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File: 87 KB, 705x342, Tesla_circa_1890_slideshow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7515409 No.7515409 [Reply] [Original]

Is celibacy a key to superior intellect?

>Pic of Tesla & Newton related

>> No.7515415

Their celibacy wasn't a choice. Tesla was neurotic as fuck. Newton was a socially awkward asshole that no one liked.

>> No.7515419

It's not the celibacy, it's the not-being-attached-to-women.

Do science, hire escorts. Women of all cultures will always divert your efforts to their own selfish ends. Avoid them if you wish to make real progress.

>> No.7515429

No, but a genius is probably more likely to deviste significantly/be an outlier, so the celibate and the hypersexual may be overrepresented in the 130+ IQ crowd.

A quick look at Nobel Prize winners and Fields medalists will show that most lead normal, monogamous lives.

>> No.7515471

Okay, mr teenager.
bin it
Probably this. You could also consider that if a man was single at that time, he wouldn't masturbate or fuck around like a heathen, because of Christianity.

>> No.7515477

>You could also consider that if a man was single at that time, he wouldn't masturbate or fuck around like a heathen, because of Christianity.


>> No.7515487

>Is celibacy a key to superior intellect?
>implying Tesla and Newton weren't both as gay as Turing.

History just records that they supposedly didn't sleep with women.

>> No.7515534

I think that most Nobel Prize winners and Fields medalists devoted their life to one particular problem. They spent years, decades even solving the problem, which made it easier to juggle personal and professional life, since they weren't constantly switching from one thing to another.. See proof of Fermat's Last Theorem or other such example. Whilst those that weren't tied down with a women, children, family obligations that suck up time were more allrounded(ie. contributed to a lot of things), see: OP, Alexander Grothendieck, Erdos, etc.

Now, I do believe that things are never that black and white. There are of course those that did make some contributions that were still married: Maxwell, Euler, etc.. But, in this case it was more of a stroke of luck. They found someone who wasn't bothered with the fact that their significant other were absentminded most of the time, which is pretty rare.

Consider that most people that go into a relationship do so for fear of being alone. They want the attention of their significant other. Unless you're maybe Pierre and Marie Curie. How they managed to live with a person that was really distant where it felt like you are alone, I do not know.

I will also draw something from a personal experience, an anecdote if you will(dont punch me). When I decide for a time not to focus my attention on seeking relationships, I am much better focused at doing school work, hobbies. Then the old sex drive kicks in after a while, and I am forced again to start looking for a relationship. That of course results in me doing worse at school work for example.

The point that I am trying to make is that it's all about strategy. You have limited amount of will power throughout the day. Will you dedicate it all to solving a problem, or will you dedicate it all to looking for relationships/being in a relationship(interacting with your significant other). Or will you delegate it to both, in which case you will be slightly worse in both.

>> No.7515545

No, I spank the monkey all the time and I'm brilliant.

>> No.7515547

>comparing Newton and Tesla

>> No.7515548

>History just records that they supposedly didn't sleep with women.

History is so good at keeping records that they never slept with a women, but is so terrible at keeping records of them having slept with any men.

>> No.7515553

IKR? Tesla is a super genius to which we owe all of our modern world, while Newton was a hack with worm issues

>> No.7515554

why is everyone on this board obsessed with IQ and always trying some sort of alternative medicine/power bracelet level bullshit to achieve high IQ?

>> No.7515569

>tfw when college dropout
>if only I had bigger IQ
>mfw when it definitely wasn't because of my total lack of social skills

>> No.7515574

Well it's not like a lot of normal people hang out in fucking 4chan. And it's a pretty good bet that not being normal, you're faced with two obvious consequences: low self esteem, and not a whole lot of women to pick from.

Is it so surprising then, that you have attempts at boosting self esteem, like IQ, paired with no women, as in celibacy.

I don't get the importance the inexperienced put on IQ any more than the next person, but I do understand the rest. We're all victims of our own failings, and the failings life forced on us.

I mean hell, I've lived in celibacy myself for the past 1,5 years. While it's a choice, it's only a choice because there is nothing else to pick from. There comes a point where you might have experienced too many failures to have any hope or faith whatsoever left in the opposite sex. Boohoo, right?

>> No.7515596
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People were tortured and killed for sodomy in Newton's time. In Tesla's time they were jailed and made to walk the treadmill. And yet you're curious about a lack of reports.

