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7524800 No.7524800 [Reply] [Original]

I need some smart people to help me explain my body.

I have had really bad diets in the past. The kind that cause anal fissures. I'm generally pretty good these days, but every now and then I spoil myself.

I had to fast all day yesterday for a blood test this morning, and I took a dump yesterday night. This was a soft stool, as they all tend to be these days. Immediately after the blood test I was driving past McDonalds and I saw '24 nuggets for ten bucks' so I'm like 'less than fifty cents a nugget!?' needless to say, having not eaten in a while, and being a really big fan of fast food nuggets (except, oddly enough, for KFC) I bought 24 nuggets and a dr.pepper.

I got home and realised I forgot to get dipping sauces, the only sauces I had at home was one hot sauce made from trinidad scorpions and another generic brand that was "populist spicy", by which I mean, not spicy even in the slightest. Like, they didn't even try, it just tastes like non-spicy tobasco sauce if you can even imagine such a sin against nature.

So I mixed some of the HOTTEST SAUCE with a shitload of the non-hot sauce, settled down in my favourite chair and... suddenly.


I feel a short, sharp, very painful stinging sensation in my ass. It was as if I was already in the middle of letting out the turd the foods I was about to consume would inevitably create. This wasn't a 'knocking at the door, just letting you know you should find a place to squat' feeling that usually accompanies a hot loaf in my shit shooter. And, in fact, the sensation having passed I didn't need to go to the bathroom at all. But every time I would eat a nugget with hot sauce on it, BAM, poopain.

Any explanation? Is this what the kids are calling 'conditioning'? 'Cause when I did psychology I was taught the more time there is between action and reward/punishment the less effective that stuff is.

>> No.7524857

That's pretty weird. I'd understand it if you had to shit after that, but not like. But I know the feel. Sometimes it feels like Vlad the Impaler had his eyes on my ass, lol.

>> No.7524859

>24 nuggets
is this an american thing? are you obese?

>> No.7524872
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>has the same mentality about diet as unscientific plebs

>> No.7524889

>Cause when I did psychology
fuck off pleb

>> No.7524994

>questions conditioning
>questions the merits of studying the brain

You a creationist as well, buddy?

>> No.7525006

>implying its brain science
>implying its not just applied philosophy

>> No.7525042

>applied philosophy

Like natural philosophy?

This is the last time I come to /sci/ expecting people to know anything about science.