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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 206 KB, 500x357, Angry-teacher[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7521039 No.7521039[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>almost every girl in my calculus class has a guy willing to help them whenever they ask for it
>all the cute girls have a an army of nerds wrapped around their finger
>ask a guy for help with a problem
>"wtf, you don't understand this? fuck off moron.
Why was I born a man

>> No.7521042

Where do you study?

I´m a man, and I've never been treated like that when I needed help

(And I'm not handsome enough to asume the guys that helped me are gay(I hope))

>> No.7521047

iktf, bro

Not that I would ever be a pussy and ask a classmate for help, but still

>> No.7521056

Try being a hot guy and getting girls to help you. Even if you there are none smart enough to help you in calc get them to type up your lab reports etc. so you have more time to study.

>> No.7521061

> that one girl who acted like she was the smartest shit but couldn't solve a question if her life depended on it

>> No.7521074

Ask girls for help they usually always say yes

>> No.7521114

You're probably just super autistic or retarded, most people are usually happy to help anyone as long as you're not already a lost cause.

>> No.7521117
File: 37 KB, 738x1080, 1433167882708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most men are on earth to satisfy women

and women always were hedonist and always manage to be fucked by whomever they wanted.

their liberation is the reaction of the prude period of their parents. That was the last straw for women who where condemned for being too hedonist. So they saw after WW2 a way with the social revolt of the workers to make normal their hedonism.

women have always wanted pleasure from the men they expect the best pleasure.

of course, betas will refuse this in claiming that it is the society [aka the betas themselves] which makes the woman, even though a few betas admit it. Betas try to have purposes in life, have hopes that other people will embrace their purposes and try justify the behavior of the women. Betas are less hedonist than women. Betas wants to feel relevant, to make a meaning in their life, this is why they built purposes and attempt to achieve them. To satisfy women is one big purpose for most men. But men do not like sex for sex, contrary to women. Men love sex to rank them, to prove that they exist, that they are worthy. Women is what can be found easily (especially since they spread their legs easily and they are proud of this now). Sex is a test for betas. Good betas take pride to please women. But betas really want goals in their lives, not women. Women want pleasure for pleasure. Betas are best managed by alphas who give the betas purposes.

>> No.7521124

Is this copy paste or a sexually frustrated 16 year old?

>> No.7521159

Grow up you fucking worthless piece of shit

>> No.7521199
File: 1.23 MB, 960x768, 1439938499682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white knighting so hard on an anonymous congolese ak-47 smuggling forum

>> No.7521222

Dat insulin pump

>> No.7521227

holy shit so much this
story of my high school with these popsci faggots who talk about modern physics all the time but cant do AP physics mechanics problems

people who know what all the math classes are called up until grad school ("yeah i mean linear algebra is interesting, but im more of a real analysis man myself" fucking kek) but cant explain what an integral is

>> No.7521233

This doesn't even make sense

You spent the whole time talking about how alphas exist to please women and betas look for exterior goals. How is that consistent with
>Betas are best managed by alphas who give the betas purposes

If anything the betas already have purposes and the alphas are the ones who need them

>> No.7521237

>needing help

I've got news for you anon

>> No.7521240
File: 38 KB, 548x618, 1202_10151403005166800_556376486_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7521267

Have you tried not being someone no one wants to help?

>> No.7521287

Great advice, I'll try that one out.

>> No.7521290

This. The world is nicer than 4chan makes it look.

>> No.7521316

OP is exaggerating.
OP just trying to start thread.
OP using social situations as a topic because he is young and insecure .

>> No.7521341

>why was I born a man
Correction: Why were you born a USELESS man

>> No.7521396

not OP but I tried during the last couple of years being social and stuff

There was no results.

I even went to a fucking venusian arts course and nothing!

The results show nothing!

Thus, i will never be anything more than a simple NEET!

>> No.7521403

>asking strangers for help

>> No.7521417
File: 62 KB, 500x359, anti-cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what happens when you have an entire generation of men programmed to believe that happiness, success, and reputation are contingent on putting women on a pedestal. You're left with manjinas that serve as nothing more than a resource to be exploited by a bunch of spoiled adult children that you want to get rid once they are in your life.

>> No.7521422
File: 109 KB, 850x1277, lina-posada-besame-lingerie-sz-animate-beautiful-women-b8306d1178a93955f70597d4dd2d06e9-big-22167[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could make you a woman and help you with calculus.

>> No.7521428

>Asking for help

Wtf are you doing, if you can't do it yourself, it's too advanced for you, step back and look again.

>> No.7521431
File: 70 KB, 315x320, mfwplebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reinventing shit by yourself
fucking dirty peasants

>> No.7521438

>ask for help
never understood this. never did it in high school either. if I can't do a problem I have missed something. someone pointing out exactly how to do it spoils the exercise.

sure looking up solutions after you have spent some time on it or discussing it with a friend might be a good idea, but just begging the teacher for a solution, wtf!

>> No.7521441

same tbh
bruteforcing it until you get it is a good way to learn stuff I think

>> No.7521494

>Not a Cameroonian yacht selling forum
You dun fucked up.

>> No.7521523
File: 13 KB, 280x290, 2533271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Date electrical engineer
>Never have this issue whatsoever
>Never post on /sci/ what should belong in :

>> No.7521711
File: 743 KB, 1126x1091, 1438868142129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those teachers who gave girls more opportunities and were easier on them because they were girls and didn't expect much from them
>That one girl who started dating one of her teachers and suddenly a million doors opened for her in the form of internships, scholarships, contacts, trips etc. even though she's shit at engineering
>That one girl whose dad has an engineering related business and she's to inherit it even though she barely passed calculus 1 after failing it 3 times.
>That one girl who's actually very good at engineering and now she has even more chances to get a job than you because she's a girl
>That one girl who is shit at everything but spent her time making powerful contacts that are willing to help her out because she's hot
>meanwhile you're in a bloody death-match against your male peers and whoever is victorious will get a good position at the mcdonals of engineering businesses

>> No.7521800

ouch...should I just an hero?

>> No.7522473
File: 57 KB, 800x600, 1423601762549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile you're in a bloody death-match against your male peers and whoever is victorious will get a good position at the mcdonals of engineering businesses
>fighting fire with fire and not lightning

>> No.7522479


Yo who invented calculus? Men. Who doesn't need help with calculus? Men. You da man my man.

>> No.7522480

maybe you're a retarded faggot?

>> No.7522487

>ask anyone for help and not figure it out urself having the internet at your disposal

am i the only one who has never done that? i went thru college never asking anyone for help, i never went to any professors office
ps. comp sci major here, yea i write neural networks libraries for fun