>> No.7515603

>yet you're curious about a lack of reports.
Actually, yes I am. For fucks sake's, Tesla's relationship with a pigeon(he loved her like man loves a women) was documented.

>> No.7515852

being a sperg who can't get laid can be the the result of being too intelligent.
but if it was the cause, 4chan would be the smartest place on the internet.

>> No.7515859

I think sex is weird because it seems to be about domination

I also think watching porn is wired because you're watching strangers have sex

I think the only reason people watch porn is because they are animals that have zero control or desire to control their basic urges

>> No.7515871

OP is not comparing them you bonehead, he is just using them as examples because they are well known celibates.

>> No.7515874

Tesla is a fraud

>> No.7515886

Masturbating clears my head and makes me focus. But it is just me though.

>> No.7515899

People kept that shit to themselves back then because just like it is in some places today being homo is worse than being zoo or even pedo.

>> No.7515904

Is there any reason to control desire and basic urges? It's hard to be productive when you have intrusive thoughts about sex.

>> No.7515905

>People kept that shit to themselves

And people are so nice as to allow you to keep your shit to yourself.

>> No.7515965

so we don't continue to fund the sex industry which does nothing but feed and cloth sluts and man sluts

>> No.7516099

celibacy and nofap

>> No.7516240

It's sad that you think you're intelligent.

>> No.7516245

So, what you're saying is, gayness is the key to superior intellect?

>> No.7516276

>So, what you're saying is, gayness is the key to superior intellect?
No, I was commenting on two individuals, only one of which had a remarkable intellect.
Even if you count Tesla as a genius (and I don;t know why you would), it's still a ridiculously small sample set.
But prove me wrong, go suck a thousand cocks and tell us all if it makes you smarter.

>> No.7516493

as far as them being absent minded, as someone who is currently working on a big project , i can say that it isnt nessacarily that they were absent minded most of the time, its that they just seem like a bit of an airhead, a roomate of mine commented on that and said that i seem like i never pay attention to what is happening around me and that he wouldnt be suprised if i ended up in mexico wondering how i got there

i am alert enough though, as when someone speaks to me i listen, respond and to be honest i let my subconscious do most of the work, and clearly it is working hard on it, because 9 out of 10 epiphany's i have are about this project

but there are times when i am working on it consciously and someone has to call my name a few times to get my attention.
but i am only speaking for myself, i really couldnt tell you how the people you mentioned acted in their personal life, though they probably felt they were adjusted enough like i do, and maybe im not adjusted very well, there is a particular person whos social skills i envy, as i have always felt lacking.but i also hate all of that persons friends. so i have mixed emotions.

>> No.7516527

>Tesla didn't have a remarkable intellect
I don't know what I'm reading, but you should stop being a contrarian hipster.

>> No.7516558

Pornography kills my motivation. Not just for relationship, but perseverance in every regard. I think it's the many different women debasing themselves that creates an addictive illusion of sexual availability.

Btw, Isn't complacency hormonal?

>> No.7516569

>the past 1.5 years

Oh god man you're such a fucking trooper you're a regular buffalo soldier jesus how does he do it you are truly a remarkable fellow

>> No.7516685

>yet you're bicurious
>Actually, yes I am.
thought as much

>> No.7516727
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>> No.7516739


>jerking off
>not celibacy

>> No.7516785

>Well it's not like a lot of normal people hang out in fucking 4chan.
I'd say the majority of people on 4chan are roughly in the more or less normal range, perhaps skirting the edges of that spectrum.

>low self esteem, and not a whole lot of women to pick from.
These are likely governed more by far more factors than perceived normality.

>that you have attempts at boosting self esteem, like IQ
I'd say this is a base part of human behavior and only indirectly has to do with mate acquisition and selection. You'll always have people bullshitting about with notions of their own intelligence, no matter what demographic you sample. The basis of these behaviors is better described through other means.

>We're all victims of our own failings, and the failings life forced on us.
Being a victim is a choice.

>I've lived in celibacy myself for the past 1,5 years
A whole year and a half huh? Gosh golly anon.

>There comes a point where you might have experienced too many failures to have any hope or faith whatsoever left in the opposite sex.
That point exists for more or less anything and everything. Ancient western philosophy dabbled about with the idea of the misanthrope for example... something I don't personally find very complicated.

>Boohoo, right?
The value of coming to the ability to admit the extent of your own misery is far understated.

