare time. I make sure that I talk to nice, genuine people, no matter field they're in as long as they are exceptional. I have a large network of friends with varied interests because of this.

>> No.7529298

Roughly how many hours of studying per week?

>> No.7529301

>I study by a modified Pomodoro Technique for at least a few hours each day.

Elaborate. This is the important part.

>> No.7529319

>what are means to an end
You're retarded

>> No.7529324
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Well, I will study in absolute silence for 45 minutes, take a 15 minute break and repeat this at least four times each day.

Lets say I have a lecture at 10AM and it is currently 8AM. I will quickly review the material from the last lecture as well as read through the material for the following lecture and write my notes. This allows me to focus on the professor while I am in class and not make sure my notes are perfect as I already wrote them before the lecture. I will add or revise if something is brought up that I didn't read correctly, sure, but during the lecture the professor has my full attention and I'm usually not even holding my pencil. I have my notebook open to the notes and that is all.

After the lecture, I will complete the assignment and review every single thing that is relevant and write my perfect note copy after reviewing.. I may prepare for the next lecture during this time as well.

So, I study the material five times per single lecture. I review the material before. I write the notes before. I listen to the professor during the lecture. I review the lecture after. I write my perfect note copy after. I always give my full attention in each instance. I have never earned lower than a 3.8 GPA.

>> No.7529327

Thanks, anon. I'll try this out.

>> No.7529330

sounds pretty hardcore, salutes to you
also is 4chan not an entertainment?

>> No.7529331

Do you consider that your success is due to your IQ or work ethic?

>> No.7529339

probably parents who created an easy to study environment for him

>> No.7529342

>when your wallpaper gets posted on /sci
This seems like good advice, and you seem like a smart anon. I usually like to take my time showering and then grabbing breakfast before my 10 am lecture, even though I wake up around 7-7:30. Maybe as the class gets harder I'll start to pick up on your techniques. Although it is only chem 2, and I think I'd only need to do this sort of thing for classes I'm more worried about like physics 3. You sound very organized, and one of my main problems in school is remaining organized throughout the entire year. I usually get sidetracked by sports or parties or league, and the hardest part of fixing it is keeping the discipline constant and controlling if not fully dropping these habits. I fear I may be spreading myself too thin and surrounding myself with the wrong people, but the academic types are always so autistic. Is there really no middle ground if you want to pursue a scientific career? It sounds more like a lifestyle than a career path, and there isn't any "just getting by" allowed.

>> No.7529347
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I have been tested by several psychologists to have an IQ ranging from 140-145. I recognize that I would not be as eccentric, lets say, if I had an average IQ.

I don't think that I am smart or hardworking but that's just the silent rule that you need to follow in order to do anything great. I am constantly critiquing myself and as a result am extremely psychosomatic and my eccentricities sometimes make me feel insecure.

I can't directly tell you, but you can deduce for yourself my answer. I do feel that you need think in a certain way that just isn't teachable. You either have a knack to critically break down problems or you don't.

I don't see how you could deduce this. I wear an ear-muff that will allow me to study in silence. Sounds during study are absolutely counter-productive to me.

>> No.7529349
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>In my spare time (...)
Seriously, why are you on 4chan? Do you only come to /sci/?
> make sure that I talk to nice, genuine people, no matter field they're in as long as they are exceptional
thank you ;)
I don't really get the benefit of writing down notes 5 times. What I usually do is skim the material before class, only make notes of key concepts and examples during the lecture, and then make the exercises immediately after the lecture until I fully understand them.

>> No.7529355

Just out of curiosity, do you consider yourself creative or with an artistic inclination?

>> No.7529358

I study all day, vidya and reading at night then 6-7 hours of sleep

>> No.7529362
File: 601 KB, 2048x1367, Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I very much appreciate the arts and some of my greatest friends are more-so of the creative type than what I am. I always have tried to be so, but I don't think that I'm wired in such a way that you would think of. My way of thinking is too optimization-oriented, lets say. I work by design more than expression.

>> No.7529374

sounds like you just don't have it tbh

>> No.7529375

I literally wake up 5:30 to study.

>> No.7529395

What time are you asleep by? I recommend sleepyti.me

>> No.7529397

Around 2200

>> No.7529401

I think I count as a research scientist. Anyways, I would guess that I probably sleep 6-8 hours, work around 10 hours, 1 hour spent getting between places, 1 hour for meals, and the remaining hours for "entertainment."

