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7509612 No.7509612 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any point to major in STEM if you aren't in a top 10 uni?

>> No.7509617
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The program ranking is what matters, and not the overall ranking of the university. What do you care that your university is #2 in the world for Geology unless you're in Geology?

>> No.7509662

It's not important for undergrad anyway. So why care.

>> No.7509669

>this is what community college fags think

>> No.7509671

>implying you'd fill even 1/10 the volume of the jar with gasoline

>> No.7509674

Yes, it is.

>> No.7509721

Maybe because you like engineering? Damn i hate you fucking retarded brats that only care about muh ranking.

Fuck off from engineering please.

>> No.7509724


But if you're too young to have actually done anything in your life, how else are you going to assert how superior you are to everyone else?

>> No.7509728

I got into Princeton for Ph.D. after going to a second-tier state school, but you can go on thinking whatever you like.

>> No.7509747

Why is it important?
Undergraduate is mostly lectures in basic calculus and differential equations and quantum/electrodynamics/continuum physics 101. You don't need to be a famous researcher to teach that well.

For majors it becomes slightly important, since you'll be doing more research in the uni's groups.

If there would be one major benefit, it's that the top universities have stricter admission norms, so you'll have smarter peers.

>> No.7509790

No, it's not. It's easy to get into a good grad school by spamming undergrad research, which is MUCH easier to do when you're top of a state school.