>> No.7516805

Pathetic virgins trying to act like theyre smarter just because nobody wants them. Yup, you are pathetic alright.

>> No.7516850
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What is the source of this?

>> No.7516872

It lowers your risk of prostate cancer significantly, that's why I do it. Also, why not?

>> No.7516887

it has something to do with it, and most here could agree with me on this: when you don't jack off for like even two days, you feel like a fucking god. you have more energy, you think quickly. you're more confident. you just give less of a fuck.

that's what happens to me, at least. if I go like 3+ days, I become a totally different person.

>> No.7516897
File: 12 KB, 240x196, 1411205201243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a victim is a choice
>yo dawg, you know the universe?
>you can totally control that shit fam
>you just gotta believe

>> No.7517020

Why is it that virgins are automatically assumed to be gay? Why is it that the fact that someone can just plain have no luck with women their entire life be so hard to understand?

>> No.7517040

Because the sexual drive of a straight male is enough one would resort to drastic measures over staying a virgin. Also brothels are as old as civilisation.

>> No.7517041

That's more taboo or odd, not straight up heathen and pagan, as would be butt fucking

>> No.7517049

Contrary to popular belief virgins are the least likely to visit brothels because the feel it's "cheating" plus they are virgins usually because they put women on a pedestal.

>> No.7517082

Celibacy is just one thing. If you truly want to devote yourself to anything really, you must get rid of all unrelated desires. "fulfilling desire X helps me focus/cope/relax" is just plain bullshit. It's obvious that an addict is temporarily relieved once he gets his fill, but the more you feed your desires the stronger they intrude your thoughts.

>> No.7517196

No he isn't. He's a great way to sell cars to engineers and other high tech people, now shut up before you ruin anything more.

>> No.7517204

Having no luck is one thing. Being gay is something else.

What is even much more "strange" or "weird" or provocative is men who just don't think it's worth the bother with sex at all.

I.e. if the drive to explore math or tech is so much greater than the want for sex that people just ignore trying to have sex.

>> No.7517208

>Oh god man you're such a fucking trooper you're a regular buffalo soldier jesus how does he do it you are truly a remarkable fellow
>A whole year and a half huh? Gosh golly anon.

You don't know the background, what happened before or after, or the reasons involved. So don't assume. I won't share my sob story here. Even then, there's a very big difference between love, and just having a hole to fuck with nothing real to it, and nothing but betrayal and backstabbing waiting on the end. Every. Single. Time. Add to that the fact that there is such a thing as bad sex. An inexperienced person might not see the difference in a relationship that goes both ways vs. one where you're the only one who does any effort in any area of the relationship. They might not understand the finality of the hopelessness it instills when you truly come to understand that not a single person alive will ever actually feel anything towards your personality or appearance, only your money, help and services.

>Being a victim is a choice.
See this guy's response:

Being a victim is not *always* a choice, only the lucky or just the normal people can claim that. The only choice some of us have is which attitude we adopt.

For instance, there are people who have never had, don't, and will never have any love in their lives. Not even the momentary physical comfort of holding someone in a romantic fashion, not to mention sex. They are victims. Whether they accept it or not, will change nothing. The only thing they can do, is own up to it, accept it, and live with it. But that doesn't remove the fact that in the end, the "choice" as it were was forced upon them.

Some of us were dealt with pretty amazingly shitty cards for this life, and how ever we choose to play them doesn't change the fact that they won't ever form the winning hand, no matter how the fuck you try to arrange them.

>> No.7517216

Yep that's when people start to worry. "Is he ok? If he's not with women... is he gay or pedo or something even worse..? Maybe animals?"

The fact that some dudes just don't want any sex with other people. Totally just slips their mind.

>> No.7517219

Honestly I think many think pedo is worse than animals, but I'm not sure...

>> No.7517366

there also is that maybe they just have will power, they know that bringing in a few extra humans will pale in comparison to their work in terms of helping humanity, so they just ignore their wants to do what must be done

>> No.7517375
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20 children

>> No.7517559

He was a rockstar, not a sciencist

>> No.7517586

It immediately gets someone thinking like an outsider, so I'd argue it could

>> No.7517624

>Do science, Hire escorts

That shit needs to be bronzed and quoted.

>> No.7517630
File: 63 KB, 540x719, Uncomfortable Truthasaurus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An asshurt cuckold.

