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7509864 No.7509864 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/!

I frequently find debate about the proof of how the sum of all natural integers, equals to -1/12.
Since discussions about said topic are usually completely and utterly retarded and based on emotions, I came to you.

So? Is this something that's actually valid or just a meme formula?

>> No.7509873

When an equation results in a contradition, it means at least one of the assumptions was invalid.

The assumption that is invalid in this case probably has to do with the way infinity/infinite series work.

>> No.7509874

You could just google sum of all naturals and read the wikipedia page.

>> No.7509875

It's valid, but its not a sum in the sense that you'd normally understand it, its been regulated, which is a rigorous way of assigning a value to a sum that would otherwise diverge. Google regularisation and analytic continuation.

>> No.7509881


not OP, but what you are describing is what I'd to to kind of sidestep the actual problem and see if it holds any kind of merit

>> No.7509894

I don't get what your saying, that is what the "sum" is. Regulators are used all the time in QFT.

>> No.7509899


I'll have to look into it more. I'm a math pleb, not much of a physicist. I think it's pretty intuitive personally.

>> No.7509900

There is no sidestepping, the problem has been solved, the series is divergent. Now can be assign any useful value to it? Yes, -1/12

>> No.7509906

When we write:

<span class="math"> \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n = L [/spoiler]

This is really shorthand for

<span class="math">\lim_{h\to\infty} \sum_{n=1}^{h} a_n = L

That is, an infinite sum is really the limit of the partial sums. What the partial sums approach when you use an arbitrarily large number of terms. In this sense, the limit is not equal to -1/12, and clearly diverges.

However, there is another way to define what
<span class="math"> \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n = L [/spoiler]
should mean. This is done via zeta function regularization. In order to really understand what is going on here, you'll need to study math higher mathematics than just Calculus. But suffice it to say, using such a process on the natural numbers results in a "sum", that is, a regularized sum, of -1/12.

>> No.7509920
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It's easy to confuse yourself with this shit but it's quite simple.

All of the ramanujan summation stuff, cutoff and zeta regularization do is look at the smoothed curve at x = 0. What sums usually do is to look at the value as x->inf.

It's just a unique value you can assign to a sum, really they have many such values.

>> No.7509927
File: 41 KB, 500x375, emma_stone_bikini_at_the_beach_G6PMpek.sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a more ad hoc way of smoothing than analytical continuation, that leads to the value.


Purely classically,

<span class="math"> \sum_{k=0}^\infty k [/spoiler]

is the same as the limit of z to 1 of

<span class="math"> \sum_{k=0}^\infty k z^k [/spoiler]

namely undefined (or infinity).

On the other hand, for any |z|<1, you have the expansion

<span class="math"> \sum_{k=0}^\infty k z^k = \frac{z}{(z-1)^2} [/spoiler]


Now if you define a forward average <span class="math"> \langle f(k) \rangle [/spoiler] of a function via

<span class="math"> \langle f(k) \rangle := \int_{k}^{k+1} f(k') \, dk' [/spoiler]

you might consider

<span class="math"> \sum_{k=0}^\infty ( k z^k - \langle k z^k \rangle ) = \frac {z} {(z-1)^2} - \frac {1} {\log(z)^2} [/spoiler]

Both functions <span class="math"> \frac {z} {(z-1)^2} [/spoiler] and <span class="math"> \frac {1} {\log(z)^2} [/spoiler] are singular at z=1 themselves, but the later is actually growing faster by a slight amount:

Purely classically, -1/12 is only the limit as z approaches 1 value of this,
i.e. the sum, but only "regularized" by subtracting the smooth surroundings.
The limit is in the first link, but you can actually draw the sharply rising graphs of the two and see how the difference close to z=1 remains -1/12.

>> No.7509929

By the way zeta regularization has been used on the sum
<div class="math">\sum_{n=1}^\infty n^3 = \frac{1}{120}</div>
in the derivation of the casimir effect, which has been experimentally verified.

>> No.7509938

Welp, my concept of magnitude is thoroughly fucked for the day

>> No.7509951
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You can (classically) compute those numbers (or any other stemming from k^n) using the average I've stated in >>7509927.

