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7514638 No.7514638 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't alien spaceship engines melt despite travelling at incredibly high velocity?

>> No.7514654

mods please

>> No.7514803

UFO engines are essentially heat-dispersing devices.

>> No.7514808

Alien ships don't move the ship, they move the whole universe around the ship

>> No.7514811

>FTL bullshit
>100 replies perfectly OK
>Alien spaceships
>Suddenly too "out there" for /sci/
What this guy >>7514808
said is the general consensus however in one famous UFO case where a pilot saw a UFO that also showed up on ground control radar confirming what he saw he said that the UFO blasted off some sort of afterburner as it rose up past his plane. Why they are using jet engines when they have the latest warp drives I don't understand. I'd have not believed the account on that basis alone except for the fact that it was on radar, ground control was alarmed enough to recommend scrambling of jets and the pilot who reported it lost his job for talking to the media about it so he clearly had nothing to gain from it. Besides why would a professional pilot with 30 years experience make that shit up?

>> No.7514838

>the UFO blasted off some sort of afterburner
Plasma doesn't imply a jet engine. Flying saucers are using UFO engines, which, as others have pointed out, are heat-dispersing devices. This explains the plasma.

>> No.7514840


>> No.7514843
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>Aliens don't exist

>> No.7514856

So it's a reaction engine?

>> No.7514878

because the authors said so

>> No.7516155

The plasma observed by the pilot was most likely a transmuting or malfunctioning stealth sheet, thus the radar signal.

>> No.7516163

they don't melt because they are made from steel beams and run off of jet fuel

>> No.7516235

Warp drives are not for atmosphere maneuvering.
Plus using a warp drive in the vicinity of a gravity well is just a bad idea.

>> No.7517028

Hmm then why can they still outmaneuver our fighters if they are using the same jet engines? I actually had an idea as to why that may be and I am going to put it into a UAV that I am making. if it does make it perform better than a normal aircraft then there could be some credence to these UFO claims because basically I watched the UFO programmes, thought "If I assume those things are real and copy their alleged design what will happen?" so if improved performance does happen then maybe it really is real. It hopefully should be ready by the end of the year. If it works I'll share details with /sci/

>> No.7517071

Warp engines are for interstellar travel only.
Different engines are used for interplanetary travel and atmosphere flight. Most likely a form of gravitic engine.

>> No.7517331

I don't think non-existent things can melt.

>> No.7517341

Believing in extraterrestrial life ≠ believing in ayy lmao bullshit

>> No.7517666

And what makes something "ayy lmao bullshit" O wise hat-wearing one?

>> No.7517895

>And what makes something "ayy lmao bullshit"
You know exactly what I'm talking about.
>O wise hat-wearing one?

>> No.7517911

Why doesn't the universe melt despite traveling at incredibly high velocity then, smart guy?

>> No.7518094

Because of smooth inertial lag.

>> No.7518115

oh god, you are such idiot...

>> No.7518939

we can only see the ufo when the invisible cloak is turned off

>> No.7518944

the turbo encabulator, that's why


>> No.7520025

Why is this UFO thread being neglected by the scientific community?

>> No.7520034

It's a meme u dip

>> No.7520058

We're living in a post-meme world you ignorant anti-UFO shill.

>> No.7520071


How can mirrors be real if our eyes arent real?
Look outside the window to see the universe feel
A believer in quantum flat earth theory
My true friend is trapped in a box named Siri

My favorite thing to do is watch anime
Sometimes i put on makeup and act like a mime
Kids who go to school are so teenagery, so angsty
If everybody in the world dropped out of school we would have a much more intelligent society

>> No.7520107

Just because it's not warp drive doesn't mean it's as primitive as our jet engines.

>> No.7520671

What is Donald Trump's official stance on the UFO?

>> No.7520706


>> No.7521295


That he's going to make America great again.

>> No.7522696
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>> No.7522698

The UFO will be sanctioned and fenced out.

>> No.7522729

It's an interesting thought experiment though. Imagine for a second that the gravity generator as reported by Bob Lazar is reality: what would be the ramifications?

The drive would be effectively inertialess, as you could generate a local gravity field to counteract inertia, enabling one to accelerate to c instantaneously. Or consider, could you possibly generate negative mass for the craft, enabling FTL? Interesting things to consider for a time when science actually knows what the fuck gravity actually is.