>> No.7529409

From QUORA, "How do top students study?" http://www.quora.com/How-do-top-students-study

>> No.7529477

I'm a PhD student in chemistry and I spend about 80% of the time I'm not in class, on the train, eating, or sleeping playing Civ V or fapping

>> No.7529516

How do you know what the next lecture is on? My profs are so random. What do you do if the math

>> No.7529521

How do you know what the next lecture is on? My profs are so random and doesn't follow the text book. I also get profs that can't speak English, they are top in their field but can't teach. Mostly math prof in like differential geometry.

>> No.7529526

shitty school?

>> No.7529533


Nah, first semester, so I don't have much to do. Well, unless you mean shitty school my /sci/ circlejerk standards where everything that isn't MIT is shitty.

I'm sure I will have to actually work soon.

>> No.7529781


>> No.7530249

>wat is a syllabus/online notes

step it up anon

>> No.7530257

> I make sure that I talk to nice, genuine people, no matter field they're in as long as they are exceptional

so is that where 4chan comes in? :^)

>> No.7530308

He goes to stanford, so there's your problem

>> No.7530311

How many notebooks do you have? I try to do this, but I also don't like having more than one book per class. It seems like your system would require at least two notebooks for each class, i.e one to do pre-notes and lecture notes, and then one for "perfect" notes. Plus extra notebook to do homework if it isn't online.

>> No.7530322

Stanford Anon: I have several questions for you as an applicant to stanford this year. I'm interested in math/physics and I want to ask about the environment and classes at stanford vs. the other schools I'm considering (mit harvard uchicago columbia caltech and berkeley)


No, fuck off, I've been 18 for several months

>> No.7530339

I'm an engineering and math double major with an A average. My schedule looked like this last year:

wake up
be showered, shaved, dressed, ready for the day
breakfast, morning reading
leave the dining commons
>0800 to 1200
Somewhere in this time, there will be at least one class depending on the day. any time not in class during this block is spent studying
lunch at a dining hall with a nice view and breeze
Mid day free time. Usually feeling beat from studying/reading for five hours, I go do something that is fun. Sometimes a hike (my campus is forested) or I will play a video game for a period of time.
done fucking around by now, now I am either in a class or studying.
Evening labs start now. Depending on the day of the week, I am either studying, in a lab, or in a discussion from now until the next time block
finished doing intensive things for the day. head back to dorm or meet up with friends. If its friday I'll usually go play a game or watch a movie with friends.

Average day has around ten hours of academic work to get done. Weekends I sleep in because breakfast isn't served until 1000.
I'm on the quarter system. I average 21 units per quarter. This quarter I will be taking 22 or 24, depending on weather or not I get hired for math tutoring.

>> No.7530461

Dads former schedule. Dropped us at school. 7:30. Went to work. Came home sat down at his desk and worked. Ate dinner sat down and worked till 1-2am. Rinse and repeat. Also flew to France, Japan, Denmark, Germany or other state at least twice a month. I do not know if this is typical. He was a department head, had a lab, reviewed grants for NIH and was in demand in biotech circles for consultancy and speaking.
Sum of lifes work.
250k salary.
2.5 mil retirement.
Many published papers.

>> No.7530484

I'm an undergrad, math

>wake up early, time varies
>do things (order doesn't seem to matter)

You'd think it is chaotic, but I'm tidy and like figuring things out. Probably why i don't keep a schedule, daily challenge

>> No.7530487

I know this is a "scientist" thread OP, but this shit isn't going anywhere, and it's barely relevant

>> No.7530518

My school is ranked top 25 in the world. What's your point? Great researchers doesn't mean great teachers.

>> No.7530536

OP asked about how people in academic environments organize their schedules. I think that post is pretty relevant.

>> No.7530568

The profs don't follow it. I go to University of Toronto, more than half of my math profs are Russians that barely speaks English. They are literally leaders within their field but can't teach. I do math and physics degree, and physics profs are 90% decent. I'm just trying to ask what happens when the plan fails.

>> No.7530576

How much can you study before it becomes pointless?

If I take regular short breaks could I effectivly keep studying the whole day?