>> No.7510033

You think <span class="math"> \Sum_{n=1}^{\infty} n = -\frac{1}{12} [/spoiler] is intuitive somehow, without considering analytic continuation of <span class="math"> \zeta [/spoiler]? Please, do tell...

>> No.7510047

Clearly meme bullshit. Mathematics has lost it's way. Nothing new to discover so it just makes up shit now.

>> No.7510050

>I frequently find debate about the proof of how the sum of all natural integers, equals to -1/12.
>So? Is this something that's actually valid or just a meme formula?
How can you even debate about something if you don't know it to be true?

>> No.7510053


I think it's fairly intuitive to ascribe values to divergent sums in order to talk about them in different ways and compare them.

Clearly, I am not talking about the specific mechanics of analytic continuation, but it seems like a pretty neat concept.

>inb4 deconstructive post on how much mathematics I don't know yet

>> No.7510060

Hmm ok you've got me listening now

>> No.7510064


>> No.7510087

>actually caring what type of computer someone uses

>> No.7510095

It's pretty much a meme formula. It comes from misception of Riemann zeta function.

>> No.7510096

No no, that's cool. I just wanted to make sure you weren't being haughty by saying, "yeah, 1+2+3+... is obviously -1/12... you guys are pleb for thinking analytic continuation is necessary to see it!"

>> No.7510099

Shut up applefag, Windows is the best. Apple is just a paid Linux, where with Windows you can do everything and more.

>> No.7510133
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We can try to collect ingredients.

I think <span class="math"> \frac {1} {12} [/spoiler] should always be read as <span class="math"> \frac {1} {1!} \frac {1} {2!} \frac {1} {3!} [/spoiler] here and then we want to motivate the factors in the Euler MacLaurin series.


<span class="math"> f(z) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty a_k z^k [/spoiler]

the approximation over real deal expansion

<span class="math"> \frac {f(0)} {f(f(0)\,z)} = \frac{1} { 1 + \sum_{k=0}^\infty \ frac{a_k} {a_0} (a_0\,z)^k} = 1-a_1\,z + (a_1\, a_1-a_0\, a_2)\, z^2- (a_1\, a_1\, a_1 - 2\, a_0\,a_1\,a_2+a_0\,a_0\,a_3)\,z^3 + O(z^3). [/spoiler]

carries a combinatorical pattern.
If the "real deal" is something smooth, you get exponentials (like with exponential flows vs. finite steps, or Laplace transformations vs. discrete sequences generating functions). In particular, <span class="math"> a_{k-1}=\frac {1} {k!} [/spoiler] gives

<span class="math"> a_1=\frac {1} {2!} [/spoiler]

<span class="math"> a_1\, a_1 - a_0 \, a_2 = \frac {1} {2!} \frac {1} {2!} - \frac {1} {1!} \frac {1} {3!} = \frac {1} {1!} \frac {1} {2!} \frac {1} {3!} (3-2) = \frac {1} {12} [/spoiler]

Consider the finite difference <span class="math"> \Delta_h f(x) [/spoiler] of a function f about x, when shifted by h. With the Taylor expansion

<span class="math"> \Delta_h f(x) = f(x+h) - f(x) = f'(x) \, h+ \sum_{k=2}^\infty \frac{1}{k!} f^{(k)}(x)\,h^k [/spoiler]

we can compute the correction factor, by which the first order approximation fails to capture the finite difference:

<span class="math"> \frac {f'(x)\,h} {\Delta_h f(x)} = 1 - \frac {f''(x)} {2!} (\frac {h} {f'(x)}) + (\frac {f''(x)\,f''(x)} {2!\,2!} - \frac {f'(x)\,f'''(x)} {1!\,3!}) (\frac{h}{f'(x)})^2 + O(h^3). [/spoiler]

so for example


The Ramanujan terms then come up in

<span class="math"> \int_a^b f(n)\, dn = \sum_{n=a}^{b-1} f(n)+ (lim_{x\to b} - lim_{x\to a}) ( \frac {1} {2} - \frac {1} {12} \frac{d}{dx} + … ) f(x) [/spoiler]

and for f(x)=x, so that the sum is over 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the second term sees exactly the first derivative with the -1/12

>> No.7510150 [DELETED] 