>> No.7517664
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People who excessively watch porn have no control. Let me tell you something, ….everyone needs a vice. My definition of a vice. "An act which is pleasurable but not necessarily productive or ethical". You must have something to balance you out. Every few months I go on a porn binge then I chill. Every few months I go on a weed binge then I chill. Every few years I go on a sex binge then I chill.Balance.

>> No.7517669


>> No.7517674

Research Ojas and Jing.

>> No.7517677


>> No.7517685

'wha tkind of upset autism spectrum wrote that article

>> No.7517721

>renn faire carnie


>> No.7517752

Power surge. I can use all that energy for more important tasks.

>> No.7517760

Underrated post

>> No.7517802

Excess masturbation is bad for the prostate. Urologists and doctors preach this horse shit to men that masturbation is healthy, but recently (with the surge of internet porn) even teenagers frequently visit urologists due to excess masturbation, whereas in the past the average visitor was 60. So no porn an abstinence is healthier than frequent masturbation alongside porn addiction. It is a big misconception, any damage/build up is released througj we dreams too.

>> No.7517806

Holy crap, phone typos galore

>through wet dreams* and so on

>> No.7517848

Nobody says masturbation is in and of itself healthy you idiot. Semi-regular masturbation, as in relieving sexual urges, healthy, which should be a no-brainer.

>> No.7517933

Semen has mystical powers and is the source of male energy. There's an old chinese saying "A drop of semen is worth ten drops of blood"

which would mean OP's mom accepts more charity than the red cross

>> No.7517999

He was brilliant though.

>> No.7518015

Hey m8 no need to be rude

>> No.7518031

I'd say 50/50. On one hand you've got these genius scientists that were probably gay and changes science forever. On the other hand you have engineers.

>> No.7518255 [DELETED] 

>my definition of vice is hobby

>> No.7518276

>my definition of vice is hobby
you do realize that vice is pretty much the same thing as an addiction right?
and that not everyone "needs" a vice,

>> No.7518429

>on 4chan


>> No.7518431

Euler had like a hundred kids so ... nope.

>> No.7518446

You completely missed my point.

>> No.7518509
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someone on /sci/ can go on sex binges? not likely!

>> No.7518883


The key to superior intellect is obsession. I don't think it's a happy life though, moderation or slightly above is happy.

>> No.7518958

Ever notice that in pics of Newton and Tesla they never show their hands? Think about it. Celibacy?

>> No.7519266

Schrodinger was a pimp

>> No.7519383

Wow ur such a tortured, misunderstood genius

>> No.7519390

>Okay, mr teenager.

He was right.

And Tesla was also an attention-whore.

>> No.7519443

Mozart, considered by many to be the greatest composer of all time, was a gigantic playboy.

>> No.7519450

>Is celibacy a key to superior intellect?


Just some names I remember now:

Shakespeare (married at 18 with a woman of 26, who had gotten pregnant; in London made sonnets to a black-skinned mistress; made several sexual jokes in his plays)
Einstein (only one girl at his class, he was the one who got her; had affairs when he was famous);
Tolstoy (his diary entries are filled with sexual encounters with prostitutes, Cossack girls from his army times and peasant girls from his vast rural properties);
Gauss (married);
Bach (had several children);
Schrodinger (had lovers)

>> No.7519584

Feynman as well I believe

>> No.7519652


Uncomfortable Truthasaurus: Five-star post.

>> No.7519726
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i never said i was misunderstood, i just said ive been working on something for a few years, i understand i am socially awkward, wish i wasnt. but also hate the friends of the person who i envy the social skills of, i live in a friendly community as well, ive never acted like i was smarter than anyone else either,

my main point was that the people he mentioned werent nessecarily absent minded making their spouses feel like they were alone, using myself as an example since i have been working on something myself for a while

>> No.7519796
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Back to /r9k/ with you.

>> No.7519902
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>> No.7519907

Being able to focus your time on becoming really good at something can make you become really good at something. Some manage to do that while in relationships, some don't.

Then when comes to prizes. Maybe one thing is you are more likely to win a prize if you are not socially withdrawn. If you are celibate because you focus better maybe you are also asocial for the same reason, which may impair your chances of social recognition and therefore also connections needed to win prizes.

>> No.7519928

this is why smart people never care about girlfriends
>be attractive
>be smart
>have everything before you
>so many opportunities that there is no time for sex