>> No.7530585

>he doesn't carry around his little book of autism 24/7
>he doesn't micro study throughout the day.

seriously. condense your notes once a week, and carry that shit around. in line? read a page, taking a poop? thats a couple pages.

shit adds up, and it sticks better imo.

>> No.7530588

Is that really effective if you study something that is mostly about learning by doing?

>> No.7530594

like what? rebuilding an engine or something? its your book nigga, put in some challenge problems or something.

>> No.7530597


Ah, paying attention to the professor, my nigga.

If the professor put notes online, I would always print them out. At the very least I could just add supplemental information instead of wasting time with stupid shit that could done by simply printing out the paper. Full attention, understand what's going on, and you don't have to couple writing with listening which is mentally fatiguing after 20 minutes. Best case scenario you sit back and just listen, similar to a TV documentary.

>> No.7530600

Well computer science for example. Just reading the slides without doing some practice problems is not effective for me.

>> No.7530603

>computer science

get a fucking tablet you philistine.

>> No.7530633

I'm not in a top university but I'm in a decent university for my master's in math and I usually get fucked out of sleep by insomnia, drink multiple times a week, play video games, shitpost, talk in irc, play guitar, jerk off, and do all my work last minute and never study really. Never got below a 4.0. Also I hate myself. Mfw I get asked how much I studied for a 65% avg test when I got a 100% without studying and having done acid 2 days before.

>> No.7530639

Better schools are better for networking and prestige. a degree from one signals to employers that you're a better student. And your professors are probably the people writing the textbooks/making the discoveries.

When it comes to difficulty/quality of education, however, most non-community college schools tend to be around the same level.

>> No.7530640


I'm taking Differential Equations at a Community College. I did get a 95% on the first test, though.

>> No.7530641

I am never get if posts like this are serious or just trolls. I can't imagine anyone going through college with good grades without studying.

>> No.7530648

>is smart as fuck
>studies MECH engineering of all engineerings

Retard detected

>> No.7530651

I'm 100% serious. I guess I got really lucky with being born so smart to a carpenter and a stay at home mom. I don't really deserve it since I'm a lazy worthless mentally I'll fuck but I'll take it if I can have it. It's weird as shit to make breakthroughs in research on 3 hours of sleep not having worked at all and forcing myself to get up at 1pm for a meeting. I could probably do way better shit if I tried but I'm a fucking loser. "Smart but lazy xd" yes but at least I prove it with paid research and a 4.0

>> No.7530653

>When it comes to difficulty/quality of education, however, most non-community college schools tend to be around the same level.

What's wrong with community college? Most CC professors have Master degrees and some even have PhDs. The only reason why it's supposedly easier is because CC only teach entry level stuff. Universities also have bad to good professors just like CCs do. The level of difficulty really lies on the professor. Furthermore, University professors who do the research and create the books are the ones who aren't even in the classroom and the Master degree slaves are the ones who are teaching the class the majority of the time anyway.

>> No.7530655

>Most CC professors have Master degrees
Those are lecturers or adjuncts.

>> No.7530810

this tbh

And if your interests aren't STEM you shouldn't even be in school

>> No.7530831

if your interests aren't animu and animu accessories, you shouldn't be on 4chan tbh

>> No.7530834

sounds like enough entertainment to be tbh

>> No.7530841

>How much sleep do they get? How much do they study? How much time to they spend on entertainment if at all? How much time do they dedicate to their other hobbies if they have some?

you will never be a top student or scientist.

>> No.7530842
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why not both, friends?

>> No.7531400

Just got my Calculus III test today and the class average was an A. Does this mean that the teacher is an easy A? ratemyprofessor has him at a 3.6 in easyness and the test is just homework problems.

>> No.7531411

Wake up
Go to class
Pretend to study
Actually study at home
Do nothing

>> No.7531442

>Does this mean that the teacher is an easy A?

>> No.7531456

Math undergrad here. Perfect GPA, paper waiting to be published, about to graduate. I fuck around a lot of the time; maybe I'll spend 2-3 hours a day studying/doing homework/grading. I spend most of my time drinking and playing/watching football.

>> No.7531489

this,so much this

>> No.7531631

Why can't you have both, spergs?

>> No.7531648

Holy shit.
How much of a fucking normie can you be? gtfo you disgust me