E.g. the formula gives us identities such as

<span class="math"> \int_2^4 n^2 dn=(2^2+3^2)+ \frac {1} {2} (4^2-2^2) - \frac{1} {12} 2 (4^1-2^1) [/spoiler]

or for finite sums of 1,2,3,4,5 you find

<span class="math"> \sum_{n=0}^{b-1} n = (\frac {b^2} {2} - \frac{b} {2} + \frac{1} {12} ) - ( 0 - 0 + \frac{1} {12} )=\dfrac{b(b-1)}{2} [/spoiler]

Ramanujan summation up to infinity is literally droppin one of the two brackets, leaving -1/12 in that case.

and if one does this integration vs. sum game often enough, the factor would appear natural.

The finite "sum n^m" formulas more concisely (where the 2nd Bernoulli number 1/3! brings about the 1/12) and the relation to the zeta function is touched upon here

>> No.7510153

E.g. the formula gives us identities such as

<span class="math"> \int_2^4 n^2 dn=(2^2+3^2)+ \frac {1} {2} (4^2-2^2) - \frac{1} {12} 2 (4^1-2^1) [/spoiler]

or for finite sums of 1,2,3,4,5 you find

<span class="math"> \sum_{n=0}^{b-1} n = (\frac {b^2} {2} - \frac{b} {2} + \frac{1} {12} ) - ( 0 - 0 + \frac{1} {12} )=\frac {b \, (b-1)} {2} [/spoiler]

Ramanujan summation up to infinity is literally droppin one of the two brackets, leaving -1/12 in that case.
And if one does this integration vs. sum game often enough, the factor would appear natural.

The finite "sum n^m" formulas more concisely (where the 2nd Bernoulli number 1/3! brings about the 1/12) and the relation to the zeta function is touched upon here

>> No.7510491


>> No.7510504

It doesn't intuitively make sense because it's nothing more than a theory, and doesn't apply to reality. It only equals -1/12 if you go to infinity, and infinity is not applicable to the real world.
Though it applies to areas of theoretical physics, theoretical physics is still simply a theory, hence the name.
Infinity isn't real.

>> No.7510521

>infinity is not applicable to the real world

sure, since achilles *never* catches up with the tortoise

>> No.7510620

>Since discussions about said topic are usually completely and utterly retarded and based on emotions, I came to you.
you came to the wrong place motherfucker

>> No.7510661

IF that series actually did converge, then depending on the CONTEXT of which the series is in its answer would be -1/12. If i remember correctly, there are certain conexts (methods of assigning a value to divergent series) which the sum can not be assigned -1/12. By itself, the answer to that series is obviously infinity. If you want to distinguish between the people that know what theyre talking about and those that are copying and pasting pictures from wikipedia and saying "All of the ramanujan summation stuff, cutoff and zeta regularization do is look at the smoothed curve at x = 0", i cant help you there.

To answer your question, a proof doesn't exist for your question, but if you give us a little more context than yeah there are possibly several proofs of equality IF that series actually converged to a finite number, and the best proofs you'll find here are probably about as rigorous as Euler was under the generality of algebra (including myself if i wanted to give you one) when he first wrote about this and related sums.

P.S. If anyone tells you "*snort* Riemann series convergence theorem, you cant rearrange the terms" then just ignore them and do it anyway, you only get problems when dealing with Dir. L-functions that dont have a pole at L(1).

>> No.7510839

It would be more convincing if you could say what that curve is. I've seen these pictures on those Wikipedia pages for years, but it's never mentioned how to obtain them, and I also don't get it from the Tau article.
You just see the pic and the accommodating explanation and decide to call it a day.

>> No.7510854

It's a curve that looks like it might reach -1/12 at one point, isn't that proof enough?

>> No.7510868

Of course not, only a rigorous proof with cat ear titty girls is good enough for a 4chan professor. Harrumph.

>> No.7510945 [DELETED] 

No, how do I know how the interpolation comes about, so I use the procedures for other series.
In fact the forward average in >>7509927 is a result of my attempt to come up with that interpolation.

>> No.7510946

I wonder how the interpolation comes about, so I use the procedures for other series.
In fact the forward average in >>7509927 is a result of my attempt to come up with that interpolation.